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Fruit load was altered by flower thinning on three- and four-year-old, field-grown apple trees. Increasing fruit load led to increases in dry matter production per unit leaf area and partitioning to fruit and to decreases in fruit size, percentage fruit dry matter, dry matter partitioning to new shoot growth, thickening of existing woody tissue and root growth. Flower bud production for the following spring was also negatively affected by an increase in fruit load. Leaf photosynthesis was increased in cropping trees in July and August at the time of maximum fruit dry weight increase. Calculated light interception was linearly related to leaf area. The efficiency of conversion of intercepted photosynthetic active radiation to dry matter energy equivalents was 3.3% in heavily cropping trees and 1.8% in non-cropping trees. Total dry matter production was linearly related to both leaf area and light interception, but the variance accounted for by the regression was more than doubled if fruit dry matter or fruit number was included in the regression.  相似文献   

Size, dry weight and mineral nutrient content of fruit, leaves, shoots, canes, leader, stem and roots of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa) vines, aged from one to five years, were measured. The distribution of fruit yield among single canes was examined in three of the vines. Total dry weight increased from a mean of 1.29 kg vine(-1) for one-year-old vines to 29.2 kg vine(-1) for five-year-old vines. The proportion of total dry weight in roots declined from the first to the third year (55 to 40%) and then remained approximately constant, whereas the proportion of dry weight in fruits increased from the first to the third year before attaining a more or less constant value. The proportion of total canopy dry weight contained in the current season's growth (fruit, leaves and shoots) averaged 75% for all ages. Roots of five-year-old vines had only penetrated a small proportion of the total soil volume available. Total fruit yield increased linearly with number of floral shoots for whole vines and single canes within vines, but with cane size (length or dry weight) for whole vines only. The productivity of single canes declined from 2.5 kg m(-1) for canes shorter than 0.25 m to about 1.1 kg m(-1) for canes longer than 1.0 m, in accordance with a declining bud density with increasing cane length. For vines of all ages, mineral nutrient concentrations in various tissues were similar, except that Ca in leaves and S in leaves and shoots increased with vine age. Major sites of accumulation of N, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn and B were the leaves, whereas P and K accumulated predominantly in the fruits, Zn in the leader, and Na and Cu in the roots. Estimated annual mineral nutrient uptake increased with vine size and fruit yield, and for five-year-old vines the values per hectare were 141 kg N, 19 kg P, 169 kg K, 161 kg Ca, 28 kg Mg, 32 kg S, and less than 2 kg for Na and all micronutrients. The nutrient content of the harvested fruit provided an inaccurate estimate of annual nutrient uptake of the developing vines.  相似文献   

Radiation-use efficiency (RUE) relates biomass production to the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by a plant or crop. We determined RUE and biomass partitioning coefficients of young olive (Olea europaea) trees for use in a general growth model. In 1995, 1-year-old olive trees var. 'Picual' were planted at a density of either 0.5 or 2.0 trees m(-2) near Córdoba, Spain, at a site providing favorable growth conditions. During the experiment (1995-1997), both PAR interception by the canopy and plant area index (PAI) were measured with radiation sensors. Regular harvests were performed to determine leaf area and biomass accumulation in roots, wood (stem, branches and trunk) and leaves. Leaf, wood and root biomass partitioning coefficients were calculated. The leaf area partitioning coefficients were also estimated. Dry matter production was linearly related to cumulative intercepted PAR. Seasonal RUE, calculated as the slope of the regression of aboveground biomass and cumulative intercepted PAR, was 1.35 g (MJ PAR)(-1). Radiation-use efficiency appeared to respond to environmental conditions, but was independent of planting density and PAI. The young olive trees allocated 0.26 of their total biomass to roots. Partitioning of aboveground dry matter was 0.60 to wood and 0.37 to leaves. As competition increased, dry matter partitioning to wood increased to 0.70.  相似文献   

