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Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) suffers frequent and extensive injury to current-year foliage during the winter. Experimental freezing of red spruce foliage at cooling rates > 10 degrees C min(-1) induced visible symptomatology similar to natural winter injury at the branch, needle and cellular levels. Such damage was associated with a low-temperature exotherm near -10 to -12 degrees C, a loss in needle fluorescence, massive cellular disruption, foliar discoloration, and low needle survival. Susceptibility of individual trees to rapid freezing injury was associated with historical winter injury patterns and alterations in foliar nutrition. We conclude that anthropogenic deposition may alter the sensitivity of trees to winter injury caused by rapid temperature changes.  相似文献   

To assess the role of solar warming and associated temperature fluctuations in the winter injury of sun-exposed red spruce foliage, we used fine wire thermocouples to monitor midwinter needle temperature in the upper canopy of mature red spruce trees over two winters. In 1989-1990, 15-min mean temperatures were recorded for six needles in a single tree. In 1990-1991, 10-min mean temperatures of six needles in one tree, and 1-min mean temperatures of seven needles in a second tree were recorded during rapid temperature changes. Warming was more frequent and greatest on terminal shoots of branches with a south to southwest aspect. The maximum rise above ambient air temperature exceeded 20 degrees C, and the maximum one minute decrease in temperature was 9 degrees C, with maximum rates of 0.8 and 0.6 degrees C min(-1) sustained over 10- and 15-min intervals, respectively. These data demonstrate that red spruce is subject to rapid temperature fluctuations similar to those known to produce visible injury in American aborvitae, a much hardier species. We concluded that solar warming to temperatures above the freezing point was unlikely to result in dehardening and subsequent freezing injury, because warming was infrequent, of short duration, and did not always raise needle temperature above the freezing point. Parts of branches and some individual shoots were frequently covered by snow or rime that may have prevented injury by reducing the frequency or intensity of needle temperature fluctuations. Radiation load on exposed shoots may have been increased by reflection of short wave radiation from snow and rime deposits on surrounding surfaces, which would exacerbate temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain winter injury to needles of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.): (1) desiccation, which is characterized by net loss of foliar water from the needle to the environment, with cell injury resulting from dehydration; and (2) freezing, which is characterized by direct injury to cells resulting from intracellular or extracellular ice formation during exposure to low temperature. To compare the separate and combined effects of freezing and desiccation, branches of a mature red spruce at 1160 m were (a) experimentally frozen in situ to -50 degrees C; (b) cut and tied in their original orientation and allowed to desiccate passively; or (c) both frozen in situ and cut and tied in their original orientation. Needle water content, electrolyte leakage (an index of cell injury), and needle color were monitored for 60 days after treatment. Freezing resulted in immediate increases in electrolyte leakage, rapid water loss, and reddening necrosis of needles similar to that of naturally injured needles. Cutting resulted in more gradual water loss, no significant changes in electrolyte loss until severe desiccation had occurred, and a change in the color of the needles to a dull green. Because freezing produced reddening necrosis, a key symptom of winter injury, whereas desiccation did not, we conclude that freezing is probably the primary cause of winter injury in red spruce, and that desiccation is a secondary effect.  相似文献   

Montane red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in the northeastern United States has undergone a decline during the past two decades. One symptom associated with the decline syndrome is the episodic browning of first-year foliage in early spring. To examine the potential role of winter desiccation in this browning, the water relations of red spruce foliage in a subalpine forest on Mt. Moosilauke, New Hampshire, USA, were monitored from January to May, 1989. All sampled trees lost water during the winter and the first-year foliage on some trees turned brown in early spring. The relative water content of first-year shoots during the winter was a significant predictor of spring browning; red spruce trees that showed browning had desiccated faster and reached lower relative water contents. Damaged trees also had more closely packed needles and lower cuticular resistances to water loss. The first-year shoots had a significantly lower average relative water content than older shoots before and after browning. Cuticular resistance to water loss decreased with elevation. Sun-exposed shoots lost more water than shaded shoots because of solar heating of needles. Winter desiccation can occur before the decline-related spring browning of red spruce foliage.  相似文献   

