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Genetical studies on mildew resistance were carried out with Hordem spontaneum derived lines. A total of 28 lines (66 %) showed monofactorial segregation for mildew resistance, For 14 lines, a bifactorial mode of inheritance was found. In total fifty six mildew resistance genes take part in the inheritance of mildew resistance of the H. spontaneum derived lines, while the presence of known genes for mildew resistance (i.e, Ml-a.9 and Ml-p) was established only in two cases. Independent segregation from the Ml-a locus was found in 10 mbnofaetorial segregating lines, The genes conditioning mildew resistance in barley lines derived from the accessions 1B-54B, RS 170-47, RS 20-1. 1B-86B, RS 145-39 and 1B–152B of H. spontaneum were closely linked or alleles to the Ml-a locus, but shown to be different from 15 previously identified Ml-a alleles. It is suggested that these genes should be designated Ml-a16, Ml-18, Ml-19 Ml-20 and Ml-a21 respectively. No recombinants were found in test crosses when both parents carried genes/alleles of the Ml-a locus. In addition, polymorphism has been observed also for the Ml-a locus. In 4 lines mildew resistance was conditioned by two dominant complementary genes. For one of the 2 genes, conditioning mildew resistance of line RS 42-8 × OrioL a new locus was found located near the centromere of the long arm of chromosome 5, and should be designated Ml-i The potential use of H. spontaneum genes for mildew resistance in barley breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetical studies have been conducted with lines derived from H. spontaneum showing that these lines carry dominant mildew resistance genes located at or near the Mla, locus. The resistance spectra of the lines ‘RS170—10 × Piccolo A’, ‘Diamant × 1B-20’, ‘RS1—8 × Piccolo E’ and ‘Diamant × 1B-151’ obtained from 10 European and Israeli isolates differ from previously-identified Mia alleles. Therefore, it is suggested that these genes should be designated as Mla 25, Mla 26, Mla.27 and Mla 28, respectively. In addition, the RFLP-patterns of these lines and their crossing parents were studied by hybridization with probes MWG 1H036, MWG 1H060 and MWG 1H068, which are very closely linked to the Mia locus. Two double crossover events have been identified. The use of RFLP markers for the identification of mildew resistance genes is discussed.  相似文献   

A. Segal    K. H. Döurr    G. Fischbeck    D. Zohary  I. Wahl 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(2):118-127
Two sets of accessions were sampled, tram a natural population of Hordeum spontaneum at Shelomi, Israel, viz.: 100 ears along a transect at intervals of 1—1.5 m and 10 ring clusters of 10 ears each, circling each 10th plant of the transect. Single ear progenies were tested for banding patterns of 5 allozyme loci; in addition, hordein sanding; and field reaction against powdery mildew has been determined. 56 allozyme genotypes and 13 hordein patterns were determined. Most of the progenies showed susceptible to moderately susceptible infection types and high frequencies of low infection grade (slow mildewing). For all characters spatial grouping was found in plants derived from neighbouring transect parents. This was even more pronounced in the ring clusters. Reactions to mildew infection appeared to be closely correlated with hordein banding. In addition, accessions showing hypersensitive reactions carried excessive frequencies of a certain allele of the Est-1 locus.  相似文献   

A review of data on powdery mildew resistance genes in the Mla locus of barley reveals that there are at least 12 clusters of genes present, each comprising one Mla gene and one or more closely linked, additional resistance genes. Tentative designations are listed for 16 additional resistance genes. Many sources of powdery mildew resistance in barley appear to harbour multigene families in the Mla region, not single ‘superior’genes.  相似文献   

M. Heun 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(3):234-238
The estimation of combining abilities and heterosis for quantitative resistance against Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei of eight spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars is presented. Fur this purpose a half diallel cross and its parents were arranged in five Latin rectangles, each inoculated with a current mildew isolate. Significant general combining ability was found whereas specific combining ability was non-significant. A great pan of the general combining ability could be explained by variety effects. Significant variety heterosis was obtained too. Significant average heterosis was obtained but us effect was small. Among those selected for this study, ‘Grit’ and ‘Hora’ were the best parents for further crosses.  相似文献   

Eighty-three third backcross lines which comprise a set of near isogenic lines (NIL's) of the barley cultivar ‘Clipper’ but each carrying a different chromosomal segment from Hordeum spontaneum, marked with a distinct isozyme, were tested for resistance to three races of the barley leaf rust pathogen (Puccmia hordei). Fourteen lines showed resistance to at least one race and three showed resistance to all three races. The resistance in two of these lines was controlled by separate, single partially dominant genes. In one case the resistance gene named Rph1O was on chromosome 3 and linked (r = 0.15 ±0.05) with the isozyme locus Est2. In the second case, the gene (Rph11) was on barley chromosome 6 and linked (r = 0.07±0.02) with the isozyme locus Acp3 and (r = 0.11±0.02) with Dip2.  相似文献   

