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介绍催乳素受体的结构、功能,催乳素受体基因的定位、表达及调节,催乳素受体基因的多态性与生产性状和疾病的关系等.提示催乳素受体基因可作为生产性状及疾病的一个候选基因.  相似文献   

催乳素及其受体对乳腺发育研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要对催乳素受体的结构、作用机理、功能及其在不同时期的乳腺发育的不同作用进行的论述。总结了近几年来的有关研究进展,为进一步的研究工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

绵羊催乳素受体基因PCR-SSCP分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了催乳素受体基因(PRLR)在小尾寒羊、萨福克羊、多赛特羊、多赛特公羊×小尾寒羊母羊F1代杂种羊4个绵羊群体中的多态性。结果表明:PRLR基因在3对引物扩增片段中均存在PCR-SS-CP多态性。对于引物1,4个绵羊群体均检测到AA基因型,AB基因型只出现在小尾寒羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊中,仅在多赛特羊中检测到BB基因型。对于引物2,4个绵羊群体均检测到AA和AB基因型,只有萨福克羊没有BB型。对于引物3,4个绵羊群体均检测到AA、AB和BB基因型。在4个绵羊群体中,A等位基因频率均明显高于B等位基因频率。  相似文献   

催乳素是主要由垂体前叶腺体分泌的一种蛋白激素,它可通过进入循环系统或局部地通过近旁分泌、旁分泌和自分泌活动形式,起经典的内分泌调节器作用。作者主要介绍催乳素的结构、功能和调控,催乳素基因的克隆及结构、发育性表达、定位和多态性。还阐述了催乳素基因与生产性能的关系。  相似文献   

禽类在就巢期间,卵巢和输卵管会退化,造成产蛋量下降直至休产,故改善禽类的就巢行为将直接影响到禽类的产蛋性能。而催乳素是禽类就巢发生和维持的关键激素,催乳素在其发挥生理作用的过程中,对禽类卵泡发育有一定的抑制,能够引起、调节和维持家禽的就巢。本文综述了近几年国内外对家禽催乳素及其基因的研究进展,为控制家禽就巢、提高家禽的生产能力提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

催乳素受体(Prolactinreceptor,PRLR)属于催乳素受体超家族,其基因参与体内渗透压平衡、生长发育、内分泌与代谢、脑与行为、繁殖和免疫调节等作用。本研究对PRLR基因的结构、功能、在家畜和家禽中的研究进展及应用等进行了综述,以便对其作用、功能及机制的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究疆岳驴催乳素受体(prolactin receptor,PRLR)基因多态性及其与泌乳性状间的关系,探寻可用于疆岳驴选育的分子遗传标记。随机选取120头疆岳驴,对疆岳驴的泌乳性能指标进行测定,并运用PCR-SSCP方法对疆岳驴PRLR基因侧翼区进行多态性分析。结果显示,PRLR基因在疆岳驴群体中存在2种基因型:AA和AB,A为优势等位基因;测序结果显示,PRLR基因的碱基突变位置为g.29764584 C>G,该突变为同义突变,没有导致编码的氨基酸发生改变;经关联分析,PRLR基因AB基因型个体平均日泌乳量显著高于AA基因型(P<0.05),AA基因型个体乳蛋白率显著高于AB基因型(P<0.05),在乳糖率上差异不显著(P>0.05)。疆岳驴PRLR基因突变与泌乳性状存在关联性,推测PRLR基因可以作为疆岳驴乳用型选育的分子遗传标记之一。  相似文献   

采用荧光定量PCR法,研究了皖西白鹅催乳素受体基因(prolactin receptor,PRLR)在产蛋不同时期及生殖轴不同组织mRNA的表达特点。结果表明,在垂体、下丘脑和卵巢组织中,皖西白鹅产蛋前期PRLR表达水平较低,至产蛋期降至最低,抱窝期上升至极高水平,休产期再次下降至较低水平,且各组织均表现出相似的规律,但卵巢中的表达量相对较高;就巢期间,在就巢前、中、后期,PRLR mRNA表达量在各组织呈现不同的变化规律,垂体组织中表达量呈V形变化,在中期前下丘脑中PRLR mRNA维持稳定,到后期有所下降,卵巢中表达量呈梯形下降。PRLR mRNA表达量在不同周期及不同组织中的变化规律反应了PRLR对皖西白鹅就巢的影响,PRLR对鹅就巢的调控可能在转录时期已经开始。  相似文献   

绵羊催乳素受体基因外显子10的多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将催乳素受体(prolactin receptor, PRLR)基因作为绵羊高繁殖力的候选基因,对其外显子10设计2对引物, 采用PCR SSCP 技术检测其在常年发情的湖羊及季节性发情的中国美利奴羊、罗米丽羊和罗米丽×中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)中的单核苷酸多态性。结果表明,引物P1、P2 的扩增片段均有多态性。与已知序列相比,P1扩增片段的AB型在第53 bp处出现A→G突变、在81 bp处出现G→A突变, BB型在该片段第53 bp处发生A→G的突变;对于P2扩增片段, CC、DD、CE和EF型均在第89 bp处发生C→T的突变,导致氨基酸由脯氨酸变为亮氨酸(Pro→Leu),DD型还在146 bp处出现了C→G的突变,此突变导致氨基酸由丙氨酸变为甘氨酸(Ala→Gly);CE型在该片段第132 bp处发生G→A的突变,未导致氨基酸的改变;EF型还在第132 bp处和第167 bp处分别发生了G→A、C→T突变,第167 bp处的突变导致氨基酸由脯氨酸变为亮氨酸(Pro→Leu)。通过卡方独立性检验结果发现,4种绵羊在P1、P2引物扩增片段上各基因型的构成与品种间有极显著差异(P<0.01),说明PRLR基因对绵羊的繁殖性状有一定的影响。  相似文献   

