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Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. A greater reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solution than on soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of redgram seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. Reduction in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solutions in comparison to soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inibitory activity was observed on soaking the seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

察和分析4个苏丹草品种和6个栽培高粱品种的64个生物学性状。利用性状间的相关关系和系统聚类结果,探讨了在田间种植环境条件下生物学性状的分类学意义;利用主成分分析法确定出6个主分量,其中主成分Ⅰ、Ⅱ在苏丹草和栽培高梁2类群演化过程中起着决定性作用,被称作苏丹草分化主因子和高粱分化主因子。以6个主成分的回归因子得分值对10个品种进行聚类分析,结果将苏丹草和栽培高粱划分成两大类。   相似文献   

The application of dry heat to the seeds and meal was not effective in inactivating the trypsin inhibitory activity (TIA) and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity (CIA). Soaking for 24 hours followed by cooking for 20 min was effective in destroying the TIA and CIA.  相似文献   

A xylanase inhibitor of the xylanase-inhibiting protein (XIP) type was detected in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) whole meal using Western blot and immunoprobing with polyclonal anti-XIP antibodies. No detectable levels of Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and thaumatin-like xylanase inhibitor (TLXI) type xylanase inhibitors were present. Trichoderma longibrachiatum xylanase affinity chromatography (AC) was used for the purification of sorghum XIP. Biochemical characteristics and protein sequence data show that sorghum XIP strongly corresponds to wheat (T. aestivum L.) XIP-I. Like wheat XIP-I, it inhibits both glycoside hydrolase family (GH) 10 and 11 xylanases, indicating that the XIP-I active site residues are well conserved in sorghum XIP. However, in contrast to wheat XIP-I, the inhibitor is unable to affect Aspergillus niger GH 11 xylanase activity. Its specific inhibition activities towards the other xylanases tested are comparable to those of wheat XIP-I. Based on the available sorghum expressed sequence tag (EST) database, XIP is expressed in sorghum in different tissues and developmental stages. Also expression in the presence of several plant hormones and under biotic as well as abiotic stress conditions is suggested.  相似文献   

Forty varieties of sorghum grown locally and four cereals were screened for inhibitory activity against human salivary amylase. Three varieties of sorghum (IS-22422, Nagi Monadi and Ngd Marnm) had maximum inhibitory activity of 124 units. Among the cereals rice had the lowest inhibitory activity. Amylase inhibitory activity was lost on germination and heating the seeds.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is particularly suitable as a feedstock for a variety of bioprocesses, largely because of its high yields of both lignocellulosic biomass and fermentable saccharides. Sweet sorghum is less economically important for refined sugar production than other sugar crops, e.g., sugar beet and sugarcane, but can produce more raw fermentable sugar under marginal conditions than those crops. In this review, the agronomic requirements of sorghum (viz., water, soil, and nutrient requirements), cultural practices, and plant morphology are discussed from a bioprocessing perspective. Historically, sugar extraction from the plant in the form of juice has been of primary interest; these methods, along with modern developments are presented. Recently, the direct yeast fermentation of sorghum juice for ethanol production has been studied. Additionally, the bagasse resulting from the juice extraction has been used for a variety of potential products: forage, silage, combustion energy, synthesis gas, and paper. The bagasse contains high levels of relatively low crystallinity cellulose, along with relatively labile lignin, and so is itself of interest as a fermentation feedstock. Whole sorghum stalk, and its bagasse, have been subjected to studies of a wide array of pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation processes. The potential fermentation products of sweet sorghum are wide ranging; those demonstrated include ethanol, acetone, butanol, various lipids, lactic acid, hydrogen, and methane. Several potential native products of the plant, in addition to cellulose for paper production, are also identified: waxes, proteins, and allelopathic compounds, such as sorgoleone.  相似文献   

The application of dry heat to sorghum seeds and meal was not effective in inactivating the amylase inhibitory activity. Overnight soaking followed by heat treatment was more effective in destroying amylase inhibitory activity. Cooking the meal, raw seeds and soaked seeds drastically reduced the levels of -amylase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

