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世界驯鹿亚种分布与现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全世界的驯鹿可以分为11个亚种,现存9个亚种,灭绝2个亚种。文中对这11个驯鹿亚种的分布和现状进行了介绍。  相似文献   

世界上以牧养驯鹿为主要生产方式的人数不多,分布在欧亚大陆和北美洲北部等地。在中国,驯鹿主要分布在呼伦贝尔大兴安岭林区东北部,被鄂温克族人当做主要的生产资料和生活资料而广泛利用。在蒙古国,驯鹿分布于蒙古国库苏古尔省西北部的原始森林中,由查坦族人牧养,既是他们狩猎生产的交通和役力工具,又是他们主要的经济来源。同时,驯鹿驯化史和部落的民族史紧密地联系在一起。本文从中蒙两国驯鹿养殖产业的现状、存在的问题及驯鹿产业的发展进行了论述,旨在比较中蒙两国驯鹿产业的优缺点,进而为促进两国驯鹿产业的发展献计献策。  相似文献   

驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus)是耐寒能力极高的极地动物,目前处于一种野生或半驯化状态,其广泛分布在环极地区,我国大兴安岭鄂温克猎民分布区有人工饲养种群。驯鹿是高寒地区人类的重要伴侣动物和经济动物,具有巨大的文化和经济价值。近年来,气候剧烈变化,食物减少,以及某些寄生虫导致的疾病,使驯鹿的生活周期发生改变,种群数量不断减少。目前对驯鹿的研究主要集中在生物多样性保护、寒冷耐受、遗传适应性和后基因组学等领域。文章综述了驯鹿生物学特征和种群多样性现状,并对国外近年来的驯鹿高发疾病进行了综述,以期为科学制订驯鹿的保护措施及哺乳动物的驯化过程提供理论基础。  相似文献   

三道眉草鹀在我国分布有三个亚种。在庐山分布的为(Emberiza cioidescastaneiceps)亚种。三道眉草鹀为庐山常见的留鸟,分布广,数量较多。从1979年开始,我们对庐山地区三道眉草鹀的生  相似文献   

蜜蜂族Apini种类研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来 ,蜜蜂族研究进展很快。目前已确定世界上有9种蜜蜂 ;西方蜜蜂有23个亚种 ;日本学者认为东方蜜蜂仅有4个亚种 ;笔者认为东方蜜蜂有6个亚种和若干生态型。  相似文献   

<正>盘羊(Ovis ammon)是国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,主要分布在中国西部及毗邻地区的局部地区。中国有10个亚种,新疆有8个亚种。国内外学者对盘羊的研究多集中在亚种分化及地理分布、栖息地选择、遗传多样性、社区参与保护管理等,关于国内盘羊性别及年龄组成的季节变化研究不多。于2015年1~12月在科克森山国际狩猎场对其性别及年龄组成的季节变化进行了观察和研究,旨在为这一珍稀物种的保护和利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

梅花鹿南方亚种生态研究初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
梅花鹿南方亚种(Cervus nippon Kopschi)在上一世纪80年代至90年代初江苏、浙江、江西、广东及广西等地均广为分布,现在除江西外,其他地区的梅花鹿南方亚种基本上绝迹。1980年12月,在江西省彭泽县的桃红岭地区发现了该亚种的分布,鉴定后并进行了报导(严丽,1983)。1981年底,江西省人民政府批准建立了江西省桃红岭梅花鹿保护区。此后也无人对此地区的梅花鹿进行过研究,历史上也是空白。1987年初至1988年5月,历时一年多时间,结合保护区科研及管理人员多年的观察记录,对该地区梅花鹿南方亚种的种群数量和生态习性进行了研究(种群数量已另拟文报导)。现将研究结果报导如下。梅花鹿南方亚种生态观察的地点选择在江西省  相似文献   

