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本文主要阐述了调亏灌溉理论在酿酒葡萄上的发展及应用,并提出调亏灌溉技术在酿酒葡萄应用过程中的一些问题,给出酿酒葡萄调亏灌溉的一些建议。  相似文献   

调亏灌溉对棉花生长发育及其产量和品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
 在移动式防雨棚下,采用子母盆栽土培法,以美棉99B为试验材料进行调亏灌溉(Regulated Deficit Irrigation, 缩写RDI)试验研究,旨在了解RDI对作物不同生育阶段生长发育特性、经济产量(Y)和水分利用效率(WUE)以及经济产品品质的影响,寻求适宜的调亏生育阶段(时期)和调节亏水度,为建立棉花RDI指标与模式提供理论依据。试验采用二因素(水分调亏阶段和调节亏水度)随机区组设计。结果表明,适时适度的水分调亏具有根系下扎的诱导效应,抑制植株营养体冗余生长,促进生殖生长,有利于光合产物向子棉运转与分配,提高经济产量;能够改善部分品质指标。棉花RDI的适宜指标是:苗期轻、中度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度控制下限为田间持水量的60%FC(Field capacity)或50%FC;蕾期轻度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度控制下限为60%FC;花铃期不宜调亏,应保证充足供水,0~40 cm土层湿度应不低于75%FC;吐絮期可中度调亏,0~40 cm土层湿度可控制在50%~55% FC。  相似文献   

土壤资源信息系统(SRIS)的形成发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口的剧增、土壤的退化和环境的恶化,是当前社会可持续发展所面临的严峻挑战。作为人类生存空间的土地资源的可持续利用成为政府和社会所关注的核心。由于土壤资源信息系统能够为用户提供准确、及时的土壤信息和相关信息,因此,利用GIS技术建立土壤资源信息系统是近年来普遍的趋势。概述了土壤资源信息系统(Soil Resource Information System, SRIS)的概念、形成及其发展过程。介绍了土壤资源信息系统在数字化制图、土地资源评价和环境保护、水土流失、“精作农业”各方面的应用,并对今后中国的土壤资源信息系统的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

为给小麦节水高产实践提供理论依据。以石家庄8号为材料,在田间研究了4种灌水处理,分别在拔节期、孕穗期、开花期、花后10 d、花后20 d、成熟期去次生根对初生根伤流量和植株性状的影响。结果表明,随着灌水次数减少,0~100 cm土层含水量下降幅度明显大于100~140 cm土层;拨节期至孕穗期初生根伤流量极低,处理间无显著差异,孕穗期开始迅速增加至开花期达最大值后下降,开花后10 d处理间的差异变小;拔节期去小麦次生根后粒重降低2.3%~13.3%,降幅随灌水次数的减少而增加;孕穗期、开花期、开花期后10 d去次生根后粒重降低幅度随灌水次数的减少而减少,分别为1.0%~26.1%;1.1%~24.0%;2.1%~3.8%。在拔节至孕穗期间次生根对伤流起决定性作用,孕穗期后初生根的作用开始逐渐增大,灌浆后期初生根对伤流起决定性作用;拔节期至孕穗期间次生根对粒重形成的相对作用随土壤干旱程度的增加而增大;孕穗期后初生根对粒重形成的相对作用随土壤干旱程度的增加而增大。协调小麦次生根与初生根之间的关系对实现小麦节水高产有利。  相似文献   

为明确合理密植条件下调亏灌溉的节水增产效果,在新疆干旱区大田研究了灌溉量(饱和灌溉、正常灌溉、调亏灌溉)和种植密度(12万、18万、24万株·hm-2)对棉花生长发育和产量品质的影响。结果表明,灌溉量和种植密度对棉花生物产量、经济系数、经济产量有显著的互作效应,但对纤维品质没有影响。调亏灌溉显著抑制营养生长,但提高了收获指数;调亏灌溉下适当提高密度,显著提高了生物产量和单位面积铃数。调亏灌溉下高密度处理组合在用水量减少20%的情况下,棉花产量与正常灌溉下中、高密度以及饱和灌溉下低密度等高产组合的产量相当。调亏灌溉配合合理密植是旱区棉花节水增产的有效栽培途径之一。  相似文献   

