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金枪鱼延绳钓环形钩和圆形钩钓获率比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据"华远渔18号"和"华远渔19号"两艘冰鲜金枪鱼延绳钓渔船2005年9月15日~12月12日在印度洋热带公海水域(0°47′~10°16′N,61°40′~70°40′E)作业期间收集的数据,以每千钩钓获尾数和平均净重,对环型钩与圆型钩对大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的选择性、钓获率差异等进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同钓具漂移速度下环型钩与圆型钩各自对大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的选择性无显著差异;不同钓具漂移速度下环型钩与圆型钩之间对大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的钓获率无显著差异;环型钩与圆型钩之间对大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼渔获物净重无显著差异。  相似文献   

中东太平洋长鳍金枪鱼延绳钓作业分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据辽宁远洋渔业有限公司“海泰”船于2001~2002年在中东太平洋进行的金枪鱼延绳钓探捕的生产数据,分析了长鳍金枪鱼延绳钓作业的捕捞努力量、渔获量及上钓率的月变化和年间变化,并对上钓率与作业渔场表层水温的关系进行了初步研究。“海泰”船平均每月下钓68568钩,2001年月均产量为2960尾;2002年月均产量为1290尾。以重量计,2001年月均产量为31373kg;2002年月均产量为15889kg。两年间相比,2002年月均产量明显低于2001年。不同月份间实际日产量波动较月产量波动小,两年间的平均日产量差异显著。不同月份间上钓率亦差异显著,而年间平均上钓率无显著性差异。不同作业海区日产量和上钓率差异极显著,A、D、E和H区日产量和上钓率较高。在水温15~22℃范围内,上钓率在0.7%~11.1%之间波动,平均值为3.64±0.156%;水温24~30℃范围内时,上钓率在0.25%~3.7%之间,平均值为1.06±0.085%。两个温度范围的上钓率差异极显著。月平均上钓率与作业渔场月平均表层水温成显著负相关。  相似文献   

根据2013年中水集团远洋股份有限公司的两艘金枪鱼延绳钓船的渔场数据、放钓数据以及渔获物数据,研究了全年各月份渔场分布情况及主要渔获物单位捕捞努力量渔获量变化。结果表明,渔获物包括长鳍金枪鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼、大眼金枪鱼、旗鱼类等,根据相对重要性指数,确定优势种为黄鳍金枪鱼和长鳍金枪鱼,其相对多度分别为75%和10%。长鳍金枪鱼的日均高产单位捕捞努力量渔获量渔区集中在S 15°~17°纬度区间以及南部S 26°~27°纬度区间,黄鳍金枪鱼高单位捕捞努力量渔获量渔区集中分布在S 8°~13°的纬度区间,长鳍金枪鱼高产渔区海表温度集中在20~22℃和27~30℃,黄鳍金枪鱼高产渔区则集中在海表温度28~29℃海域。  相似文献   

根据中国金枪鱼延绳钓渔业观察员于2018年9-12月在北太平洋公海(150°W-164°W,30°N-37°N)采集的金枪鱼延绳钓渔获数据,分析了钓钩的垂直分布及浸泡时间与渔获物之间的关系。结果表明,11种主要渔获物钓获深度差异很大,鲣(Katsuwonus pelamis)的平均钓获深度最浅,大青鲨(Prionace glauca)最深;除大青鲨和帆蜥鱼(Alepisaurus ferox)外,其他兼捕鱼类的钓钩深度分布与大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus,目标鱼种)之间差异显著;随着浸泡时间的增加,总渔获率呈先增加后下降的趋势,10~14 h内渔获率较高,且在第10小时达到峰值[1.44尾·(千钩·h)-1];浸泡时间在10~16 h内大眼金枪鱼的渔获率较高,且在第11小时达到峰值[0.45尾·(千钩·h)-1]。研究结果可为渔业生产和CPUE的标椎化提供参考,为制定有效减少兼捕鱼种的管理措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