We examined the pattern of seasonal variation in total foliar calcium (Ca) pools and plasma membrane-associated Ca (mCa) in mesophyll cells of current-year and 1-year-old needles of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and the relationship between mCa and total foliar Ca on an individual plant and seasonal basis. Foliar samples were collected from seedlings and analyzed on 16 dated at 2- to 3-week intervals between June 1994 and March 1995. Concentrations of mCa in current-year needles were more seasonally dynamic and responsive to temporal environmental changes than either mCa concentrations of 1-year-old needles, which were largely stable, or total foliar Ca concentrations in both tissues. In current-year needles, mCa was barely evident in early summer, increased steadily through summer, and then increased dramatically in early fall and surpassed the concentration in 1-year-old needles. Coincident with the first severe frost, mCa concentrations in current-year needles declined significantly and subsequently maintained concentrations comparable to those of 1-year-old needles. Following an extended January thaw, which included 5 days of minimum temperatures > 5 degrees C, mCa concentrations of current-year needles temporarily, but significantly, declined. However, there was no change in mCa concentrations of 1-year-old needles or total Ca concentrations of either tissue. Total Ca concentrations were stable through midsummer in both tissues, doubled in late summer, and then were stable in both tissues throughout fall and winter. Total Ca concentrations were consistently higher in 1-year-old than in current-year needles. Correlations between concentrations of mCa and total foliar Ca were consistently low and mostly nonsignificant. Thus, the dominant, but insoluble, extracellular Ca pool reflected in commonly measured total foliar Ca concentrations is not a meaningful surrogate for the physiologically important and labile pool associated with the plasma membrane-cell wall compartment of red spruce mesophyll cells. It is likely that shifts in the critical mCa compartment would not be detected by analysis of total foliar Ca pools. Seasonal changes in mCa concentration seemed to parallel seasonal changes in membrane structure, and possibly the important role of extracellular Ca in transducing messages associated with environmental signals.  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were measured in ten red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) saplings, growing near Ithaca, New York, throughout the early spring and late-fall growing periods. Gas exchange and daily minimum and maximum soil and air temperatures were also measured. Linear regression analysis showed that rates of net photosynthesis were positively correlated with both minimum daily soil and air temperatures but that minimum soil temperature was a better predictor of net photosynthesis. Moreover, net photosynthesis was more sensitive to changes in soil temperature than to changes in air temperature, and photosynthesis was approximately twice as sensitive to temperature changes during the fall than during the spring.  相似文献   

Bigras  F.J.  Margolis  H.A. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):29-49
Damage to containerized forest seedlings due to freezing can occur in the fall or early winter in Canadian forest nurseries. The following spring, damage to shoots and impairment of growth is observed. The objectives of this experiment were to measure the impact of late fall low temperatures (0° to --30°C) on whole seedlings of the three most common species used for reforestation in Quebec: black spruce (BS), white spruce (WS) and jack pine (JP). Impacts of freezing temperatures on (i) whole seedling and apical bud mortality, (ii) shoot growth and root mortality, (iii) stem electrical resistance, (iv) shoot and root water relations, (v) concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and total sugars in shoots were assessed. JP showed the highest rate of whole seedling mortality while WS showed the highest rate of apical bud mortality. JP was the most severely affected: destruction of the root system at low temperatures as well as a reduction of shoot growth and stem diameter and a decrease (more negative) in shoot and root water potential. WS showed a reduction of shoot growth despite no apparent damage to the root system at low temperatures. BS was not affected by temperatures as low as --30°C. Nutrient and sugar concentrations were not affected by low temperature treatments.  相似文献   

We evaluated net photosynthesis, respiration, leaf conductance, xylem pressure potential (XPP) and cold hardiness in red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) seedlings exposed to either a continuous thaw (CT) or a daytime thaw with freezing nights (FN) for 8 days during mid-winter. Physiological differences between CT and FN seedlings were evident for all measured parameters. However, the temporal expression of treatment differences varied among parameters. When compared to FN seedlings, CT seedlings had higher rates of respiration following 24 h of treatment, and a higher net photosynthetic rate, leaf conductance and XPP after 48 h of treatment. The CT seedlings were significantly less cold tolerant than the FN seedlings following 4 days of thaw, whereas FN seedlings did not deharden over the 8 days of treatment. Examination of temporal trends among thaw-associated changes in physiology suggested that, although greater carbon exchange occurred as stomatal conductance increased, the transition from negative to positive net photosynthesis was not the result of increases in conductance, but may have been associated with thaw-induced increases in XPP. Because thaw-associated changes in gas exchange and cold hardiness were offset in time, we conclude that, if changes in these processes are physiologically linked, the linkage is indirect.  相似文献   

