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Summary Twenty one diverse, standard and experimental cultivars of common spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were tested for the effect of heat stress on phenology, yield and its components by growing the materials for 2 years under full irrigation during the hot summer (offseason), and the cool winter (normal) conditions. Heat tolerance was estimated for each variable by the heat susceptibility index (S) which scales the reduction in cultivar performance from cool to hot conditions relative to the respective mean reduction over all cultivars.Genotypes differed significantly in S for yield and its components. The ranking of cultivars in S over the 2 years was consistent for yield, kernels per spike and kernel weight, but not for spike number. Of the three yield components, the greatest genotypic variation in S was expressed for kernels per spike. However, S for yield could not be simply attributed to S in a unique component across all cultivars. On the other hand, a general linear model regression of summer yield on its components revealed that the most important yield component affecting yield variation among cultivars under heat stress was kernel number per spike. Kernel number per spike was positively associated across cultivars with longer duration and greater stabilty of thermal time requirement from emergence to double ridge. It is therefore concluded that kernel number per spike under heat stress is a reasonable estimate of heat tolerance in yield of wheat and that this tolerance is operative already during the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth. 相似文献
Summary Twelve spring wheat cultivars were grown as isolated plants in the field and their pre-anthesis growth was interpreted in terms of plant growth analysis. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased steadily with time due to a decline of leaf area per unit plant weight (LAR), which could be explained by the reduction of the portion of leaf weight in total plant weight (LWR). Growth per unit leaf area (NAR) and leaf area per unit leaf weight (SLA) changed only little with time.Differences between cultivars for NAR and LAR were of similar magnitude: both 8% when measured by the genetic coefficient of variation. Because both quantities were negatively correlated, the genetic variation of RGR was only 5%. Genetic variation for LWR and SLA were also of similar size, both about 4%. Estimates of genetic variances and covariances based on cultivar means appeared to be biased strongly when the error variation of the means was neglected.Special attention is paid to the methodology of plant growth analysis. 相似文献
Summary Rye-derived wheat cultivars are being used in many breeding programmes throughout the world in order to achieve improvements in yield and disease resistance. However, the serious quality defect of intense dough stickiness associated with many of these wheat cultivars is limiting the usefulness of their flour in large mechanised bread bakeries. A dough preparation procedure was developed which enabled the dough surface properties of a range of rye-derived wheat cultivars to be assessed on doughs mixed quantitatively to their optimum mixing time. Intense dough stickiness was found in samples of 1AL/1RS and 1DL/1RS translocation lines tested and in all of the 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars examined except the West German cultivar, Disponent. Most of the 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars were derived from the Russian cultivars, Kavkaz, Aurora and Skorospelka 35 and included the CIMMYT-bred cultivars such as the Veery lines (Glennson, Ures, Genaro and Seri) and the Nebraskan cultivar, Siouxland. Based on the results of studying selected 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars in detail, this intense dough stickiness appeared to be independent of growing season, trial location, protein content, mixing tolerance, milling process and extraction rate. In addition pilot bakery trials confirmed that our laboratory testing procedures can be used to detect this intense dough stickiness. 相似文献
Summary The distribution of many plant characters is skewed. The standard formula for the expected gain from selection is based on the assumption that the character value is the sum of two independent normal variables, one genetic and the other environmental. If the genetic variable is normal, but the environmental variable has a positively skewed distribution, then upwards selection will give a lower gain than that expected if both distributions are normal. If the distribution of the environmental variable is negatively skewed, then upwards selection will give a larger than expected gain. Of course, with downwards selection, the results will be reversed. This leads to asymmetry of response if both upwards and downwards selection are used. In cases where unexpected responses to selection are obtained and normality of the character distribution has been assumed, skewness of the data should be checked as possible cause. 相似文献