Simulation models of nitrate uptake and total nitrogen partitioning during the exponential growth phase of one-year-old peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) were tested in an experiment with 88 plants grown in soil-filled containers. Plants were fertilized with (15)N-NO(3) (-) and nitrate uptake estimated by periodic destructive analysis of plants for excess (15)N. Partitioning of N within the trees was followed by the analysis of plant parts for total N and (15)N. The nitrate uptake model, which provides one of the main inputs to the partitioning model, is based on a simplified form of the Michaelis-Menten equation adapted to describe uptake by roots growing in soil layers. The nitrogen partitioning model considers each plant part (e.g., roots, trunk, shoots, leaves) as either a sink or a source for nitrogen. The model uses a flow equation, which is the same for all plant parts, to model the dynamics of nitrogen partitioning in the tree using increases in dry matter of various plant parts as driving force variables. The experiment demonstrated an error in the compartment organization of the partitioning model as a result of which the model failed to simulate changes in root N. A modification of the partitioning model structure to take account of the importance of trunk nitrogen reserves for root growth at the beginning of the growing season, which was indicated by the (15)N data, greatly improved prediction of root N. This modification is discussed in relation to the modeling approach.  相似文献   

Twenty weeks forage re-growth from 20 multipurpose trees and shrubs (MPTS) species (Albizia ferruginea, Albizia gummifera, Albizia niopoides, Berlinia grandiflora, Bauhimia monandra, Dialium guineense, Dalbergia sissoo, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Leucaena leucocephala, Lonchocarpus sericeus, Milletia griffoneanus, Milletia thoningii, Napoliana imperialis, Parkia bicolor, Pterocarpus santalinoides, Senna spectabilis, Treculia africana, Terminalia superba, Tetrapluera tetraptera and Xylia xylocarpa) were investigated for their feed value. The MPTS were grown on an ultisol in southeastern Nigeria and were subjected to proximate analyses, nylon bag degradability studies and cluster analysis. Among species, crude protein (CP) ranged from 104 g kg?1 DM in P. bicolor to 205 g kg?1 DM in A. gummifera, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) ranged from 498 g kg?1 DM in L. leucocephala to 771 g kg?1 DM in L. sericeus, acid detergent fibre (ADF) ranged from 303 g kg?1 DM in T. superba to 661 g kg?1 DM in L. sericeus, acid detergent lignin (ADL) ranged from 75 g kg?1 DM in T. superba to 305 g kg?1 DM in L. sericeus. Also, ADF-ash ranged from 0.78 g kg?1 DM in E. cyclocarpum to 15.58 g kg?1 DM in D. guineense. Except E. cyclocarpum and S. spectabilis, the remaining 18 MPTS studied had effective degradabilities (ED) less than 500 g kg?1 DM effective degradability. Eight MPTS (A. ferruginea, A. niopoides, B. monandra, D. sissoo, E. cyclocarpum, L. leucocephala, S. spectabilis, T. superba) were classified as high quality, another eight (A. gummifera, B. grandiflora, L. sericeus, N. imperialis, P. bicolor, P. santalinoides, T. tetraptera and X. xylocarpa) as medium quality while, the remaining four (D. guineensis, M. griffoneanus, M. thoningii, T. africana) fell into the low quality class based on their nutrient composition and ruminal DM degradability. The results indicate that most of the MPTS could be used as good quality feed for small ruminants in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Stockplants of Eucalyptus grandis were pruned to a height of 7–10 cm and after 3 weeks were placed in growth cabinets set at a photon flux density (PFD) of 200 μmol m−2 s−1 and red to far-red ratios of 0.4, 0.7, 1.3, 3.5 or 6.5. Experiments tested the effects of light quality on growth and gas exchange of stockplants. Light quality did not affect the total shoot dry weight (DW), root DW or shoot to root ratio of stockplants or their total leaf area. However, there were significant effects of light quality on: (i) plant height, which was greatest at red:far-red (R:FR) ratios of 0.4 and 0.7; (ii) partitioning of DW between leaves and stems, with greater stem DW and less leaf DW at low R:FR ratios (0.4 and 0.7); (iii) partitioning of DW and leaf area between the most dominant shoot and all other (non-dominant) shoots; (iv) specific leaf area, which was greatest at low R:FR ratios. In the above characters, the dominance ratio (ratio of most dominant shoot to sum of all other shoots) was greatest at low R:FR ratios and least at ratios of 3.5 and 6.5. Photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area and leaf chlorophyll concentration significantly increased with increasing R:FR ratio. However, photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll concentration was significantly greater at low R:FR ratios. Generally, light quality had no significant effect on photosynthetic rate per leaf or per unit dry weight, but rates of transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency increased with an increase in R:FR ratio. These data indicate that compensatory changes in plant morphology and gas exchange caused equality in total dry weight per plant between treatments. The above effects of light quality on dry matter partitioning and gas exchange had important effects on the size, number, morphology and physiology of subsequently collected cuttings for vegetative propagation.  相似文献   