The mildew reactions of the second generation of doubled haploid (DH) plants, derived from anther culture of crosses among three spring barley lines carrying different Mla mildew resistance alleles and the cv. ‘Pallas’, were analyzed by using a set of three European and one Israeli mildew isolate. The results indicated, (1) a significant level of distortion segregation in favour of resistant DH genotypes, which was possibly due to linkage of mildew resistance genes on chromosome 5 with genes for plant regeneration and (2) various degrees of dominance for the different resistance genes studied as well as the possible action of modifier genes.  相似文献   

Measurements were made on amino acid contents in collection of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum)., grown in pot conditions, and in some Israeli breeding lines and cultivars of Hordeum vulgare. H. spontaneum was low in lysine content and high in prolilne plus glutamic acid compared to H. vulgare. Lysine content was positively correlated, in H. spontaneum, to all other ammo acids except proline and giutamic acid. Inter-populanon rnean differences for Iv-saie in H. spontaneum were small and lysine variation was obscured due to variation in protein content. The use of H. spomancum in breeding high protein. nutritionally improved barley is discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-seven spring barley varieties grown in Denmark since 1979 were characterized for resistance genes using 30 powdery mildew isolates. The resistance genes are traced in the pedigrees to verify the results. Eleven named genes, 12 tentatively named genes/resistances and six unknown resistances were found. Resistance in many varieties was based on combinations of either known genes or of known and new factors. The following five new or relatively new resistance genes more or less effective against the present powdery mildew populations were detected: the ‘Mlo’ resistance conferred by the recessive mlo gene with the characteristic infection type 0/(4), ‘Ricardo’ and ‘Turkish’ sources having gene Mla3 in common and ‘Turkish’ with Ml(Tu2) in addition. In three varieties the new resistance Ml(IM9) was found in combination with different Mia alleles. Variety ‘Jarek’ has two new unidentified resistances.  相似文献   

S. Hilbers    G. Fischbeck  A. Jahoor 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(4):335-338
RFLP markers which were previously assigned to chromosome 2 (2H) were found to detect polymorphism between the cv. ‘Pallas’ and a near isogenic line carrying the Laevigatum resistance gene MlLa. Linkage analysis carried out with two sets of DH lines derived from the crosses ‘RisøS’בSultan’ and ‘Alf’בVogelsanger Gold 2’ confirmed three DNA probes closely linked with the MlLa locus.  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew was investigated in 20 accessions of Hordeum spontaneum and in 20 F4 lines derived from crosses between the variety ‘Aramir’ and 13 accessions of H. spontaneum. Two resistance genes were detected in 17 accessions, and three resistance genes in one accession. In two accessions, only one resistance gene was present. The 20 breeding lines showed a large variation in infection type and infection level. The genetic relationship between the resistance genes detected was investigated in the seven most resistant F4 lines. These F4 lines were divided into three groups which carried different resistance genes. In two lines, the detected resistance gene was shown to be race-specific.  相似文献   

Fifty-six accessions of Hordeum spontaneum from various Israeli habitats were hybridized with, and their progeny backcrossed three times to H. vulgare cv. ‘Clipper’. Selected chromosome segments marked by one of 24 isozyme loci were transferred to form 84 backcross lines which were nearly isogenic with ‘Clipper’. Each line was made homozygous for a single isozyme-marked segment. These lines were evaluated in preliminary and advanced field trials. The yield, malt extract percentage and grain size of the lines approached or equalled, and sometimes significantly surpassed, that of ‘Clipper’ and more recent commercial cultivars. Three isozyme-marked segments were combined in pairs and the three resultant doubly-marked lines were compared with the reconstituted parental, singly-marked lines and with the ‘Clipper’ recombinant from the same F2-array. The additive effects of single segments on yield or gram size were not significant, whereas half of the six interactions were significant, but in the unfavorable direction. It was concluded that near-isogenic lines can identify segments of wild barley germplasm that are useful for improving yield, but that pairs of these from different habitats may interact unfavourably.  相似文献   

Genes for Powdery Mildew Resistance in Cultivars of Spring Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M  Heun  G. Fischbeck 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(4):282-288
Twenty-three cultivars of spring wheat were inoculated with nineteen different powdery mildew isolates; their ruction patterns hive been compared with those of twenty-two cultivars/lines carrying identified powdery mildew resistance genes. Applying the gene-for-gene hypothesis, it is evident that three cultivars have none of the resistance genes used, seven others (including ‘Solo’) may carry Pm4b, only. The resistance pattern of ‘Selpek’ is identical to A/-1 resistant cultivars of winter wheat and may be explained by the presence of Pm5. The resistance pattern of Pm5 (Mt-i) cultivars is very different from a number of ‘Kolibri’-related cultivars of spring wheat. Since either all or nothing of that specific pattern has been transferred to all cross progenies of ‘Kolibri’, a single gene is assumed to oe responsible for it, preliminarily designated as Ml-k. The cultivar ‘Mephisto’ carries the ‘Normandie’ resistance (Pwl 2, 9). In five cultivars to spring wheat the combined effects of at least two of the above-mentioned sources have been found. Despite the fact that ‘Normandie’ and ‘Sappo’ are not closely related. ‘Sappo’ shows the complete ‘Normandie’ resistance pattern plus that of Pm4b. The same is true for ‘Planet’ and ‘Walter’.  相似文献   

