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This study evaluated immune cell populations in pigs following weaning and vaccination for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Piglets (n = 24) were weaned (day 0) at 16 (±1) days of age, and randomly assigned to the vaccination group (n = 16) or control group (n = 8). Complete blood cell counts, flow cytometry and serology were completed for blood samples collected on days 0 (within hours of weaning), 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60. The M. hyopneumoniae S:P ratios (sample optical density: positive control optical density) were negative in the vaccination group until days 30 and 60, when the S:P ratios were 1.3 and 1.0, respectively. Control animals remained serologically negative. The percentage of CD4+ T cells was less (P < 0.01) in control pigs than vaccinated pigs at day 3. In contrast, numbers of CD8+ and CD4+CD8+ T cells were greater (P < 0.01) in control pigs than in vaccinated pigs at days 3 and 7. After day 7, few differences in immune cell types were evident between the groups. Differences in lymphocyte populations could not be solely attributed to vaccination, due at least in part, to the confounding influence of weaning. It was difficult to distinguish the influence of vaccination from the impact of weaning on peripheral immune cell populations.  相似文献   

A Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccine (Respisure, Pfizer AH) was tested for its effects on antibody formation, daily weight gain (DWG) in different growing periods, lung lesions and quality of meat (chemical composition, physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition). Two groups of conventional piglets were used for the investigation. One group of 11 females and 11 males was vaccinated intramuscularly at the age of 1 and 3 weeks. The other group of 22 piglets was left nonvaccinated as control. The results showed that antibodies against M. hyopneumoniae in the vaccinated group had been formed 14 days after the second vaccination and remained present till the end of the study at 147 days of age. In the nonvaccinated group, seroconversion started at 49 days of age and by the end of the study 10 out of 22 pigs had become seropositive. Vaccinated pigs achieved significantly higher daily weight gain (+30 g) and finishing body weight (+6.04 kg) than the nonvaccinated animals. In addition, the vaccinated pigs showed lesions involving 3.27% of the lung surface in average, while in the nonvaccinated pigs 9.04% of the lung surface was affected. Investigation of meat quality showed that the longissimus dorsi muscle of vaccinated pigs contained significantly lower percentage of fat (-0.63%) and its tryptophan/hydroxyproline ratio was significantly lower (-23.57) in comparison with the control animals. In addition, some other parameters also showed a favourable tendency, e.g. lean meat percentage was 0.91% higher, the protein content of the longissimus dorsi muscle was 0.35% higher, its water-binding capacity was also higher by 0.78%, its monounsaturated fatty acid concentration was 2.97% lower, while its polyunsaturated fatty acid content was 1.65% higher in the vaccinated pigs than in the nonvaccinated animals.  相似文献   

