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周景明 《中国家禽》2008,30(12):46-47
鹅种蛋在产出至孵化这段过程中,需经过的选择、贮存、运输和消毒等过程的科学与否,对孵化、雏鹅质量及其以后的生产性能的发挥具有重要的影响作用,所以对这些环节必须予以足够的重视.  相似文献   

张杨 《水禽世界》2011,(1):31-32
1选择通常来说,种蛋的选择主要分两次进行:第一次是种蛋在收集后进入蛋库时;第二次是在入孵前摆蛋时。选择时,有以下几点要求:①种蛋应来源于非疫区内管理完善、饲喂全价配合日粮、生产性能好、体质健康的种鸡群,并且最好是种鸡在产  相似文献   

1选择种蛋应来源于管理完善、免疫科学、饲喂配合日粮、体质健康、生产性能好的种鸡群。要求产蛋率在80%以上,才可以收集种蛋入孵,产蛋率和受精率低时不宜做种蛋。并且最好是种鸡在产蛋前、中期所产  相似文献   

为了提高种蛋的孵化率,需要做好各个细节工作,其中,种蛋质量的好坏直接关系到雏鸡的质量和孵化率。而管理好种鸡是提高健雏率和种鸡孵化率的重中之重,所以,对种蛋的选择,消毒,运输及保存都会对孵化率产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

为强化种蛋管理,切断病菌垂直和横向传播,便鸡场兽医卫生防疫制度真正落到实处,提高孵化率,提高雏鸡质量,彻底解除各种鸡场、孵化厂及用户的后顾之优.总结我公司五年来种蛋调运、贮存及消毒管理的经验,特提出一些意见,以供参考. 一、集蛋时间与次数种鸡场应最大限度地减少过夜种蛋数量.压缩种蛋过夜的时间.饲养员应每隔两小时集蛋一次,每天至少集蛋四次,具体时间为:上午9:00和11:00;下午14:30和16:30。二、种蛋的选择饲养员应加强种蛋一级质检工作,剔除破  相似文献   

1种蛋保存保存种蛋较合适的温度是12 ̄15℃。种蛋保存的时间也很重要,越短越好,不超过3天的孵化效果最好。保存种蛋的湿度一般保持在70% ̄80%的范围内为好。在潮湿的地区保存种蛋时,通风要好,相对湿度低一些为宜,反之,在干燥的地区保存种蛋时,就应有较高的相对湿度。通风换气对于保存种蛋也是不可忽视的条件,特别是潮湿地区和霉雨季节,要注意做好通风换气工作,严防霉菌在蛋壳上繁殖。一般采取自然通风。在种蛋保存期间,必须每天翻蛋一次,既可防止胚胎与内壳膜粘连,又可促进通风换气,防止霉蛋。有条件的单位,可以建造隔离条件比较好的简易蛋…  相似文献   

1种蛋的选择 种蛋质量的好坏,是育种与经营成败的关键之一,对雏鸡的质量及成鸡的生产性能都有很大的影响。因此,必须对种蛋进行严格的选择。种蛋质量好,胚胎发育良好,生活力强,孵化率高,雏鸡质量好。反之,种蛋品质低劣,孵化率低,雏鸡生长发育不良,难以饲养。种蛋的具体选择方法如下,供参考。  相似文献   

1种蛋的选择1.1种蛋要来源于高产鹅群种蛋要选择生产性能高、繁殖力高、遗传性状稳定、未感染传染病的种鹅群。种鹅宜选1~4年的鹅,且公母比例适当。选购种蛋,宜提前与供应户签好合同,了解、指导对方做好种鹅饲养管理、疫病防治工作,确保种蛋在质量上、数量上得到保障。1.2种蛋要新鲜、清洁种蛋一般在1周内孵化效果较好,3~5d孵化最佳。随着存放时间延长,则孵化率降低。  相似文献   