Comparison of phenotypic and molecular marker-based classifications of hard red winter wheat cultivars 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
H. Fufa P. S. Baenziger B.S. Beecher I. Dweikat R. A. Graybosch K. M. Eskridge 《Euphytica》2005,145(1-2):133-146
Genetic diversity is the basis for successful crop improvement and can be estimated by different methods. The objectives of
this study were to estimate the genetic diversity of 30 ancestral to modern hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars adapted to the Northern Great Plains using pedigree information, morphological traits (agronomic measurements
from six environments), end-use quality traits (micro-quality assays on 50 g grain or milled flour samples for the six environments),
and molecular markers (seed storage proteins separated using SDS-PAGE, 51 SSRs, and 23 SRAP DNA markers), and to determine
the relationships of genetic distance estimates obtained from these methods. Relationships among diversity estimates were
determined using simple (Pearson) and rank (Spearman) correlation coefficients between distance estimates and by clustering
cultivars using genetic-distances for different traits. All methods found a wide range in genetic diversity. The genetic distance
estimates based on pedigree had the highest values due to possible over-estimation arising from model assumptions. The genetic
diversity estimates based on seed storage protein were lowest because they were the major determinants of end-use quality,
which is a highly selected trait. In general, the diversity estimates from each of the methods were positively correlated
at a low level with the exceptions of SRAP diversity estimates being independent of morphologic traits (simple correlation),
SDS-PAGE, and SSR diversity estimates (rank correlation). However, SSR markers, thought to be among the most efficient markers
for estimating genetic diversity, were most highly correlated with seed storage proteins. The procedures used to accurately
estimate genetic diversity will depend largely upon the tools available to the researcher and their application to the breeding
scheme. 相似文献
Summary For a better insight in the effect of wide spacing on the outcome of plant selection in spring wheat, the growth of free-grown individual plants was followed in time for each of 12 cultivars. As time proceeded, the cultivar differences for per-plant weight showed progressively less relation with those for seedling weight. At anthesis, the genetic correlation with seedling weight was still about 0.80, but at final harvest it was only 0.06. This contrasted with the genetic correlation between seedling weight and final biomass in closely planted mixtures which was on the average 0.77. The outcome of selection of genotypes in isolation is therefore expected to deviate substantially from that of selection in densely planted segregating populations where the differences in initial size tend to be maintained in time.The ranking of the varieties grown in isolation changed in time because of differences in relative growth rate (RGR). The genetic variance of RGR decreased much less with time than RGR itself. Late-flowering varieties showed the higher RGR so that these varieties improved their position in the ranking in isolation.Special attention is paid to the methodology of plant growth analysis in variety experiments and in estimating means and variances of RGR. 相似文献
Summary Four selection experiments were sown: single-row plots with single row-spacing (20 cm), single-row plots with double row spacing (40 cm), three-row plots and six-row plots both with single row-spacing (20 cm). Selection entries were mimiced by 16 different varieties or advanced breeding lines, which were also sown in a yield trial. Each experiment was laid out as a 4-times replicated randomized block design. Row length was 2 m. Alley borders and border-rows of multiple-row plots were harvested separately to evaluate the effects of different harvesting procedures on the selection efficiency. Removal of alley borders was found to be disadvantageous, since the gain in precision was more than offset by the loss in sampled area. Wide spacing of single-row plots improved the selection efficiency in comparison with normal spaced single-row plots. In multiple-row plots the selection efficiency was not improved by harvesting only the central rows.For gross plot yield (= yield of net plot + yield of alley borders) the differences in selection efficiency between the various selection plot-types were explained on the basis of the genetic variance, the environmental variance and the coefficient of genetic correlation with farm yield as determined in the yield trial. 相似文献
