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 The NO turnover in soils was measured in two different experimental set-ups, a flow-through system, which is very time-consuming and needs rather sophisticated equipment, and a closed system using serum bottles. We compared the NO turnover parameters (NO consumption rate constant, NO production rate, NO compensation concentration) that were measured with both systems in different soils, under different conditions and in the presence of 10 Pa acetylene to inhibit nitrification. The values of the NO turnover parameters that were measured with the two systems under oxic conditions were usually comparable. The addition of acetylene did not affect the NO consumption rate constants of the soils with the exception of soil G1. However, the NO production rates and the NO compensation concentrations decreased significantly in the presence of acetylene, indicating that nitrification was the main source of NO in these soils. Only one soil (Bol) showed no nitrifying activity. Increasing soil moisture content resulted in decreasing NO consumption rate constants and NO production rates. Even at a high soil moisture content of 80% water holding capacity, nitrification was the main source of NO. The values of the NO turnover parameters that were measured with the two systems were not comparable under anoxic conditions. The NO consumption rate constants and the NO production rates were much lower in the closed than in the flow-through system, indicating that the NO consumption activity became saturated by the high NO concentrations accumulating in the closed system. Under oxic conditions, however, closed serum bottles were a cheap, easy and reliable tool with which to determine NO turnover parameters and to distinguish between nitrification and denitrification as sources of NO. Received: 21 April 1998  相似文献   

In temperate forest soils, N net mineralization has been extensively investigated during the growing season, whereas N cycling during winter was barely addressed. Here, we quantified net ammonification and nitrification during the dormant season by in situ and laboratory incubations in soils of a temperate European beech and a Norway spruce forest. Further, we compared temperature dependency of N net mineralization in in situ field incubations with those from laboratory incubations at controlled temperatures. From November to April, in situ N net mineralization of the organic and upper mineral horizons amounted to 10.9 kg N (ha · 6 months)–1 in the spruce soil and to 44.3 kg N (ha · 6 months)–1 in the beech soil, representing 65% (beech) and 26% (spruce) of the annual above ground litterfall. N net mineralization was largest in the Oi/Oe horizon and lowest in the A and EA horizons. Net nitrification in the beech soil [1.5 kg N (ha · 6 months)–1] was less than in the spruce soil [5.9 kg N (ha · 6 months)–1]. In the range of soil temperatures observed in the field (0–8°C), the temperature dependency of N net mineralization was generally high for both soils and more pronounced in the laboratory incubations than in the in situ incubations. We suggest that homogenization of laboratory samples increased substrate availability and, thus, enhanced the temperature response of N net mineralization. In temperate forest soils, N net mineralization during the dormant season contributes substantially to the annual N cycling, especially in deciduous sites with large amounts of litterfall immediately before the dormant season. High Q10 values of N net mineralization at low temperatures suggest a huge effect of future increasing winter temperature on the N cycle in temperate forests.  相似文献   


We compared estimates of soil nitrogen (N) mineralization rates using the buried bag and PVC core methods in an ongoing investigation of the effects of earthworms and N fertilizer sources on agroecosystem N dynamics. Over a seven‐month period, we paired monthly buried bag and PVC core soil incubations within research plots receiving one of three N treatments (inorganic, legume, or manure fertilizers) and with manipulated earthworm populations (reduced, ambient, or increased numbers). Soil moisture within both the buried bags and the PVC cores fluctuated in response to changes in the surrounding soil, violating assumptions of the buried bag method that soil moisture remains constant during incubation. For both methods, overall CV's for net ammonification, nitrification, and N mineralization rates were very high (104 ‐ 628%). Overall, results for the two methods were significantly correlated for net ammonification (r = 0.89), net nitrification (r = 0.58), and net N mineralization (r = 0.24). In general, the two methods yielded similar seasonal estimates of net N mineralization and nitrification. However, on one occasion in the plots with the inorganic N treatment, buried bag estimates of net N mineralization were significantly higher than the PVC core estimates (1.5 versus ‐0.4 mg N‐kg‐1 soil‐d1, respectively). Under some conditions, the two methods may lead to quite different interpretations of soil N mineralization processes.  相似文献   

