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ABSTRACT Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was monitored for 4 years by monoclonal antibody probes via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in four citrus orchards in northern Costa Rica and four orchards in the Dominican Republic following the introduction of the brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida. The Gompertz nonlinear model was selected as the most appropriate in most cases to describe temporal increase of CTV. Ordinary runs analysis for association of CTV-positive trees failed to show a spatial relationship of virus status among immediately adjacent trees within or across rows. The beta-binomial index of dispersion for various quadrat sizes suggested aggregations of CTV-positive trees for all plots within the quadrat sizes tested. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of proximity patterns suggested that aggregation often existed among quadrats of various sizes up to four lag distances; however, significant lag positions discontinuous from the main proximity pattern were rare. Some asymmetry was also detected for some spatial autocorrelation proximity patterns. These results were interpreted to mean that, although CTV-positive trees did not often influence immediately adjacent trees, virus transmission was common within a local area of influence that extended two to eight trees in all directions. Where asymmetry was indicated, this area of influence was somewhat elliptical. The spatial and temporal analyses gave some insight into possible underlying processes of CTV spread in the presence of T. citricida and suggested CTV spread was predominantly to trees within a local area. Patterns of longer-distance spread were not detected within the confines of the plot sizes tested. Longer-distance spread probably exists, but may well be of a complexity beyond the detection ability of the spatial analysis methods employed, or perhaps is on a scale larger than the dimensions of the plots studied.  相似文献   

Psorosis is a citrus disease of undemonstrated etiology that can be diagnosed by biological indexing on sweet orange seedlings followed by a cross protection test. Its presumed causal agent is Citrus psorosis virus(CPsV), type species of the genus Ophiovirus. We compared detection of CPsV by ELISA, RT-PCR, molecular hybridization and immunosorbent electron microscopy, and examined its association with psorosis disease in 11 biologically characterized isolates and in 47 uncharacterized field sources by observation of field symptoms and by biological indexing including the cross protection test. Detection of CPsV by any of the four procedures always coincided with diagnosis of psorosis by cross protection, but it did not always correlate with observation of symptoms thought to be specific, in field trees or in graft-inoculated indicator plants. Trials to detect CPsV by ELISA, molecular hybridization and RT-PCR in citrus sources from different geographical origins, presumed to be psorosis-infected on the basis of field symptoms or reaction of indicator plants, were sometimes unsuccessful, indicating that psorosis symptoms may be induced by causes other than CPsV.  相似文献   

Neonectria galligena can cause European canker of apple as well as fruit rot. Healthy unwounded fruits on potted trees of cvs Cox, Bramley and Gala were inoculated with conidia of N. galligena to investigate the effects of wetness duration and fruit maturity on rot development. Overall, the incidence of fruit rot was influenced more by fruit maturity at the time of inoculation than by duration of wetness (6–48 h). Young fruit were most susceptible to infection, with 50% of fruit infected when inoculated up to 4 weeks after full bloom. The susceptibility decreased initially until c. 2 months after full bloom and then increased gradually until harvest. Almost all preharvest symptoms (eye rot) developed only on the fruit inoculated up to 4 weeks after full bloom. All other rots were observed after six‐month postharvest storage under controlled atmospheric conditions. However, the relative proportion of preharvest eye rots and postharvest storage rots varied greatly among three years. The effect of wetness duration was only significant for fruit inoculated in their early stages of development but not for those inoculated near harvest. Regression models were developed to describe the observed effects of fruit maturity and wetness on the incidence of total nectria rots.  相似文献   

用梨果实上分离的链格孢(Alternaria alternata)接种的方法验证了鸭梨包装过程的不同环节和出口前检验造成果实表面伤口,从而导致A.alternata侵染的可能性。试验结果显示,这些环节造成果实伤口的可能性不大。试验同时进一步证实了A.alternata是一个引起果实贮藏期腐烂的病原。  相似文献   

以西番莲品种‘台农1号’为实验材料,通过电镜扫描技术比较观测TeMV和PWV侵染与健康西番莲的叶片、幼嫩果实外果皮组织形态结构,分析测定其叶片生理生化变化,研究西番莲病毒侵染对西番莲叶片和幼嫩果实外果皮组织结构和生理生化的影响。结果表明:TeMV与PWV侵染后,西番莲植株叶片的海绵组织细胞间隙缩小,发生成团堆积状排列,栅栏组织细胞萎缩,呈不规则长条形;幼嫩果实外表皮组织中石细胞层发生严重断裂,排列松散,海绵层细胞变得松散,且发生较严重的木质化现象;叶片与幼嫩果实外表皮表面纹理粗糙、褶皱,气孔保卫细胞萎缩,气孔周围组织皱缩、粗燥;感病果实外果皮表面上的腺毛凸起无序。病毒侵染后,感病植株第1~3叶的蔗糖含量较第4~6叶的高23.11%;健康叶片则相对平衡,降低了淀粉积累、PG酶、纤维素酶与PPO酶活性,提高了感病植株第1~3叶的α-淀粉酶、GS酶与POD酶活性。西番莲受TeMV与PWV侵染后,植株叶片第1~6叶营养物质分配不平衡,相关物质的合成分解与抗氧化防御酶系统受伤害,叶片与果实组织形态结构受到不同程度的损坏,植株正常吸收功能遭到破坏。  相似文献   