李孙强 《种子科技》2023,(20):11-14
为了验证气候变化下新疆棉花种植调亏灌溉节水效果,选取早熟、早中熟2个典型棉花种植区,采用棉花生长模型结合大气环流模式进行模拟试验。结果显示,调亏灌溉技术可有效节省用水量,与充分灌溉相比,在不影响生产力的同时,可节约农业灌溉用水5%~28%。因此,建议在新疆棉花种植时,控制灌溉用水量,结合实际情况优化调亏灌溉技术,确保棉花种植的价值与收益。  相似文献   

为探究调亏灌溉对超级稻孕穗期根系生长的影响。采用盆栽试验方法,透光通风大棚内栽种超级稻。土壤水分湿度仪测定土壤水分含量,根据土壤水分含量对超级稻孕穗期进行不同程度的调亏灌溉处理。调亏程度分别以田间持水量的80%~70%、70%~60%、60%~50%,编号为A、B、C三组,对照组CK为淹水灌溉。调亏灌溉处理促进超级稻孕穗期根系生长,使根冠比显著高于充分灌溉。对不同处理组的根系活力进行测定,调亏灌溉处理组要高于充分灌溉组,其中B处理组活性最强。根系扫描分析结果显示A和B处理组各个根系特征指标要大于C处理组,同时,3个处理组均大于CK处理组。超级稻孕穗期调亏处理可有效减少灌溉水量,水分亏缺为田间持水量的60%至70%时,对超级稻根系生长最佳。  相似文献   

在温室土壤-作物-环境的连续体中,作物水分损耗、吸收和水分利用效率一直是研究的热点,温室作物水分来源的唯一途径是灌溉。为了在生产实践中指导节水灌溉,从近些年来节水灌溉的新技术新方法--滴灌和调亏灌溉入手,主要综述了温室内作物调亏灌溉的研究,包括调亏灌溉的节水及增产机理,调亏灌溉相应的灌溉指标,影响调亏灌溉的环境因素,以及作物本身不同时期对水分亏缺的反应。  相似文献   

为测定膜下滴灌调亏马铃薯全生育期内不同调亏水平土壤养分、土壤水热动态、生长动态、产量效应和水分利用效率,于2016年在河西荒漠绿洲灌区民乐县益民灌溉试验站开展了马铃薯不同生育阶段水分调亏灌溉的试验研究,结果表明,马铃薯膜下滴灌调亏土壤水热变化均匀且利用率高,有利于马铃薯对土壤养分的充分吸收和利用;土壤养分是土壤肥力的核心,是植物在生长发育过程中不可或缺的重要因素,膜下滴灌调亏栽培能有效减少土壤速效养分的流失,并提高马铃薯对土壤速效养分的利用效率;不同生育阶段马铃薯耗水量受水分调亏程度影响较大,其耗水量随调亏程度增大而显著减少(P0.05),水分调亏处理马铃薯全生育期总耗水量均低于全生育期充分灌水CK处理。块茎形成期轻度水分亏缺马铃薯水分利用效率、灌溉水利用效率、生物量均达到最大,较全生育期充分灌水显著提高29.04%,35.61%。因此,块茎形成期轻度水分亏缺灌溉方式能使马铃薯根区土壤始终保持湿润状态,有效减少渗漏损失和植株间无效蒸发损失,改善土壤水、肥和热量状况,有利于提高作物水分利用效率,且不显著降低马铃薯最终产量。  相似文献   

不同时期水分调亏及不同调亏程度对冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
分盆栽对冬小麦在不同生长时期进行不同程度的调亏试验的结果表明,冬小麦从拔节至开花期间的轻度水分亏缺对其产量有显著影响,而灌浆和返青时间的轻度水分亏缺对产量无影响。各生育时期在不同调亏水平下的产量敏感指数(或敏感系数)不同。冬小麦经过一定的亏缺处理,复水后出现生长方面的补偿效应,因而产量降低幅度与耗水量减少幅度相比要小得多。气孔阻力和叶水势对土壤水分的变动有一阈值反应,只有当土壤含水量降至田间持水量  相似文献   