This paper studies changes of 15N signatures ('15N, ‰) and total N (TN, %) in soil profiles among forest stands with different NO3- {\rm NO}_3^ - losses within the same climatic zone. An additional aim was to investigate whether the change of '15N (('15N) within the 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm depths of the mineral layer could be linked to measured potential net N mineralization rates. Soil samples were collected from five forest stands in Belgium: three mixed deciduous forests (G, AE, LD), a homogenous deciduous (SB) and a coniferous stand (CP). At the G site, five locations were sampled: one at the forest edge (GE), two deeper in the forest (GF1, GF2), one clear-cut spot (GO) and one in coppice wood (GC). The '15N and TN measurements were conducted for the litter layer, the fermentation + humus layer and the underlying mineral layers (0-30 cm, at 2 cm intervals). The '15N values increased with depth, ranging from -12‰ to -1‰ for the forest floor and from -7‰ to +15‰ for the mineral layers. The overall enrichment factor was greater for locations GE, AE and SB (-5.2‰, P <0.001, R2 =0.86) than locations GF1, GF2, GO, GC, LD and CP (-2.4‰, P <0.001, R2 =0.93), possibly indicating NO3- losses. A significant linear regression model could be calculated between ('15N and potential net N mineralization rates (y =0.04x), explaining 65% of the variability of ('15N. Thus, '15N profiles in forest soils might be useful as an indicator of NO3- {\rm NO}_3^ - loss and N mineralization behaviour, however, further research is needed to confirm our observations.  相似文献   

Sulfur mineralization rates and potentials of soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Field-moist soil and glass beads mixtures were packed in glass tubes and leached with 100 ml of 5 mM CaCl2 and incubated at 20 or 30°C. The leaching procedure was repeated every 2 weeks for 14 weeks. The leachates were analysed for SO inf4 sup2– and NO3 . The S uptake by three successive croppings of corn (Zea mays L.) or soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] at 40- or 60-day intervals, respectively, or three cuttings of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) at 30-day intervals were studied under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that significantly greater amounts of S were mineralized at 30°C than at 20°C in each of 13 Iowa and 7 Chilean surface soils. Expressed as percentages of organic S in soils, the amounts of S mineralized in the Iowa surface soils in 14 weeks at 20 and 30°C ranged from 1.2% to 9.8% and from 2.4% to 17.5%, respectively. The corresponding values for the Chilean soils ranged from 0.9% to 7.2%6 and from 1.4% to 12.1%. The Q10 values of S mineralization ranged from 1.7 to 4.4 (average 2.5) for the Iowa soils and from 1.7 to 3.1 (average 2.1) for the Chilean soils. The cumulative S mineralized at 20°C in 14 weeks was significantly correlated with the cumulative N mineralized (linear model, r=0.72**; quadratic model, r=0.84***). Similarly, the cumulative S mineralized at 30°C was significantly correlated with the cumulative N mineralized at this temperature (linear model, r=0.81***; quadratic model, r = 0.82***). The potentially mineralizable S pool (S0), calculated by using an exponential equation for the S mineralized at 20°C, ranged from 5 to 44 mg kg–1 for the Iowa soils and from 10 to 25 mg kg–1 for the Chilean soils. The corresponding values obtained by using a reciprocal-plot technique ranged from 6 to 48 mg kg–1 and from 12 to 26 mg kg–1, respectively. The S0 values calculated for S mineralized at 30°C, in general, were higher than those obtained at 20°C. The S mineralization rate constant (k) and the time required to mineralize 50% of S0 (K t), calculated by using the cumulative SO inf4 sup2– released during 14 weeks of incubation, varied considerably among the soils. Up take of S by corn and soybean (tops+roots) were, in general, lower than the total SO inf4 sup2– mineralized in 14 weeks at 20°C.  相似文献   

