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湿地松与洪都拉斯加勒比松的杂交效果分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
利用种植于广东省台山市的1块9年生杂种松测定林的生长数据,分析了湿地松与洪都拉斯加勒比松杂种家系(PEE×PCH)、湿地松全同胞家系(PEE×PEE)和自由授粉家系(PEE(op))的生长量差异,估算了杂交亲本的一般配合力(GCA)、一般杂交力(GHA)和亲本间的特殊杂交力(SHA),探讨了GCA与GHA、GHA和SHA与杂种子代生长表现的相关关系.结果表明:类型间生长量存在极显著差异,从大到小的排列顺序为PEE×PCH>PEE×PEE>PEE(op)>CK,杂种家系的平均材积比CK大221.36%;根据生长性状选择出国产的优良杂种家系15个,其树高、胸径、材积、每公顷蓄积量分别为10.96~12.57 m、17.42~21.25 cm、0.156 2~0.236 7 m3、141.75~233.82 m3,相对于CK的材积现实增益为216.19%~379.15%;选择出GHA效应大、可靠性高的杂交亲本4个,可用于大量制种;湿地松无性系树高性状的GCA与树高、胸径、材积性状的GHA存在极显著的正相关关系;PEE×PCH杂种家系的生长表现与其亲本的GHA密切相关,尤其与双亲的GHA之和的相关系数最大,达到0.891 8以上.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection was carried out for growth traits in 122 F1 progenies of Pinus elliottiivar. elliottii (PEE) x tR caribaea var. hondurensis (PCH) hybrid. The PCH male parent linkage map contained 108 mark- ers in 16 linkage groups, while the PEE female parent contained 93 markers in 19 linkage groups. Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), microsatellite (SSR), expressed sequence tag polymorphism (ESTP) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) were selected from an existing linkage map. Growth traits investigated were height at age five (HT05) and six years (HT06), diameter at breast height at age five (DBH05) and six years (DBH06) and annual growth from age five to six years of height (AGHT) and diameter at breast height (AGDBH). KruskaI-Wallis and interval mapping approaches were used to estimate levels of significance, the number of QTLs, the percentage of the phenotypic varia- tion explained by each of QTLs and their positions on the genetic linkage maps. Twenty six QTLs with significance levels p 〈 0.05 were detected on the parental maps for the six growth traits, which explained more than 15% of the phenotypic variation, suggesting an existence of major-effect genes. Several QTLs had the pleiotropy controlling more than one sin- gle growth trait. Overall, the proportion of phenotypic variation explained by QTLs ranged from 5.9% to 40.6% for HT05 and HT06, from 6.6% to 42.0% for DBH05 and DBH06 and from 5.8% to 22.3% for AGHT and AGDBH. The results from this study provide a basis for marker-aided selection (MAS) in PEE x PCH hybrids.  相似文献   

A number of tropical forage legume species were sown in Turrialba., Costa Rica, in plots in the open and under an even cover of Pinus caribaea var hondurensis of basal area 30m2/ha. Mean light level under the trees was 18% full sunlight. After 19 months, species showing good shade tolerance and adaptation to local conditions were: Centrosema spp., Desmodium spp., Flemingia congesta, Galactia striata. Species of poor performance in the shade were: Stylosanthes spp., Indigofera hirsuta, Cajanus cajan, Stilozobium sp.. Canavalia ensiformis, an annual, grew well in the shade, as did Lablab purpureus and Vigna unguiculata. It is suggested that further work be done on the shade tolerant species for eventual use as components of silvopastoral systems. Recommendations are made concerning germplasm collections, evaluation methodology and research for silvopasture development.
Resumen Se sembraron especies diversas de leguminosas forrajeras en Turrialba, Costa Rica, en parcelas al descubierto y bajo una cobertura uniforme de Pinus caribaea var hondurensis con area basal de 30 m2/ha. El nivel medio de iluminación bajo los pinos era 18% del nivel a pleno sol. Despues de 19 meses las especies que mostraron buena adaptación a la sombra eran: Centrosema spp., Desmodium spp., Flemingia congesta, Galactia striata. Especies de bajo rendimiento en la sombra eran: Stylosanthes spp., Indigofera hirsuta, Cajanus cajan, Stilozobium sp., La planta anuál Canavalia ensiformis creció bien bajo sombra, como tambien lo hicieron Lablab purpureus y Vigna unguiculata. Se sugiere que se investiguen las especies mencionadas como bien adaptadas al sombreamiento para uso en sistemas silvopastoriles. Se presentan recomendaciones sobre colecciones de germoplasma, metodologia de evaluación y investigación para el desarollo de sistemas silvopastoriles.

