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用超临界CO2萃取技术提取肉桂皮油树脂的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究以辛香料肉桂皮为原料,采用超临界CO2萃取技术提取肉桂皮油树脂,总结出萃取压力、温度、时间和分离压力、温度等优化条件,并提出油树脂的质量指标及分析方法,油树脂得率为2.89%挥发油主要成分肉桂醛含量为≥85%。  相似文献   

八角的加工、深加工与利用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
八角的传统加工方法是直接晒干。近几年来对八角果实机械烘干还停留在技术开发阶段。八角作为调味料应用于烹饪及食品加工,作为药物用于神经衰弱,消化不良。八角含芳香油5%~8%,脂肪油约22%以及蛋白质、树脂等,通过深加工,可提取茴油及八角树脂油。  相似文献   

用油是人们生活的必需品,是提供人体热能和必需脂肪酸、促进脂溶性维生素吸收的重要食物。食用油主要包括植物油和动物油。但近年来在人们的餐桌上,却遮遮掩掩地出现了另外一种油,这种油被俗称为“地沟油”。地沟油常被当作劣质油的通称,一般是指将下水道中的油腻漂浮物或者将宾馆、酒楼的剩饭、剩菜(通称泔水)经过简单加工,提炼出的油,或指用于油炸食品,使用次数超过规定被重复使用的油。  相似文献   

8月份CPI同比上涨2.6% 国家统计局发布:2013年8月份,全国居民消费价格总水平同比上涨2.6%。其中,城市上涨2.5%,农村上涨2.9%;食品价格上涨4.7%,非食品价格上涨1.5%;  相似文献   

天然植物驱坟膏,是以医药外用凡士林为保护隔离剂,数种纯天然植物油制成的一种均匀细腻、半固体的膏状物。它与现有驱蚊水、电源驱蚊器有所不同.该产品免燃烧、免喷射、免电源、经济方便、安全可靠。根据国家有关部门检测及有关专家鉴定,证实对人体和环境无害,是一种安全、卫生的驱蚊膏,是灭蚊器具的替代产品。 这种新型天然植物驱蚊膏,由芥茉油、柠檬油、大蒜油、松节油、红辣椒油、凡士林、樟脑粉、薄荷脑、乙醇混合配制而成。其重量配比为: 凡士林58%~76%,芥茉油4%~8%,樟脑粉4%~12%,薄荷脑2%~3%.大蒜…  相似文献   

众所周知,经济林产品产量中的干果与森林食品在人们的生产、生活中有着重要的作用。目前,我国的干果与森林食品产量有多少呢?据国家林业局统计,2012年全国干果产量达到987.32万吨,森林食品产量达到308.03万吨,  相似文献   

我国元旦食俗丰富多彩,不仅食品味美可口.而且还大多富有祝福康寿的吉祥含义。饺子 前身是“馄饨”。馄饨是指面食中带馅的食品。北齐人颜之推曾说:”今之馄饨,形如偃月,天下通食也。”  相似文献   

该涂料是以我国山区资源生漆(又称国漆)和桐油为主要原料合成的树脂为主要成膜物质,辅以多种助剂和颜料配制而成,是一类新型的带锈带油防锈涂料。 其主要性能特点如下: 1.树脂本身具有优良的稳定锈层的功能,故由其配制清漆与色涂都具有优良的带锈涂装功能; 2.可同时在有陈锈和一定程度的粉状浮锈表面涂装; 3.除带锈功能外,尚具有优良的带油涂装功能; 4.与各类面漆配套性好。 该项目为原机电部项目,曾获部级鉴定,鉴定意见为:该涂料是一种综合性能优良的新型带锈带油涂料。填补了国内空白,在国内处于领先水平。 主要性…  相似文献   

(1)玫瑰花油。玫瑰花在食品上主要用于提炼玫瑰花油,但是2500朵的玫瑰花才可以提取1mm的玫瑰花油,导致玫瑰花油价值昂贵。玫瑰油提取的主要方法是水蒸汽蒸馏法,即玫瑰花浸泡在水中净蒸馏。这种方法仍是目前生产的主要方法。  相似文献   