The relationships between hydraulic and photosynthetic properties in plants have been widely studied, but much less is known about how these properties are linked to water-source partitioning, the spatial and temporal separation of water sources in ecosystems. Plant water-source partitioning is often influenced by the proximity of groundwater from the natural surface. We studied the water acquisition strategy and hydraulic and photosynthetic properties of Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala D.C.), a large coastal tree species that occupies seasonally dry habitats underlain by superficial aquifers. Our goal was to quantify water-source partitioning as the proportion of xylem water derived from the vadose and saturated zones with respect to stage of development and proximity of groundwater. We then sought to associate the proportional contribution of a given water source with xylem hydraulic and photosynthetic properties, thus conferring a linkage. Seedlings were more inclined to use surface soil water when rainfall recharge of the upper profile occurred, suggesting that they maintained or rapidly developed a proportionally high amount of functional roots in the upper, seasonally dry, soil profile. This strategy was associated with a lower xylem-area-specific hydraulic conductivity (K(S)), leaf-area-specific hydraulic conductivity (K(L)) and maximum photon yield of photosystem II (F(V)/F(M)). In contrast, trees acquired water from a variety of sources in different seasons and had a higher K(S), K(L) and F(V)/F(M). Despite the higher K(S) and K(L) in trees, the midday hydrodynamic water potential gradient from soil to leaves, ΔΨ, was similar. We conclude that there was a linkage between hydraulic and photosynthetic properties with the partitioning of water sources and that this adaptation to long-term hydrological regimes accommodated the different hydraulic characteristics and hydrological environments of trees versus seedlings.  相似文献   

Flow of water in a single tree was modeled in terms of the Darcy equation using a catena of four compartments: root, stem (further divided into discs), branches and leaves. Within each compartment or disc, water content was related to both water potential and conductivity of the xylem tissue using power or logarithmic functions, thus introducing both capacitance and variable resistance to flow in the model. Transpiration from the leaves to the atmosphere was used as the upper boundary to the model, and the soil-root interface as the lower boundary. Parameters for the water content, water potential and conductivity functions, together with physical dimensions were obtained by direct measurement or from the literature. A sensitivity analysis showed that the largest changes in simulated water potential and flow were associated with changes in the parameters directly controlling conductivity. Simulation of both smoothed diurnal changes and stepwise changes showed a phase lag down the tree, with flow tending to approach a steady state, but with changes in the gradients of water potential, water content and conductivity. A preliminary test of the model was made against field data using the Penman-Monteith equation to estimate the transpiration rate in a well-watered Pinus contorta Dougl. stand. Stem flow, water potential and water content were measured directly on a representative tree, which was subsequently harvested to provide dimensions and laboratory estimations of the parameters in the functions by direct measurement.  相似文献   

Growth of a single sugi (Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D. Don.) tree was analyzed on the basis of a dry matter budget. The aboveground net production rate and death rate were defined as the anabolic rate and catabolic rate, respectively. Growth rate of aboveground tree weight, v(w) (kg(dw) year(-1)), was defined as follows: v(w) = v(p) - v(d) (1) where v(p) (kg(dw) year(-1)) is the aboveground net production rate and v(d) (kg(dw) year(-1)) is the aboveground death rate. The value of v(d) is obtained by measuring the monthly clippings of new dead leaves and branches attached to a sample tree. The value of v(w) was calculated as the annual difference in the estimated aboveground tree weight, w(T) (kg(dw)). Finally, the value of v(p) was estimated as the sum of the values of v(d) and v(w). The following allometric relationships were found between v(p) and w(T) and between v(d) and w(T): v(p) = aw(T) (alpha), v(d) = bw(T) (beta) (2). Combining Equations 1 and 2 gives a growth equation, Bertalanffy's equation, of the sample tree. dw(T)/dt = v(w) = aw(T) (alpha) - bw(T) (beta) (3). Because the growth curve of w(T) was derived from Equation 3, the analysis of the growth of w(T) is based on direct measurement of the dry matter budget.  相似文献   