Both scion and rootstock clones significantly influenced scion elongation and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the scion foliage. Scion clone was the more important determinant. Scion clone × rootstock clone interactions were not significant. The ability of a clone to elongate as a scion was not correlated with its capacity to promote or retard scion elongation when used as a rootstock. Genetic differences in foliar nutrient concentrations appeared to reflect levels of nutrient demand, rather than the ability of roots to absorb nutrients. Nutrient demand of the rootstock can also explain negative correlations between nitrogen levels in rootstock clones and levels of both nitrogen and phosphorus in the scions. There was no significant relationship between scion elongation and foliar nitrogen concentrations of either rootstock or scion. The weak relationship between scion elongation and concentration of phosphorus in the rootstock apparently resulted from tissue dilution.  相似文献   

分析测定不同采样时间的湿加松(Pinus elliottii×P caribaea)林地土壤微生物和土壤理化性质,并分析不同的采样季节其变化规律。结果表明:从冬季至夏季,湿加松林地土壤细菌和真菌数量呈现先下降后上升的趋势,而土壤放线菌数量单调下降。总体来看,细菌数量居多,放线菌数量次之,真菌数量最少。土壤pH和含水量也呈先下降后上升的趋势,土壤有机质、全N、碱解N含量呈上升趋势;全P、有效P以及速效K含量里先上升后下降的趋势;全K呈下降趋势。土壤P和K含量偏低,可适当补充P肥和K肥来促进林木生长。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):137-147
The objectives of this study were to determine the bending strength and stiffness properties of young Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea var. hondurensis timber from the Southern Cape, South Africa, and to evaluate the predictability of these properties from acoustic measurements on standing trees, logs and their sawn boards. The timber has good bending strength (MOR) properties but the mean stiffness (MOEstat) was significantly lower than that required for structural-grade timber. The mean MOEstat was also about 30% lower than a P. radiata control sample. The MOEstat of sawn boards could be predicted from acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees with a correlation (r) of 0.48 and from acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards with a correlation of 0.85. The MOR of sawn boards was not significantly correlated with acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees and only moderately correlated with acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards (r = 0.45).  相似文献   

Family outcrossing rates of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea populations that differed in origin and management were estimated by using isozyme markers. The family outcrossing rates were estimated by (1)fixing the probability of pollen gene frequency (p); (2) allowing pollen gene frequency to vary among families. The estimates of family outcrossing rates for all the populations varied widely among families (clones of the seed orchard), ranging from 0.39 to 2.0. The average family outcrossing rates of both methods were greater than the  相似文献   

根据本种加勒比松(Pinus caribaea var.caribaea)23个自由授粉家系的8 a生子代测定数据,研究其生长性状的遗传变异,结果显示:树高、胸径、单株材积的单株狭义遗传力为0.24、0.14.、0.19,树高、胸径、单株材积、蓄积量的家系平均遗传力为0.68、0.59、0.67、0.75;参试家系间存在极显著生长差异(P<0.01),根据蓄积量选择出5个优良家系,分别是19-Ⅳ、石8、石9、石10、石11,其年均树高1.27 m,年均胸径2.17 cm,每公顷年均蓄积量14.79 m3,蓄积量的现实选择增益为30.49%、预期遗传增益为22.87%.  相似文献   

针对樟子松的生理特性,采用正交设计的方法,共设计16种肥料配方对樟子松育苗施肥进行试验,结果表明,施肥处理对樟子松苗木的生长发育均有明显的作用,高生长提高6.5%~26.1%,径生长提高7.7%~30.8%,干质量提高19.2%~61.5%,N、K元素对高生长的作用达到极显著水平,N元素对径生长的作用达到极显著水平,N元素对提高干质量的作用达到极显著水平,K元素对提高干质量的作用达到显著水平。  相似文献   

以26年生加勒比松巴哈马(Pinus caribaea var.bahamensis)变种种源试验林为材料,开展产脂能力评价研究。通过分析种源间产脂能力变异情况,研究该变种加勒比松的产脂改良潜力,并选择适于在广西南部种植的高产脂材料。研究结果表明,参试种源在产脂力及胸径指标上存在极显著差异,在树高上存在显著差异,具有较大的改良潜力。巴哈马变种产脂力平均值为8.82 g/d,高出马尾松(Pinus massoniana)对照47.63%,是一种优质的高产脂树种。根据分析结果,初步评价出材脂兼用优良种源By fields与优良家系Crdwell;并选择出3株高产脂优树,实际改良增益可达46.92%。  相似文献   