Important savings in the levels of irrigation without an associated penalty in yield have been reported for olive under deficit irrigation strategies. Full irrigation (C), continuous deficit irrigation (CDI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), were compared from 2004 to 2006 in Cordoba, southern Spain, in terms of seasonal evapotranspiration (ET), growth and yield in mature olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’). In deficit treatments, the total amount of irrigation was around 25% of that of the Control while ET was 65–70% of that of C. Deficit treatments strongly reduced vegetative growth, but only slightly reduced the final fruit volume. Water stress caused a higher reduction in fresh fruit yield than oil yield due to a higher oil concentration in deficit irrigated trees, without differences between CDI and RDI. Therefore, both irrigation strategies may be used in olive to save a significant amount of irrigation with moderate reductions (about 15%) in oil yield. The amount of oil produced per unit intercepted PAR was almost the same for all the treatments, which suggests that olive oil yield may be calculated from intercepted radiation even under moderate water stress.  相似文献   

The effects of a moderate soil water deficit on several shoot growth variables (1st and 2nd order shoot growth and final leaves number, final height and final number of 2nd order shoots) and on net photosynthesis were studied in young peach trees during the two years following plantation (January 2014). Trees were either fully irrigated (C), subjected to moderate water deficit (RDI) or subjected to moderate water deficit and associated with a grass-legume mixture on the entire orchard floor (RDI +G). Irrigation was scheduled according to soil water potential target ranges in order to keep C trees above −0.02 MPa, i.e. at field capacity, and RDI and RDI + G trees between −0.04 MPa and −0.06 MPa. The level of water deficit obtained was moderate but yet significantly reduced by 50% overall tree growth in 2014 in RDI. This reduction was enhanced when water deficit lasted longer and when it was associated with grass in RDI + G. No reduction in growth variables occurred in RDI in 2015 due to the shorter duration of water deficit. Overall reduction was observed in 2015 in RDI + G mostly due to a carry-over effect of the previous year. Net photosynthesis was reduced by the longer and more intense water deficit in 2014, but was not reduced during the soil water deficit in 2015. An indicator of plant process sensitivity to water deficit, taking into account the variable reduction with regards to the control, the water deficit intensity and its duration was used to classify shoot growth variables and net photosynthesis according to their sensitivity to water deficit. Variables could be classified according to the following order of ascending sensitivity: net photosynthesis <1st order final leaf number < final tree height <1st order final shoot length <2nd order final leaf number <2nd order final shoot number <2nd order final shoot length. Applying a moderate water deficit combined with full grass cover drastically reduces overall tree size due to grass competition.  相似文献   

作物非充分灌溉决策指标研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了有效地进行非充分灌溉,通过不同方面研究土壤和作物水分亏缺的诊断方法,从而制定科学有效的灌水指标。对目前非充分灌溉的土壤、灌溉、作物等指标的研究现状及存在的问题进行了的阐述,讨论了非充分灌溉决策指标今后研究发展的方向。从目前国内外研究情况来看,应用叶水势、茎直径变化、冠层温度等作物指标来精确诊断作物的水分状况,已逐渐成为非充分灌溉研究领域关注的热点,但其基础理论、监测方法及不同作物的应用效果仍需进一步研究完善。因此,单纯从一种灌溉决策指标出发确定灌溉量是不全面的,如何建立非充分灌溉条件下不同地区、作物的灌溉指标体系将是今后中国重要的研究内容。  相似文献   

梁秀玲 《中国农学通报》2006,22(10):479-479
针对中国农业科技期刊发展中存在的问题:经营亏损的多,赢利的少。提出科技期刊应改变经营理念,遵循市场规律办刊,按照科学发展观的要求,树立以效益为核心的发展观,优化出版物内容,重视品牌建设,树立为读者服务意识和市场经营意识,重视和加强期刊发行工作,科学经营广告,改变过去农业科技期刊出版不重视经济效益的所谓高学术水平,低经济效益的粗放型增长模式,争取实现经济效益和社会效益的共同提高,使农业科技期刊出版走上良性发展轨道。  相似文献   