为探明覆草条件下施氮水平对旱地梨树(Pyrus bretschnei deri Rehd.)生长发育和果实品质的影响,设置在全园覆草条件下株施纯氮1 kg(T1)、0.5 kg(T2)、0.25 kg(T3)和不施氮(T4,CK)四种处理,2011年至2012年测定了土壤和叶片养分、树体营养生长和果实产量品质等指标。结果表明,麦草覆盖条件下施氮能显著降低土壤pH值,提高土壤钙、锌含量,明显促进了梨叶片组织结构生长。随着施氮量的增加,梨树新梢生长量、叶面积和百叶重量、叶绿素含量显著提高。不同施氮处理均能提高梨果品产量,T1、T2、T3处理分别比对照提高25.4%、17.0%、11.6%。施氮后梨果实可溶性糖、有机酸含量明显降低,而果实硬度、可溶性固形物、水分含量等品质指标 处理间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Sooty blotch and flyspeck is caused by numerous species of fungi that colonize the surface of apple fruit and thereby lower its market value. Although this disease poses a substantial threat to apple growers’ profitability in some regions, reliable and cost-effective methods for epidemiological and disease control studies have not been validated, nor are they widely available. We modified a standard area diagram to aid sooty blotch and flyspeck severity assessments and quantified its impact on accuracy and precision of visual estimates. Samples of ‘Fuji’ and ‘Mutsu’ fruit were photographed both from the top and laterally. Severity was assessed from a sub-sample of 160 images using image analysis software. Validation of the diagram was performed by eight raters who independently assessed severity in two series of selected images representing the lateral view and the top view, initially unaided and subsequently with the aid of the scale. Severity estimates ranged from 0.4% to 98% (most fruit had <10% severity). Accuracy and precision of the estimates were significantly improved when using the diagrammatic scale; concordance correlation coefficient values increased from 0.81 to 0.95. A strong tendency to underestimate severity for the mid-range to high levels was minimized when using the aid, which also improved reproducibility of the estimates among raters. In addition to strengthening evidence that a standard area diagram can be used reliably in sooty blotch and flyspeck studies, we expanded its application to disease assessment in the peduncle region, which enhances the usefulness of the method for evaluating efficacy of management practices.  相似文献   

基于PERT与仿真技术的橘小实蝇传入定量风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检疫性害虫传入风险定量评估是外来入侵有害生物控制的重要组成部分。本文应用计划评审法(PERT)和Monte Carlo仿真技术分析了2007年春夏两季(5~8月)入穗外地水果(香蕉、芒果、番石榴)经过采摘、运输、销售、丢弃等环节后,传入广州地区的橘小实蝇的数量及其风险概率。结果表明,橘小实蝇累计传入数量为590~598头,能够形成295~372对潜在交配成虫,经典PERT模型和Monte Carlo仿真的计算结果很接近,传入风险确实存在,为100%。同时灵敏度分析显示,遭受橘小实蝇危害的水果比例、1kg受害水果所含橘小实蝇幼虫的数量、有限时间内3龄幼虫的逃逸比率是影响害虫传入数量的3个最主要的因素。  相似文献   

 山楂僵果病是辽宁、吉林部分地区的主要病害。流行年份如不防治可造成严重损失,甚至使山楂绝产。  相似文献   

基于CLIMEX和DIVA-GIS的瓜实蝇潜在地理分布预测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据瓜实蝇Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)的生物学数据和已知地理分布信息,采用CLIMEX软件的地点比较和DIVA-GIS软件的BIOCLIM两种模型研究瓜实蝇的潜在地理分布。结果表明两种模型均能准确预测出我国34.7~18.1°N,97.5~122.6°E范围内的19个省(市、自治区)是瓜实蝇的潜在地理分布区。广东、广西、海南、福建南部、云南南部、台湾西部以及四川盆地为高度适生区,江西、湖南、贵州、重庆、上海以及四川、云南、福建、浙江、江苏、安徽、湖北、陕西、河南、甘肃局部地区为中低度适生区。对全球的潜在分布区预测结果表明:瓜实蝇目前的地理分布还未达到其最大潜在地理分布范围,瓜实蝇随国际贸易进一步扩散的风险较高。对两种模型的进一步分析表明:在物种相关资料完整的情况下,CLIMEX的地点比较模型预测结果的准确性要高于DIVA-GIS的BIOCLIM模型。  相似文献   