落叶松树皮热解油酚醛树脂胶黏剂的制备与性能表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用FTIR分析了落叶松树皮热解油的成分,并以落叶松树皮热解油为原料部分替代苯酚20%、40%、60%,制备落叶松树皮热解油-酚醛树脂胶黏剂,并对其性能进行表征。结果表明:1.热解油中含有很多酚类、醛类、酮类以及不饱和的C=C键和一些柔性基团,可以代替部分苯酚与甲醛制备落叶松树皮热解油-酚醛树脂胶黏剂,同时在一定程度上可能起到对酚醛树脂改性的作用。2.热解油-酚醛树脂胶黏剂具备与酚醛树脂胶黏剂类似的性能。热解油代替20%的苯酚制备的热解油-酚醛树脂的反应活性最大。3.热解油中含有大量C=O、CH2-OH、C-CH2-C等基团的化合物,增加了官能团的反应活性和反应交联度,使热解油的加入起到了一定的固化剂的作用;同时热解油中含有一定的醇类物质,以及一些柔性基团,它的加入改善了树脂的脆性,提高了韧性。4.热解油加入得越多,树脂的黏度越大,树脂的固化温度也相应减低,其稳定期减短。  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭油楠树脂油的主要理化特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海南尖峰岭油楠为研究对象,通过树干基部钻孔每个月定期收集树脂油,测定6份不同油样的16项理化指标,综合评价油楠树脂油不同样品间理化特性的变异及其关联。结果表明:树脂油的凝点、闭口闪点、馏程、总热值、净热值、碘值、硫含量和铜片腐蚀等理化指标比较稳定,受产油单株影响较弱,除铜片腐蚀为Ia外,其他7个指标变化范围分别为-27~-36℃,114~124℃,248~345℃,42~43MJ·kg-1,40~41MJ·kg-1,118~131gI2·(100g)-1,0.0005%~0.0093%;树脂油密度、运动黏度、冷滤点、水分、灰分、机械杂质、酸值、10%蒸余物残炭和十六烷指数在不同样品间产生显著变异,并与产油单株紧密关联,其变化幅度为812~957kg·m-3,24~48mm2·s-1,12~28℃,0.03%~2.74%,0.008%~0.055%,0~0.060%,0.35~2.23mgKOH·g-1,0.42%~5.46%和25~64;10%蒸余物残炭与闪点存在显著负相关,与碘值、灰分和冷滤点存在显著正相关,密度与运动粘度和机械杂质呈显著正相关、与十六烷指数呈显著负相关,这表明10%蒸余物残炭和密度是树脂...  相似文献   

We evaluate the ecological sustainability of extracting the oleoresin of Copaifera multijuga Hayne and some factors influential in its production. We monitored oleoresin production after initial extraction in 43 mother trees in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, near Manaus, Brazil (2°57′43″ S, 59°55′38″ W). We evaluated production relative to tree diameter (DBH), collection interval, soil clay content, competition intensity, and termite infestation. 57% of productive trees had DBH ≥ 41 cm and were responsible for 95% of total production. Although these trees had the highest initial production, after one year only 28% of initial oleoresin production was recuperated, much slower than in trees with DBH < 41 cm. Production was positively correlated with DBH and dominance within mother tree. Oleoresin production varied slightly with season. Trees that never produced oleoresin did not have termite infestations.  相似文献   

Developing sustainable extractive industries in otherwise intact tropical forest regions requires a sound understanding of the production potential of key resource populations. The oleoresin extracted from Copaifera trees is an economically important non-timber forest product harvested throughout the lowland Amazon basin. We studied oleoresin extraction from four species of Copaifera trees with known harvest histories within two contiguous extractive reserves in western Brazilian Amazonia. We conducted a large-scale experimental harvest of 179 previously unharvested Copaifera trees, in both seasonally flooded (várzea) and adjacent unflooded (terra firme) forests. The likelihood of trees yielding any oleoresin was principally determined by their species identity: C. multijuga was the only species to regularly yield oleoresin (70% of trees). Yield volumes varied both amongst species and forest types: C. multijuga (restricted to terra firme forest) had the highest mean yield of 505 ml, whilst C. guyanensis produced higher volumes of oleoresin in várzea (139 ml) than terra firme (15 ml) forest. Intraspecific differences were driven mainly by tree size. To assess extraction sustainability, we reharvested a sample of C. multijuga trees and compared the oleoresin production of 24 conspecific trees that had been initially harvested one year previously with that of 17 trees initially harvested three years previously. Reharvested trees produced just 35% of the oleoresin volume compared to that when originally drilled, but this response was not affected by the time interval between consecutive harvests. We demonstrate that, within a population of Copaifera, both morphological and environmental factors restrict total productivity; consideration of these factors should inform sustainable management practises. We additionally raise methodological considerations that may improve the comparability of studies.  相似文献   

In this study, the fumigant activity of garlic essential oil and its major components, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, and diallyl sulfide, against the stored-product insect, Tribolium castaneum, were investigated. Results from the space fumigation revealed that garlic essential oil and diallyl trisulfide had strong fumigant activities against the adult insect. In glass chambers (10 cm in diameter × 125 cm in height) filled with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% volume of rough rice, the fumigant activity of diallyl trisulfide was more potent than that of garlic essential oil. At the concentration of 8 μl/l and 50% filling ratio, to obtain 100% mortality, exposure time of only 4 days was needed for diallyl trisulfide, but a longer exposure time (6–7 days) was required for garlic essential oil. Meanwhile, the fumigant effects on the germination rate of kernels exposure were ascertained. Results proved that there were no side effects for these substances on germination rate of kernels exposed 6 months after fumigation. In addition, the fumigant effect on F1 progeny production in rough rice was also evaluated for garlic essential oil and diallyl trisulfide. The results showed that progeny production was totally suppressed at 4 μl/l of these two substances, either at 10 or 50% filling ratio. The results may provide valuable advances for future fumigant development and possible utility as a fumigant especially as a seed protectant in warehouses filled with grain.  相似文献   