Nonspecific mitogenicity of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae membranes for blood lymphocytes (BL) and bronchial lymph node lymphocytes (LNL) from swine was investigated. Additionally, the influence of respiratory tract exposure to the same membrane preparation on responsiveness of these cells was evaluated. Membranes utilized in lymphocyte transformation tests and for inoculation of swine were prepared by osmotic lysis of mycoplasma cells. Conventionally reared and cesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived swine were given membranes intratracheally and responses of BL and LNL to membranes were assessed from postinoculation day 0 to 14. Utilizing a stimulation index of 3 as the cutoff, heated (56 C) M hyopneumoniae membranes exerted moderate nonspecific stimulation of BL 11 of 12 times when BL were collected from normal (control or preinoculation) swine. Similarly, LNL from conventionally reared and control groups of swine were stimulated nonspecifically 4 of 6 times by the same membrane preparations. Exposure of the respiratory tract to membranes appeared to have no influence on stimulation responses of BL at postinoculation days 6 or 13, whereas moderate to marked increases in responsiveness of LNL were detected when collected at necropsy on postinoculation days 7 or 14. These findings indicated that compartmentalization of lymphocyte sensitization in the bronchial lymph nodes resulted from respiratory tract exposure to mycoplasmal membranes. Results obtained confirm that M hyopneumoniae has a moderate nonspecific stimulatory effect on porcine lymphocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The course of enzootic pneumonia, caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, is strongly influenced by management and housing conditions. Other factors, including differences in virulence between M. hyopneumoniae strains, may also be involved. The aim of this study was to evaluate the virulence of six M. hyopneumoniae field isolates and link it to genetic differences as determined by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Ninety, conventional M. hyopneumoniae-free piglets were inoculated intratracheally with the field isolates, a virulent reference strain or sterile culture medium. Animals were examined daily for the presence of disease signs and a respiratory disease score (RDS) was assessed per pig. Twenty-eight days post infection, pigs were euthanized, blood sampled and a lung lesion score was given. Lung samples were processed for histopathology, immunofluorescence testing for M. hyopneumoniae and isolation of M. hyopneumoniae. RAPD analysis was performed on all M. hyopneumoniae strains. Significant differences between isolates were found for the RDS, lung lesion score, histopathology, immunofluorescence and serology. Based on the results of the different parameters, isolates were divided into three "virulence" groups: low, moderately and highly virulent strains. Typically, a 5000 bp RAPD fragment was associated with the highly and moderately virulent strains whereas it was absent in low virulent strains. It was concluded that high variation in virulence exists between M. hyopneumoniae strains isolated from different swine herds. Further studies are required to determine whether the 5000 bp fragment obtained in the RAPD analysis can be used as a virulence marker.  相似文献   



In recent years, the occurrence and the relevance of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infections in suckling pigs has been examined in several studies. Whereas most of these studies were focused on sole prevalence estimation within different age groups, follow-up of infected piglets or assessment of pathological findings, none of the studies included a detailed analysis of individual and environmental risk factors. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of M. hyopneumoniae infections in suckling pigs of endemically infected herds and to identify individual risk factors potentially influencing the infection status of suckling pigs at the age of weaning.


The animal level prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae infections in suckling pigs examined in three conventional pig breeding herds was 3.6% (41/1127) at the time of weaning. A prevalence of 1.2% was found in the same pigs at the end of their nursery period. In a multivariable Poisson regression model it was found that incidence rate ratios (IRR) for suckling pigs are significantly lower than 1 when teeth grinding was conducted (IRR: 0.10). Moreover, high temperatures in the piglet nest during the first two weeks of life (occasionally >40°C) were associated with a decrease of the probability of an infection (IRR: 0.23-0.40). Contrary, the application of PCV2 vaccines to piglets was associated with an increased infection risk (IRR: 9.72).


Since single infected piglets are supposed to act as initiators for the transmission of this pathogen in nursery and fattening pigs, the elimination of the risk factors described in this study should help to reduce the incidence rate of M. hyopneumoniae infections and thereby might contribute to a reduced probability of high prevalences in older pigs.  相似文献   

To determine whether Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae colonization at weaning in off-site weaning systems is associated with the severity of respiratory disease due to this agent in growing pigs, we studied 20 groups, each group representing a different week in production, in sow herds at 3 farms of 3000 sows each that had a prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae colonization at weaning higher than 5%. The calculated sample size for assessment at weaning was 39 piglets for each group under study; 39 litters were randomly selected, and 1 piglet was randomly selected from each litter for testing and ear-tagged. In total, 780 piglets were tested. The presence of M. hyopneumoniae in nasal swabs at weaning was established by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All groups were followed until slaughter, at which time blood samples were collected from each ear-tagged pig to test for M. hyopneumoniae antibodies, bronchial swabs were collected for detection of M. hyopneumoniae DNA by nested PCR, and the lung lesion score and percentage of affected lungs in the same animals were calculated. Correlation analyses showed a positive correlation between colonization at weaning and all 4 dependent variables indicating infection at slaughter: average lung lesion score, percentage of affected lungs, presence of M. hyopneumoniae on the bronchial epithelium, and seroconversion. This study provides evidence that severity of the disease can be predicted by the prevalence at weaning in segregated systems. Therefore, strategies focused on reducing colonization at weaning seem to be important elements in the global control of M. hyopneumoniae in segregated production systems.  相似文献   



Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiologic agent of enzootic pneumonia mainly occurring in fattening pigs. It is assumed that horizontal transmission of the pathogen during nursery and growing phase starts with few suckling pigs vertically infected by the sow. The aim of the present study was the exploration of the herd prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae infections in suckling pigs followed by an investigation of various herd specific factors for their potential of influencing the occurrence of this pathogen at the age of weaning.


In this cross-sectional study, 125 breeding herds were examined by taking nasal swabs from 20 suckling pigs in each herd. In total, 3.9% (98/2500) of all nasal swabs were tested positive for M. hyopneumoniae by real-time PCR. Piglets tested positive originated from 46 different herds resulting in an overall herd prevalence of 36.8% (46/125) for M. hyopneumoniae infection in pigs at the age of weaning. While the herds were epidemiologically characterized, the risk for demonstration of M. hyopneumoniae was significantly increased, when the number of purchased gilts per year was more than 120 (OR: 5.8), and when the number of farrowing pens per compartment was higher than 16 (OR: 3.3). In herds with a planned and segregated production, where groups of sows entered previously emptied farrowing units, the risk for demonstration of M. hyopneumoniae in piglets was higher in herds with two or four weeks between batches than in herds with one or three weeks between batches (OR: 2.7).


In this cross-sectional study, several risk factors could be identified enhancing the probability of breeding herds to raise suckling pigs already infected with M. hyopneumoniae at the time of weaning. Interestingly, some factors (farrowing rhythm, gilt acclimatisation issues) were overlapping with those also influencing the seroprevalences among sows or the transmission of the pathogen between older age groups. Taking the multifactorial character of enzootic pneumonia into account, the results of this study substantiate that a comprehensive herd specific prevention programme is a prerequisite to reduce transmission of and disease caused by M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the cause of enzootic pneumonia, remains an important pathogen in the swine industry. This small, complex organism colonizes the ciliated cells of the respiratory tract, resulting in little exposure to the immune system. Confirming the presence of M. hyopneumoniae, as well as identifying its role in respiratory disease and pneumonia, remains challenging to the veterinary profession. While culture of the organism remains the gold standard for identification, the use of serology, the polymerase chain reaction and various assays to detect the presence of M. hyopneumoniae in tissue is common in diagnostic laboratories. Because of the role M. hyopneumoniae plays in increasing the severity of pneumonia associated with concurrent bacterial and viral infections, understanding the pathogenesis and diagnostic assays available is critical for developing effective intervention strategies to control respiratory disease on a herd basis.  相似文献   

The effect of nonviable Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on transformation of swine peripheral blood lymphocytes by mitogen was investigated. Lymphocyte transformation was evaluated as incorporation of [3H]-thymidine, using a microculture system. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae was grown in Friis medium, inactivated with sodium azide, and washed with phosphate-buffered saline solution. Four strains of M hyopneumoniae, strain J, strain 11, and 2 low-passage isolates (1361A, 1375C), were found to suppress phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains J, 11, and 1361A reduced lymphocyte transformation by about 50%, whereas strain 1375C reduced lymphocyte transformation by 98.7%. The suppressive effect was abrogated by heating M hyopneumoniae at 60 C or at higher temperatures for 30 minutes. Sonication of the heated M hyopneumoniae cells partially restored the suppressive effect.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of single-dose intradermal vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on a commercial swine unit. A total of 1051 healthy suckling piglets of 28±3 days of age were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: (a) intradermal: 346 piglets vaccinated intradermally (Porcilis M Hyo ID Once, Intervet SPAH), (b) intramuscular : 351 piglets vaccinated intramuscularly (Porcilis M1 Intervet SPAH) and (c) controls: 354 piglets injected with a placebo (adjuvant only). Performance parameters such as average daily weight gain (ADG), as well as health parameters and lung lesion scores were monitored from four weeks of age until slaughter. The improvement in ADG over the controls, during the finishing phase, was 27 g/day for the intradermal group and 17 g/day for the intramuscular group. Both intradermal and intramuscular vaccinations were effective in reducing clinical signs and lung lesions caused by M hyopneumoniae. Compared with the controls, approximately 10.4 per cent fewer clinical cases were diagnosed in the intradermal group, and 6 per cent fewer in the intramuscular group, during the finishing period. In conclusion, performance results were better in the vaccinated groups than in the control group, while intradermal vaccination afforded greater protection than intramuscular vaccination, especially with regard to morbidity, lung lesion and pleuritis scores.  相似文献   