Net N mineralization was studied in three different forest sites (Belgium): a mixed deciduous forest with oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus rubra L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) as dominant species, a deciduous stand of silver birch (Betula pendula) and a coniferous stand of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra ssp. Laricio). The organic (F + H) layer and mineral soil at different depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm) were sampled at three locations in the mixed deciduous forest (GE, GF1, GF2), at one location in the silver birch stand (SB) and one in the Corsican pine stand (CP). All samples were incubated over 10 weeks under controlled temperature and moisture conditions. The net N mineralization rates in the organic and upper mineral layer (0-10 cm) were found to be significantly different from the other layers and accounted for 66-95% of the total mineralization over the first 30 cm. Net N mineralization rates in the organic layer ranged from 4.2 to 27.3 mg N m-2 day-1. Net N mineralization and nitrification rates were positively correlated. For the mineral soil, net N mineralization rates decreased with depth and the upper 10 cm showed significantly higher rates, ranging from 8.9 to 33.5 mg N m-2 day-1. The rates of the 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm sublayers were similar, ranging from 1.2 to 7.4 mg N m-2 day-1. The net N mineralization rates for the total mineral layer (0-30 cm) ranged from 17.4 mg N m-2 day-1 (SB) to 36.1 mg N m-2 day-1 (CP). Both from PCA and multiple regression analysis, we could conclude that net N mineralization rates were closely related to the initial mineral N content (Ninitial). Furthermore, significant correlations were observed between the net N mineralization rate, the total carbon (TC) and NH4+-N content for the mineral layers and between net N mineralization rate, total nitrogen (TN), hemicellulose content and C/N for the organic layers.  相似文献   

Summary Potential P and C mineralization rates were determined in a 12-week laboratory incubation study on subarctic forest and agricultural soil samples with and without N fertilizer added. There was no significant difference in net inorganic P produced between N fertilized and unfertilized soils. The forest soil surface horizons had the highest net inorganic P mineralized, 32 mg P kg-1 soil for the Oie and 17 mg P kg-1 soil for the Oa. In the cropped soils net inorganic P immobilization started after 4 weeks and lasted through 12 weeks of incubation. Cumulative CO2–C evolution rates differed significantly among soils, and between fertilizer treatments, with the N-fertilized soils evolving lower rates of CO2–C than the unfertilized soils. Soils from the surface horizons in the forest evolved the highest rates of CO2–C (127.6 and 89.4 mg g-1 soil for the Oie and Oa horizons, respectively) followed by the cleared uncropped soil (42.8 mg g-1 soil C), and the cropped soils (25.4 and 29.0 mg g-1 soil C). In vitro soil respiration rates, or potential soil organic matter decomposition rates, decreased with increasing time after clearing and in accord with the degree of disturbance. Only soils with high potential C mineralization rates and high organic P to total P ratios, mineralized P by the end of the study. Mineralizable P appeared to be associated with readily mineralizable organic C.  相似文献   

围海造田是沿海地区拓展土地面积的主要途径。土壤氮矿化参数是揭示围海造田土壤肥力演变和土壤氮供应的重要指标,但是我国沿海造田土壤的相关研究少有报道。本研究以杭州湾南岸海积平原上慈溪市1000年和520年筑塘造田区为对象,选择4个代表性采样点,每个点从低洼稻田采集1个表层混合水稻土,在其相邻高地采集1个表层混合旱地土壤,共8个样品。采用间隙淋洗法研究了土壤样品氮矿化动力学特征。结果如下: 119 d培养试验证实水稻土和旱地土壤有机氮矿化动力学符合一级反应动力学方程Nt=N0(1-e-kt); 水稻土有机氮矿化势(N0)为82.7~161.9 mg/kg(平均114 mg/kg),占有机氮的7.3%,旱地土壤N0为63.9~104.4 mg/kg(平均83.4 mg/kg),占有机氮的7.3%; 水稻土有机氮矿化速率(k)为0.033~0.114/d(平均0.064/d),旱地土壤k为0.007~0.023/d(平均0.020/d)。土壤综合供氮指标(N0k),水稻土为3.8418.46 mg/(kgd)[平均8.0 mg/(kgd)],旱地土壤为0.54~2.66 mg/(kgd)[平均1.6 mg/(kgd)]。水稻土总氮含量为1.4~2.0 g/kg (平均1.6 g/kg),旱地为0.87~2.0 g/kg(平均1.3 g/kg)。可见,水稻土氮库、供氮潜力和速率均大于相邻旱地土壤。因此,从土壤氮肥力来讲,相对于旱地,围海形成的水稻田更具有可持续利用性。  相似文献   