河南省马尾松采脂量与树体因子关系的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过设置14块标准地进行采脂试验研究,结果表明,马尾松采脂量与采脂树木的胸径、树贞与树冠大小呈一元线性回归关系,其中采脂量与胸径相关关系极显著,在胸径为16cm时,年采脂量为2.564kg;根据我省马尾松资源现状,、应贯彻以生产木材产品、生产松脂为副产品的经营原则;采脂树木胸径应不于16cm,以下降式采脂方法为宜。  相似文献   

湿地松高产脂家系的产脂力变异及增益   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

利用设置在福建南平国有来舟林业试验场马尾松高产脂半同胞家系测定林,研究其产脂力与生长、树冠性状在家系间的遗传变异以及它们之间的遗传相关性,并进行脂用马尾松优良家系及优良单株选择。结果表明,马尾松产脂力与生长、树冠性状皆存在显著的家系差异,相对于生长、树冠性状,产脂力变异较大,变异系数高达61.91%,具有丰富的选择基础。产脂力受中度遗传控制,家系遗传力和单株遗传力分别为0.42和0.31,表明对马尾松产脂力通过家系和单株选择可取得较好的改良效果。性状遗传相关分析结果显示,马尾松家系产脂力与胸径、树高和材积呈较高的正遗传相关,表明在遗传育种进程中可同时对生长性状和产脂力进行改良。此外,产脂力与冠幅、冠高、轮盘数、活枝数也呈较高的正遗传相关。综合生长、树冠性状的遗传力以及与产脂力相关程度,认为胸径是高产脂优树间接选择的最佳指标。以单株产脂量和单株材积生长作为综合选择指标,共选出20个优良家系和16株优良单株,选出的优良单株产脂力遗传增益在52.54% 154.40%,单株材积遗传增益在0.22% 31.85%。  相似文献   

The amounts of oleoresin exudation from artificially-marked wounds on the trunks of pine trees were measured, and several characteristics of the oleoresin exudation amount (OEA) were elucidated. OEA showed no regular diurnal change and had no relation to both heights and directions of the wounds marked on the trunks, but differed between individual trees and between locations on the same tree. The exudation of oleoresin from each wound stopped after several hours. Mean OEA per wound decreased with increase in the number of wounds per given area. When the exudation of oleoresin from a wound was exhausted, further oleoresin was scarcely exuded even from a new wound made close to the initial one. In response to wounding, therefore, primary oleoresin exudation seems to occur by releasing the resin stocked in the resin canal.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱和质谱法对柬埔寨南部地区的南亚松松香和松节油的化学组成特征进行研究.采用水蒸气蒸馏法将南亚松松脂分成松节油和松香两个馏分后,分别对松香和松节油中所含成分进行定性和定量测定,松脂中的含油量为20.67%.在松香馏分中共检出9个化合物,其中海松酸型树脂酸占49.59%,枞酸型树脂酸占37.18%,二元酸占12.40%.主要的树脂酸为异海松酸、8(9)-异海松酸、枞酸和南亚松酸,分别占松香馏分的20.90%、21.14%、23.45%和12.40%.松节油馏分中检出16种化合物,其中单萜类化合物13种,倍半萜类化合物2种,二萜类化合物1种.单萜类化合物占松节油量的99.49%,其中间(廾孟)-4,8-二烯、小茴香烯和别罗勒烯,分别占松节油量的24.01%、29.21%和23.71%.研究发现该松香中枞酸型树脂酸量小于海松酸型树脂酸,同时在松香中还检出了2-甲基-5-异丙基-双环[3.1.0]-己-2-烯、间(廾孟)-4,8-二烯、α-水芹烯、小茴香烯、4-蒈烯、别罗勒烯、9,10-二氢环异长叶烯等7种化合物,而未发现α-蒎烯的存在.  相似文献   

研究了超临界CO2流体萃取柑橘皮精油的工艺条件并对其化学成分进行了分析。考察了在超临界CO2条件下,萃取时间、萃取压力、萃取温度、CO2流量和分离温度等因素对精油得率的影响,并通过正交试验优化得到最佳工艺条件,用GC-MS法测定柑橘皮精油的化学组成。结果显示最佳工艺条件为:萃取温度40℃,萃取压力20 MPa,分离温度50℃,萃取时间60 min,CO2流量25 kg/h。在此条件下,精油得率为0.86%。GC-MS测定结果显示柑橘皮精油主要由5,5’-二甲氧基-3,3’-二甲基-2,2’-联二萘-1,1’,4,4’-四酮组成(35.54%),其次还含β-羟基-甲基炔诺酮-甲基肟(24.60%)。  相似文献   

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