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用数量分类学的方法对35个来源的曼陀罗属和木曼陀罗属种子形态进行了聚类分析。结果表明,重瓣曼陀罗(Datura fastuosa)、毛曼陀罗(D.innoxia)、洋金花(D.Metel)和神圣曼陀罗(D.meteloides)在所选取的形态特征上表现出一致性;多刺曼陀罗(Datura ferox)和栎叶曼陀罗(Datura quercifolia)也表现出较高的形态一致性;无刺曼陀罗(Datura inermis)、勃哈蒂曼陀罗(Datura bernhadtii)、湿地曼陀罗(Daturaceratocaula)和曼陀罗(Datura Stramonium)等在形态上较相近。  相似文献   

2002年6月,韩国对进口谷物所携带的检疫性杂草名单进行了修改,增加了实施检疫的杂草数量,涉及有8个科12个属,货物种类涉及到玉米、小麦、大豆、大麦、高粱等粮食油料作物.在韩国实施检疫的12个属杂草中,我国有分布记载的有4个属,多个种,其中菟丝子属及匍匐矢车菊在我国分布较广,遍及许多省市,因此韩国实施该项法规,提高了我谷物进入韩国的门槛,势必影响到我国上述谷物的出口.为加强我检疫系统对韩出口粮食的检疫力度,确保检疫结果的准确性,确保我产品不携带上述规定的杂草籽,现将其形态特征描述如下,以供日常检验检疫参考.  相似文献   

王定国  李扬汉 《植物检疫》1992,6(4):252-253
欧亚列当 Orobanche cernua var.curnana G.Beck.、向日葵列当 O.cumanaWallr.和列当 O.coeruleacens Steph.同属于列当属 Orobanche,为一年生寄生杂草。这3种列当都是茎直立、单生、肉质、穗状花序、蓝紫色花冠,较难区别,至今人们仍然把它们混为一物,且多以向  相似文献   

西瓜种传镰刀菌形态和分子鉴定及其对种子发芽的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用洗涤检验法和PDA培养基法,从京欣一号和新京欣一号西瓜种子的种壳上分离得到镰刀菌,通过形态学观察和分子检测进行了鉴定,并研究了其对种子发芽的影响。通过菌落形态、色素颜色、菌落生长速率、大型分生孢子、小型分生孢子、厚垣孢子以及分生孢子梗等形态学观察,初步认为其为尖孢镰刀菌;采用真菌rDNA ITS区的通用引物、镰刀菌属特异性引物和尖孢镰刀菌特异性引物对其DNA进行PCR扩增,PCR产物经连接转化并验证后测序,将测序结果登录GenBank进行BLAST分析,分子检测结果与形态学观察结果一致,表明西瓜种子种壳携带的镰刀菌为尖孢镰刀菌,此结果为国内首次报道。用种传尖孢镰刀菌孢子悬浮液处理西瓜种子后,发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数均显著降低。  相似文献   

火柴头不同类型种子的休眠和萌发特性存在很大的差异。通过观察比较4种种子萌发过程中的超弱发光发现:地上大粒种和地下大粒种在萌发期的超弱发光具有很好的一致性,而地上小粒种和地下小粒种在培养期间的超弱发光变化不大,与大粒种超弱发光差异很大。用0.02%KMnO4溶液处理萌发120h的种子15min后发现,4种种子的超弱发光值均不同程度的增加,地上、地下大粒种变化尤为明显。处理前萌发极少的地上、地下小粒种经0.02%KMnO4处理,24h后开始不同程度的露白萌发,地下小粒种表现较为明显。  相似文献   

刘鹏  田长彦 《干旱区研究》2008,25(3):376-381
用JEOL-1200EX型扫描电子显微镜,对新疆准噶尔盆地边缘猪毛菜属4个种的种子微形态进行观察、比较分析,探讨了猪毛菜属部分种子微形态特征的分类学意义。结果表明:猪毛菜种子表面微形态特征具有种的稳定性,与分布区无关;同一种的种子凹、凸面微形态差异很大。同一类群比较时,应选择相同部位观察。所研究的猪毛菜种都为网状(网纹或负网纹)纹饰,种间差异明显。  相似文献   