催乳素(prolactin,PRL)是一种垂体前叶肽类激素,已报道的催乳素作用有300多种,可将它们分为六大类:繁殖和泌乳、生长和发育、内分泌和代谢、脑和行为、免疫调节和电解质平衡.  相似文献   

Prolactin may play multiple roles in equine reproduction. Prolactin appears to be associated with seasonal reproduction, and fluctuating prolactin levels during the estrous cycle suggest that it may play a role in estrous cyclicity as well. The purpose of this research was to investigate the activity of prolactin during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle. In experiment 1, prolactin concentrations were determined from plasma samples collected at least every other day throughout the estrous cycle. Periovulatory (ovulation ± 1 day) prolactin concentrations were compared with concentrations during early diestrus (days 2−10 postovulation). In experiment 2, prolactin concentrations were measured in follicular fluid collected from 74 follicles of various sizes. Follicles were grouped into small (≤20 mm), medium (21−35 mm), and large (>35 mm) size categories. Prolactin concentrations increased during the periovulatory period in cycling mares. This periovulatory surge was superimposed on baseline prolactin concentrations that varied with season. Prolactin was present in significant quantities in the follicular fluid. Follicular fluid prolactin concentrations were lowest in small follicles and increased in medium and large follicles. Concentrations did not differ between medium and large follicles. Follicular fluid prolactin concentrations were lower in autumnal follicles compared with summer follicles of comparable size. It is possible that the short-term surge in circulating prolactin around ovulation could be linked to the significant levels of prolactin in follicular fluid. Ovulation releases a relatively large volume of fluid into the peritoneum. The prolactin in this fluid could be a contributor to the periovulatory prolactin surge.  相似文献   

嵊县花猪PRLR基因多态性与繁殖性状的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PCR-RFLP技术检测嵊县花猪PRLR基因第10外显子NaeⅠ酶切位点多态性,并采用SPSS13.0统计软件分析该位点多态性对母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,该位点多态性对头胎、第3和第10胎母猪繁殖性能有显著影响,表现为第1胎AA型母猪产活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AB型母猪多1.68头和1.60头;第10胎AA型母猪产活仔数、活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AB型母猪分别多0.91头,1.67头和1.19头;而第3胎AB型母猪产活仔数、活母仔数和断奶母仔数比AA型母猪分别多1.09头、1.19头和1.05头。  相似文献   

催乳素的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文扼要介绍了催乳素的分子结构。产生部位,分泌特点及其作用,总结了近几年来的研究进展,为进一步的研究工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy and duration of action of two dopaminergic compounds, pergolide and cabergoline, on daily prolactin secretion in geldings and on prolactin responses to a small dose of sulpiride over 10 days. In the first experiment, oral administration of 2 mg of pergolide was compared to a single injection of 2 mg of pergolide in a slow-release vehicle and a single injection of 5 mg of cabergoline in slow-release vehicle. Controls received vehicle only. All drug treatments reduced (P < .05) prolactin concentrations relative to that in controls but differed substantially in duration of action (oral pergolide approximately 6 hours or less, injected pergolide 6 to 24 hours, and injected cabergoline at least 6 days). In the second experiment, repeated small doses of sulpiride (2 μg/kg of body weight intravenously) were used to stimulate prolactin release in mares, and the ability of seven daily injections of pergolide (2 mg each) and a single injection of cabergoline (5 mg) in slow-release vehicle to suppress this release were compared. Control mares receiving vehicle injections had robust prolactin responses to the sulpiride injections on all days of injection (days 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 relative to treatment). Prolactin responses were muted (P < .05) by pergolide and cabergoline treatments on the first day of injection (day 0, 30 min after treatment) and were basically absent on days 1 to 8. The single injection of cabergoline continued to be suppressive through day 10, whereas mares previously treated with pergolide (through day 6) had begun to recover a prolactin response by day 10. We conclude that either daily 2-mg pergolide injections in slow-release vehicle or a single injection of 5 mg of cabergoline in slow-release vehicle is an effective way to apply dopaminergic activity to horses for approximately 7 to 10 days and may have application in the treatment of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction in affected horses.  相似文献   

Sixteen estrous cycles from 10 cyclic mares were randomly assigned to a control or sulpiride group (n = 8 each). All mares received 1,500 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (hour 0) during estrus with a follicular diameter ≥32 mm. Mares were scanned every 12 hours until ovulation. In the treatment group, beginning at hour 0, each mare received 1.5 mg/kg of sulpiride every 12 hours intra-muscularly until ovulation or formation of a luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF). Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) were measured by radioimmunoassay. In each group, there were 10 preovulatory follicles for the eight cycles. The ovulation rate (9/10, 90%) was similar in the control and sulpiride groups. Two mares formed an LUF, which was first detected at hours 48 and 72 for the sulpiride and control mares, respectively. The interval from hCG to ovulation was 49.5 ± 11.1 and 43.5 ± 5.8 hours, for the control and sulpiride groups, respectively (P > .5). LH followed the typical preovulatory surge pattern, with no difference between groups (P > .5). Sulpiride administration increased PRL concentration in treated mares at 24 (P < .1), 36, and 48 hours (P < .05) after treatment. In conclusion, sulpiride administration every 12 hours increased PRL concentration in treated mares after 24 hours of the beginning of treatment. However, at this time window and concentration, PRL did not have any effect on ovulation. The control mare that developed an LUF had a PRL concentration similar to other ovulatory control mares (always ≤10 ng/mL).  相似文献   

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