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An absorbed enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test for Johne's disease in cattle was developed in which absorption of cross-reacting antibodies occurred as a rapid reaction in solution rather than overnight with whole organisms and a subsequent centrifugation step. Total test time was reduced to less than 2 h with a minimum of manipulations. The test was evaluated in cattle herds from Johne's disease-endemic and Johne's disease-free regions of Australia. Specificity was 99.8%. Calculations of sensitivity were affected by the history of the herd under test. However, the EIA detected in excess of 80% of animals before onset of clinical disease and 65% of faecal shedders were EIA positive on, or before, first detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in their faeces. The test should aid epidemiological studies and be a useful tool in the management and control of Johne's disease.  相似文献   

Two interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) assays, the IFN-gamma enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and the IFN-gamma bioassay and an absorbed ELISA were used to screen 6 cattle herds for Johne's disease. Each herd had a history of Johne's disease but the majority of infected animals did not show clinical signs. The disease status of the cattle, which were removed from the herds, was confirmed by bacteriological culture of faeces or histopathological examination and culture of tissues collected at necropsy. The sensitivities of the IFN-gamma assays and the absorbed ELISA were determined using test results from infected animals. The sensitivity of the IFN-gamma EIA in detecting subclinical (71.8 to 93.3%) and clinical animals (100%) was not significantly different. However, the IFN-gamma bioassay and the absorbed ELISA were more sensitive in detecting cattle with advanced infections (80%) than those that were subclinically affected (16.7 to 33.3%).  相似文献   

The performance of the serum complement fixation (CF) test was compared with that of a serum agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test on 74 subclinically infected and 154 uninfected cattle in 6 commercial midwestern dairy herds with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection and on 30 cattle in a herd that was free of infection. Infection status of cattle within herds was established by performance of a series of 3 or more fecal cultures and of ileocecal lymph node cultures of culled cattle. In cattle with subclinical infection detected by culturing, the sensitivity estimates of the CF and AGID tests were 10.8% (3.6% SE) and 18.9% (4.5% SE), respectively. In the cattle classified as disease free, the specificity estimates of the CF and AGID tests were 97.4% (1.3% SE) and 99.4% (0.6% SE), respectively. Neither set of estimates was significantly different. Negative test results obtained with the use of either test in apparently normal cattle from suspect herds should be interpreted with caution because both tests suffer from low sensitivities in subclinically infected animals. However, the AGID test may be more useful in regulatory situations in which the CF test is currently used because the AGID test is easier to perform and to interpret.  相似文献   

The pathology of Johne''s disease in sheep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The clinical, gross and histopathological findings in 50 sheep affected with Johne's disease are described. Clinically 90% were emaciated and 20% showed severe diarrhoea. On necropsy there was thickening of the walls of the intestines, particularly of the ileum, caecum and less frequently the jejunum, but in 36% of sheep the changes were only mild. Histologically there was a granulomatous enteritis, typhlitis and colitis, with the most severe changes in the terminal ileum. High numbers of acid-fast organisms were present in the terminal ileum in over 70% of sheep. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was cultured from only 8% of the sheep examined.  相似文献   

