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Cyprodinil and fludioxonil are new-generation fungicides that are employed to protect grapevines from botrytis and various rots. In this work, their adsorption and desorption dynamics in eight vineyard soils from Galicia (northwestern Spain) were examined in batch and column experiments. Both fungicides exhibited linear adsorption isotherms, with more ready adsorption (greater Kd) of fludioxonil. Kd values for cyprodinil were significantly correlated with soil organic matter content (r 2= 0.675, p < 0.01). Both pesticides exhibited adsorption-desorption hysteresis, but desorption was easier and more variable for cyprodinil (12-21%, RSD = 17%) than for fludioxonil (3-5%, RSD = 13%) and appeared to depend on the formation of irreversible bonds in the former case and on poor solubility in the latter. A linear adsorption model involving nonequilibrium conditions and an irreversible adsorption term was found to reproduce transport behavior accurately.  相似文献   

Disappearance of pyrimethanil residues on tomato plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The objective of this work was to estimate the disappearance of pyrimethanil, the active ingredient of Mythos 300 SC, at present, commonly used for the protection of greenhouse vegetables against diseases of fungal origin. Disappearance trends of the chemical deposits were studied on tomato plants grown in commercial greenhouses sprayed with a homogeneous 0.15% aqueous solution of the plant protection product. It was found that, on average, pyrimethanil residues on ripening fruits dropped by half and reached detection limit level in 5.7 and 13.7 days after Mythos 300 SC application, respectively. Pyrimethanil residues on tomato leaves dropped by half within 4.0 days and reached detection limit level in the first 10.5 days. Therefore, in conditions of high infection pressure, there is a need to repeat the fungicide application as early as after 3 or 4 days after previous application of Mythos 300 SC.  相似文献   

Two fungicides (cyprodinil and fludioxonil) have recently been used in southeast Spain to control disease in lettuce and grape. Gas chromatography with a nitrogen-phosphorus detector (GC-NPD) was used to study the disappearance of these compounds from crops under field conditions and during refrigeration. Residual values 21 days after application were below the maximum residue limit (MRL = 0.05 mg kg(-1)) established by Spanish law in the field experiment for both compounds. However, with the exception of fludioxonil in lettuce, residues were above the MRL in the refrigerated farm produce for both fungicides. The half-lives were 3-6 times greater under refrigeration.  相似文献   

番茄嫁接防治温室根结线虫病的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
试验研究番茄利用抗性砧木SIS-1嫁接防治温室根结线虫病结果表明,甲基溴(MB)、威百亩(MS)、甲基溴 不透膜(MB VIF)、威百亩 不透膜(MS VIF)、太阳能 生仿制剂(SS BCA)5个处理小区嫁接番茄病情指数均为0;对照区嫁接番茄病情指数也由普通番茄的95.0降为8.4,增产率为102.01%;而甲基溴、威百亩、甲基溴 不透膜、威百亩 不透膜4个处理小区普通番茄产量间无显著差异,比对照区提高40%左右。  相似文献   

为了研究不同秸秆生物反应堆对番茄根系土壤温度和其生长发育的影响,找到秸秆生物反应堆提高番茄产量的理论依据,试验选取水稻、玉米2种作物秸秆为原料,应用秸秆生物反应堆技术,以常规栽培为对照,通过测定日光温室小气候、番茄农艺性状、抗病性和产量等指标,对不同秸秆生物反应堆番茄生长发育的影响进行综合评价。结果表明,与对照相比,玉米秸秆和水稻秸秆可以使土壤温度分别提高3.7和2.7℃,有机质含量分别增加6.86和4.80 g/kg,产量分别提高22.7%和10.4%;土壤全盐量下降0.39和0.33 g/kg,畸形果率减少7.3%和4.2%,植株发病率下降2.87%和0.44%。应用秸秆生物反应堆可以有效改善土壤理化性质,增加番茄的产量,且玉米秸秆生物反应堆效果更佳。  相似文献   

