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研究了4种化学物质对南瓜抗白粉病产生过敏性反应的影响,结果表明H2O2+接菌处理可使南瓜叶片中过敏性细胞数量增加,且随着浓度的升高过敏性细胞数量逐渐增多,经20mmol/L H2O2 + 接菌处理的南瓜叶片,在96h时产生的过敏性细胞比对照多81个/cm2; 而活性氧清除剂过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽3种化学物质处理+接菌南瓜叶片后,叶片中过敏性细胞的数量显著减少,且浓度越高,过敏性细胞数量越少,2000U/mL过氧化氢酶+接菌、20mmol/L抗坏血酸+接菌和40mg/L谷胱甘肽 + 接菌处理南瓜叶片,96h时过敏性细胞数量分别比对照 + 接菌少79、95和90个/cm2; 接菌10d后,20mmol/L H2O2 + 接菌处理的南瓜叶片的病情指数比对照 + 接菌低14.1,2000U/mL过氧化氢酶 + 接菌、20mmol/L抗坏血酸 + 接菌和40mg/L谷胱甘肽 + 接菌处理的南瓜叶片的病情指数分别比对照高7.47、4.95和6.83。  相似文献   

Among 146 accessions of Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium , 132 of L. esculentum var. cerasiforme and 53 of L. peruvianum screened for resistance to powdery mildew, caused by Oidium lycopersici , a wide variation in reactions was found. Two plants of L. esculentum var. cerasiforme accession LA-1230 were resistant. One resistant symptomless plant of accession LA-1230, designated LC-95, produced homozygous resistant progenies. LC-95 was crossed with cv. Marmande (susceptible parent) and F1, F2 and backcrosses to the resistant and the susceptible parents were derived. These genotypes were grown in glasshouses at 23°C and 95–100% RH and inoculated with O. lycopersici . The F1 plants were susceptible. F2 and backcross segregations fitted the hypothesis of a single recessive gene which is here designated ol-2 .  相似文献   

In this work, 165 Avena sativa and Avena byzantina accessions were screened for resistance to powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. avenae and the defence mechanisms of resistant plants were further characterized. Ten resistant and moderately resistant accessions were selected according to macroscopic assessment. A detailed histological study of selected genotypes showed a range of defence mechanisms, acting alone or in combination, that impeded fungal development at different stages. Since the resistance observed in the collection was scarce, a study of adult plant resistance was carried out in 45 genotypes selected from field trials. Nine oat landraces and two commercial varieties showed very high levels of adult plant resistance. A detailed study of the components of the adult plant resistance revealed a high increase of penetration and post‐haustorial resistance in the fifth compared to the first leaves. Identification of the resistance sources and characterization of underlying defence mechanisms will be useful for future breeding programmes and for further cellular and molecular studies to unravel the genetic basis of resistance, in this species in particular and in cereal–powdery mildew interactions in general.  相似文献   

我国地方品种是小麦白粉病抗性的重要来源之一,为了对地方品种抗源的利用奠定基础,采用常规杂交方法,以感病品种Chancellor分别与我国小麦抗病地方品种蚂蚱麦、小白冬麦、游白兰、红卷芒进行正交和反交,获得F1、F2代。根据白粉菌菌株的毒谱选用E09菌株对Chancellor与小白冬麦、游白兰、红卷芒的杂交后代进行苗期抗性鉴定和统计分析,选用E30菌株对Chancellor与蚂蚱麦的杂交后代进行苗期抗性鉴定和统计分析。结果表明4个品种在正、反交情况下均表现出由一对隐性基因控制的抗性,说明这4个地方品种属于核遗传,其抗性是由一对隐性基因控制的。  相似文献   

云南蔷薇属部分种质资源对白粉病的抗性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对14个云南蔷薇属种质资源(包括7个栽培品种和7个野生种)进行白粉病抗性的离体鉴定和田间鉴定,其中免疫品种(种)2个,中抗品种(种)8个,中感品种1个,高感品种(种)3个。白粉病离体鉴定与田间鉴定两种方法的抗性评价结果完全一致,表明该方法可作为白粉病抗性快速鉴定的方法。  相似文献   

豌豆离体叶片鉴定白粉病抗性方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1997~2001年对豌豆离体叶片鉴定白粉病抗性方法进行了研究。结果表明,将豌豆苗期离体叶片在垫有两层湿滤纸的培养皿内培养,并人工接种白粉病菌,能鉴定出豌豆品种抗白粉病的差异。鉴定结果与田间成株期的抗病性表现基本一致。温度、光照强度、叶龄、病菌接种量等因素影响离体叶片白粉病发生速度或保绿时间。离体鉴定较适宜在温度18~20℃、光照强度3600lx以上、每天12h光照与12h黑暗交替的条件下进行。最适叶龄为二叶一心期或三叶一心期的初展叶。较适宜的接种量为每1cm~2叶面积接种5.5×10~3个分生孢子。  相似文献   