大西洋中部金枪鱼延绳钓渔场大眼金枪鱼的生物学特性   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
宋利明 《水产学报》2004,28(2):216-220
Based on the biological data of bigeye tuna measured from the longlining ground of the Central Atlantic Ocean from Jun. 2001 to Oct. 2001, this paper analyzed the bigeye tuna‘s maturity stages of the gonad, feeding intensity, species composition of prey, sex ratio, fork length distribution, relationships between fork length and dressed weight, fork length and round weight, round weight and dressed weight by statistic and regression methods. The results indicate: ( 1 ) Maturity at Ⅳ-Ⅵ of the gonad are dominant with the highest percentage of Ⅴ (30.11% ). (2)The feeding intensity is mainly in the class 1 ,class 2 or class 3,totally 83.16%. (3)In the bigeye tuna‘s species composition of prey, the percentage of miscellaneous fish or cephalopod is relatively high, 38.05 % or 30.48 % respectively. Catch rate of bigeye tuna can be enhanced when cephalopod is used as the bait. (4) The male-female ratio is 2 : 1. This pattern might result from elevated mortality of adult females. (5) The fork length distribution is suitable for the normal. The dominant fork length is 1.13 - 1.49m, 64.16%, with the mean value of 1.32m. (6)The relationship between fork length and dressed weight. (7)The relationship between fork length and round weight. If the fork length is the same, the round weight converted in this paper‘s formula is a little lighter than the round weight converted in Parks‘s formula concluded at 1981 of the longline bigeye tuna catch. It might be caused by the different sampling areas or sampling time. (8)The relationship between round weight and dressed weight. The round weight conversion factor in this paper is a little higher than the ICCAT. It might be caused by the different processing methods. ICCAT is recommended to adapt this paper‘s conversion factor.  相似文献   

利用2009~2010年我国大西洋中部金枪鱼延绳钓调查数据,对金枪鱼延绳钓钓具性能进行评估。结果表明:金枪鱼延绳钓具有较好的种类选择性,大眼金枪鱼渔获量和尾数分别占总渔获量的73.67%和76.00%;大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)、黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)和剑鱼(Xiphias gladius)未达到性成熟的渔获尾数比例分别为13.00%、25.97%和48.93%;1~6号钓钩,大眼金枪鱼上钩率随钓钩深度增加呈递增趋势,6~8号钓钩上钩率呈递减趋势,6号钓钩上钩率最大为9.46尾/千钩;3号至8号钓钩上钩率均大于7尾/千钩,表明1号和2号钓钩利用率偏低;根据钓钩理论深度,推测大眼金枪鱼主要分布水层为220m~350m。通过调节缩短率和浮子绳长度对钓具进行优化,使得钓钩分布水层与大眼金枪鱼分布水层更为接近,提高钓钩利用率。  相似文献   

近年来,东非的坦桑尼亚水域也和中西部印度洋的塞舌耳、毛里求斯、马达加斯加水域一样,是为重要的大眼金枪鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼渔场。因此,从1998年11月起日本与坦桑尼亚签订有长期间的有关金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的民间协定,为此每年都有近20艘的日本远洋金枪鱼延绳钓船在坦桑尼亚200海里专属经济水域内作业。然而,  相似文献   