The concern that climate change may increase fire frequency and intensity has recently heightened the interest in the effects of wildfires on ecosystem functioning. Although short-term fire effects on forest soils are well known, less information can be found on the long-term effects of wildfires on soil fertility. Our objective was to study the 17-year effect of wildfires on forest net mineralization rates and extractable inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. We hypothesize that (1) burned forest stands should exhibit lower net mineralization rates than unburned ones; (2) these differences would be greatest during the growing season; (3) differences between soil variables might also be observed among plots from different years since the last fire; and (4) due to fire-resistant geochemical processes controlling P availability, this nutrient should recover faster than N. We used a wildfire chronosequence of natural and unmanaged Pinus canariensis forests in La Palma Island (Canary Islands). Soil samples were collected during winter and spring at 22 burned and unburned plots. We found significantly higher values for net N mineralization and extractable N pools in unburned plots. These differences were higher for the winter sampling date than for the spring sampling date. Unlike extractable N and N mineralization rates, extractable P levels of burned plots exhibited a gradual recovery over time after an initial decrease. These results demonstrate that P. canariensis forest soils showed low resilience after wildfires, especially for N, and that this disturbance might induce long-term changes in ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Significant areas of temperate forests in Central Europe, NE America and E Asia receive high amounts of N deposition. According to the few studies available, suspension of the N load leads to reductions in both inorganic soil N and leaching of N within a few years. We report that, surprisingly, N is still mineralized at high rates 14 yr after suspension of a previous N-load of >100 kg N/ha yr for 20 yr. In this treatment, gross N mineralization rates exceeded those in control plots by a factor 3, but equaled those in still on-going (34 yr of) treatments with 30 and 60 kg N/ha yr, in which levels of extractable NH4+ were up to 10 times higher.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to better understand patterns of soil nitrogen (N) availability and soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in forest soils across an elevation gradient (235-1670 m) in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Laboratory studies were used to determine the potential rate of net soil N mineralization and in situ studies of 13C-labelled glycine were used to infer differences in decomposition rates. Nitrogen stocks, surface soil (0-5 cm) N concentrations, and the pool of potentially mineralizable surface soil N tended to increase from low to high elevations. Rates of potential net soil N mineralization were not significantly correlated with elevation. Increasing soil N availability with elevation is primarily due to greater soil N stocks and lower substrate C-to-N ratios, rather than differences in potential net soil N mineralization rates. The loss rate of 13C from labelled soils (0-20 cm) was inversely related to study site elevation (r=−0.85; P<0.05) and directly related to mean annual temperature (+0.86; P<0.05). The results indicated different patterns of potential net soil N mineralization and 13C loss along the elevation gradient. The different patterns can be explained within a framework of climate, substrate chemistry, and coupled soil C and N stocks. Although less SOM decomposition is indicated at cool, high-elevation sites, low substrate C-to-N ratios in these N-rich systems result in more N release (N mineralization) for each unit of C converted to CO2 by soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Investigations of 23 northwestern German sandy Ap horizons (mean clay content 35 g kg−1), that had higher organic matter (OM) levels than expected for sands, showed that the bulk soil C to N ratio reliably indicated the release of N from stabilized OM. Soils were incubated at 35 °C for 200 days under aerobic conditions. Cumulative N release curves were split into N released from fresh materials (Nfast) and N released from the larger pool of stabilized, older OM (Nslow rates, 0.06-0.77 μg N g−1 soil d−1, or 0.7-49 μg N g−1 OM). Correlating the Nslow rates with total N contents of soils yielded no satisfactory relationships while their relationship with C to N ratios was very close (negative exponential, R2=0.88). Low rates of N release (Nslow) per unit of OM occurred if C to N exceeded 15. This was associated with historical factors like podzolization, calluna heathland, plaggen fertilization or a combination of these.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate net N mineralization in sandy arable soils and to derive adequate N mineralization parameters for simulation purposes. Long‐term incubations at 35 °C were done for at least 200 days with 147 sandy arable soils from Northwest Germany. To cumulative net N mineralization curves the simultaneous two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation was fitted in order to differentiate between N mineralization from an easily decomposable, fresh organic matter pool (Nfast) and from a slowly decomposable pool (Nslow) of more humified OM. North German loess soils served as a reference, since available model parameters were mainly derived from those soils. Although curve patterns in sandy soils often somewhat deviated from typical double‐exponential patterns, the mineralization equation generally could be fitted. Two pools were clearly revealed, but a transfer of the standard parameters was found to be not appropriate — except maybe for the pool size of the fast decomposable N pool. The mean kfast at 35 °C (0.1263 d—1) is about 46% higher than the known ’︁standard’ loess value, indicating better conditions for decomposition of fresh residues at this temperature. The mean kslow at 35 °C (0.0023 d—1), which is 60% lower than reported earlier from loess soils, and much lower mineralization rates of the slowly decomposable N pool give reason to the presence of generally more resistant organic material in these sandy soils. The relation between Nslow and total N was found to be not close enough to derive the pool size of slowly decomposable N just from total N as done for loess soils. Reducing the variability is necessary, promising approaches exist. The eight reference loess soils revealed — on an average — the known N mineralization parameters.  相似文献   