An inactivated vaccine prepared from broth culture supernatant of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae with an aluminum adjuvant was evaluated in three herds (herd A: specific pathogen-free herd, herd B: high health status herd with no clinical signs of respiratory infection, herd C: low health status herd with serious epidemiological and economical problems). A total of 212 pigs from the three herds were divided into two groups. One group was injected twice with the vaccine at 4-week intervals and the other was a control group. No adverse reactions were noted following the vaccinations either systematically or locally in any of the vaccinated pigs from any of the herds. In herd A, the vaccination provided antibody response within 4 weeks after the second vaccination and antibody responses continued for more than 12 weeks. In herds B and C, the number of pigs with lung lesions, mean percentage of lung lesions, and the numbers of M. hyopneumoniae recovered from pigs at slaughter in the vaccinated group were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced compared to the control group. Furthermore, vaccination resulted in improved average daily weight gain (ADG), improved feed conversion ratio (FCR), and improved days to market weight in herd C, whereas no difference in growth performance was shown in herd B. It is suggested that the inactivated vaccine prepared from broth culture supernatant of M. hyopneumoniae is effective in reducing clinical signs and lung lesions. Also, vaccination resulted in improved growth performance in herds where clinical signs and economic losses were significant.  相似文献   

本研究探索建立一种新的基因芯片方法检测和鉴定猪肺炎支原体。在猪肺炎支原体的16SrRNA、P36和P463个基因内设计3个靶基因片段,用PCR标记Cy3探针,建立了用于检测和鉴定猪肺炎支原体的检测芯片。试验结果显示,猪肺炎支原体与检测芯片的3个靶基因(Mhp-16S、Mhp-P46和Mhp-P36)杂交呈阳性,猪鼻支原体只与Mhp-16S靶基因杂交呈阳性,其它所测细菌和病毒不与检测芯片的靶基因杂交。检测芯片的检测灵敏度和PCR相同,能达到10pg基因组DNA/50μL标记体系或反应体系。用检测芯片鉴定了3株疑似猪肺炎支原体临床分离株,结果有2株为猪肺炎支原体,1株为其它猪支原体。用检测芯片、P36-PCR和分离鉴定分别对45头病猪临床样品选择混合培养物中的猪肺炎支原体进行了检测,结果它们的检出率分别为20%(9/45)、22.2%(10/45)和8.9%(4/45)。检测芯片还检出有26.7%(12/45)的病猪感染了其它猪支原体。试验结果表明,所建立的检测芯片是一种快速检测和鉴定猪肺炎支原体的敏感特异性方法。  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp)是一类无细胞壁的原核微生物,体外培养难度大,其滴度一般通过颜色变化单位(colour change unit,CCU)来反映,但该方法检测值跨度较大,无法进行精准定量。为了更加准确地评价Mhp的免疫原性,对Mhp HN0613株的总蛋白进行检测,发现同等CCU滴度水平的不同Mhp样品总蛋白含量之间存在一定的差异;通过对Mhp HN0613株的CCU滴度水平、总蛋白含量和动物实验结果进行对比分析,发现在相同CCU滴度水平条件下,Mhp HN0613株的总蛋白含量与其免疫原性呈一定的正相关性。为了验证以总蛋白含量作为辅助CCU滴度评价Mhp免疫原性方法的可行性,对Mhp HN0613株进行静置培养;48 h后其CCU滴度水平为5×109 CCU/mL,且总蛋白含量达到最高,为0.030 mg/mL,高于同等CCU滴度水平、培养42 h样品的总蛋白含量;根据Mhp HN0613株的总蛋白含量与其免疫原性的相关性,表明培养48 h样品具有更好的免疫原性。动物实验结果显示,培养48 h的Mhp HN0613株样品具有更好的间接血凝试验(indirect hemagglutination assay,IHA)检测结果,证明Mhp总蛋白检测法可作为一种辅助CCU滴度评价Mhp免疫原性的可靠方法。  相似文献   