亚麻品系9801-1对白粉病的抗性遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The genetics of resistance against powdery mildew in flax was analyzed. The F1 plants from reciprocal cross of resistant materials 9801-1 and three susceptible cultivars ILONA, VENUS and DIANE were resistant to powdery mildew. The ratio of resistant and susceptible plants in F2 generation fitted the excepted 3 to 1. It was postulated that 9801-1 carded a single dominant and resistant gene.  相似文献   

为明确中国61个小麦后备品种对白粉病的抗性水平及其抗病基因,将2016年从黄淮海冬麦区、长江中下游冬麦区及东北春麦区的9个市采集分离的269株单孢子堆白粉病菌,分别接种于61个小麦后备品种进行抗性测定;用NTSYSpc 2.10e软件对供试品种表型数据进行聚类分析;用35株鉴别菌株对29个含已知抗白粉病基因小麦材料和61个小麦后备品种进行鉴别,比较其抗谱并推导61个小麦后备品种所含抗白粉病基因。结果显示,61个小麦后备品种间的抗谱存在明显差异,国豪麦5号和7号、BL5008、绵麦系列、黔麦系列、楚麦16号、内麦101和366等18个品种抗谱较宽,抗性频率均大于97.0%;泰科麦5303、邯11-5272和临Y8222等10个品种的抗性频率在42.0%~56.1%之间;郑麦0943等33个品种的抗性频率小于37.9%。聚类分析可将61个小麦后备品种分成5大类,第I类有11个品种,其中8个品种的抗性频率在42.0%~56.1%之间;第II类和第III类共30个品种,抗性频率均小于32.7%;第IV类有2个品种,抗性频率分别为53.5%和53.2%,第V类有18个品种,抗性频率均大于97.0%;聚类显示来自于同一地区且抗性频率相近的品种具有相似或相近的抗性遗传背景。本研究推导出21个小麦后备品种含抗病Pm基因,其中,邯11-5272含有Pm30,安科1503含有Pm2、Pm5a、Pm6、Pm19和Pm30,临Y8222含有Pm5a、Pm6、Pm19和Pm30,云154-15含有Pm5a、Pm6、Pm7、Pm19和Pm2+ta,泰科麦5303等6个品种含有Pm2和Pm30,华麦7号等5个品种含有Pm5a、Pm6和Pm19,扬麦24号等6个品种含有Pm5a、Pm6、Pm19和Pm2+ta。研究表明,54.1%的小麦后备品种对白粉病菌群的抗性频率小于37.9%,存在适宜条件下小麦白粉病暴发流行的风险,因此这些小麦后备品种推广种植时需加强病害预警和监测。  相似文献   

不同南瓜品种对白粉病的抗病性测定结果表明,供试的10个南瓜品种中存在明显的抗病性差异,品种三星、红栗、甜栗表现为高抗;品种二星、日本、金钩、京域表现为抗病;品种光板、天然、红福表现为感病。品种抗病性与南瓜叶片叶绿素含量的高低和叶片气孔数量关系的研究结果表明,南瓜叶片中叶绿素的含量与南瓜品种对白粉病的抗性呈正相关,而气孔密度与抗病性呈负相关。  相似文献   

Shomari  & Kennedy 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):505-513
During March and April of 1993 and 1994, surveys on the incidence and severity of cashew powdery mildew ( Oidium anacardii ) were conducted in the Newala, Mtwara, Nachingwea and Tunduru areas of southern Tanzania to determine the variation in perennation between localities. Only immature cashew shoots, panicles and fruit can be infected by O. anacardii conidia. Cashew trees at sites in each district were assessed for shoot and panicle production and cashew powdery mildew. Survival of O. anacardii between seasons, in any area, was determined by the degree of production of shoots that were within the canopy and by the incidence of infection. Immature shoots produced from the main branches within the tree canopy were the main source of active powdery mildew in all districts; trees in the Newala district had the highest numbers of infected immature shoots in comparison with survey sites in the other areas. During the 1994 cashew-growing season (June–August), powdery mildew developed more rapidly and affected more shoots on the inside of the tree canopy than on the outside. Germination of conidia was reduced after aqueous suspension for 3 h. Germination on cashew leaves submerged under 2 mm of water was not affected. Appressorial and hyphal formation by germinating conidia on leaves decreased with increasing duration under water. Germination of conidia on glass slides at 100% r.h. was higher at 25 and 30°C than at 15°C and there was no germination at 35°C.  相似文献   