Understory red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees, between 20 and 50 cm in height and 12 years or more in age, were collected from mid- and high-elevation stands in north-central Vermont and placed in a closed-cuvette system to measure photosynthetic and transpirational responses to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and temperature. Photosynthesis, dark respiration, transpiration and water-use efficiency of trees from both stands responded to changes in PPFD and temperature in similar ways. Trees from both stands exhibited maximum rates of net photosynthesis at temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees C, and exposure to higher temperatures resulted in reduced rates of photosynthesis and increased rates of respiration. Net photosynthetic rates generally increased with increasing light intensity but began to level off at 250 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). Water-use efficiency was maximal when temperature and PPFD were at 15 degrees C and above 400 micro mol m(-2) s(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that winter needle mortality in red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) is increased by exposure to direct solar radiation, possibly as a result of photo-oxidative damage, accelerated winter desiccation, or reduced cold tolerance due to heating of sun-exposed needles. In an experiment at controlled subfreezing air temperatures of -10 to -20 degrees C, visible radiation was less effective than infrared radiation in producing needle desiccation and visible injury during freeze-thaw cycles. However, visible radiation produced a red-brown color in injured needles, similar to natural winter injury, whereas injured needles exposed to infrared radiation were yellow and injured needles kept in darkness were dark brown. Thus, visible radiation was necessary to produce the red-brown color of damaged needles, but not the injury itself. Needle desiccation was not strongly correlated with visible injury, but the pattern of variation in visible injury among trees and the positive correlation between electrolyte leakage and visible injury suggested that freezing damage following freeze-thaw cycles might cause the visible injury. This was confirmed by a second experiment that showed loss of cold hardiness in needles thawed by radiational heating for six consecutive days. Even with a constant nighttime temperature of -10 degrees C, six days of radiational heating of needles to above freezing caused a small (2.8 degrees C) mean decrease in needle cold tolerance, as measured by electrolyte leakage. Continuous darkness at -10 degrees C for six days resulted in an estimated 5.6 degrees C mean increase in needle cold tolerance. Freezing injury stimulated desiccation: cooling at 4 degrees C h(-1) to -43 or -48 degrees C increased the dehydration rate of isolated shoots by a factor of two to three during the first day after thawing. Within three days at 15 to 22 degrees C and 50% relative humidity, the mean water content of these shoots fell to 60% or lower, compared to 90% or greater for unfrozen controls or shoots subject to less severe freezing stress. In some but not all severely freeze-stressed shoots, accelerated needle desiccation and abscission were accompanied by a red-brown color typical of red spruce winter needle injury. We conclude that severe winter desiccation in red spruce may often be due to prior freezing injury, increased as a result of exposure to direct solar radiation. Furthermore, freezing injury in red spruce may sometimes cause desiccation and abscission of green needles.  相似文献   

Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) are genetically and morphologically similar but ecologically distinct species. We determined intraspecific seed-source and interspecific variation of red spruce and black spruce, from across the near-northern margins of their ranges, for several light-energy processing and freezing-tolerance adaptive traits. Before exposure to low temperature, red spruce had variable fluorescence (Fv) similar to black spruce, but higher photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), lower quantum yield, lower chlorophyll fluorescence (%), and higher thermal dissipation efficiency (qN), although the seed-source effect and the seed-source x species interaction were significant only for Fv/Fm. After low-temperature exposure (-40 degrees C), red spruce had significantly lower Fv/Fm, quantum yield and qN than black spruce, but higher chlorophyll fluorescence and relative fluorescence. Species, seed-source effect, and seed-source x species interaction were consistent with predictions based on genetic (e.g., geographic) origins. Multi-temperature exposures (5, -20 and -40 degrees C) often produced significant species and temperature effects, and species x temperature interactions as a result of species-specific responses to temperature exposures. The inherent physiological species-specific adaptations of red spruce and black spruce were largely consistent with a shade-tolerant, late-successional species and an early successional species, respectively. Species differences in physiological adaptations conform to a biological trade-off, probably as a result of natural selection pressure in response to light availability and prevailing temperature gradients.  相似文献   