3种不同种子处理方法对水稻发芽及幼苗素质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内采用滤纸法,研究种子包衣后浸种、浸种后种子包衣和催芽后种子包衣3种不同的处理方式对稻花香、天优华占和保丰3个水稻品种发芽率及幼苗素质的影响.结果显示:在所测试的浓度范围内,分别采用3种不同的处理方式,每个水稻品种的发芽率均随着噻虫嗪·苯醚甲环唑23%悬浮种衣剂用量的增加而增加.且随着悬浮种衣剂用量的增加水稻病苗率降低;同一用量条件下,3个水稻品种发芽率由高到低依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.病斑率由小到大依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.这表明噻虫嗪·苯醚甲环唑23%悬浮种衣剂可以明显抑制水稻种子携带的病原菌;随着种衣剂用量的增加水稻幼苗的根数、主根长和株高增加.对天优华占、稻花香和保丰3个水稻品种幼苗素质影响由大到小依次为:催芽后种子包衣>种子包衣后浸种>浸种后种子包衣.这表明:水稻种子处理方法对水稻幼苗素质有一定的影响.  相似文献   

种子形态学性状对种子植物繁衍具有重要的调控作用,比叶面积反映植物截获光能的能力,这二大功能性状反映了植物对环境的适应策略及自身调控机制。以天然沙冬青种群为研究对象,沿270-50mm年降水梯度,测量分析了6个分布区内的标准株的种子和叶片。结果表明:6个自然分布区的沙冬青种子长度、宽度、体积、表面积及千粒重均有显著性差异(P<0.05),而种子长宽比差异不显著(P>0.05)。其中种子体积变异程度最大,且种子多项形态指标的协同作用显著,说明种子通过调节大小和性状间的最优组合来适应环境的变化。不同区域的环境因子中仅年平均降雨量对沙冬青比叶面积的影响显著,且随着雨量的增加,比叶面积呈增大趋势,表现出显著的正相关性(P<0.05)。沙冬青种子各性状与比叶面积之间存在负相关关系,但仅种子长度与比叶面积的相关性显著,说明植物的资源营养生长和种子繁殖生长的时期本身不完全同步,两者间的权衡关系体现了沙冬青对外界环境变化的适应策略。  相似文献   

本研究基于数字图像处理与分析技术,首次用FeatureExtract数学形态特征提取软件获取了3种菟丝子图像的13项数学形态特征值,并做了方差分析和聚类分析。结果表明,该技术可应用于杂草种子快速鉴定。同时提出对方法的改进建议,为最终实现杂草种子的快速鉴定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

干旱区矿区不同立地类型土壤种子库特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿区的自然或人工植被恢复是维持生物多样性及生态系统稳定的重要途径。通过室外萌发法对金昌镍铜矿区7种不同立地生境土壤种子库的研究表明:该区域土壤中物种丰富度较高,包括16科47属,共56种植物,分别为:藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)、柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)、苋科(Amaranthaceae)、马齿苋科(Portulacaceae)、豆科(Leguminosae)、十字花科(Cruciferae)、车前科(Plantaginaceae)、胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)、蒺藜科(Zygophyllaceae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、紫草科(Boraginaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、茄科(Solanaceae);植物组成以一年生草本植物占绝对优势(89.3%),多年生草本植物次之(7.54%),灌木种最少(2.59%)。土壤种子平均储量412粒·m~(-2),不同立地类型土壤种子库储量差异显著,与其他荒漠地区比较,土壤种子库储量偏低;土壤种子库物种Simpson多样性指数为:新尾矿周边自然植被区龙首矿自然植被区龙首矿开采废弃地供暖公司柽柳林地。  相似文献   

Seed germination, seedling emergence, and the morphological characteristics of juvenile seedlings of Commelina benghalensis L. were observed. For aerial seeds collected in September and October, seedling emergence peaked in April and June for large seeds and from June to August for small seeds, whereas seedling emergence for large seeds collected in November showed peaks in March and April under natural rainfall conditions, and in April and June under irrigation conditions. Seedlings from small seeds emerged intermittently over a longer period from April to August under both conditions. Aerial seeds of C. benghalensis germinated on wet filter paper on the second day after seeding (DAS) for large seeds and the fourth DAS for small seeds. The germination percentage for large seeds was higher than that for small seeds by the 14th DAS. The germination percentage for large aerial seeds showed no significant difference between light and dark conditions. However, the percentage for small aerial seeds was higher under light than under dark conditions. Seedlings from large aerial seeds emerged on the third DAS at 0–50 mm soil depths. The percentage of emergence at 0 and 1 mm soil depths increased until the 30th DAS, whereas those at soil depths of 5–50 mm showed no change after the 9th DAS. There was no emergence at a soil depth of 100 mm. Seedlings from small aerial seeds emerged on the 6th DAS at 0–1 mm soil depths, with the percentage increasing until the 30th DAS. Although seedlings at 5 and 10 mm soil depths also emerged on the 6th DAS, there was no change in the percentage after the 12th DAS. There was no emergence at soil depths of 20–100 mm. The hypocotyl and taenia (part of the cotyledon connected to the seed) in juvenile seedlings that emerged from soil depths of 50 mm were longer than those in seedlings emerging from a soil depth of 1 mm.  相似文献   