Summary Genetic variation among four winter wheat cultivars for response to treatment with triallate was examined. The cultivars showed differential tolerance based on stand count, however, differential tolerance was not seen for any of the other traits examined including visual score, and the mature plant traits, tiller count and yield. Significant effects due to increasing the rate of chemical were observed. An increase in yield was seen at the 0.5 and 1.0 kg/ha rates of triallate. This yield increase was paralleled by trends toward increasing seed number/head and tiller number/unit area. The results indicate that the effect of triallate on wheat has two components. The first component, toxicity, is seen on all cultivars, but the extent of damage varies significantly among cultivars. The second component is positive and leads to an increase in yield without interacting significantly with genotype. 相似文献
Summary The concept of the uniculm habit as an important feature of a wheat ideotype for a mediterranean environment was evaluated under field conditions. A uniculm plant produces a single shoot and when sown in a stand exemplifies a non-tillering crop with a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season. Yield and harvest index of normal tillering spring wheat was compared with that of the same crop surgically detillered throughout the growing season to a constant density of 2 shoots per plant. The use of a biculm, whilst retaining the uniculm principle of a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season, permitted comparison on a single crop sowing at normal field density.The control plots followed the usual pattern of tillering for the region attaining a maximum of about 4.0 shoots per plant by early spring. Shoot number declined to 2.3 and 2.6 per plant by maturity in 1978 and 1979, respectively.Detillered plots outyielded the controls by 14 per cent in 1978 (2.05 v. 1.80 tonnes ha-1) and 22 per cent in 1979 (1.84 v. 1.51 tonnes ha-1). Harvest indices were 0.39 v. 0.35 in 1978 and 0.30 v. 0.24 in 1979 for detillered and control plots, respectively.Higher leaf area indices and better water relations after anthesis in biculm stands indicated more efficient water use when shoot population was controlled at near optimum level. Irrigation at anthesis reduced the difference in yield between detillered and control plots.Although the uniculm principle was demonstrated with biculms in practice control of shoot number will require the use of genetic uniculms. 相似文献
Relationship between relative water content during reproductive development and winter wheat grain yield 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Summary Water is often the most limiting factor to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the southern Great Plains of the U.S.A., yet the lack of reliable screening criteria has precluded direct selection for drought resistance in breeding programs. Previous work showed that leaf relative water content (RWC) was highly heritable when measured under field-drought conditions, but its adoption as a screening tool for yield improvement requires further investigation of the genetic relationship between grain yield and RWC. Plants representing high and low yield potential under drought stress, and a random group of plants, were selected from an F2 population having the pedigree, TAM W-101/Sturdy. Two sets of entries, each comprised of the two parents and 24 F2-derived lines, were evaluated under a rainshelter in the F3 (1986) and F4 (1987) generations to determine differences in leaf RWC during reproductive development. One set of entries did not receive any water after the jointing stage, and the other set was grown under well-watered conditions. A positive relationship was observed between grain yield and RWC measured during anthesis and mid-grain fill, as the high-yield selections maintained a significantly higher RWC than the low-yield selections. Grain yield and RWC were also positively associated among random selections segregating for both traits. Subsequent adjustment of genotype means for differences in reproductive development at time of sampling underscored the need to consider differences in maturity when RWC is the selection criterion. 相似文献
Summary The genetic constitution of two bread wheat accessions from the International Spring Wheat Rust Nurseries (E 5883 and E 6032) has been studied for reaction to four Indian races of stem rust. Analysis of E 5883 has revealed that for each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 a single dominant gene operates for resistance. The dominant gene against race 15C was identified as Sr6. The dominant genes for resistance against races 21 and 40 were found to be different from the genes described so far. Resistance against race 122 is controlled by a single recessive gene producing characteristically a 2 type of reaction. This gene was identified as Sr8.The resistance of E 6032 against each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive, which act independently. Dominant genes effective against 15C, 21 and 40 were conclusively identified as Sr6, Sr5 and Sr9b, respectively. From the correlated behaviour against races 15C and 40 as well as from the phenotypes of the resistance reactions rhe same recessive gene, undescribed so far, operates against the two races. The second recessive gene operating against race 21 was also observed to be different from those so far designated. E 6032 was, however, found to be susceptible to races 122.The presence of Sr6 both in E 5883 and E 6032 against race 15C was further confirmed through F2 and F3 segregation data. 相似文献