Residue levels of methamidophos were determined in peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes grown in commercial greenhouses, up to 6 weeks after being sprayed with Monitor (methamidophos 60%). Mathematically defined decline curves were established by determining optimal relationships between methamidophos residues and time, using different models. Model functions that best fit experimental data were 1st-order function for cucumber, 1.5th-order function for pepper, and 1st-order root function for tomato. However, in all cases, the 1st-order function was legitimized statistically. Half-life times determined from the optimal functions were 8.68 days (cucumber), 13.28 days (pepper), and 2.77 days (tomato), whereas half-life times determined from the 1st-order reaction function were 8.68 days (cucumber), 17.04 days (pepper), and 7.47 days (tomato). In this work, some experiments to determine residue levels of methamidophos in these vegetables after multiple applications were also carried out. The unexpected high residue levels found in all cases after five successive applications seem to indicate that methamidophos presents certain long-term accumulative effects in the three studied vegetables.  相似文献   

PVC管地下滴灌系统在温室番茄灌溉中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对温室节水灌溉需求,用PVC管制成了简易地下滴灌管。通过无作物小区灌水试验和番茄栽培试验的方法,对该PVC管滴灌系统的出水性能和应用效果进行了研究。所用硬质PVC管规格为外径20.4 mm,内径17.9 mm,每米质量0.1 kg;在管壁上打孔制成直径1 mm、4个为一组的出水孔,出水孔沿PVC管延长方向排列,组内两出水孔中心点距离20 mm,组间中心点距离300 mm。这一滴灌系统专为温室灌溉设计,长度同温室垄长6 m。滴灌管埋于地下30 cm,出水孔上覆盖过滤层。结果表明,灌水时供水压力大于15 kPa、控制灌水下限土壤水吸力设定为30 kPa,该PVC管滴灌系统出水均匀度可达到既定标准。与普通地下渗灌管相比,这一滴灌系统埋设简便,灌水速度快,节水增产效果明显。  相似文献   

为在诸多热红外指标中筛选出可靠的作物水分评估指标并探明其最优获取方法与最佳监测时段,该研究以西北旱区主要经济作物番茄为试验材料,设置2个灌水量水平(充分灌溉和1/2亏缺灌溉),通过对比3种干湿参考平面的选取方法(干湿红织物、干湿绿织物、人工喷涂介质),量化了包括作物水分胁迫指数(Crop Water Stress Index,CWSI)、相对气孔导度指数IG、叶片温度Tleaf、叶气温差ΔTleaf-air在内的4个常用热红外指标与植株生理指标(气孔导度gs、光合速率An、叶水势φleaf)间的响应关系,并明确了利用热红外成像技术进行番茄植株水分评估的最佳测定时段。结果表明,以干湿红织物作为参考平面测得的CWSI与gs、An、φleaf间决定系数R2分别达0.687、0.698、0.669,IG与gs、An、φleaf间决定系数R2分别达0.707、0.661、0.663,在3种方法中均最为显著。在12:00-14:00时段热红外指标CWSI与植株生理指标gs、An、φleaf相关性和IG与植株生理指标gs、An、φleaf相关性均为最高,是利用热红外成像技术进行番茄植株水分监测的最佳时段,根据获得的相关函数可实时预测叶片缺水指标,依此判定植株水分状况并作为制定灌溉制度的依据。  相似文献   