[目的]对3份小麦农家品种‘矮秆芒麦’、‘红头麦’和‘大红头’进行苗期抗性的遗传分析,研究它们的抗白粉病遗传特点,为其在抗病育种中的有效利用提供依据.[方法]将这3份小麦农家品种分别与感病品种‘铭贤169’正、反杂交,获得了F1和F2代.利用白粉菌E09菌株,分别对这3份农家品种、感病亲本‘铭贤169’以及各自的F1和F2代植株进行抗性鉴定.调查统计的数据经卡方测验分析其符合度.[结果]这3份农家品种对白粉菌E09菌株的抗性均由1对隐性核基因控制.[结论]3份农家品种对石家庄本地区的混合白粉病菌表现出良好的抗性,并且对E09的抗性均由1对隐性基因控制.可以进一步对它们进行分子标记及定位研究,为其作为抗源在小麦抗白粉病育种中的应用奠定基础.  相似文献   

化学诱抗剂诱导金银花抗白粉病效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用壳聚糖、草酸、水杨酸、葡聚糖、硅酸钠、硫酸亚铁、氟乐灵、磷酸氢二钾等8种药剂在不同株龄金银花上进行了对白粉病的诱导抗性试验。结果表明壳聚糖、草酸对金银花白粉病有良好的诱导抗性,在1年生、2年生和4年生金银花上对白粉病的平均防治效果分别达82.3%、59.9%和72.1%,54.9%、58.4%和74.1%。水杨酸、硅酸钠、硫酸亚铁有一定的诱导效果,但不稳定。葡聚糖和磷酸氢二钾无明显诱导抗病作用,氟乐灵则有促进发病的作用。  相似文献   

小麦品种(系)抗白粉病基因推导及分子标记鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基因推导法和分子标记对我国主要麦区的小麦品种(系)进行了抗白粉病基因的鉴定。结果表明,南30-10等15个品种(系)含有Pm8,新麦2号等9个品种(系)含有Pm4,中植4号等9个品种(系)含有Pm21,郑麦113含有Pm4b+5b,杨09-111和新紫1号含有Pm2+mld。研究发现,基因推导和分子标记相结合,可大大提高小麦品种(系)抗白粉病基因鉴定结果的准确性,鉴定结果可为抗病育种和品种布局及白粉病的防治提供依据。  相似文献   

2006-2009年,以甘肃陇南生产品种陇鉴9343、陇鉴9811作母本,铭贤169作父本进行杂交,F2代材料苗期分别接种白粉菌单孢菌系E05、E09进行抗性遗传分析,结果表明:对陇鉴9343组合,接种E05和E09,F2代植株抗感分离比分别为65:217和65:154,经卡方测验符合理论比1:3。对陇鉴9811组合,接种E05和E09,F2代植株抗感分离比分别为52:166和87:314,也符合理论1:3的比率。据此推知陇鉴9343、陇鉴9811对E05和E09的抗性均由1对隐性抗性基因控制。  相似文献   

分子标记辅助选择小麦抗白粉病兼抗赤霉病聚合体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Sumai 3, a wheat variety resistant to Fusarium head blight(FHB), was crossed with Neimai 9, a commercial wheat cultivar with the resistance to powdery mildew.The SCAR(sequence characterized amplified region) markers of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm21 and four SSR(simple sequence repeats)markers flanking the major FHB resistance QTL(Qfhs.ndsu-3BS) in Sumai 3 were used to detect the resistance loci by marker assisted selection(MAS) in the plants of the F2 population.Identification of resistance to both powdery mildew and FHB in field showed that 12 plants resistant to both diseases were obtained.In addition, the agronomic traits of these plants were better than those of Sumai 3, and are perhaps the excellent parental materials for wheat breeding.  相似文献   