Summary The effectiveness of the honeycomb selection method for yield in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated using progenies from two wheat crosses, Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era. Honeycomb selection was carried out in the F2 and F3 generations, grown at the University of Manitoba in the summers of 1980 and 1981, respectively. In both generations, divergent selection was made for both high and low yield. Plants selected in the F3 generation were entered in an F4 yield test in the summer of 1982. Results of the experiment showed that honeycomb selection for yield in the F2 and F3 generations was effective in identifying parents of high- and low-yielding lines. F3 plants from highyielding F2 selections gave higher yields than those from low-yielding F2 selections by 11.5% and 13.0% for Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era crosses, respectively. The F4 yield test showed that high yielding selections from both crosses significantly outyielded by 8.9% low yielding selections and by 14.4% the unselected composite lines. It is concluded that the honeycomb selection method can be used for early generation selection in spring wheat. 相似文献
Summary Experiments to assess variation in the resistance of winter wheat to infection by Microdochium nivale were conducted over two consecutive years. Resistance was evaluated using an agar disk technique to reproduce stem lesions and by spraying a conidial suspension to reproduce head blight symptoms. Significant variation for stem reaction measured as stem lesion area (SLA), and head reaction measured as disease severity (DS) was found in the 33 winter wheat genotypes tested. Data obtained over two years in controlled environment conditions were significantly correlated (r=0.713 for SLA and r=0.738 for DS), whereas field data showed a significant genotype x year interaction for disease severity. Quantitative variation for susceptibility to stem and head infection by M. nivale was found among the 33 genotypes tested. The majority of genotypes expressed moderate susceptibility, with cultivar Goupil being very susceptible to both stem and head infection, and the remainder, Renan, Arminda, Munstertaler and Saint-Johann were the most resistant. Resistance to stem and head to M. nivale were not correlated (r=0.358). 相似文献
Summary Pedigrees of 142 Yugoslavian winter wheat cultivars were traced to 110 ancestral genotypes, of which 41 contributed significantly. In each of the four major Yugoslavian wheat breeding programs, the most important ancestor, as evaluated by mean coefficient of parentage, was Akagomughi, source of the genes Rht8 and Ppd1. The other 13–19 ancestors accounting for the majority of the remaining germplasm, varied considerably among institutions. The relative contributions of ancestors changed little between the periods 1967–76 and 1982–86, with the exception of Neuzucht (source of a 1B/1R translocation), which became much more important in the latter period. 相似文献
Selection for biomass yield in wheat 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
R. C. Sharma 《Euphytica》1993,70(1-2):35-42
Summary Biomass (above ground plant parts) yield may be a useful selection trait for yield improvement in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study was conducted to estimate realized heritability of biomass yield and to determine the response to selection for high and low biomass yield in 8 genetically diverse populations of spring wheat under two production systems. Selections were made among the F3 lines. Progenies of the selected lines were evaluated in replicated field tests in the F4 generation under high fertility and low fertility production systems at Rampur, Nepal, in 1991. Fertility level had a significant effect on biomass yield, grain yield, effective tiller number, number of kernels per spike, thousand kernel weight, and harvest index. Selection in the F3 for high and low biomass yield was effective in identifying F4 lines with high and low biomass yield, respectively. Biomass yield differences between high and low selection groups in the F4 generation, expressed as percent of the mean of the low selection group and averaged over the eight populations, were 53.9 and 36.5% higher than the mean of the low selection group under the high and the low fertility production systems, respectively. The corresponding figures for grain yield were 48.8 and 34.9% under the high and the low production systems, respectively. Also, selection for high biomass yield resulted in higher effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike, but lower harvest index. Realized heritability estimates for biomass yield were greater at high fertility (range 0.49 to 0.85) than at low fertility (range 0.22 to 0.44). Biomass yield showed positive genotypic correlations with grain yield, effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike but a negative correlation with harvest index. The results indicated that selection for high biomass yield should bring about positive improvements in biomass yield, grain yield, effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike. The correlation between F3 and F4 generations suggested that biomass yield in the F3 generation was a good predictor of biomass yield and grain yield in the F4 generation. Selection for biomass yield in wheat should be made under the standard production system to obtain a realistic response. 相似文献