为解决涵盖土壤蒸发和作物冠层蒸腾的土培作物蒸散模型不能直接应用于稻壳炭基质栽培番茄灌溉的问题,该研究首先通过修改Penman-Monteith模型的原始表达式来去除土壤蒸发部分,并引入TOMGRO模型来模拟番茄冠层生长,给出了阻抗参数的修正计算,得到了新的番茄基质栽培蒸腾模型。考虑到蒸腾模型中净辐射项削弱了室外太阳辐射对冠层及以下部整株植株的耗水影响,进而将新的蒸腾模型与太阳辐射线性比例供水模型结合建立蒸腾-辐射综合灌溉模型。结果表明,蒸腾-辐射综合灌溉模型对上海崇明A8温室番茄灌溉量的模拟结果与实际结果之间的相关系数高于0.95,平均相对误差小于20%。这说明蒸腾-辐射综合灌溉模型能够较好地估算温室稻壳炭基质栽培番茄的灌溉需水量,对深入研究温室灌溉实施具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The content of selected plant constituents was measured in cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentumMill. cv. Jennita) during conventional Norwegian tomato production in a greenhouse from May until October 2004. Samples were collected according to standard production procedure with orange-yellow colored fruits at weight in the range of 12.4-19.3 g and size in the range of 28.9-33.0 mm (diameter). The content of selected compounds based on 100 g FW were found to vary in the following range during the season: 7.38-28.38 mg of chalconaringenin, 0.32-0.92 mg of rutin, 0.24-1.06 mg of chlorogenic acid, 5.60-20.02 mg of ascorbic acid, 1.60-5.54 mg of lycopene, and 0.37-0.55 mg beta-carotene. Only minute amounts of naringenin together with kaempferol 3-rutinoside and caffeic acid, which previously have been reported from tomatoes, were detected. The content of chalconaringenin to rutin and that of lycopene to beta-carotene showed a strong correlation during the season (p < 0.001). The content of total phenolics and methanol-soluble antioxidants also showed a correlation (p < 0.001), and were found in the range 14.6-32.6 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g fresh weight (FW) and 445-737 micromol of Fe(II)/100 g FW, respectively. Seasonal variation in the level of plant constituents is shown to be related to photon flux density and fertilization level.  相似文献   

The dissipation behavior and degradation kinetics of azoxystrobin, carbendazim, and difenoconazole in pomegranate are reported. Twenty fruits/hectare (5 kg) were collected at random, ensuring sample-to-sample relative standard deviation (RSD) within 20-25%. Each fruit was cut into eight equal portions, and two diagonal pieces per fruit were drawn and combined to constitute the laboratory sample, resulting in RSDs <6% (n = 6). Crushed sample (15 g) was extracted with 10 mL of ethyl acetate (+ 10 g Na(2)SO(4)), cleaned by dispersive solid phase extraction on primary secondary amine (25 mg) and C(18) (25 mg), and measured by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The limit of quantification was ≤0.0025 μg g(-1) for all the three fungicides, with calibration linearity in the concentration range of 0.001-0.025 μg mL(-1) (r(2) ≥ 0.999). The recoveries of each chemical were 75-110% at 0.0025, 0.005, and 0.010 μg g(-1) with intralaboratory Horwitz ratio <0.32 at 0.0025 μg g(-1). Variable matrix effects were recorded in different fruit parts viz rind, albedo, membrane, and arils, which could be correlated to their biochemical constituents as evidenced from accurate mass measurements on a Q-ToF LC-MS. The residues of carbendazim and difenoconazole were confined within the outer rind of pomegranate; however, azoxystrobin penetrated into the inner fruit parts. The dissipation of azoxystrobin, carbendazim, and difenoconazole followed first + first order kinetics at both standard and double doses, with preharvest intervals being 9, 60, and 26 days at standard dose. At double dose, the preharvest intervals extended to 20.5, 100, and 60 days, respectively.  相似文献   

The potential of postharvest dip treatments with fludioxonil (FLU) (a synthetic analogue of the bacterial metabolite of pyrrolnitrin), in controlling postharvest decay caused by Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum of citrus fruit was investigated in comparison with the conventional fungicide imazalil (IMZ). The ultrastructural changes of fruit epicuticular wax was investigated as a function of water dip temperature, and the possible role of these changes was related to residue accumulation under FLU treatment. Residues retained by fruit were determined as a function of fungicide concentration, dip temperature, and fruit storage conditions. Scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed that fruit dipping in water at 30 or 40 degrees C did not cause differences in cuticular wax's ultrastructure in comparison to control fruit, while treatments at 50, 55, or 60 degrees C caused the disappearance of wax platelets, resulting in relatively homogeneous skin surface, due to partial "melting" of epicuticular wax. Residues of FLU in fruit treated at 20 or 50 degrees C were significantly correlated with the doses of fungicide applied. When equal amounts of fungicide were employed, the residue concentrations were notably higher (from 2.6- to 4-fold) in fruit treated at 50 degrees C than in fruit treated at 20 degrees C. The dissipation rate of FLU in "Salustiana" and "Tarocco" oranges was lower in fruit subjected to treatment at 50 degrees C. The minimal FLU concentration for almost complete decay control in artificially wounded fruit during 7-d storage at 20 degrees C was 400 mg/L active ingredient (ai) in fruit treated at 20 degrees C and 100 mg/L ai in fruit treated at 50 degrees C. Results on nonwounded Tarocco oranges subjected to 3 weeks of simulated quarantine conditions at 1 degrees C, plus 6 weeks of standard storage at 8 degrees C and an additional two weeks of simulated marketing period (SMP) at 20 degrees C revealed that almost complete decay control with FLU applications of 100 mg/L at 50 degrees C and 400 mg/L at 20 degrees C resulted in ca. 0.8 mg/kg FLU fruit residues, in agreement with results on wounded citrus fruit. When equal concentrations and temperatures were applied, FLU treatments were as effective as IMZ. In vitro trials showed a low sensitivity to FLU against P. digitatum and P. italicum isolates. MIC values for the complete inhibition of mycelium growth were >or=100 microg/mL, while ED(50) values ranged from 0.1 to 1 microg/mL for P. digitatum and from 1 to >100 microg/mL for P. italicum. The latter result suggests that care should be taken to avoid exclusive application of FLU in a sustainable program for management of fruit decay. However, integrating fungicide application and hot water dip may reduce the possibility of selecting fungicide-resistant populations of the pathogen, by increasing the effectiveness of the treatment.  相似文献   