以A2V4/B2V4为材料,对A2类型雄性不育系的减数分裂过程中染色体行为和花药发育过程中绒毡层的变化进行了细胞学观察研究。结果表明:高粱A2V4 CMS的染色体行为,在前期Ⅰ至中期Ⅰ无任何异常现象,从后期Ⅰ开始,染色体行为出现各种异常现象,同源染色体在走向两极时出现滞后或部分不分离、或在后期Ⅱ姐妹染色体不分离造成细胞内染色体多倍化,以致形成两极染色体数目不等、在一个细胞内有几个染色体团或核、三分体和“T”型、直线型排列的四分体;花药发育过程中也有大量异常现象,药室的绒毡层细胞不形成或提前解体,药室内的花粉母细胞不发育或小孢子液泡化,绒毡层细胞发育异常,出现巨型化而挤满整个药室或绒毡层细胞虽发育正常,但花粉母细胞发育异常,在造孢细胞时期即开始出现变形现象,随后发生粘连退化,绝大部分花粉母细胞不能完成正常的减数分裂过程而形成四分体,所有这些异常现象最终导致小孢子退化。  相似文献   

Three domestic cooking methods were studied in alpha-amylase inhibitory activity in sorghum grains. In all the treatments, overnight soaked seeds lost amylase inhibitory activity much faster. All the three treatments reduced the inhibitory activity. Use of solar cooker for reducing amylase inhibitory activity works out very economically and efficiently. Microwave cooking eliminates amylase inhibitory activity within 5 minutes.  相似文献   

Production of renewable fuel requires biomass sources. To meet this need, energy sorghum was identified as a potential biomass source. Hybrid sorghum development involves the use of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and since there are multiple CMS systems, it is important to determine if any of the CMS systems has an effect on agronomic performance and biomass composition. Energy sorghum hybrids were produced using four seed and four pollinator lines, resulting in 16 hybrid genotypes in three different cytoplasms (A1, A2, and A3). These hybrids were evaluated in three environments across 2 years for agronomic and biomass composition traits. For most traits, differences among hybrids and environments accounted for most of the variation, cytoplasm did not in any trait. These results indicated that different CMS systems can be used for energy sorghum hybrids without affecting yield or composition.  相似文献   

Grain mould causes qualitative and quantitative loss to grain in sorghum. Grain mould resistance is a complex problem as grain mould is caused by complex of fungi and the resistance is governed by many traits. Breeding efforts during the last 3 decades to develop grain mould resistance in high yielding genotypes have not paid many dividends. We developed a strategy to breed for grain mould resistance in high yielding back ground. Twenty five crosses between elite lines and grain mould resistant genetic stocks (susceptible × resistant/moderately resistant and moderately resistant × resistant crosses) were evaluated in F1, and derivatives performing superiorly for grain mould resistance in F2-F4 at physiological maturity were advanced. The early generation material F2s (10) and F3s (125) in 6 locations (representing rainy-season-sorghum growing 6 states of India where grain mould is one of the major biotic stresses), and later generations F4s and F5s in 3 locations (one location, Parbhani is a hot spot for grain moulds and 2 locations, Hyderabad and Coimbatore in epiphytotic conditions) were evaluated. Only 25 selections out of 384 derivatives in F4 were superior over locations for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity and harvest maturity (Our simultaneous studies in RILs for grain mould resistance across years and locations have shown that the variation obtained for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity is genetically governed and the grain mould score further gets compounded at harvest maturity depending on rainfall received after physiological maturity). These superior lines were advanced and further evaluated in F5 and F6 for grain mould resistance and grain yield. During 2007, out of 25 F5 derivatives, 12 were on par (scored 3.1-4.4) with resistant check, B 58586 (3.2 score) where as susceptible check, 296 B registered a score of 7.5. GMN nos. 41, 52, 59, and 63 performed on par with resistant check, B 58586 for grain mould resistance over 9 environments. Since we selected for grain mould resistance in early generations at physiological maturity in multi-locations, we could identify superior lines for grain mould resistance. Most of these lines are high yielding and on par with elite check, C43 for grain yield. These lines are distinct for DUS testing traits from grain mould resistant check, B 58586.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(5):601-607