根据猪肺炎支原体(Mhp)和猪鼻支原体(Mhr)的16S rRNA基因设计3条引物, 建立Mhp和Mhr的双重PCR检测方法,并对该方法进行了特异性和敏感性试验,并使用建立的方法检测了临床样品和疫苗样品。结果显示该方法具有良好的特异性,最低可检测到0.66ng 的Mhp基因组DNA和0.58 ng Mhr基因组DNA,临床样品和疫苗样品检测结果与普通PCR检测结果一致。该双重PCR方法,可用于Mhp与Mhr的鉴别、诊断以及疫苗纯粹性检查,快速而准确。  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体及其生物学研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
猪肺炎支原体是引起猪支气管肺炎的主要病原 ,严重危害着养猪事业的发展。虽然猪肺炎支原体的结构简单 ,但由于它对营养要求较高 ,故培养难度大 ,也是人们不能对其深入研究的一个主要原因。近年来利用克隆技术 ,对猪肺炎支原体从基因水平上进行了多种研究 ,已经取得了一些可喜成果。文章从它的生物学特性、荚膜结构、膜蛋白研究以及基因水平的研究等方面进行了综合性论述 ,并简明地指出了目前研究中存在的问题以及未来展望  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a prevalent swine respiratory pathogen that is a major cause of economic loss to pig producers. Control is achieved by a combination of antimicrobials, vaccination and management practices, but current vaccines offer only partial control and there is a need for improved preventative strategies. A major barrier to advances in understanding the pathogenesis of M. hyopneumoniae and in developing new vaccines is the lack of tools to genetically manipulate the organism. We describe the development and optimisation of the first successful plasmid-based system for the genetic manipulation of M. hyopneumoniae. Our artificial plasmids contain the origin of replication (oriC) of M. hyopneumoniae along with tetM, conferring resistance to tetracycline. With these plasmids, we have successfully transformed M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 by electroporation, generating tetracycline resistant organisms. The persistence of extrachromosomal plasmid and maintenance of plasmid DNA over serial passages shows that these artificial plasmids are capable of self-replication in M. hyopneumoniae. In addition to demonstrating the amenability of M. hyopneumoniae to genetic manipulation and in optimising the conditions necessary for successful transformation, we have used this system to determine the minimum functional oriC of M. hyopneumoniae. In doing so, we have developed a plasmid with a small oriC that is stably maintained over multiple passages that may be useful in generating targeted gene disruptions. In conclusion, we have generated a set of plasmids that will be valuable in studies of M. hyopneumoniae pathogenesis and provide a major step forward in the study of this important swine pathogen.  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体显色原位杂交研究方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立猪肺炎支原体(Mhp)显色原位杂交(CISH)定位检测方法,本研究利用地高辛标记的Mhp P36核酸探针和DAB/H2O2显色系统,对人工Mhp感染组、自然感染组和健康对照组的实验猪肺组织样品和临床样品进行显色原位杂交检测.结果显示,设计的地高辛标记探针针对Mhp具有特异性,而与其他的猪病原菌无交叉反应;检测结果可以通过显微镜观测到Mhp定位在支气管/细支气管黏膜表面.人工感染组、自然感染组和健康对照组的CISH结果与PCR检测结果一致,临床样品的CISH检测结果低于PCR检测结果.本研究建立的Mhp显色原位杂交法是一种集直观和敏感为一体的检测方法,可以用于Mhp的定位检测和致病机理研究.  相似文献   