本文报道了静置状态下建昌鸭种蛋不同贮存时间和贮存位置对孵化的影响,结果,种蛋贮存84h和108h孵化率最高,分别为85.85%和87.50%。尖端向上竖孵化率最高,为84.95%。不同贮存在时间和贮存位置对表率无明显影响(P>0.05)。种蛋在静置状态下尖端向上竖放36-132h之间孵化效果最佳。  相似文献   

种鸭均匀度是指种鸭体重分布在平均体重10%范围内的鸭数占总测鸭数的百分比。种鸭均匀度的大小,将直接影响到种鸭以后产蛋量上升的快慢、产蛋高峰持续时间的长短、全期产蛋率的高低、蛋重的一致性以及产蛋期死淘率大小。因此,长期以来一直是养鸭户最关心的问题。要使育成鸭有一个良好的均匀度,必须采取以下多种措施。  相似文献   

种蛋的质量与生产高质量雏鸡密切相关,也是孵化场经营成败的关键环节之一。种蛋的消毒可杀灭蛋壳表面有害细菌,使胚胎能够正常发育,促进孵化率、健雏率的提高,也确保了饲养户雏鸡的效益。下面是笔者对种蛋选择与消毒的一点见解。 1 种蛋的选择 1.1 种蛋的质量要求 1.1.1 种蛋来源 应选自生产性能和繁殖性能优良,经实施系统免疫程序的健康种鸡场种蛋。在受精率上,蛋用种鸡的种蛋应达到90%以上,肉用种鸡的种蛋应达到85%以上。  相似文献   

多杀性巴氏杆菌病在鸭、鸡、鹅、火鸡等家禽中易发,尤其鸭易感,对未接种禽霍乱疫苗的鸭子致病率很高,日死亡率可高达10%以上,对已接种禽霍乱疫苗的鸭子仍可感染多杀性巴氏杆菌病。笔者在实际工作中遇到一起病例,现将诊治经过报道如下。一、发病情况雷州市某种鸭养殖场,饲养樱桃谷后备种母鸭4000多只,配套种番鸭公鸭200多只,在90日龄时肌注禽霍乱———大肠杆菌二联活菌弱毒苗,每只2毫升,在160日龄再肌注上述二联苗,每只1.5毫升。当饲养到190日龄时发现种鸭拉黄绿色稀便,个别鸭嘴巴、鼻孔、泄殖腔流出淡红色液体,种公鸭发病180只,死亡11只,致…  相似文献   

1. Commercial broiler breeder hens lay many eggs on the floor rather than in nest boxes provided. A study was conducted to determine whether feeding feed-restricted broiler breeder hens during the sitting phase of nesting results in a higher incidence of floor eggs and/or retained eggs. 2. Sixty broiler breeder females (Ross 308) were randomly assigned to 6 deep litter pens containing 10 nest-boxes. At 35 weeks of age and for 9 weeks, feed was distributed to all pens at lights-on every second day (fed normally, FN). On alternate days (feeding delay, FD), feed was distributed when 2-3 hens/pen were sitting in a nest box. Behaviour was sampled at 41 weeks of age, for 26 d. Eggs and egg location data were collected daily, and eggs were scored for extra-cuticular calcium. 3. Of 81 instances in which the hen was sitting firmly in a nest box at the time of feeding, on 80 instances the hen left the nest-box to feed, and on one instance the hen laid her egg then exited to the feeder. Of these 80 instances, on 58 occasions the hen returned to a nest-box to lay her egg; on 12 the hen returned to the nest-box but laid no egg; on 7 the hen did not return to the nest box and laid no egg; and on three the hen laid her egg on the floor. 4. Mean floor egg percentage was 13·3 ± 3·2% on FN and 13·3 ± 4·7% on FD days; these did not differ significantly. 5. The mean extra-cuticular calcium score over all pens was 0·9 ± 0·06 on FN days and 1·2 ± 0·06 on FD days; these differed significantly. 6. In conclusion, feeding broiler breeder hens during nesting results in a conflict between feeding and nesting motivation and higher numbers of extraneously calcified eggs, but does not result in a significant increase in floor eggs even though nesting hens will leave the nest box for food.  相似文献   