Jiang M  Jagels R 《Tree physiology》1999,19(14):909-916
Five-year-old red spruce saplings (Picea rubens Sarg.) were exposed to either (1) acid fog consisting of a mixture of H(2)SO(4) and HNO(3) adjusted to pH 2.5, (2) distilled-water fog at pH 5.6, or (3) no fog (dry control) for 3.5 hours per day, five times a week during the 1996 and 1997 growing seasons. The effect of fog on cell membrane-associated calcium (mCa) of leaf mesophyll cells was investigated with the fluorescence probe chlortetracycline (CTC). In both years, mean mCa concentrations were significantly less in needles exposed to acid fog than in needles exposed to distilled-water fog or in untreated needles. In 1997, acid-fog treatment resulted in 25 and 12% reductions in mCa in current-year needles, and 18 and 15% reductions in 1-year-old needles, compared with untreated needles and needles exposed to distilled-water fog, respectively, indicating that acid deposition induced calcium leaching from the membranes of photosynthetic mesophyll cells. Exposure to distilled-water fog also led to reductions in mCa in young needles, suggesting that water films on needle surfaces can induce losses by diffusion between the needle interior and surface. Consistent with the chamber studies, field data obtained from red spruce trees at two sites in Maine showed that low mCa concentrations in needles were associated with exposure to acid fog.  相似文献   

Northern forests are currently experiencing increasing mean temperatures, especially during autumn and spring. Consequently, alterations in carbon sequestration, leaf biochemical quality and freezing tolerance (FT) are likely to occur. The interactive effects of elevated temperature and ozone (O(3)), the most harmful phytotoxic air pollutant, on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were studied by analysing phenology, metabolite concentrations in the needles, FT and gas exchange. Sampling was performed in September and May. The seedlings were exposed to a year-round elevated temperature (+1.3 °C), and to 1.4× ambient O(3) concentration during the growing season in the field. Elevated temperature increased the concentrations of amino acids, organic acids of the citric acid cycle and some carbohydrates, and reduced the concentrations of phenolic compounds, some organic acids of the shikimic acid pathway, sucrose, cyclitols and steroids, depending on the timing of the sampling. Although growth onset occurred earlier at elevated temperature, the temperature of 50% lethality (LT(50)) was similar in the treatments. Photosynthesis and the ratio of photosynthesis to dark respiration were reduced by elevated temperature. Elevated concentrations of O(3) reduced the total concentration of soluble sugars, and tended to reduce LT(50) of the needles in September. These results show that alterations in needle chemical quality can be expected at elevated temperatures, but the seedlings' sensitivity to autumn and spring frosts is not altered. Elevated O(3) has the potential to disturb cold hardening of Norway spruce seedlings in autumn, and to alter the water balance of the seedling through changes in stomatal conductance (g(s)), while elevated temperature is likely to reduce g(s) and consequently reduce the O(3)-flux inside the leaves.  相似文献   

杨树品种变温胁迫试验及抗冻性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用模拟自然界冬季温度变化的某些特征,用不同的低温和变温条件对不同杨树品种1年生休眠苗木和离体材料进行胁迫,旨在研究低温和变温对杨树发生冻害的影响,同时在试验结果基础上,对不同品种的抗冻性作出初步评价.试验结果显示,持续的低温对不同杨树具有一定的伤害,但高温和低温的变温对不同杨树伤害更大,而且变化幅度越剧烈,造成伤害越严重;从参试品种(种)试验结果分析得出,马氏杨、小叶杨、小黑杨、辽胡杨、小美旱杨、青山杨抗性较好,中绥12杨、辽宁杨、荷兰3016杨、沙兰杨抗性中等,欧美108杨、丹红杨抗性最差,与生产应用结果基本一致.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal dynamics of carbohydrate storage in red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) seedlings by measuring starch and sugar concentrations of old needles (>/= one year old), new needles (< one year old), stems, and roots in two stands in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Although the two stands differed in many site characteristics including percent slope, aspect, soil type, drainage, and 564 m in elevation, concentrations and seasonal patterns of carbohydrates were similar for the two stands. For all tissues, starch concentrations peaked in late spring, declined through summer, and reached a minimum in winter. Sugar concentrations were greater than starch concentrations in all months except May and June. Sugar concentrations peaked in winter, and old needles showed a significant increase in sugar concentration between February and March. This increase in sugar concentration occurred without any reduction in localized starch concentrations or reductions in sugar or starch concentrations in new needles, stems or roots. Because March measurements were made toward the end of a prolonged thaw, a time when increases in photosynthesis have been documented for red spruce, it is likely that the March increase in sugar concentrations resulted from photosynthesis during the thaw. Compared with stems and roots, needles generally contained the highest concentration of carbohydrates and exhibited the greatest seasonal change in carbohydrate concentration. Needles were also the largest reservoir of carbohydrates throughout the year, especially during winter. Because of the critical roles of needles in photosynthesis and storage of carbohydrates, we conclude that any factors that disrupt the accumulation or availability of carbohydrates in red spruce needles will greatly alter plant carbon relations.  相似文献   