We evaluated the indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) test and complement-fixation (CF) test for diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis in the absence of a gold standard. Using Evan's blue, we estimated the specificity of the IFA test on a parasite-free, field horse population to be 98% (95% confidence interval=97, 99). We observed an excellent test agreement (kappa=0.83) between two collaborating laboratories when the IFA test was performed on identical samples from an endemic area. Using Bayesian analysis with informative prior probability distributions, we estimated the sensitivity of the IFA test to be 92% (95% probability interval, PI=81, 98), and specificity to be 95% (95% PI=88, 99). The CF test sensitivity and specificity estimates were 28% (95% PI=15, 47) and 99% (95% PI=96, 100), respectively. We found the IFA to be superior to the CF test, and the inclusion of Evan's blue in test protocol improved the performance of the IFA test. We conclude that the IFA test for Babesia caballi is a sensitive and specific test for the diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the specificity of an absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit for Johne's disease (JD) when used in mature cattle populations resident in northern Australia. DESIGN: Blood samples were collected from beef cattle in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia, and from dairy cattle in northern Queensland. The specificity of a serological test for JD was estimated by testing the blood samples with an absorbed ELISA kit. Further samples were collected from cattle with positive ELISA results to determine the presence or absence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. PROCEDURE: During 1995 and 1996, blood, tissue and gut contents were collected from beef cattle at abattoirs in Queensland and the Northern Territory; and blood and faecal samples were collected from dairy cattle in herds assessed to be most at risk for JD in northern Queensland. The blood samples were tested using an absorbed ELISA kit. Tissues and gut contents from beef cattle that had positive ELISA results were cultured for M. avium subsp paratuberculosis, and tissues were examined histologically. Faecal samples from dairy cattle with positive ELISA results were cultured for M. avium subsp paratuberculosis. RESULTS: Estimates of specificity for this absorbed ELISA in mature northern Australian cattle were 98.0% (97.0 to 98.8%, 95% CI) in beef cattle, and 98.3% (96.7 to 99.3%, 95% CI) in dairy cattle. CONCLUSION: Estimates of specificity in this study were lower for beef cattle from the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia and for dairy cattle from northern Queensland than those quoted from studies on cattle in southern Western Australia. This should be considered when serological testing using the JD ELISA is carried out on northern Australian cattle.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the specificity of an absorbed enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay kitd for Johne's disease (JD) when used in mature cattle populations resident in northern Australia.
Design Blood samples were collected from beef cattle in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia, and from dairy cattle in northern Queensland. The specificity of a serological test for JD was estimated by testing the blood samples with an absorbed ELISA kit. Further samples were collected from cattle with positive ELISA results to determine the presence or absence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis .
Procedure During 1995 and 1996, blood, tissue and gut contents were collected from beef cattle at abattoirs in Queensland and the Northern Territory; and blood and faecal samples were collected from dairy cattle in herds assessed to be most at risk for JD in northern Queensland. The blood samples were tested using an absorbed ELISA kit. Tissues and gut contents from beef cattle that had positive ELISA results were cultured for M avium subsp paratuberculosis , and tissues were examined histo-logically. Faecal samples from dairy cattle with positive ELISA results were cultured for M avium subsp paratuberculosis .
Results Estimates of specificity for this absorbed ELISA in mature northern Australian cattle were 98.0% (97.0 to 98.8%, 95% CI) in beef cattle, and 98.3% (96.7 to 99.3%, 95% CI) in dairy cattle.
Conclusion Estimates of specificity in this study were lower for beef cattle from the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia and for dairy cattle from northern Queensland than those quoted from studies on cattle in southern Western Australia. This should be considered when serological testing using the JD ELISA is carried out on northern Australian cattle.  相似文献   

Most estimates of the prevalence of anaplasmosis have been based on serologic data using the complement-fixation (CF) and/or card agglutination tests. Since these tests are considered to be only about 50 percent reliable for detecting carrier cattle in enzootically stable herds, the need for more sensitive diagnostic tests is widely recognized. The objective in the present study was to compare the sensitivity of the CF test with that of the indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test and a recently developed DNA probe in determining the prevalence of Anaplasma marginale infection in cattle from an enzootic area. The study herd consisted of 52 8-month-old steers and 13 3-year-old cows of mixed beef breed. All cattle were initially tested for this comparative purpose. All but one animal (one that was a positive reactor as assessed by all three tests, and served as a positive control), were treated with long-acting oxytetracycline in an attempt to clear any carrier infections. Each animal was then retested at 1 month and 2 months post-treatment (PT), in an effort to determine if the DNA probe could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug. Six of the 65 (9.2%) initial serum samples were CF positive. In contrast, 60 (92.3%) and 64 (98.5%) of the samples were positive as assessed with the IIF test and the DNA probe, respectively. The DNA hybridization reactions varied in intensity within the sample population indicating different individual levels of infection. The DNA probe hybridized with two samples taken at 1 month PT, and with two different samples taken at 2 months PT. The mean IIF titers were reduced at both the 1 month and 2 month sampling times. These results suggest that the drug did not eliminate infections in all cattle. Some may have been cleared, but, in any event, the drug did reduce the level of infections below the sensitivity of the DNA probe and interrupted continuity of stimulation of antibody. Therefore, the DNA probe and the IIF test appear to be considerably more sensitive in detecting carrier infections than the CF test, and should be considered in future epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

The identification of new serotypes of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae (parahaemolyticus) and the frequency of pleural adhesions due to contagious pleuropneumonia in many fattening swine herds have prompted the study of the complement-fixation (CF) test as a diagnostic tool for use in swine. Whole cell antigens, mixed antigens, autoclaved antigens, and phenol-water-extracted antigens derived from different serotypes were prepared and tested with immunized-swine sera by the CF test. Mixed antigen consisting of whole cells from all known serotypes was the best screening antigen for routine use. This antigen gave positive titers with all sera in which a positive reaction against the separate serotype antigen was registered. The most highly serotype-specific reactions were obtained with antigens prepared by phenol-water extractions of whole cells. When whole-cell antigens were used in the CF test, antibodies to superficial serotype-specific and common species-specific antigens could be detected.  相似文献   

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