印度洋公海温跃层与黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼渔获率的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
宋利明  张禹  周应祺 《水产学报》2008,32(3):369-378
2005年9月15日-12月12日,金枪鱼延绳钓渔船"华远渔18、19号"对印度洋公海进行了金枪鱼渔业调查.利用多功能水质仪(XR-620)、温盐深仪(CTD SBE37SM)和微型温度深度计(TDR-2050)等获取海洋环境数据,得出作业海域的温跃层深度和强度,结合每天作业时记录的渔获数据,分别计算黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼在温跃层内和深水层的渔获率,研究温跃层与黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼渔获率之间的关系.结果表明:(1)2艘船分别有60.9%和60.0%的作业天数中,温跃层内黄鳍金枪鱼渔获率较高,"华远渔18号"船在温跃层内和温跃层以下的平均渔获率分别为18.22尾每千钩和6.04尾每千钩,"华远渔19号"船温跃层内和温跃层以下平均渔获率分别为2.22尾每千钩和1.31尾每千钩.通过t-检验成对双样本均值分析,温跃层以内和温跃层以下黄鳍金枪鱼总平均渔获率有显著性差异(P=0.02<0.05),温跃层以内比温跃层以下的渔获率明显要高;(2)2艘船分别有69.6%和100%的作业天数中,温跃层以下水深大眼金枪鱼渔获率较高,"华远渔18号"温跃层以内和温跃层以下平均渔获率分别为4.18尾每千钩和4.88尾每千钩."华远渔19号"温跃层以内和温跃层以下平均渔获率分别为0.10尾每千钩和2.57尾每千钩.大眼金枪鱼渔获率在温跃层以下水深较高.通过t-检验成对双样本均值分析,温跃层以内和温跃层以下大眼金枪鱼总平均渔获率无显著性差异(P=0.070.05),但对"华远渔19号"船的渔获率数据经t-检验发现大眼金枪鱼在温跃层以内和温跃层以下的渔获率有显著性差异(P=0.00<0.05).  相似文献   

众所周知,南非的200海里水域是为优质大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的渔场。2007年有6艘日本的远洋金枪鱼延绳钓船通过日本与南非签订的渔业协定在南非200海里水域内作业取得了良好的生产成绩。还有从2007年开始以出租形式在南非200海里水域内作业的日本金枪鱼延绳钓船也取得了好成绩。  相似文献   

宋利明  高攀峰 《中国水产科学》2006,13(4):674-678,649
根据2003年12月16日至2004年6月8日马尔代夫水域金枪鱼延绳钓渔获物生物学测定数据,应用统计与回归的方法分性别分别对296尾大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的性腺成熟度、摄食等级、摄食种类、性别比例、叉长分布、叉长与去鳃去内脏的重量(GWT)的关系等进行研究。结果表明,(1)性腺成熟度以Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅴ级为主,Ⅴ级比例最高,占37.50%,其中雄性大眼金枪鱼的性腺成熟度Ⅴ级最多(53.96%),雌性Ⅱ级最多(33.81%)。(2)摄食等级以0、1和2级为主,总计为88.52%。(3)大眼金枪鱼的摄食种类中,头足类(鱿鱼)或杂鱼的出现频率较高,分别占48.36%和24.59%。(4)雄性个体所占比例略高于雌性个体,雄性与雌性个体的性别比例为1.12:1,叉长1.00~1.20m的大眼金枪鱼雌性占52.08%,叉长1.20~1.40m的个体雌性占52.59%,叉长1.40m以上的个体,雌性占35.14%。(5)优势叉长为1.10~1.40m,平均叉长为1.29m。(5)根据幂函数回归所得叉长(FL)与去鳃去内脏的重量(GWT)关系式显示,在叉长小于1.51m时,雌性的去鳃去内脏重量小于雄性的去鳃去内脏重量;而在叉长大于1.51m时,雌性的去鳃去内脏的重量大于雄性的去鳃去内脏的重量。[中国水产科学,2006,13(4):674—678,649]  相似文献   