白鹇是珍稀雉类,又名白雉,属鸡形目雉科鸟类。全球共有15个亚种,主要分布于东南亚、南亚以及我国。我国共有9个亚种,分布于南方各省山林地区,属国家二级保护动物。白鹇羽毛素雅、体态优美,具有观赏价值。1990年开始人工驯化饲养,1998年开始成功饲养繁殖。目前国内笼养该鸟主要集中在大的动物园、鸟类研究部门和一些野生动物保护中心及一些珍禽养殖场等。但养殖数量少,方法各异,受精率和成活率较低。现将白鹇的繁殖及饲养方法介绍如下,以供养殖者参考。  相似文献   

为收集优良的草坪种质资源,对北京地区野生早熟禾属(Poa L.)植物资源进行了实地考察。北京共有早熟禾属植物20种1个亚种,其中7个种及1个亚种为新分布,西部和北部山区早熟禾属植物物种分布较为丰富,尤其是东灵山、百花山、海坨山及喇叭沟门。从垂直分布看,草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)为广布种,从平原到高海拔地区均有分布。硬质早熟禾(Poasphondylodes Trin.)在低山区常见,其他物种主要分布在海拔1000 m以上的地区。通过研究23份来自不同居群的草地早熟禾花序特征,发现不同居群的花序性状间存在较大的变异,花序基部最短分枝长的变异最大,花序小穗数次之。  相似文献   

驯鹿鼻蝇蛆病流行病学的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
驯鹿鼻蝇蛆病在敖鲁古雅地区分布极为广泛,遍及各个养鹿点,在流行季节(7—9月份),驯鹿白天不能采食,骚乱不安,到处乱跑等造成驯鹿体质逐渐消瘦或单独跑丢而遭狼害。因此如何有效地控制驯鹿鼻蝇蛆病的流行和蔓延,已成为发展养鹿业的重大问题。为此,我们从1978年开始对驯鹿的鼻蝇蛆病的流行情况做了一些调查,现报告如下:  相似文献   

Six Sarcocystis species have previously been described from reindeer in Norway based on sarcocyst morphology and DNA sequencing. The aim of this study was to determine whether reindeer in Iceland, which descend from reindeer imported from Norway in 1787, also were infected with Sarcocystis, and to identify and genetically characterise any species present. Muscle tissue from the heart, diaphragm and/or oesophagus was collected from 36 reindeer in Iceland. Pieces of all tissue samples were examined histologically. Frozen/thawed samples of cardiac muscle, oesophagus and/or diaphragm from 11 of the 36 reindeer were also examined under a stereoscopic microscope and sarcocysts present were identified to species either in situ or under a light microscope. Two cysts of each species, originating from two different reindeer were randomly selected for DNA analyses. The complete ssu rRNA gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. In addition, two sarcocysts that could not be classified by microscopic examination were selected for partial ssu rRNA gene sequence analysis. By histology, sarcocysts were found in the diaphragm and/or oesophagus of 8 of 36 (22.2%) animals. By examination of fresh tissue, sarcocysts of Sarcocystis rangi, S. tarandivulpes and S. hardangeri were found in the oesophagus of seven of nine (77.8%) animals, suggesting a high prevalence of Sarcocystis in the Icelandic reindeer population. Cyst morphology and the ssu rRNA gene sequence of each of the three species were identical to isolates of the same species from Norwegian reindeer. DNA sequencing was useful in order to identify cysts with an ambiguous morphology. This is the first record of these Sarcocystis species in reindeer outside Norway.  相似文献   

We collected available chorological data of birds and mammals in China and assigned faunal types. The 19 sub‐regions of the zoogeographical regions of China were used as operative geographical units. Matrices of the geographical units using the species number of each faunal type were then constructed. Based on the matrices we clustered the geographical units using a hierarchical cluster analysis The results of the faunal divisions according to the cluster analysis were illustrated in a geographic information system (GIS). When 19 geographical units were clustered into two clusters, the boundary of the two clusters corresponded to that of the Palearctic and Indomalayan (Oriental) realms in the recent division of Chinese fauna. When the geographical units were clustered into eight clusters, the sub‐region Southern Yunnan Hilly became an idiographic cluster. As a result, Southern Yunnan hilly should be regarded as a region rather than a sub‐region at the same level as Southwest region, Central China region and South China region. The differences in the distribution patterns of birds and mammals among the units in the Indomalayan (Oriental) realm were more complicated than those in Palearctic realm. A few differences of the cluster analysis results based on the faunal types were found between the bird and mammal species. These differences might result from the different ecological and geographical distribution patterns of these two animal categories.  相似文献   