甘肃小麦白粉病抗源材料的筛选及抗病基因库的组建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2002-2005年,对收集到的30份已知抗白粉病基因载体品种在甘肃省的不同生态区进行了抗病性监测,结果表明:Pm1Pm3 a、Pm3 b、Pm3 c、Pm3 f、Pm4 a、Pm5、Pm6、Pm7、Pm8、Pm17在田间抗病性丧失,失去利用价值;Pm2、Pm19、Pm4+8、Pm4、Pm5+6、Pm13在田间抗病性较低,不宜单独作为亲本利用;Pm1+2+9、Pm2+6、Pm2+mld、Pm2+talent、Pm4+2 x、Pm4 b、Pm4 b+5、Pm20、Pm21、Pmxbd在田间抗性表现良好,在今后的育种工作中应充分加以利用。同时经过4年抗病性监测,从省内外2 638份小麦品种(系)材料中筛选出了抗病性强、综合农艺性状优良的92R137、贵农21等优异材料10余份,初步组建了抗白粉病基因库。文中还对抗病基因现状和利用及今后如何避免由于抗源单一化带来的白粉病流行进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Application of the fungicide triadimenol (Bayfidan) directly to inflorescences of cashew was investigated as a means of controlling powdery mildew disease caused by Oidium anacardii. Disease development and nut production were studied in 12 cashew genotypes that differed in their susceptibility to mildew. Panicle colonization by O. anacardii reached 100% coverage in all genotypes without fungicide treatment, but rates of infection differed significantly. Triadimenol sprays reduced mildew to less than 9%, even in panicles of highly susceptible genotypes. In the absence of disease, particularly good yield responses with more than nine times more nuts set than untreated controls were achieved by AM6 and AC1, which were categorized as highly susceptible and intermediate, respectively, in reaction to powdery mildew. By contrast, the partially resistant genotypes AZA2 and AC6 both produced yield response ratios of less than 3·0. The targeted treatment of flower panicles to control mildew is recommended, rather than the current practice of wastefully treating whole trees on which all mature leaves are naturally immune to infection.  相似文献   

小麦条锈病、白粉病是发生于甘肃陇南乃至全国小麦生产上的最主要病害之一, 种植抗病品种是防治病害最经济有效且绿色环保的措施。兼抗种质资源材料的匮乏是制约甘肃陇南小麦条锈病和白粉病品种选育和病害有效防控的主要因素。农家品种是小麦抗病种质资源重要的基因库, 开展兼抗病害材料鉴定是准确评价供试材料抗病性的基础性工作。2021年和2022年, 在甘肃省农业科学院植物保护研究所兰州温室和甘谷试验站, 对127份小麦农家品种进行了苗期、成株期抗条锈病和白粉病性鉴定, 结果发现:供试材料中苗期对条锈菌和白粉菌混合菌表现抗病的分别有36份和24份, 占28.35%和18.90%;兼抗材料15份, 占11.81%。成株期在接种及自然诱发条锈菌和白粉菌条件下, 表现抗病的分别有39份和72份, 占30.71%和56.69%;兼抗材料有27份, 占21.26%。全生育期兼抗材料有11份, 占8.66%。抗白粉病基因分子检测结果发现, 含有抗病基因Pm2、Pm4a、Pm8、Pm21的分别占30.71%、86.61%、25.20%、3.15%;含有2个及以上基因组合品种有60个, 占47.24%。结合前期抗条锈病研究结果, 将会为筛选出的优异材料利用和持续解决甘肃陇南兼抗品种匮乏难题提供材料支撑。  相似文献   

普通小麦“兰考90(6)”品系对白粉病抗性的遗传研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)"兰考90(6)"系列品系是以六倍体小黑麦(X Triticosecale Wittmack;AABBRR)为白粉病抗源培育的新的小麦-黑麦1BL/1RS异易位系。这些品系高抗白粉病。小麦白粉病抗性基因推导试验证明,"豫麦66"携带的抗病基因与大多数已经报道的小麦抗白粉病基因不同。用白粉菌[Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer f. sp. tritici]单孢堆分离物进行的遗传分析表明,"兰考90(6)"品系携带一个小种专化的隐性抗白粉病基因。对"中国春"和"兰考90(6)21-12"杂交F2分离群体进行1RS染色体检测,结果证明该抗白粉病基因不在1RS染色体臂上。本研究为有效利用"兰考90(6)"系列品系中的抗白粉病基因提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Using a Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay, we investigated the genetic polymorphism existing among 62 European isolates of the grape powdery mildew fungus (Uncinula necator [Schw.] Burr.). Isolates overwintering as mycelium in buds were genetically distinct from isolates overwintering as ascospores, suggesting the existence of two genetically isolated powdery mildew populations, and consequently of two independent sources of inoculum in the vineyard. Isolates resistant to fungicides inhibiting sterol 14α-demethylation (DMIs) were found in both populations, suggesting that resistance to DMIs may arise independently in the two powdery mildew populations. A PCR assay targeting the gene encoding U. necator 14α-demethylase has been developed which will permit an early, specific detection of U. necator infections, and may be useful for spraying programmes. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

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