The potential terrestrial toxicity of three pesticides, azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil, and ethoprophos was evaluated using reproduction ecotoxicological tests with different non-target species: the collembolan Folsomia candida, the earthworm Eisenia andrei, and the enchytraeid Enchytraeus crypticus. All reproduction tests were performed with natural soil from a Mediterranean agricultural area (with no pesticide residues) in order to improve the relevance of laboratory data to field conditions. Controls were performed with natural and standard artificial soil (OECD 10% OM). The fungicide azoxystrobin showed the highest toxicity to earthworms (EC50 = 42.0 mg a.i. kg−1 dw soil). Collembolans were the most sensitive taxa in terms of sublethal effects of chlorothalonil with an EC50 of 31.1 mg a.i. kg−1 dw soil followed by the earthworms with an EC50 of 40.9 mg a.i. kg−1 dw soil. The insecticide ethoprophos was the most toxic to collembolans affecting their reproduction with an EC50 of 0.027 mg a.i. kg−1 dw soil. Enchytraeids were generally the least sensitive of the three species tested for long-term effects. Earthworms were not always the most sensitive species, emphasizing the need to increase the number of mandatory assays with key non-target organisms in the environmental risk assessment of pesticides.  相似文献   

High-pressure processing (HPP) can inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and degradative enzymes without the use of heat, thereby minimizing the destruction of flavors, nutrients, and other quality attributes. Lipoxygenase plays a role in the off-flavor production of tomatoes, whereas pectinesterase and polygalacturonase impact tomato texture. The purpose of this study was to determine HPP's ability to inactivate lipoxygenase, pectinesterase, and polygalacturonase in diced tomatoes. Processing conditions used were 400, 600, and 800 MPa for 1, 3, and 5 min at 25 and 45 degrees C. The magnitude of applied pressure had a significant effect on inactivating lipoxygenase and polygalacturonase (p < 0.05), with complete loss of activity occurring at 800 MPa. Pectinesterase was very resistant to pressure treatment. Percent soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and color a/b values did not differ significantly among the high-pressure-processed samples as compared to the control, but color L values increased. This change in L values was not considered of practical importance. Apparent protein content decreased in the pressure-processed samples, due possibly to protein denaturation, loss of solubility, and/or a decrease in dye binding sites to assay protein content.  相似文献   


Triticales (X Triticosecale, Wittmack), 6TA 131, 6TA 298 and 6TA 298 and 6TA 385, Arthur wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and Abruzzi rye (Secale cereale L.) were grown in a soil treated with 0, 50, 100, and 200 ppm N. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of N rate on dry matter yields, N uptake, and N utilization efficiency.