Experiments conducted at Kingaroy in southeastern Queensland, investigated growth, development and seed production of Commelina benghalensis L. a weed of field crops, which produces aerial and underground flowers. Plants were grown from four seed types (large and small seeds from the two types of flowers) in pots exposed to the weather and in the field. Development was faster, and growth and seed production were greater in the field than in pots. Plants grown from aerial seeds were smaller, developed aerial flowers earlier, and produced more aerial fruits than plants grown from underground seeds. Rhizomes and underground flowers began to develop 6 weeks after emergence on plants from all seed types, prior to the development of aerial flowers. Seed production in the field was 8000 m?2 for plants grown from underground seeds and 12000 m?2 for plants grown from aerial seeds. Small aerial seeds represented 73–79% of the total seed production, large aerial seeds 19–22%, and underground seeds only 1–3%.  相似文献   

Carolina dayflower (Commelina caroliniana Walter), infesting soybean (Glycine max L.) fields on northern Kyushu Island, Japan, has seed heteromorphism; that is, it produces two types of seeds: pericarp and naked. However, there is no information about their germination behavior. The purpose of this study was to understand the germination characteristics of carolina dayflower seeds and to clarify the difference between the pericarp and naked seeds. On the shape of the seed, the pericarp seeds were significantly longer than the naked ones, with no significant difference in width or thickness. Both the pericarp and the naked seeds could germinate at >20°C, and at 30°C, their cumulative germination rate at 7 days after sowing was the highest, at >90%. Light had no effect on seed germination. The cumulative germination rate after 7 days, when the seeds had been stored dry, wet or under water at a low temperature, was significantly lower than after storage at room temperature, suggesting that a higher temperature and concentration of oxygen during the seed‐storage period affects the germination of carolina dayflower. However, there was no difference in the germination behavior between the pericarp and the naked seeds.  相似文献   

通过观察比较,研究了火柴头生殖器官的多样性.火柴头有3类生殖枝、5种花、6类种子.气生生殖枝负向地性生长,贴地生殖枝和地下生殖枝是茎基侧芽向地性生长形成的.地表生殖枝和地下生殖枝无叶片,地下生殖枝不具光合色素,3种生殖枝上都能着生花苞.5种花是开花传粉型雄花、开花传粉型两性花、闭花传粉型两性花、贴地生的闭花传粉型两性花与地下闭花传粉型两性花,5种类型花的花部亦呈多样性.6类种子是地上大、中、小种和地下大、中、小种,不同种子的形态特征不同.  相似文献   

The effects of concentrated sulphuric acid, dry heat, hot water and NaOCl treatments on the germinability of dormant large and small aerial Commelina benghalensis L. seeds were evaluated. Concentrated sulphuric acid and NaOCl treatments were more effective than the dry heat and hot water treatments in breaking the dormancy of C. benghalensis aerial seeds. Treatments increased germination of both seed types due to its effect on the seed coat integrity. A scanning electron microscope revealed that changes as a result of scarification occurred in the hilum region of the seed and in the seed coat surface. The large aerial seeds were affected by all treatments more than the small aerial seeds. Difference in germinability between the two seed types was related to the difference in their seed vigour.  相似文献   

Germination of freshly harvested seeds of Commelina benghalensis L. varied from 0–3% for small aerial seeds, 20–35% for large aerial seeds and from 33% for small underground seeds to 90% for large underground seeds. Innate dormancy of all seed types was completely overcome by clipping the seed coat. Exposure to 90°C dry heat for 2 h was also effective in increasing germination of the three strongly dormant seed types. Optimum temperature for germination varied with the different seed types. Periods of likely major weed infestation from the four seed types were predicted using soil temperature data. Exposure to light increased germination but was not essential and underground seeds responded more to light than aerial seeds. Optimum depth of emergence for the four seed types was from 0 to 50 mm and there was a positive correlation between maximum depth of emergence and seed weight.  相似文献   