A simple model that describes growth in terms of physical and physiological processes is needed to predict growth rates and hence the productivity of trees at particular sites. The linear relationship expected between absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (phi(pa), MJ m(-2)) and dry mass production (G(t)); i.e., G(t) = epsilonphi(pa), where epsilon is the radiation utilization coefficient, was fitted to three years' data from five Western Australian Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations for which monthly growth measurements, leaf area indices, weather data and soil water measurements were available. Reductions in growth efficiency relative to absorbed photosynthetically active radiation were associated with high vapor pressure deficits (D, kPa) so the relationship between monthly aboveground biomass increments and D was used to calculate utilizable phi(pa). Plotting cumulative aboveground growth against utilizable phi(pa) gave strong linear relationships with slope epsilon. Values of epsilon ranged from 0.93 to 2.23 g dry mass MJ(-1) phi(pa). The variation could not be explained either in terms of soil water content in the root zones, because all plantations appeared to have access to groundwater, or in terms of soil chemistry. A value of epsilon approximately 2.2 is considered near the maximum likely to be applicable to Eucalyptus plantations. An interesting peripheral finding was a strong relationship between allometric ratios and soil phosphorus; this, if confirmed elsewhere, will be of considerable value in converting biomass increments to wood production. There was also a strong negative relationship between the average ratio of leaf/total aboveground biomass and soil nitrogen content.  相似文献   

In northern Thailand, a growing interest in restoring forests for wildlife conservation and environmental protection is increasing demand for high quality planting stock of a wide range of native forest tree species. Since most native tree species have never been grown in nurseries, their production is hindered by a lack of knowledge of basic propagation methods. Basic data on germination and performance of ten indigenous framework tree species, Castanopsis acuminatissima, Dalbergia rimosa, Diospyros glandulosa, Eugenia albiflora, Ficus glaberrima var. glaberrima, Lithocarpus craibianus, Melia toosendan, Prunus cerasoides, Quercus semiserrata and Spondias axillaris were collected during the production process. Different species produce seeds at different times of the year and they have different growth rates, yet saplings must attain a plantable size by the optimum planting time i.e. the start of the wet season. Germination percentages ranged from 38 to 89%, and the time in the nursery to reach a plantable size ranged from 119 days for Prunus cerasoides, when it had reached a mean height of 48.6 cm (SD 7.9), to 609 days for Lithocarpus craibianus, when it had reached mean height of 40.5 cm (SD 10.6). This paper discusses the scheduling of production for these candidate framework species.  相似文献   

高原干旱河谷区核桃高接换优改造技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
核桃是九寨沟县的一项重要产业,但从品种到栽培技术都沿用传统模式,极大制约了产业的发展。从品种引进入手,通过不同嫁接方式对现有核桃连续3年进行改造,现将其要点总结,为产业发展提供指导。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that carbohydrate partitioning is driven by competition among individual plant organs, based on each organ's growth potential, was used to develop a simulation model of the carbon supply and demand for reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees. In the model, photosynthetic carbon assimilation is simulated using daily minimum and maximum temperature and solar radiation as inputs. Carbohydrate is first partitioned to maintenance respiration, then to leaves, fruits, stems and branches, then to the trunk. Root activity is supported by residual carbohydrate after aboveground growth. Verification of the model was carried out with field data from trees that were thinned at different times. In general, the model predictions corresponded to field data for fruit and vegetative growth. The model predicted that resource availability limited fruit and stem growth during two periods of fruit growth, periods that had been identified in earlier experimental studies as resource-limited growth periods. The model also predicted that there were two periods of high carbohydrate availability for root activity. The fit between model predictions and field data supports the initial hypothesis that plants function as collections of semiautonomous, interacting organs that compete for resources based on their growth potentials.  相似文献   

Dry matter production and nutrient dynamics were quantified in the reproductive components of 14- and 30-year-old teak (Tectona grandis L.) stands growing in a dry tropical region. Flower production per tree was positively related to tree size. Despite massive flower production (33 x 10(6) and 171 x 10(6) ha(-1) year(-1) in 14- and 30-year-old trees, respectively), only about 0.5-0.7% flowers developed into fruits. Immature fruit abscission totalled 34 and 58% of the total number of fruits initiated in the 14- and 30-year-old stands, respectively. The production of reproductive components (flowers, peduncles and fruits) was 245 kg ha(-1) year(-1) in the 14-year-old stand and 1122 kg ha(-1) year(-1) in the 30-year-old stand. In both stands, relatively greater amounts of dry matter and nutrients were allocated to reproductive parts in September than in other months. Toward the end of the fruit maturation period, considerable nutrient resorption occurred. More than 90% of the nutrients accumulated in the peduncle were resorbed. Smaller amounts, ranging from 21% for K to 58% for N, were resorbed from mature, winged indehiscent fruits.  相似文献   

Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings and trees differ in their response to ozone. Previous work reported reductions in net photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiency and quantum yield of mature tree leaves, whereas seedling processes were unaffected by the same ozone exposure. To further characterize differences in ozone response between seedlings and mature trees, we examined carbon partitioning and allocation in 32-year-old trees and 4-year-old seedlings of northern red oak after exposure to subambient (seasonal SUM00 dose (sum of all hourly ozone exposures) = 31 ppm-h), ambient (SUM00 dose = 85 ppm-h) and twice ambient (SUM00 dose = 151 ppm-h) ozone concentrations for three growing seasons. For mature trees, ozone exposure decreased foliar starch partitioning, increased starch partitioning in branches and increased (14)C retention in leaves. In contrast, starch partitioning in leaves and branches, and foliar (14)C retention in seedlings were unaffected by ozone exposure, but soluble carbohydrate concentrations in coarse and fine roots of seedlings were reduced. Differences in carbohydrate demand between seedlings and mature trees may underlie the higher leaf ozone uptake rates and greater physiological response to ozone in mature northern red oak trees compared with seedlings.  相似文献   

Silvicultural treatments are often needed in selectively logged tropical forest to enhance the growth rates of many commercial tree species and, consequently, for recovering a larger proportion of the initial volume harvested over the next cutting cycle. The available data in the literature suggest, however, that the effect of silvicultural treatments on tree growth is smaller in dry forests than in humid forest tree species. In this study, we analyze the effect of logging and application of additional silvicultural treatments (liana cutting and girdling of competing trees) on the growth rates of future crop trees (FCTs; i.e., trees of current and potentially commercial timber species with adequate form and apparent growth potential). The study was carried out in a tropical dry forest in Bolivia where a set of 21.25-ha plots were monitored for 4 years post-logging. Plots received one of four treatments that varied in intensity of both logging and silvicultural treatments as follows: normal (reduced-impact) logging; normal logging and low-intensity silviculture; increased logging intensity and high-intensity silviculture; and, unlogged controls. The silvicultural treatments applied to FCTs involved liberation from lianas and overtopping trees. Results showed that rates of FCT stem diameter growth increased with light availability, logging intensity, and intensity of silvicultural treatments, and decrease with liana infestation degree. Growth rate increment was larger in the light and intensive silvicultural treatment (22–27%). Long-lived pioneer species showed the strongest response to intensive silviculture (50% increase) followed by total shade-tolerant species (24%) and partial shade-tolerant species (10%). While reduced-impact logging is often not sufficient to guarantee the sustainability of timber yields, application of silvicultural treatments that substantially enhanced the growth rates of FCTs will help move the management of these forests closer to the goal of sustained yield.  相似文献   

The effects of drought stress on growth and dry matter partitioning of seven provenances of Parkia biglobosa were assessed in a nursery experiment. Three different water regimes were applied: soil high, medium and low water content (HWC, MWC and LWC) corresponding respectively to 100, 75 and 50 % of field capacity. A split-plot experimental design was applied with the provenance as main plot and the water regime as sub-plot, replicated three times. Each provenance was represented by 30 seedlings in each replication, corresponding to three test periods with ten seedlings each (6, 12 and 18 months after water stress started). There were significant interactions between provenance and water regime for survival rate and the relative growth rates of diameter and height. After 18 months, the dry matter mean was 20.00 ± 0.65 g for the HWC regime, 11.50 ± 2.90 g for the MWC regime while all plants in the LWC regime died. After 6 months, the accumulated water use efficiency (WUE) showed significant differences between water regimes, but not between provenances. Seedlings from the LWC regime showed higher WUE than those from the MWC regime. However, the HWC regime displayed the highest mean value of WUE. Despite differences between provenances, it was not possible to clearly separate them according to the geographical position or climatic parameters, based on the growth performance or both fresh to dry weight and shoot to root dry weight ratios.  相似文献   