We have studied establishment of cultivation technique of sweet sorghum for monosodium glutamate (MSG) production on dry land in Indonesia, where the supply of raw materials has become restrictive recently. Previously, we confirmed the feasibility of cultivation in this area during the rainy season. Meanwhile, cultivation during the dry season is also important because vast expanses of heretofore unirrigated fields have remained unused. The stem, which comprises internodes, is the main product of sweet sorghum used as a raw material by fermentation industries. This study analyzes differences in growth and yielding ability between dry and rainy seasons by comparing internode characteristics. A sweet sorghum cultivar – Wray – was cultivated in the rainy season from 1995 and in the dry season of 1996 in Madura Island of East Java, Indonesia. Stems of sweet sorghum cultivated during the dry season were shorter and lighter, with two fewer elongated internodes than those of plants raised during the rainy season. They accumulated sugar slower and to a lower peak, but they were inferred to be harvestable for a relatively long period during 30–60 days after anthesis. Through research of internode characteristics, the difference in stem length was inferred to result from differences in internode numbers (25%) and in individual internode length (75%). The difference in weight seemed to result mainly from the fewer elongated internodes. Further experiments must explore the cultivation period (sowing and ratoon crop), varieties, and planting density to establish a sweet-sorghum cultivation technique that is suitable for the dry season.  相似文献   

Chick pea seeds of twenty eight varieties were analysed for alpha amylase inhibitor activity (AIA) using salivary amylase. The effects of heat treatment and germination on the activity of the antinutritional factor was investigated. Heat treatment and germination decreased the activity of amylase inhibitor. Chick pea meal was also subjected to UV irradiation and pressure cooking. These treatments decreased alpha amylase inhibitor activity. The amylase inhibitor activity decreased as the days of germination increased and negligible inhibitor activity was observed on the 6th day of germination.  相似文献   

关于高粱与苏丹草间杂交种命名问题商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高士杰 《杂粮作物》2005,25(5):304-304
通常所说的高粱[Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench]是禾本科高粱属的栽培种.它的起源地,迄今尚无定论.多数学者认为原产非洲.我国各地均有栽培,但主要集中在东北和华北地区.高粱抗旱、耐涝、耐盐碱能力强,适应性广,分蘖力和再生能力较弱.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated tartary buckwheat during germination to provide an effective process that can lead to a rapid accumulation of both the total flavonoids and d-chiro-Inositol (DCI), as well as the elimination of trypsin inhibitor activity. At different concentrations of Al3+, Cu2+, and Zn2+, we found significant differences of the total flavonoids and DCI accumulation, and we observed changes in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and α-Galactosidase (α-Gal) activities in germinated tartary buckwheat (p < 0.05). Correlation analysis between these enzymes (PAL, CHI and α-Gal) activities and the total flavonoids and DCI contents revealed a significant correlation in germinated tartary buckwheat. The maximum accumulation of the total flavonoids and DCI were 1315.52 mg/100 g DW and 60.46 mg/g DW with the addition of Al3+, 1315.41 and 63.59 with the addition of Cu2+, and 1189.42 and 53.10 with the addition of Zn2+. In these metal-treated samples, both total flavonoids and DCI were significantly higher than in the control (p < 0.05). Moreover, the metallic additives at the optimum concentration had no influence on total protein content, whereas a lower trypsin inhibitor activity was observed in correlation with higher protein digestibility.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Sorghum is a cereal with little use in human diet; however, this grain can provide several nutrients and, additionally, has a high content of phenolic compounds...  相似文献   

White kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cv Processor, contain a relatively high content of phaseolin (storage protein), lectins and a special group of glycoproteins as well as a considerable amount of protein-type trypsin inhibitors. Protein digestion of raw Processor beans in monogastrics, for example pigs, is disturbed by poorly digested, phaseolin lectins, which can bind to carbohydrates in brush border membranes of the small intestinal epithelium, and trypsin inhibitors. The effect of the germination of white kidney beans on lectins, phaseolin and trypsin inhibitors was studied in order to achieve a degradation of lectins, phaseolin and trypsin inhibitors and an increase ofin vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of the protein of bean flour. Therefore, whole bean extracts were examined throughout a germination period of up to seven days for their lectin and phaseolin pattern, lectin content, binding capacities of functional lectins towards brush border membranes and trypsin inhibitor content. In addition thein vitro enzymatic hydrolysis by pepsin and pancreatin of the protein from flours of (un)germinated white kidney beans was studied. SDS-PAGE demonstrated a degradation of E-lectins and a disappearance of L-lectins and phaseolin during germination. Results indicated a decrease of the lectin content by 85%, a loss of binding capacities of functional lectins towards brush border membranes by 91%, and a decrease of trypsin inhibitors by 76%, in bean flour after germination for seven days. A maximum inin vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of protein from bean flour was already established after germination for half a day.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted in 1997 and 1998 wet seasons to determine the effect of seed treatment of different sorghum varieties with brine (NaCl) on the control of Striga hermonthica in sorghum. The varieties of sorghum used were ICSV 1002, ICSV 1007 (improved resistant varieties from ICRISAT, Mali), BES (a local improved variety), and War-warabashi (a local susceptible variety). Different concentrations of brine at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 M were used. The results show that the varieties, ICSV 1002 and ICSV 1007 had significantly higher establishment count than the BES and War-warabashi varieties, but had shorter plants. Similarly, the ICSV 1002 and ICSV 1007 and War-warabashi varieties had significantly larger LAI values than the BES variety, although the BES significantly out yielded them. The susceptible War-warabashi variety supported the highest number of Striga emergence than the improved varieties. The effect of brine treatments on plant establishment, growth and yield of sorghum under Striga infestation shows that there was a decrease in crop stands with increase in brine concentration, with the least value at 2.0 M brine treatment, which was damaging at this rate. Plant height and, leaf area index (LAI) of sorghum increased with increasing concentration of brine to a maximum at 1.5 M and declined at 2.0 M brine treatment. The 1.5 M brine treatment produced the highest grain yield. Striga shoot emergence significantly declined with increasing brine concentration reaching the lowest values at 1.5 and 2.0 M brine treatments. The interaction between sorghum varieties and brine concentrations shows that War-warabashi with 1.5 M brine treatment had the tallest plants and largest LAI, while BES and 1.5 M brine produced the highest grain yield. In general, the interaction between the varieties and all the brine concentrations significantly reduced Striga emergence. Irrespective of the sorghum varieties the use of brine at 1.5 M was found optimal for controlling Striga emergence resulting in increased crop growth and grain yield. This implies that which ever variety farmers are using either resistant, tolerant or susceptible, they could easily use brine at 1.5 M to effectively control Striga and increase in grain yield. The mechanism by which brine successfully controlled Striga, is, however, not clear and needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitory activity in ten different varieties ofDolichos lablab perpureus. L. was determined. All the varieties tested exhibited appreciable level of proteinase inhibitory activity (PIA). The trypsin inhibitory activity (TIA) (Mean:20170 TIU/g) was relatively higher than the chymotrypsin inhibitory activity (CIA) (Mean: 15380 CIU/g). Effect of temperature and cooking on PIA was studied. The nature of cooking medium and duration of cooking had profound effect on the PIA. The dry fried seeds lost their PIA very rapidly (91% in 20 min). Seeds cooked in slightly alkaline medium lost their PIA quickly (89% in 30 min) compared to those cooked in acidic (80% in 30 min) and neutral pH (83% in 30 min). The PIA in green pods was also determined and they had only one third of the PIA (8200 TIU/g and 8125 CIU/g) found in the dry seeds.  相似文献   

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