Almond fruits were inoculated with suspensions containing 103, 104 or 105 conidia per mL of Wilsonomyces carpophilus beginning when fruits emerged from the hypanthium and continuing at approximately weekly intervals until they reached full size and embryo development began. More small than mid-sized fruits fell and abscission ceased when fruits reached maximum size. Abscission of mid-sized fruits generally increased with increasing inoculum concentration, and lesions were most abundant on mid-sized fruits. The kernel quality of infected and healthy fruits were compared in 1994 and 1995. Mid- to full-sized fruits were inoculated one or three times with 10 conidia per mL of W. carpophilus. Kernels from inoculated and non-inoculated fruits did not differ in weight, length, or percentage of kernels covered with gum deposits or incompletely filled.  相似文献   

针对沙棘冻浆果清选加工中存在清洁率低,筛网易堵塞的问题,采用离散元EDEM软件对振动清选装置的结构和运动参数进行优化。以速冻沙棘枝条果机械脱果后的冻浆果、枝条和果梗等颗粒为试验物料,测定物料的尺寸特征,进行振动清选装置动力学分析和筛上颗粒受力分析。分析筛网不同形状以及尺寸的筛孔组合对振动清选装置清洁率和透筛概率的影响,确定筛网设计参数为第一层筛网为圆孔、孔径为11 mm,第二层筛网为圆孔、孔径为9 mm,第三层筛网为长孔、孔径为5 mm×25 mm。单因素试验结果表明:振幅的改变未显著影响洁净率和透筛率,在保证高清洁率时选取筛体振幅为6 mm。选取振动频率,振动方向角,筛面倾角为试验因素,清洁率和透筛概率为试验指标,设计二次正交旋转组合试验,建立各因素与指标间的数学模型,优化结果最优组合为:振动频率为17.52 Hz、振动方向角为44.7°、筛面倾角为1.56°时,振动清选装置清洁率为99.62%、透筛概率为33.42%。通过台架试验和仿真试验对最优参数组合进行验证,结果表明:台架试验和仿真试验结果基本一致,清洁率的相对误差为1.13%,颗粒透筛数量的相对误差为1.68%。该研究可为沙棘冻浆果振动清选装置的优化设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于DYMEX和DIVA-GIS的昆士兰果实蝇潜在地理分布预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用DYMEX软件的地点比较和DIVA-GIS软件的BIOCLIM两种模型,分析昆士兰果实蝇Bactrocera tryoni(Froggatt)在中国及全球的潜在地理分布.结果表明,两种模型均能预测出我国33.3~18.2°N、95.8~122.1°E范围内的地区为昆士兰果实蝇的潜在地理分布区,其中,海南、云南、广西、广东、福建、贵州和江西南部、四川东部、重庆西部及台湾部分地区为高度适生区;全球昆士兰果实蝇的潜在分布区主要包括澳大利亚、南亚、南美洲、北美洲南部沿海地区、地中海沿岸部分地区以及非洲中南部地区.  相似文献   

为探究玉米高产和减少硝态氮残留的合理施肥模式,通过山西寿阳旱地春玉米田间试验和APSIM模型模拟,研究不同施肥类型和施氮量对春玉米产量、硝态氮残留量和氮肥利用率的影响。田间试验设置3个施肥类型主处理,包括化肥单施、有机无机肥配施(配施比例1∶1)和有机肥单施;7个施肥梯度副处理,分别为0、50、100、150、200、250、300 kg·hm-2,并利用2019—2021年试验站点数据对模型进行校准验证。结果表明:APSIM模型可以较好地模拟当地玉米产量和硝态氮残留量状况。各降水年型下,随氮肥施用量的增加,玉米产量先增加后减少,硝态氮残留量显著增加,氮肥利用率有所降低;相同施肥类型及施肥量下,丰水年的春玉米作物产量最高,硝态氮残留量最低,氮肥利用率最高;相同降水年型及施肥量下,有机无机肥配施方式的春玉米产量最高,硝态氮残留量居中,氮肥利用率最高。相较于化肥单施和有机肥单施方式,有机无机肥配施对于干旱地区玉米产量提升效果更好,其土壤硝态氮残留量对降水变化的敏感性相对较低,其氮肥利用率受降水影响也更小。综上,当施氮量介于148~168 kg·hm-2时,有机无机肥配施方式下土壤硝态氮残留量维持在阈值内,春玉米产量可达到理论产量的95%左右,适宜在研究区域推广应用。  相似文献   