大眼金枪鱼渔业现状和生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合各海区大眼金枪鱼的产量,对大眼金枪鱼在各海区的渔业历史和现状,按照不同渔具进行了分析。并对其分布、运动模式、牛理特性、年龄和生长、繁殖、食性以及种群结构等生物学作了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Taiwanese longline (LL) fisheries operating in the Indian Ocean usually target albacore tuna (ALB), swordfish (SWO) and yellowfin tuna (YFT) using regular LL. Bigeye tuna (BET), however, is targeted using deep LL. Thus, these two types of LL are considered to be different gears as they target different tuna species. Regular or deep LL fishing is defined by number of hooks per basket (NHB): regular LL if 6 ≤ NHB ≤ 10 and deep LL if 11 ≤ NHB ≤ 20. However, NHB information was available in only some of the recent LL data (1995–1999). This situation had caused problems of biased results in stock analysis in the past. Thus, the objective of our study was to explore an effective method to separate the two types of LL fishing by considering species composition. Some intervals of BET catch ratios were found to be effective in separating the regular and deep LL catches, i.e. 0.0 ≤ BET/(BET + ALB + SWO) ≤ 0.4 and 0.8 ≤ BET/(BET + ALB) ≤ 1.0, respectively. Using these two separators, the LL known data set (1995–1999) (learning data set) was classified. Correct classification occurred in 67.7% of the data, while 23.1% of the data were unclassified (11.9% due to zero catches and 11.2% due to classification into both LL types), and 9.2% were misclassifications. Then, using the methods developed, the LL unknown data set in the historical data (1979–1999) was classified and nominal CPUE values were calculated for four species. The CPUE trends based on this study were likely to be more reliable than those of previous studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The underwater shape and hook depth of tuna longline gear are important factors determining fishing performance. In this study, how the shape of tuna longline gear changes in response to sea conditions and gear rigging is explained. Physical models of underwater gear shape were made to simulate fishing gear and analyzed according to the direction and velocity of currents. Then experiments with small-scale models were conducted in a flume tank to confirm the accuracy of the simulation analysis. Finally, the simulation was examined relative to actual longline fishing gear. This approach provided an improvement over previous analytical methods that did not consider fishing gear shape in response to different sea conditions. A useful result is an improved understanding of the relationship between ocean currents and the configuration of longline gear (the shortening ratio, and number of hooks per basket). These factors affect hook depth which, in turn, affects selectivity. Application of these results could lead to more effective and efficient fishing under different sea conditions.  相似文献   

太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔获分布及渔场环境浅析   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
樊伟  崔雪森  周甦芳 《海洋渔业》2004,26(4):261-265
本文主要根据收集到的渔获量数据、海水表层温度数据和有关文献资料 ,应用GIS技术对太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔业进行了定量或定性分析。结果表明 :太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔场主要分布在 2 0°N~2 0°S之间的热带海域 ,具纬向分布特征。对渔获产量同海表温度的分月统计显示 :太平洋大眼金枪鱼渔场最适月平均表层水温约 2 8~ 2 9℃ ,渔场出现频次为偏态分布型。最后 ,结合有关文献综合讨论分析了海表温度、溶解氧含量、海流等环境因子与金枪鱼渔场分布和形成机制的关系  相似文献   

Movement patterns of 17 bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) near the Azores Islands were analyzed between April and May 2001 and 2002 using pop‐up satellite archival tags. Despite short attachment durations (1 to 21 days, 8.2 days on average), their vertical movements revealed much shallower distribution of bigeye tuna in comparison with previous studies in the tropical Pacific and tropical Atlantic. Depth and temperature histograms were unimodal, although overall depth distribution during the day was deeper than during the night due to daily incursions in deeper waters. Although generalized additive models showed significant non‐linear relationships with weight of the fish and sea level anomaly (as a proxy for variability of thermocline depth), the effect of these variables on bigeye depth appeared minor, suggesting that vertical movements of bigeye in the Azores during the spring migration may be influenced by food availability in upper water layers.  相似文献   