LAN Ting  HAN Yong  CAI Zu-Cong 《土壤圈》2017,27(1):112-120
Although to date individual gross N transformations could be quantified by ~(15)N tracing method and models,studies are still limited in paddy soil.An incubation experiment was conducted using topsoil(0-20 cm) and subsoil(20-60 cm) of two paddy soils,alkaline and clay(AC) soil and neutral and silt loam(NSL) soil,to investigate gross N transformation rates.Soil samples were labeled with either ~(15)NH4_NO_3 or NH_4~(15)NO_3,and then incubated at 25 °C for 168 h at 60%water-holding capacity.The gross N mineralization(recalcitrant and labile organic N mineralization) rates in AC soil were 1.6 to 3.3 times higher than that in NSL soil,and the gross N nitrification(autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification) rates in AC soil were 2.4 to 4.4 times higher than those in NSL soil.Although gross NO_3~- consumption(i.e.,NO_3~- immobilization and dissimilatory NO_3~- reduction to NH_4~+ rates increased with increasing gross nitrification rates,the measured net nitrification rate in AC soil was approximately 2.0 to 5.1 times higher than that in NSL soil.These showed that high NO_3~- production capacity of alkaline paddy soil should be a cause for concern because an accumulation of NO_3~- can increase the risk of NO_3~- loss through leaching and denitrification.  相似文献   

兰婷  韩勇 《土壤学报》2013,50(6):1154-1161
摘 要  高氮肥施用量和低氮肥利用率是我国水稻生产可持续性发展面临的问题之一。氮肥损失途径与肥料进入土壤后的转化过程息息相关。了解水稻土中氮素转化过程并进行定量描述有助于提高人们对稻田氮素损失途径的认识水平。为此,本研究开展了连续2年的大田实验,测定了稻麦轮作条件下江苏淮安碱性水稻土(潮黄土,pH=8.3)和宜兴中性水稻土(黄泥土,pH=6.2)作物氮肥利用效率;同时采用15N同位素稀释方法,开展室内好氧培养实验,估算了两种土壤中的氮素初级矿化和硝化速率,以此解释田间试验中氮肥利用率差异的原因。田间试验结果表明,在获得相似的水稻或小麦产量的情况下,淮安潮黄土氮肥需用量高于宜兴中性水稻土,而氮肥利用率却低于宜兴黄泥土。15N室内培养实验结果表明,供试潮黄土氮素初级矿化和硝化速率均较黄泥土高,其较高的pH可能是主要原因。 潮黄土中相对较高的初级矿化和硝化速率可能会导致更多的NO3--N 在土壤中短暂累积,不能被作物及时吸收利用的NO3--N 便可通过各种途径损失掉。这可能是造成两种稻田土壤田间氮肥利用率差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