小麦抗源材料对白粉病菌的抗性遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
燕小黑1-1和81-7241两个小麦抗源材料,目前在四川是高抗白粉病的。它们对小麦白粉菌411菌株的抗性,受控于显性的主效基因。前者含有两对抗病基因,后者含有一对基因,在整个生育期中均起作用。根据寄主和病原物相互作用专化反应的结果表明,燕小黑1-1和81-7241两品系可能含有不同于 Pm 1,2,3a,3b,3c,4,5,6,7,8的一对新抗病基因或  相似文献   

The carbohydrate content of Hordeum spotaneum lines collected from 23 diverse environments in Israel was investigated. The range in composition was sucrose: 0.83—1.15%; trisaccharides): 0.48—1.16% total free and combined fructose: 1.2—4.2%; pentosans: 4.2—9.9%; and fl→3), (1→4)-β-glucans: 4.5—13.2%. The high pentosan and β-glucan content in some lines would cause quality problems if found in malting barleys.  相似文献   

M. Heun  G. Fischbeck 《Plant Breeding》1989,103(3):262-264
The inheritance of the Mlk powdery mildew resistance originating from ‘Heine 2174.50’ was analyzed by crossing the Mlk resistant cultivar ‘Ralle’× cv. ‘Amor’ (highly susceptible) and vice versa and by observing the reactions of F1- and F2-plants after inoculation with two different Mlk avirulent powdery mildew isolates. In all cases, a 3 (resistant): I (susceptible) segregation was found in F2. The reactions of the F2plants against the two powdery mildew isolates were identical in each case. Therefore, it is supposed that one dominant resistant gene is responsible for the resistant reactions against these two isolates. These results support the earlier assumption of Heun and Fischbeck (1987b) that the whole Mlk resistance pattern is controlled by a single gene.  相似文献   

Allelism to the highly polymorphic Mia locus was demonstrated for the powdery-mildew resistance of two Hordeum spontaneum derived winter–barley lines, ‘110-4 × Sonja’ and ‘142–29 × Dura’, by testing the F2 progeny of crosses between these lines and the winter-barley cv. ‘Triton’ (Mlal3) with two appropriate isolates. The results were confirmed by RFLP analysis, using the probe MWG 1H036, which is very closely linked to the Mia locus. The designations Mla29 and Mla32 are proposed for the genes identified in the two lines.  相似文献   

R. P. Ellis    E. Nevo  A. Beiles 《Plant Breeding》1993,111(1):78-81
Variation for grain milling energy in Hordeum vulgare is associated with differences in grain size, shape and composition. Genetic polymorphisms within and between populations were found across the ecogeographical range of Hordeum spontaneum in Israel. Low milling energy estimates were positively correlated with and predictable by the aridity index. Milling energy in H. spontaneum, collected in Israel, ranged from the lowest values seen in making barley to twice the highest values seen in feed cultivars. It is concluded that H. spontaneum elite genotypes could be effectively identified by milling energy for use in the breeding of new cultivars.  相似文献   

Twenty-four near-isogenic barley lines, with a cv.‘Pallas’ background, carrying different mildew resistance genes were subjected in 1987, 1989 and 1990 to natural infection by the pathogen at several different and contrasting Spanish sites in order to study its virulence. The virulence genes proved to be geographically grouped into three regions: western (Valladolid), southern (Sevilla) and northern and northeastern (Navarra, Lleida and Girona). The mildew population of Lleida was more variable when compared with Navarra and Valladolid. Overall, the most effective resistance genes were: Ml-a13 + Ml-(Ru3), mlo and Ml-(1402).  相似文献   

E. Nevo    T. Krugman  A. Beiles 《Plant Breeding》1993,110(4):338-341
Salt tolerance was tested in the progenitors of cultivated cereals, wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) and wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) from Israel. Plants from five selected populations of H. spontaneum from the Mediterranean Coastal Plain and northern Negev desert, were grown on 250 and 350 mM of NaCl. Likewise, five populations of T. dicoccoides from the eastern Samaria steppes, Mt. Hermon and Mt. Carmel, were grown on 175 and 250 mM of NaCl. Here we report on superior genotypes of H. spontaneum, ripening at 350 mM NaCl (= 60 % sea water), and of T. dicoccoides ripening at 250 mM (— 40 % sea water). We are proceeding now with both genetical and physiological studies aimed at chromosomally-locating salt tolerant genes and unravelling the mechanism(s) of salt resistance in these wild cereals.  相似文献   

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