A new habitat‐based model is developed to improve estimates of relative abundance of Pacific bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). The model provides estimates of `effective' longline effort and therefore better estimates of catch‐per‐unit‐of‐effort (CPUE) by incorporating information on the variation in longline fishing depth and depth of bigeye tuna preferred habitat. The essential elements in the model are: (1) estimation of the depth distribution of the longline gear, using information on gear configuration and ocean currents; (2) estimation of the depth distribution of bigeye tuna, based on habitat preference and oceanographic data; (3) estimation of effective longline effort, using fine‐scale Japanese longline fishery data; and (4) aggregation of catch and effective effort over appropriate spatial zones to produce revised time series of CPUE. Model results indicate that effective effort has increased in both the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) and eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). In the WCPO, effective effort increased by 43% from the late 1960s to the late 1980s due primarily to the increased effectiveness of effort (deeper longline sets) rather than to increased nominal effort. Over the same period, effective effort increased 250% in the EPO due primarily to increased nominal effort. Nominal and standardized CPUE indices in the EPO show similar trends – a decline during the 1960s, a period of stability in the 1970s, high values during 1985–1986 and a decline thereafter. In the WCPO, nominal CPUE is stable over the time‐series; however, standardized CPUE has declined by ~50%. If estimates of standardized CPUE accurately reflect relative abundance, then we have documented substantial reductions of bigeye tuna abundance for some regions in the Pacific Ocean. A decline in standardized CPUE in the subtropical gyres concurrent with stability in equatorial areas may represent a contraction in the range of the population resulting from a decline in population abundance. The sensitivity of the results to the habitat (temperature and oxygen) assumptions was tested using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

吉尔伯特群岛海域延绳钓渔场大眼金枪鱼的环境偏好   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了掌握基里巴斯吉尔伯特群岛附近海域大眼金枪鱼的环境偏好,2009年9月至12月,金枪鱼延绳钓船"深联成719"在该海域进行了调查。利用仪器获取海洋环境数据,结合每天渔获数据,应用逐步回归方法,建立钓钩深度预测模型,计算大眼金枪鱼在各水层、温度、盐度、叶绿素、含氧量、水平海流和垂直海流范围内的渔获率,渔获率最大的各环境因子范围为大眼金枪鱼偏好的环境。结果表明:(1)大眼金枪鱼偏好的水层、水温、盐度、叶绿素、含氧量、水平海流和垂直海流范围分别为200.0~240.0 m、14.0~15.0℃、35.00~35.10、0.24~0.26μg/L、3.0~4.0 mg/L、0.00~0.20 m/s和0.03~0.04 m/s;(2)一般情况下,接近成熟的大眼金枪鱼偏好的水温为14.0~17.0℃;(3)大眼金枪鱼的适盐性较广;(4)溶解氧高于门限值(0.8 mg/L)时,大眼金枪鱼的分布由其它环境因子决定。  相似文献   

根据2007年12月~2008年3月采集的热带大西洋(05°37′~12°01′N、29°00′~36°51′W)金枪鱼延绳钓渔获物数据,分析了金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼的种类组成、渔获量、渔获率及其与表温的关系。本次调查共捕获鲨鱼8种,隶属3目7科7属,总渔获尾数为633 ind,总渔获量达26 837.4 kg,其中大青鲨为主要兼捕种类。各种鲨鱼渔获率平均值在0.003~1.524 ind/1 000 hooks之间,其中大青鲨最高,其值为1.524 ind/1 000 hooks,大眼砂锥齿鲨最低,其值为0.003 ind/1 000 hooks。各种鲨鱼渔获率月变化不明显(ANOVA,P=0.901)。鲨鱼总渔获率和大青鲨渔获率与表温都呈显著性负相关。大青鲨主要出现渔场的表温范围为24.6~25.8℃。  相似文献   

通过分析金枪鱼延绳钓船的作业特点、现有延绳钓船配置及其潜在问题,介绍了电力推进系统的组成、特点和作用,探讨了机电混合推进系统开发的流程和需要注意的问题。归纳出机电混合推进系统具备的优点,包括:可以提高渔船放钓、收钓作业工况下的操纵灵活性,优化主机运行工况、降低故障率,并具有良好的节能减排效果。为渔船升级改造和渔业节能的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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