  • ? In seasonally dry tropical forests deciduousness (leaflessness) is an important strategy of trees to survive in water stress period during summer. Deciduousness is a reflection of interacted effect of seasonal drought, tree characteristics and soil moisture conditions.
  • ? The present study aims to document the diversity in leaf pheno-phases in terms of duration of deciduousness (which is reciprocal to growing season length), wood density, leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf strategy index in 24 important tree species growing in the Vindhyan dry tropical forest in India.
  • ? On the basis of phenological observations, the tree species were categorized into two main groups: leaf exchanging species exhibiting overlapping periods of leaf fall and leaf flush, and deciduous species whose timings of leaf flush and leaf fall differ resulting in a time lag (deciduousness) between the completion of leaf fall and initiation of leaf flush. Presence of wide range of deciduousness duration (from ca. a week to 7 months) among dry tropical trees indicates large variations in their growing season length. In the tree species studied, as the duration of deciduousness increased, leaf flushing period decreased significantly but leaf fall period showed little variation.
  • ? Differing deciduousness in tree species exhibited substantial differences in their leafing (vegetative growth) pattern, as reflected by ratio of durations of leaf flush to leaf fall (leaf strategy index). Across different species, duration of deciduousness was significantly positively correlated with leaf strategy index, and significantly negatively correlated with both wood density and LMA.
  • ? Wide variations in deciduousness, leaf strategy index, wood density and LMA in the 24 species investigated indicate considerable functional diversity in tree species growing in Vindhyan dry tropical region. Variation in seasonal duration of deciduousness among species is reflections of differences in tree functional traits like stem wood density, leaf strategy index and LMA.
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    Forage yields ofL. leucocephala (Lam). de Wit have been reduced as the result of psyllid damage sinceHeteropsylla cubana Crawford invaded the Hawaiian Islands in 1984. The forage productivity and psyllid resistance of 31Leucaena species and interspecific hybrids were assessed from 5 harvests in Hawaii during 1991 and 1992. The trial consisted of an augmented randomized complete block with 22Leucaena selections in all 4 replicates, 2 selections in 3 replicates and 7 selections in 1 or 2 replicates.Forage (leaves and stems < 6 mm diam.) dry matter (DM) biomass yield over a 13-month period ranged from 1.4 to 34 Mg ha–1 from total DM ranging from 1.9 to 63.7 Mg ha–1. Percent forage fractions ranged from 49 to 78% (forage DM/total DM). The 10 selections in this trial of eitherL. pallida Britton & Rose, and its hybrids withL. leucocephala consistently produced both the highest forage and total DM yields averaging 22 and 40 Mg ha–1, respectively. This represented a three-fold increase in forage production when compared toL. leucocephala K636 (a standard around the world).The excellent performance of theL. pallida lines was attributed to high psyllid resistance and seedling vigor. AllL. pallida selections with the exception of K953 exhibited good psyllid resistance.Leucaena diversifolia Benth. K749,L. pallida K376, andL. esculenta (Moc. & Sesse) Benth. K950 had the highest psyllid resistance (p<0.05). Psyllid damage was negatively correlated to forage DM yield at both harvest 2 and 5 (r=–0.55,p<0.01,n=94). Forage DM was positively correlated to seedling vigor for the first harvest (r=0.83,p<0.001,n=74) and combined harvests (r=0.88,p<0.001,n=74).  相似文献   


    Actual climate models for central Europe predict prolonged summer droughts. Knowledge on how the interaction between light and water availability affects regeneration will hence be of major importance. In an experiment carried out under controlled conditions, newly emerged beech seedlings were grown in pots with sand during 54 days. Three treatments applying three different light levels (2, 9 and 43% relative light intensity) were combined with two soil water treatments (control and drought). At the end of the experiment, seedlings were separated into leaves, stem and root and the seedlings’ dry mass, leaf area and stem length was determined. Low irradiance (2%) had a strong negative effect on dry weights of seedling components, leaf area and specific leaf mass. Drought clearly affected biomass partitioning for seedlings at high irradiance levels (43%). An interaction between irradiance and drought on biomass partitioning in beech seedlings was observed at medium irradiance level (9%). Within a wide range of light levels in the forests, both light and drought may affect biomass partitioning in young seedlings.  相似文献   

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