Isoenzymes were used to study the genetic variation of 121 mature trees of Sorbus torminalis in a natural stand and a subset of 21 high yielding seed trees in the same stand used for a commercial harvest. Eight enzyme systems were studied. The genetic variation of the mature stand was higher than that of other stands reported in the literature. However, this level of genetic variation was not represented to the same extent by the seeds of the commercial harvest. Differences between the bud sample taken from the mature stand and the seed sample taken from the commercial subset were particularly obvious with respect to diversity measures and heterozygosities. The hypothetical gametic multilocus diversity (HGMD) of a bud sample of the mature Sorbus torminalis trees was more than 70% higher (94.1) than the value of the seed harvest sample (55.1). Deviations between the genetic structures of both samples were statistically significant. There is no indication that inbreeding is an essential component of the mating system of Sorbus torminalis. The potential causes for the lack of Sorbus torminalis seedlings and saplings originated from seeds and their consequences for regenerating this species are discussed. This research underscores that sampling a forest tree population for commercial harvest can result in a statistically significant reduction in the genetic diversity of the sampled group relative to the overall population.  相似文献   

陕北毛乌素沙地樟子松容器育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为指导樟子松容器育苗工作 ,提高经济效益 ,推动生态环境建设的健康发展 ,我们在陕北定边县毛乌索沙地通过育苗试验 ,总结出了一套行之有效的樟子松容器苗育苗技术  相似文献   

在调查研究的基础上,总结出选用大粒优质种子进行实生育苗、保护地栽培、细致整地、合理密植、及时换床、肥水充足、严防病害等一系列技术措施,有利于培育樟子松壮苗,相应地提高造林成活率。  相似文献   

Two species of pine native to Oregon and three native to Mexico were reciprocally planted in southwest Oregon and northeastern Mexico. The Oregon study site has very dry, hot summers; the Mexican site has hot, dry springs, but has rainy summers. Total rainfall and native genera are similar on both sites. Site-preparation trials were carried out on north and south slopes at both locations. For all species on both sites, survival on south slopes was satisfactory only with site-preparation treatments that gave near-complete vegetation control. Overall survival was best on north slopes in Mexico, and herb control was not required. Woody cover decreased survival and growth at all locations and aspect combinations. Chemical control improved survival, but the standing dead shade did reduce growth slightly as compared to growth on the totally cleared sites. Clearing without chemical control gave poor results in Oregon, but permitted good seedling survival and growth at the location in northeastern Mexico. Overall, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) was the least sensitive species to environmental stress, and Hartweg pine (Pinus hartwegii Engelm.), the most sensitive. Mexican pines appeared to require more protection from water stress than did ponderosa pine.  相似文献   

樟子松苗木沙培试验施肥效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用正交施肥设计在温室进行沙培试验,并作田间施肥试验,建立樟子松S1-1苗木根干重、新梢干重和全干重与N、P的函数方程,并通过该方程求出适宜施肥量:N为0.67g/L,P为0.04g/L。  相似文献   

将彩色豆马勃Coker et couch子实体制成孢子悬浮液菌剂,在6个P水平处理上,接种加勒比松容器苗,育苗及造林试验的结果表明,接种苗木的生长优于未接种的,根径和干重两项指标尤为明显。P肥对容器苗的生长有明显作用,适宜的P浓度会促进菌根化苗木的生长。总体来说,在P浓度0.5%-7.0%的范围内,接种彩色豆马勃的处理最为理想。  相似文献   

樟子松 (PinusSrivestrisvar mongolicaLitvin)又名海拉尔松、蒙古赤松 ,是欧洲赤松的一个地理变种。我国天然樟子松分布在大兴安岭北部和大兴安岭西麓的内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原局部沙地 ,在北纬 4 7°10′~ 5 7°30′、东经 118°2 1′~ 12 8°30′之间。樟子松耐干旱、耐瘠薄 ,生长迅速 ,适应性强 ,是优良针叶用材和防风固沙树种。 2 0世纪 5 0年代以来 ,不仅在东北地区开展了樟子松育苗造林工作 ,而且被引种到陕西、甘肃、宁夏、新疆等地的沙区及无林荒山上 ,表现出较强的适应性。河西走廊中部绿洲区于 2 0世纪 70年代就开始了樟子松引种…  相似文献   

Seedlings of Pinus pinea L. growing in plastic containers were treated with seaweed concentrate (SWC). Different concentrations of SWC were applied, 0 to 3 times, to the roots or shoots of the seedlings. Shoot application increased plant weight mainly by increasing shoot growth. This was manifested as increased shoot length and weight and a decrease in the root/shoot ratio. Root drenches did not change the total plant weight but it accelerated root growth and increased lateral root dry weight. Root growth capacity (RGC) tests for both shoot and root applications indicated an increase in root length and some increases in root number when applied as a root drench. This study indicates that root application of SWC improved seedling quality and increased the ability of seedlings to survive transplanting into pots.Abbreviations GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry - RGC root growth capacity - SWC seaweed concentrate  相似文献   

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