The effects of cuticular crack surface area and inoculum density on the infection of nectarine fruits by conidia of Monilinia laxa were studied using artificial inoculations with conidial suspensions and dry airborne conidia during the 2004 and 2005 seasons, respectively. Additionally, the effect of ambient humidity on fruit infection was evaluated in the 2005 experiment. An exploratory analysis indicated that (i) ambient humidity did not significantly explain the observed variability of data, but that (ii) the incidence of fruit infection increased both with increasing inoculum density and increasing surface area of cuticular cracks. The product of these two variables represented the inoculum dose in the cracks, and was used as a predictor of fruit infection in the model. Natural infection in the orchard was observed to increase throughout the season in both 2004 and 2005. The relationship between the probability of fruit infection by M. laxa and the artificially inoculated dose in the cuticular cracks was well described by a logistic regression model once natural inoculum density was taken into account (pseudo R= 65%). This function could be helpful for estimating the risk of fruit infection at harvest based on fruit size and natural inoculum density.  相似文献   

中国适宜饲料加工的作物秸秆丰富,秸秆养畜对提高农牧业综合生产能力、提升畜产品安全供给和缓解粮食供需矛盾等方面具有重要意义,文中基于谷物当量定量估算中国秸秆养畜及其节粮潜力,主要研究结论如下:我国适宜饲料化的秸秆资源能量整体呈现逐年增加趋势,至2011年中国秸秆养畜肉类和奶类食品生产潜力分别为2.91×107t和4.80×108t,相当于增加5.76×108t饲料用粮食;同时中国秸秆养畜潜力在地域空间上呈现出地域分异和空间集聚特征,整体上我国各地秸秆养畜潜力由东北部地区向西南部地区逐渐减少,在地域空间分布上表现出集聚特征,其中我国东北部和中部秸秆养畜潜力高丰度区11省市适宜饲料化的秸秆资源占全国总量的69.66%,文中的研究对提高农牧业综合生产能力、推进发展节粮畜牧业和缓解粮食供需矛盾等方面提供重要依据.  相似文献   

White powdery rot in figs caused by Phytophthora palmivora is an important disease resulting in severe fruit rot, but is not currently effectively controlled in Japan due to a lack of understanding of its epidemiology. Therefore, the effects of temperature, zoospore concentration, infection period, and fruit maturity on infection of figs were examined by inoculating the fruit with a suspension of P. palmivora zoospores. The zoospores germinated at temperatures from 5 to 35 °C, with the optimum temperature range being 20–35 °C. Germ tube length in zoospore cysts was greatest at 20–30 °C. The disease developed in green figs at temperatures from 20 to 30 °C. Figs inoculated with as few as 10 zoospores per fruit developed severe symptoms at the optimum temperature (25 °C). The minimum infection period required for infection was 2 h at 20–28 °C. All of the figs developed symptoms within an 8 h infection period at 25 or 28 °C, and with a 6 h infection period at 25 °C. All fruit at different stages of development (immature fruit, yellow fruit, and mature fruit) developed symptoms. These results indicate that P. palmivora is capable of infecting figs over a wide range of temperatures, within a short infection period, at a low concentration of zoospores, and at any stage of development. These data could be used to construct forecasting models and develop effective control systems for white powdery rot.  相似文献   

The effects were investigated of fruit maturity and duration of wetness on infection of apple fruits by Venturia inaequalis , and subsequent scab development. Incubation rate (inverse of median incubation period) increased linearly with increasing temperature (5–20°C) on detached 5-week-old fruits of cv. Royal Gala. Fruits were highly susceptible in the early stages of development, but became increasingly resistant as they matured. Inoculation of attached 12-week-old and detached near-mature fruits did not result in any lesions, while inoculation of attached 4-, 5-, 7- and 9-week-old fruits resulted in various levels of infection. Fruits of cv. Mondial Gala were more susceptible than those of cv. Cox's Orange Pippin. On cv. Mondial Gala, a wet period of 9 h resulted in ≈ 90% infection of 4-week-old fruits, but only 9% infection of 9-week-old fruits. Numbers of scab lesions on an apple generally followed a Neyman type A rather than a Poisson distribution, indicating a certain degree of aggregation of lesions on a fruit. A two-parameter generalization of the Poisson model described the observed incidence–density relationship well. A longer duration of wetness was required to result in a similar level of scab infection on old fruits to that on young fruits. On cv. Mondial Gala, wet periods of 9 and 32 h were required for ≈ 90% incidence of fruit scab on 4- and 7-week-old fruits, respectively. A mathematical model was developed to relate the incidence of fruit scab to duration of wetness and fruit maturity. The potential use of these results in practical disease management is discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky 1853) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), the Asian Longhorned Beetle, is native to temperate and subtropical areas of China...  相似文献   

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