Gliadin allele composition of Yugoslav winter wheat cultivars 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Summary The complete gliadin allele composition of 57 Yugoslav common winter wheat cultivars was studied. Large differences were found in gliadin genotypes among cultivars bred at different Yugoslav breeding centres as well as between early and recent wheats bred in the Novi Sad breeding centre. Yugoslav wheats have limited variation in gliadin alleles, of which Gli-A1a, Gli-B1b, Gli-B1l, Gli-D1b, Gli-A2e, Gli-B2b, Gli-D2a are shown to be the most frequent. Examples of favoured alleles to new cultivars are described. 40% of the studied wheat cultivars have natural biotypes differing in gliadin allele composition. The frequency of cultivars with the biotypes differs greatly among breeding centres. 相似文献
Summary The identification of relevant but diverse environments for the assessment of the relative performance of wheat cultivars was developed by using conventional and pattern analysis procedures. The utility of weighting environments on proximity to a hypothetical most frequently encountered environment, to improve the quality of the predictive inference of relative cultivar performance, was also assessed. There was an increase in the agreement of the relative yield of cultivars obtained in different years using this technique. 相似文献
Summary To understand how multiline cultivars of wheat develop better protection against leaf rust, seven experimental multilines with 0, 28, 40, 50, 58, 60 and 70% susceptibility were subjected to leaf rust epiphytotics in the field along with their pure line components. A mixture comprising 12 leaf rust races, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 63, 77, 106, 107, 108, 162 and 162 A was used.Both the initial inoculum (Xo) and rate of increase (r) of leaf rust were substantially reduced in the multiline cultivars. Xo was reduced by 45–75% and the over-all infection rate (r) by as much as 16% over the average of components.As a result of reduced Xo and r, the intensity of leaf rust in the multilines was also significantly affected at all stages of rust development. It was reduced from 32,10 to 89.54% over the average of components differing from one multiline to another and also from time to time. The susceptible recurrent parent, Kalyansona at the peak period of rust infection exhibited 86.75% severity while in the multilines it ranged from 5.80 to 35%.The rate of increase in the multilines was found to be proportional to the logarithm of the proportion of susceptible plants in the host mixture.Further, it was found that even if as many as 50% susceptible plants are present in a multiline they would not suffer much from leaf rust damage. 相似文献
Argentine wheat cultivars are assumed to be essentially vernalization insensitive or very slightly sensitive. However, there
are only speculations on this lack of vernalization requirement and a greater unawareness on the variation in earliness per se. The aims of this research have been to determine the extent of variability in vernalization requirement and earliness per se, and how the variability in both traits was produced by breeding programs, through the release of wheat cultivars from the
1930's to the 1990's in Argentina. Sixty-eight cultivars, selected among those of highest performance in each era, were evaluated
under field and glasshouse conditions for their vernalization response and earliness per se. Forty per cent of the cultivars showed some vernalization response. There was a decrease in this requirement along the first
decades of the analysed breeding period, likely in response to
the considerable introgression of CIMMYT germplasm. This initial trend to release earlier cultivars was also evidenced in
a clear decrease in earliness per se. As this tendency in both characteristics was reverted during the last two decades, it may denote that certain vernalization
response and not extreme earliness per se, may contribute to achieve higher yield cultivars in our area.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Summary Crossability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Japan with rye (Secale cereale L.) was investigated by controlled pollination. No normal seeds were produced, but numbers of shrivelled and small seeds with embryos were used to estimate crossability amongst the 96 accessions, viz: 0–10% (29), 10–30% (23), 30–50% (11), 50–90% (33). The investigation for the pedigrees of varieties with more than 50% crossability percentages showed that the kr alleles of some accessions derived from common ancestors. 相似文献