研究了火柴头6种种子的后代植株开花生物学特性。结果表明,火柴头花期持续约5个月,开花高峰期近70 d。6种种子的植株开花过程相似。一般情况下,气生花枝花序中的第1朵花为雄花,雄花花蕾伸出佛焰苞后30~35 min开放,其后40~45 min开花传粉型两性花(第2朵花)开放。阴雨天,火柴头花时和开花高峰期滞后1 h以上,且开花时间延长。  相似文献   

火柴头染色体核型及核糖体基因原位杂交研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
火柴头是一年生单子叶恶性杂草,具有地上和地下茎同时开花结实的特殊习性。研究表明,地上和地下部分种子产生的植株体细胞染色体核型相同,中期染色体平均长10μ,体细胞染色体核型由两对随体染色体(染色体5和9)、4对中部着丝点(染色体1,3,8,11)和5对亚中部着丝点染色体组成(染色体2,4,6,7,10),属对称型。核型公式为2n=22=4m 5sm 2st。核糖体基因(45S)位于两对随体染色体的核仁组织区,杂交信号在两对染色体上的程度不同,表明了该基因的拷贝数在位点间有差别,并明确证实地下种子是正常自花受精的结果。本文对利用核糖体基因作为分子标记,通过原位杂交进行植物染色体的识别和染色体的进化进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The effects of soyabean Glycine max (L.) Merr. row width, date of planting and year on threshold levels of jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) and on jimsonweed seed production were examined over 3 years. Natural infestations of jimsonweed were employed and densities were determined at 3 weeks after planting and also at soyabean harvest. Date of planting affected emergence of both soyabean and jimsonweed seedlings, whereas row width affected weed seedling mortality. Percentage soyabean yield losses attributable to jimsonweed, over all treatments, were greater in the 2 years with above-average rainfall than in the one dry year. Slopes of regression equations and estimates of threshold densities varied significantly among years and between initial and final density counts. The number of jimsonweed seed capsules produced per plant and the number of seeds per capsule declined with jimsonweed density, but the mean number of seeds produced per m2 remained fairly constant over a wide density range. Jimsonweed seed production did not decline significantly until well below the threshold densities determined for soyabean yields. Les facteurs du seuil de nuisibilité et de la production de graines chez Datura stramonium L. dans les cultures de soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) L'influence de l'écartement des rangs de soja, Glycine max (L) Merr., de la date de semis, et de l'année, sur le seuil de nuisibilité et la production de graines chez le Datura stramonium L., a étéétudiée durant 3 années. Les études ont été effectuées sur des infestations naturelles de datura, dont les densités ont été déterminées 3 semaines après le semis ainsi qu'à la récolte. La date du semis influence à la fois la levée du soja et celle du datura, alors que l'écartement des rangs influe sur la mortalité des graines de l'adventice. Dans tous les traitements, les pertes de rendement attribuables au datura ont été plus importantes durant les 2 années où les précipitations on été supérieures à la moyenne que durant une année sèche. Les pentes des équations de régression et les estimations de seuils de nuisibilité variaient d'une manière significative selon les années et entre les comptages initiaux et finaux. Le nombre de capsules par plane et le nombre de graines par capsule diminuaient avec la densité des datura, mais le nombre moyen de graines produites par m2 est resté assez constant dans une large gamme de densité. La production de graines de datura n'a décliné significativement que pour une densité de plantes située bien en dessous du seuil de nuisibilitéà l'égard des rendements du soja. Faktoren, welche die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura Stramonium L.) in Sojabohnen (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) beeinflussen Während drei Jahren wurde in Sojabohnen der Einfluss von Reihendistanz und Saatzeitpunkt auf die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura stramonium L.) untersucht. Diese Studie basierte auf den natürlichen Stechapfelpopulationen; die Zählungen der Populationsdichten erfolgten drei Wochen nach der Sojasaat und bei der Ernte. Der Saattermin beeinflusste das Auflaufen der Sojabohnen und der Stechapfelsämlinge, während die Reihendistanz die Mortalität der Unkrautsämlinge veränderte. Die Steigung der Regressionsgeraden und die Schätzungen der schädigenden Populationsdichte variierten signifikant in den einzelnen Jahren und zwischen der ersten und letzten Zählung. Die Anzahl der von den Stechapfelindividuen produzierten Samenkapseln pro Pflanze und Samenmenge pro Kapsel nahm mit zunehmender Populationsdichte ab; die pro m2 gebildete Samenzahl blieb jedoch über einen weiten Bereich verschiedener Populationsdichten relativ konstant. Die von der Stechapfelpopulation produzierte Samenmenge nahm bis weit unter die für die Sojabohen schädigende Populationsschwelle nicht signifikant ab.  相似文献   

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