The dry matter and N uptake increased while the N utilization efficiency decreased with increasing N fertilizer applied to the soil for all the cultivars. At high N rate, rye had higher dry matter and N uptake than the triticales and wheat; no consistent differences were obtained between triticale and wheat. However, rye and triticale tended to be more efficient in utilizing absorbed N than wheat at the lower N rates.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented investigation was to study effects resulting from specific aspects of climate change and chemical stress (individually or in interaction) on soil organisms. In detail, the interaction of different temperatures (20 °C and 26 °C) and soil moisture levels (30%, 50% and 70% of the water holding capacity) were examined in combination with the fungicide pyrimethanil on the reproduction of two Collembola species (Folsomia candida and Sinella curviseta). Testing was based on the standard collembolan reproduction test (OECD-Guideline 232), following an ECX design. Low soil moisture led to a significant reduction of the juveniles in the control groups in contrast to medium or high soil moisture. Furthermore, the results showed a significant influence of both climatic factors on the toxicity of the fungicide. In general, both species reacted more sensitive when exposure was conducted in dry soil or at enhanced temperature.  相似文献   

多菌灵残留超标已成为影响我国农产品出口的一大制约因素,积极开展多菌灵安全用药研究,寻找多菌灵替代用药方案尤为必要.本研究针对柑橘罐头原料加工果分别开展了以多菌灵、嘧霉胺浸果后的农药残留动态和保鲜防效研究.研究结果显示,柑橘浸药处理后30d内的保鲜效果,嘧霉胺1 000倍液处理略好于多菌灵600倍液处理;嘧霉胺处理后快速...  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment, tomato plants were grown in sand culture to test whether different fertilization regimes (mineral or organic fertilizers) at low (500 mg N plant–1 week–1) and high (750 mg N plant–1 week–1) nitrogen levels affected yield, nutritional quality, and taste of the fruits. In the mineral‐fertilizer treatments, nitrate‐ or ammonium‐dominated nutrient solutions were used. Organic fertilizer was supplied as fresh cut grass‐clover mulch (a total of 2.4 kg and 3.6 kg were given per plant at low and high N level, respectively) without (orgN) and with additional sulfur fertilization (orgN+S). Yields of red tomatoes from the organically fertilized plants were significantly lower (1.3–1.8 kg plant–1) than yields from plants that received mineral fertilizer (2.2–2.8 kg plant–1). At the final harvest, yields of green tomatoes in the organic treatment with extra sulfur were similar (1.1–1.2 kg plant–1) to the NO ‐dominated treatments at both nutrient levels and the NH ‐dominated treatment at high nutrient level. Organic fertilizers released nutrients more slowly than mineral fertilizers, resulting in decreased S and P concentrations in the leaves, which limited growth and yield in the orgN treatments. Analysis of tomato fruits and plants as well as taste‐test results gave no conclusive answer on the relationship between sugar or acid contents in the fruits, macronutrient content of plant leaves and fruits, and perceived taste. Sugar contents were higher in the fruits given mineral fertilizer, whereas acid contents were higher in the fruits given organic fertilizer. Preference in taste was given to the tomatoes from plants fertilized with the nitrate‐dominated nutrient solution and to those given organic fertilizer with extra sulfur. Thus, a reduction in growth, which was expected to lead to a higher concentration of compounds like sugars and acids, did not result in better taste. Overall, it can be concluded that an appropriate nutrient supply is crucial to reach high yields and good taste.  相似文献   

The concentration of major and trace elements was determined for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumcv. Aromata F1) fruits grown in three different substrate systems. The systems were soil and rockwool irrigated with a normal nutrient solution and rockwool irrigated with a nutrient solution with elevated electrical conductivity (EC). At three harvest times, tomato fruits were analyzed for Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn by ICP-AES and for Cd, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, and V by HR-ICPMS. The concentrations of Ca, Cd, Fe, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Sr, and Zn were significantly different (p < 0.05) for tomato fruits grown on the different substrates. Between the harvest times different levels (p < 0.05) were shown for Ca, Cd, Fe, Mn Na, Ni, Sr, Zn Cu, K, Mg, P, Sn, and V. The concentration of Cd was >15 times higher and the concentration of Ca was 50-115% higher in soil-grown fruits than in rockwool-grown fruits. Principal component analysis applied on each harvest split the data into two groups. One group includes soil-grown fruits, and the other group includes rockwool-grown fruits with the two different nutrient solutions.  相似文献   

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