毛荣飞 《中国家禽》2000,22(3):22-22
肉种鸡开产初期(4~6周龄)孵化率低下 ,主要是由于公鸡在育成期间 ,尤其在18~23周龄期间 ,由于体重增加不足、不恒定或体重下降 ,使公鸡性成熟延迟 ,这些尚未达到性成熟的公鸡往往有交配能力和交配欲望 ,但不能提供足够的高质量精液 ,因而造成开产初期孵化率偏低。另外 ,混群时公鸡体重偏低 ,使公鸡在混群后因受应激而变得胆小 ,也是开产初期孵化率偏低的原因之一。产蛋后期种蛋孵化率低的原因是多方面的 ,首先 ,公鸡体况不良 ,在育成期的管理不当使公鸡体型过小、胸骨畸形等严重影响配种能力。同时由于疾病等原因引起健康状况欠佳…  相似文献   

1. Eggs from a broiler breeder flock between 25 and 29 weeks of age were dipped into solutions of various concentrations of ascorbic acid (AA) for up to 2 min, in order to evaluate its effects on eggshell conductance (EC), amniotic fluid pH, albumen height and pH, embryonic weight and hatchability. 2. Three experiments were conducted and the following treatments were used: control, non-dipped (CND); control, water-dipped (CWD); 10 g AA/l (AA1); 20 g AA/l (AA2) and 30 g AA/l (AA3). Measurements of EC before and after dipping were made in experiments 1 and 2 in eggs from hens at 25 and 27 weeks of age, respectively. Albumen height and pH were measured after dipping the eggs in experiment 2. In experiment 3, egg weight loss, embryonic weight and amniotic fluid pH at 14 d of age, hatchability percentage (HP), and embryonic mortality were measured in eggs from hens at 29 weeks of age. 3. AA treatment of eggs and dipping period of time (1, 1.5 and 2 min) increased EC of eggs from hens at 25 and 27 weeks of age. 4. AA3 treatment for 2 min reduced albumen height and increased albumen pH of eggs when compared with the CND treatment in eggs from hens at 27 weeks of age. 5. HP of AA1-treated eggs from hens at 29 weeks of age was higher than that of the CND treatment. AA2 and AA3 treatments of eggs reduced HP and increased the percentage of non-pips when compared with any of the other treatments. 6. AA2 and AA3 treatments of eggs increased egg weight loss when compared with the control treatments (CND and CWD). Dipping treatment did not influence amniotic fluid pH or embryo weight expressed as a percentage of initial egg weight. 7. It is concluded that dipping hatching eggs into AA solution increased EC of eggs. Dipping eggs into 10 g AA/l for a period of 2 min increased HP in eggs from hens at 29 weeks of age, although this was not associated with a significant increase in egg weight loss.  相似文献   

1. The egg quality of striped and normal duck eggs was compared to determine why striped eggs show decreased hatchability. A total of 430 eggs, obtained from a Pekin duck breeder flock aged 50–65 wks, were used in three experiments. The eggs were weighed and assigned randomly to measure egg quality traits, egg weight (EW) loss and hatchability during incubation.

2. There were no significant differences between egg types in terms of egg shape index, eggshell strength and thickness, albumen height, Haugh unit, yolk colour, weight of the eggshell with or without membranes, calcium, phosphorus, copper and manganese contents in the eggshell (with the inner and outer membranes or without the inner membrane), albumen weight, dry matter of albumen, crude protein (CP) of thick albumen and pH of the thick albumen.

3. The weight of eggshells with membranes, weight of thick albumen and CP of thin albumen in striped eggs were lower than those in normal eggs.

4. The thin albumen in striped eggs was heavier than that in normal eggs. The pH of the thin albumin in striped egg was significantly higher than that in normal eggs.

5. There were no significant differences in EW loss during incubation or duckling weight between striped and normal eggs. However, the hatchability of striped eggs was lower.

6. The lower weight of the eggshell inner membrane and thick albumen, lower CP content and higher pH in the thin albumen of striped eggs might contribute to lower hatchability.  相似文献   

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