Rumen ciliate species and composition were surveyed on the reindeer kept in Inner Mongolia, China. As a result of survey, all the reindeer had the same 18 species of 8 genera of the ciliates in their rumen. Appearance of Entodinium parvum is the first record in this host species. Of the species detected, 15 species including Entodinium anteronucleatum, E. bicornutum, Enoploplastron confluens and Epidinium gigas which have been detected only from reindeer were common with those in the reindeer kept in the other areas, such as Alaska, Russia and Finland, indicating that every rumen ciliate faunae in reindeer has high similarity to each other, and suggesting that these hosts have been isolated from the other ruminants for long time and established characteristic ciliate fauna. The ciliate density was estimated as 1.1-2.5 x 10 (6)/ml, which value was fairly higher than those in domestic ruminants. Surface structures of characteristic species were observed by SEM.  相似文献   

Six Sarcocystis species from reindeer (S. grueneri, S. rangi, S. tarandivulpes, S. hardangeri, S. rangiferi and S. tarandi) have previously been genetically characterised. The aim of this study was to identify possible definitive hosts for S. hardangeri, S. rangiferi and S. tarandi by including the six species in phylogenetic analyses of the Sarcocystidae, and also to investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the species from reindeer and those from other hosts. The study also aimed at revealing whether the inclusion of six Sarcocystis species from the same intermediate host would have any effect on previously inferred phylogenetic relationships within the Sarcocystidae. The complete small subunit (ssu) rRNA gene sequences of all six Sarcocystis species from reindeer were used in the phylogenetic analyses along with ssu rRNA gene sequences of 85 other members of the Coccidea. Trees were constructed using Bayesian analysis and maximum likelihood estimations. All six Sarcocystis species from reindeer were placed together with other Sarcocystis species using an even-toed ungulate as their intermediate host. The three canine transmitted species, S. grueneri, S. rangi, S. tarandivulpes, formed a sister group to other Sarcocystis species with a canine definitive host. The position of S. hardangeri on the tree suggested that it uses another type of definitive host than the other Sarcocystis species in this clade. Considering the geographical distribution and infection intensity of S. hardangeri, corvid birds are perhaps its most likely definitive hosts. The phylogenetic position, geographical distribution, prevalence and morphological similarity to feline transmitted Sarcocystis species in closely related Cervidae suggest that the most likely definitive hosts of S. rangiferi and S. tarandi are felines, and in Norway notably the lynx. The overall phylogeny of the Sarcocystidae did not change by the inclusion of the six Sarcocystis species from reindeer. This study suggests that phylogentic analysis can be a useful tool in the search for possible definitive hosts for those Sarcocystis species for which they are unknown and difficult to find solely by other methods.  相似文献   