Summary C and N mineralization potentials were determined, in a 12-week laboratory incubation study, on soil samples obtained from recently cleared land which had been cropped to barley for 4 years (field soils) and from nearby undisturbed taiga (forest soils). Treatments for the cropped soils were conventional and no-tillage with and without crop residues removed. An average of about 3% of the total C was evolved as CO2 from the field soils compared with > 10% and 4% for the upper (Oie) and lower (Oa) forest-floor horizons, respectively. Significantly more C was mineralized from the Ap of the no-till treatment with residue left on the surface than from the other field Ap horizons. Both forest-floor horizons showed rather long lag periods for net mineralization compared with the field soils, but at the end of the incubation, more mineral N was recovered from the forest Oie despite a rather wide C:N ratio, than from the field soils. After 12 weeks about 115, 200 and 20 g mineral N/g soil were recovered from the field Ap, the forest Oie and the forest Oa horizons, respectively. Very little C or N was mineralized from the B horizon of the forest or the field soils. Nitrification was rapid and virtually complete for the field soils but was negligible for both forest-floor O horizons.Paper no J-188 of the Journal Series of the Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station  相似文献   

To test relationships between net N-mineralization, organic matter and soil organisms, we combined micromorphology with laboratory incubation experiments over a soil gradient. Microbial biomass N generally increased with pH, and from sandy to loamy soil, but net N-mineralization showed the opposite, and was highest in acid, sandy soil. Twenty-two micromorphological characteristics were analyzed with principal component analysis. PC1 had high eigenvalue (0.70), and clearly separated fungi from earthworms, microarthropods and bacteria. PC2 was less important (0.15). Organic layer and sand content clearly correlated with the fungi-end of PC1, but pH and C-content of the Ah with the opposite. Microbial N also correlated with the earthworm–bacteria end, but net N-mineralization did not. Efficiency of N-mineralization per unit microbe even correlated with the fungi end of PC1, in both organic layer and mineral topsoil. The results support the hypothesis that high (or low) litter turnover and biological activity can be counteracted by high (or low) microbial N-demand.  相似文献   

Oxygen concentration is considered to be the most important factor influencing nitrification and mineralization rates in agricultural soils. However, the sensitivities of nitrification and N mineralization in paddy soils to oxygen concentrations are not well known. We examined nitrification activities and N mineralization rates of six paddy soils with pH ranging from 5.23 to 7.83 and incubated at 25°C and 60% water-holding capacity in laboratory after ammonium was added at concentrations of 10, 30 and 50?mg?N?kg?1 of soil and the headspace gases were replaced with stock gases whose oxygen concentrations were 20%, 10% and 2%, respectively. The tested paddy soils had a very wide range of nitrification activities so that the nitrate ratio in inorganic N varied from >?95% after 1 day incubation to?相似文献   

Grape marc is a common waste product of the wine production industry. When partially composted and applied to soil it may contain enough N to affect vine growth and hence wine quality. Yet little is known about the quantity and timing of N release from composted grape marc. A laboratory incubation was conducted where composted grape marc amended and non-amended soils were periodically sampled over 148 days at 15 °C for gross N mineralization rates, C mineralization and microbial biomass-C. Gross N mineralization rates were determined by 15N pool dilution using both analytical equations and the numerical model FLUAZ (Mary, B., Recous, S., Robin, D., 1998. A model for calculating nitrogen fluxes in soil using 15N tracing. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 30, 1963-1979.). Both analytical and FLUAZ determined gross N mineralization rates were in close agreement in the control soil. However, in composted grape marc amended soils there was a discrepancy between the two solutions. Findings indicate that composted grape marc caused a net immobilization of N for the first 50-days of incubation, after which enough N was released to require consideration in fertilizer-N strategies.  相似文献   

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