Day ME 《Tree physiology》2000,20(1):57-63
The roles of temperature (T) and leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in regulating net photosynthesis (A(net)) and stomatal conductance (G(s)) of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) were investigated in a field study and in a controlled environment experiment. Both A(net) and G(s) exhibited a relatively flat response to temperatures between 16 and 32 degrees C. Temperatures between 32 and 36 degrees C markedly decreased both A(net) and G(s). Vapor pressure deficits above 2 kPa had significant effects on both A(net) and G(s). The influence of VPD on A(net) and G(s) fit a linear response model and did not interact significantly with T effects.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cultures of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were initiated from dissected mature zygotic embryos. The tissues were grown on either proliferation medium or maturation medium. On proliferation medium, the embryogenic tissue continued to produce early stage somatic embryos (organized meristems attached to elongated, suspensor-like cells), whereas on maturation medium fully mature embryos developed from the embryonic tissue. Analysis of polyamines in tissues grown on these two media showed that: (1) both putrescine and spermidine concentrations were always higher in cultures grown on proliferation medium than in cultures grown on maturation medium; (2) in both species, spermidine concentrations declined with time in the tissues grown on maturation medium; and (3) spermine was present in only minute quantities and showed only a small change with time. The presence of difluoromethylornithine in the culture medium had little effect on polyamine concentration, whereas the presence of difluoromethylarginine caused a decrease in putrescine concentrations in both red spruce and Norway spruce tissues grown on proliferation medium or maturation medium.  相似文献   

Day ME  Greenwood MS  White AS 《Tree physiology》2001,21(16):1195-1204
The contribution of changes in meristem behavior to age-related decline in forest productivity is poorly understood. We studied age-related trends in needle morphology and gas exchange in a population of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) growing in a multi-cohort stand where trees ranged from first-year germinants to trees over 150 years old, as well as in grafted scions from these trees. In the field study, age-related trends in foliar morphology were determined in six cohorts ranging in age from 2 to 120 years, and differences in gas exchange characteristics were compared between 60- and 120-year age classes. In a common-rootstock study, scions from trees representing 20-, 60-, and 120-year cohorts were grafted onto juvenile rootstock and maintained for three growing seasons, after which morphological and physiological foliar attributes were evaluated. The field study revealed significant age-related trends in foliar morphology, including decreasing specific leaf area, and increasing needle width, projected area, and width/length ratio. Similar trends were apparent in foliage from the grafted scions. Both in situ foliage and shoots of grafted scions from the oldest cohort showed significantly lower photosynthetic rates than their counterparts from younger trees; however, differences in stomatal conductance and internal CO(2) concentrations were not significant. These results suggest that: (1) foliage of red spruce exhibits age-related trends in both morphology and physiology; (2) age-related decreases in photosynthetic rates contribute to declining productivity in old red spruce; (3) declines in photosynthetic rates result from nonstomatal limitations; and (4) age-related changes in morphology and physiology are inherent in meristems and persist for at least 3 years in scions grafted to juvenile rootstock.  相似文献   

Boyce RL 《Tree physiology》1993,12(3):217-230
I compared the shoot structures of high-elevation red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.). Needle widths, thicknesses and perimeters were measured to estimate total leaf areas from measured projected leaf areas. Measured needle perimeter/needle width ratios differed significantly from estimated ratios that assumed needles were either rhomboidal or elliptical in cross section. The vertical and horizontal silhouette shoot area to total leaf area ratios (STAR(v) and STAR(h)) of the two species were negatively correlated with needle packing and canopy height. Red spruce had higher values of STAR(v) than balsam fir at each canopy height, but STAR(v) declined with canopy height at a similar rate in the two species. The STAR(h) values of the two species did not differ significantly at a given canopy height. Needle packing increased with canopy height at the same rate in the two species. Needle weight increased in red spruce and decreased in balsam fir with increased needle packing, but showed no significant dependence on canopy height. Red spruce had higher values of STAR(h) than balsam fir at low values of needle packing, but STAR(h) values converged at high values of needle packing. The generally comparable values of STAR, along with similar needle diameters, may imply that red spruce and balsam fir have similar collection efficiencies of wet and dry particles. Measurements of STAR may be used to estimate leaf area indices (LAI) more accurately when using indirect techniques.  相似文献   

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