Efficient N management is essential to optimize yields and reduce degradation of the environment, but requires knowledge of deficit irrigation effects on crop yields and crop N outputs. This study assessed the N content and N-use efficiency of cotton over the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons in a single field site of the Thessaly Plain (central Greece). The experiment consisted of nine treatments with three fertilizer rates (60, 110 and 160 kg N ha−1) split into three irrigation levels (approx. 1.0, 0.7 and 0.4 of the amount applied by the producer). Reduced water supply induced a shift in the distribution of N within the plant with seeds becoming an N sink under conditions of water stress. Total crop N increased linearly with irrigation level and reached a maximum average of 261 and 192 kg N ha−1 in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Fertilizer application did not trigger a crop N or yield response and indicated that N inputs were in excess of crop needs. Variation in weather patterns appeared to explain annual differences of nitrate-N in the top soil and N uptake by the crop.The index of lint production efficiency (iNUE) detected crop responses caused by irrigation and annual effects, but failed to account for excessive N inputs due to mineral fertilizer applications. A maximum average iNUE of 9.6 was obtained under deficit irrigation, whereas an iNUE of 8.1 was obtained under 40 cm irrigation when crop N uptake was not excessive (192 kg ha−1 in 2009). In contrast, NUE, as an estimator of N recovery efficiency, identified excessive fertilizer inputs as N losses to the environment and indicated that 60 kg N ha−1 was a rate of high N removal efficiency and long-term N balance. However, NUE failed to account for crop N responses to irrigation and weather/management patterns. In this case study, neither index was able to detect all the factors influencing the N mass balance and both were required in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental performance of our cropping system.  相似文献   

缩短杂交后代生长周期、加快加代纯合速度是提高育种效率的重要途径。本文分析了影响作物生长周期的环境和遗传因素,总结了利用自然环境或人工光温控制措施加快作物育种进程的研究进展,并评估了分子标记辅助选择技术在快速育种中的应用价值。  相似文献   

覆盖作物及其作用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在农作物种植系统中,田间杂草、土壤因素对作物的生长发育、产量和品质的影响一直都是农业领域关注的热点。大量使用化肥和除草剂可以达到作物增产、除草的目的,但其对土壤和环境造成的负面影响,严重制约了农业生产的可持续发展。种植覆盖作物是一种实现农业可持续发展的新策略,可以达到控制杂草、减少氮肥施用、改善土壤质量等目的。本文主要从覆盖作物的起源与发展过程、主要种类和作用及其种植制度等方面,总结了目前覆盖作物的研究进展及其在作物种植中的应用,以期为覆盖作物在我国农业生产中的研究与应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Iran has been faced to drought during last decades, and one way to overcome this phenomenon is to improve the water productivity by introducing new crops tolerant to water stresses such as quinoa. Two-year field experiment was performed to find out the response of quinoa (cv. Titicaca) to deficit irrigation imposed at different growing stages. Hence, the effect of full irrigation (100% irrigation water requirement) and deficit irrigation (50% full irrigation) on physiological parameters, yield, irrigation water productivity and root density of quinoa was investigated during 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. The result showed that there was a significant difference between all variables in two years. Higher average air temperature in 2017 (2.0°C) resulted in a reduction of seed yield and water productivity (55% and 40% of that obtained in 2016, respectively). Application of deficit irrigation during different growing stages reduced crop height, stomatal conductance and seed yield, while it increased the root length density in both years. In conclusion, flowering stage of quinoa was very sensitive to deficit irrigation, and irrigation at grain filling stage would not help to recover the seed yield. Furthermore, the seed yield was lower than that obtained in other studies performed in other countries using same quinoa cultivar, which could be due to higher amount of applied irrigation water and different phenology under different climatic conditions. A decision on cultivating this crop under semi-arid conditions has to be made considering limited water resources.  相似文献   

番茄花药培养研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对番茄花药培养中基因型、小孢子发育、培养基种类、碳源、激素种类和配比、添加物、预处理和培养条件等方面的国内外研究概况和进展做了综述。  相似文献   

番木瓜是一种药食兼用的植物,长期食用可以增强人体免疫力,达到改善体质的目的。因此提高番木瓜的产量、品质和药用价值变得十分重要。育种技术是改善番木瓜相应指标的重要途径。本综述通过介绍番木瓜传统育种、多倍体育种、辐射诱变育种、细胞工程育种、分子标记辅助育种和基因工程育种等育种手段,并根据目前育种学发展的趋势,指明今后番木瓜的育种研究方向。目前分子模块设计育种是今后番木瓜育种研究的一个新的有效途径。因此本综述通过对利用自然变异的抗病性品种、运用现代生物技术等手段筛选和培育出新的番木瓜品种的概述,以期为对番木瓜育种技术发展情况进行了较为全面的总结,并对番木瓜育种发展进行提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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