我国驯鹿皮蝇蛆病的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,驯鹿主要集中在内蒙古自治区根河市,数量已然不多,是一种濒危的动物,目前内蒙古自治区已经采取了必要的措施,对其进行了保护,并取得了满意的成效。然而某些寄生虫病严重地影响着驯鹿业的健康发展,其中驯鹿皮蝇蛆病就是其中的一种,给驯鹿养殖业造成了很大的损失。在我国关于驯鹿皮蝇蛆病的科技文献几乎空白,因此,本文对驯鹿皮蝇蛆病的病原体、流行病学、致病状况、防治等方面做一个综合性的概括,以增加人们对此病的了解,也为以后对此病的进一步研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Fresh preparations of microisolated sarcocysts from striated muscle of several domestic reindeer from northern Norway were examined by light microscopy. In cardiac muscle, cysts of S. grueneri were found. In skeletal muscle, cysts of S. rangiferi, S. tarandi and S. tarandivulpes were found in all samples examined. In the abdominal muscles of some reindeer, one or two other types of cysts were found.Cysts of one type were macroscopic in size, and ovoid to cylindrical in shape. The cysts were surrounded by a 8–12 µm thick layer of fibrous material, and measured 1682×910 µm. The cysts had relatively few and irregularly distributed, 20–35 µm long, and 3–5 µm wide, linguiform cyst wall protrusions, which could only be seen after removal of the fibrous layer. These cysts were classified as cysts of S. hardangeri, a species previously described from wild reindeer in southern Norway.Cysts of the other type were long and slender, measuring 5460–12700 (8994 ± 2575) × 95–280 (180 ± 50) µm. The cysts had numerous very fine, flexible, hair-like cyst wall protrusions, which were 8–10 [xm long and less than 0.5 µm thick. These cysts are considered to belong to a new Sarcocystis species of reindeer, for which the name Sarcocystis rangi n, sp. is proposed. The reindeer is recorded as the intermediate host for 6 different species of Sarcocystis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish optimal immobilizing doses of medetomidine hydrochloride (MED) with ketamine hydrochloride (KET) for hand- and dart-administered injections in captive reindeer. ANIMALS: 12 healthy 6- to 9-month-old reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Procedure An optimal dose was defined as a dose resulting in an induction time of 150 to 210 seconds, measured from the time of IM injection until recumbency. Initially, each stalled reindeer was immobilized by hand-administered injection. If the induction time was > 210 seconds, the dose was doubled for the next immobilization procedure. If it was < 150 seconds, the dose was halved for the next immobilization procedure. This iteration procedure was continued for each reindeer until an optimal dose was found. Later the reindeer was placed in a paddock and darted with its optimal dose as determined by hand-administered injection. Adjusting to a linear relationship between dose and induction time, optimal darting doses for each reindeer were predicted and later verified. RESULTS: The established mean optimal hand- and dart-administered doses were 0.10 mg of MED/kg of body mass with 0.50 mg of KET/kg, and 0.15 mg of MED/kg with 0.75 mg of KET/kg, producing mean induction times of 171 seconds and 215 seconds, respectively. The mean induction time after darting was 5 seconds greater than the upper limit of the predefined time interval. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The higher dose requirement of MED-KET administration outdoors, compared with indoors, was explained by factors inherent in the darting technique and the different confinements. The iteration and the prediction methods seem applicable for determination of optimal doses of MED-KET in reindeer. The iteration and the prediction procedures may be used to reduce the number of experimental animals in dose-response studies in other species.  相似文献   

The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is a haematophagous parasitic fly of cervids that spread to Finland in the early 1960's. Presently its northern distribution limit lies at approximately 65°N and it is gradually spreading northwards. In Finland the principal host species has been the moose (Alces alces), but the deer ked is about to establish contact with another potential host, the semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) causing possible threats to reindeer health and management. The aim of this study was to investigate if the deer ked would have an influence on the welfare of the reindeer. Eighteen adult reindeer were divided into three experimental groups: the control group and two infected groups with 300 deer keds per reindeer introduced in August-September. One of the infected groups was treated with subcutaneous ivermectin in November. To gather comprehensive data on potential health hazards caused by the deer ked a wide array of physiological variables was measured during and at the end of the experiment in December. The keds caused no clear changes in the complete blood count, plasma clinical chemistry, amino acids, endocrinology, energy stores, enzyme activities or tissue fatty acid profiles of the host. The haematological, clinical chemical and endocrinological values displayed changes that could be related to the seasonal physiological adaptations of the species. In conclusion, at the duration and intensity of infection that were employed, the effects of the deer ked on the measured physiological variables of the reindeer were insignificant.  相似文献   

驯鹿及其生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 驯鹿分布于北极圈及其周边地区,耐寒怕燥,处于野生或半驯化状态。本文通过对驯鹿的生态分布,形态特征(包括个体大小、被毛、茸角、鼻、蹄、视力),进食习性,繁殖习性,迁徙活动以及天敌等几方面对驯鹿的生物学特性做出较为全面的介绍,以便为今后的驯鹿保护工作奠定基础,从而制定出针对性更强的保护措施。  相似文献   

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