旨在建立猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp)HN0613株高密度发酵工艺技术。以培养滴度(CCU)作为考查指标,确定Mhp HN0613株的最佳活力代次以及复苏培养时间;通过四因素三水平正交试验筛选最佳基础培养基配方;以通气量、搅拌转速和接种百分比作为单因素考查指标,优化15L发酵工艺参变量,并确定700L高密度发酵放大工艺;按照确定的高密度发酵工艺技术,制备MhpHN0613株灭活疫苗,评价其对兔和仔猪的免疫效力。结果表明,Mhp HN0613株F11代较其他代次CCU水平高,可达1×10^9CCU/mL,为最佳活力代次;其在复苏72h后,pH值降为7.0左右,CCU水平达到最高,为1×10^9CCU/mL,为最佳复苏培养时间;培养体系中,2%的初始葡萄糖添加量、8%接种百分比、初始培养基pH值7.6、15%猪血清添加量为最适培养条件;通气量100L/h、搅拌转速300r/min和8%接种百分比条件最有利于Mhp HN0613株15L发酵培养;首次建立了平衡kLa联动pH值回调的工艺技术路线,并将优化后发酵罐搅拌叶轮结构改为推进式叶轮,降低了叶轮对菌体的剪切作用力,CCU较优化前提高了10倍,且培养周期较优化前缩短了2-3d;700L高密度发酵放大工艺中,Mhp HN0613株培养滴度不低于5×10^9CCU/mL.最高可达1×10^10CCU/mL;免疫兔血清抗体效价均不低于1:40,最高可达1:160;免疫组实验仔猪肺炎减少率均高于80%,临床观察精神及食欲未见异常。该研究为Mhp疫苗规模化发酵生产提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

猪肺支原体是猪地方性肺炎的主要病原体,其普遍存在于世界各地,会给养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。此病原体感染猪后通常黏附于猪呼吸道纤毛上皮,并会造成纤毛上皮的损伤。猪感染后主要表现为慢性咳嗽症状、容易发生其他呼吸道感染和生产性能下降。该病的控制可通过多种措施实现,首先应该完善管理措施,改善畜舍饲养环境,这包括实行全出/全进的饲养方式、减少会破坏群体免疫水平的因素、维持最佳的饲养密度、防止其他呼吸道疾病的感染,以及提供最佳的畜舍及环境条件。其次,当猪群处于呼吸道疾病感染的威胁之下时,战略性使用能够有效地预防猪肺炎支原体和最好还能预防大多数继发感染细菌的药物对预防本病非常有效。最后,商用疫苗已被广泛地用来控制猪肺炎支原体感染,接种疫苗的优点在于其能够减少临床症状、减轻肺脏损伤、减少药物的使用和提高猪群的生产性能。但是,疫苗仅能提供部分保护作用,并且不能防止病原体在猪体内的定殖。因此,应根据猪群的种类、猪场的生产系统和管理体制、感染的类型及猪农的喜好选择不同的免疫策略(免疫时机、母猪免疫、免疫接种再结合抗菌素治疗)。新疫苗正在紧锣密鼓的研究之中,如气雾苗、通过饲料接种的疫苗以及亚单位苗和DNA疫苗。按年龄进行隔离饲养和药物治疗在猪群水平上根除猪肺炎支原体感染是可能的,但该病复发的威胁将永久存在。  相似文献   

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