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在分析塞罕坝林场基本情况、存在问题及优势条件的前提下,提出了该场的林业发展策略:以林为本,林以育为主,育以科学为基础;育林、护林、造林、改造和调整相结合;以木材生产为龙头,以森林旅游和多种经营为双翼,以山草盆花生产及森林食品开发为凤尾,林、工、商、贸综合发展。文中就森林经营、木材加工、森林旅游、植物资源开发、动物养殖以及资源多样性保护提出了策略性建议。  相似文献   

2007年,江西森林资源保护管理工作重点抓好以下6个方面:一是科学编制森林经营方案。按照森林分类经营的要求,着手科学编制森林经营方案,提高森林经营水平,尽快提高全省森林资源质量。二是切实抓好林地保护管理。召开全省林地保护管理工作现场会,全面实行征占用林地定额管理,深入开展征占用林地大检查活动,坚决打击非法征占用林地行为,不断提高林地利用效率,逐步形成“总量控制、定额管理、合理供地、节约用地”的使用林地机制。三是继续实行天然阔叶林禁伐。下大力气关闭消耗天然阔叶树的加工企业,停止下达天然阔叶树采伐计划,严禁采伐天然阔叶树。四是切实加强木材运输管理。适应全省公路建设的新形势,加快建立以“固定检查为主,流动检查为辅”的木材流通巡查机制,着力解决好在高速公路出口设立出省木材检查站;合理调整全省木材检查站布局,适当增加省际公路木材检查站;严格控制木材资源非法外流。五是抓好森林防火和林业有害生物防治工作。研究制定《江西省森林防火责任追究办法》,切实抓好森林防火行政领导责任制的落实;力口快航空护林站项目建设;继续加强专业森林消防队标准化和森林防火远程指挥系统建设,逐步实现省与井冈山、庐山、三清山、南昌西山等重点区域的远程监控;认真做好森警支赣部队服务保障工作;全省确保重点防范区域不发生森林火灾,确保不发生群死群伤事故。全面落实林业有害生物防治行政责任制,进一步加强监测预报力度,严格控制松材线虫病等危险性林业有害生物的蔓延扩散。六是加强自然保护区和森林公园建设。全省新建自然保护区10个以上,建设森林公园10个以上。  相似文献   

俄罗斯是世界森林资源第一大国,森林总面积8亿hm^2,约占全球森林面积的25%;年木材采运能力超过5亿m^3。2002年俄林地总面积12亿hm^2,占国土总面积的69%;森林覆盖率45%,远远超过世界平均指标27%;木材蓄积量达820亿m^3,占世界总量的1/4。  相似文献   

森林、贸易与环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林、贸易与环境目前,国际上针对国际贸易对环境的影响问题有诸多分歧。一些环境组织认为,国际贸易的进一步自由化会增加全球对热带木材的压力,因此主张采取更严厉的贸易限制措施,以防止对森林的过分采伐,促进森林的持续经营。大约全球所生产木材的1/4用于国际贸...  相似文献   

广西是我国南方重点集体林区和林业资源“富矿区”,是生态保护重点区域和生物多样性富集地区。广西现有林业用地2.29亿亩,居全国第六位:森林面积2.17亿亩,居全国第六位:森林覆盖率61.4%,居全国第三位:人工林面积、桉树林面积、速丰林面积、经济林面积均居全国第一位:森林蓄积量6.4亿立方米,居全国第七位:森林年生长量、木材采伐限额、木材产量、森林蓄积年净增量均居全国第一位,成为全国最大的木材生产基地;  相似文献   

木材材色处理是木材改性的重要内容。木材改性的目的是通过各种物理、化学处理,使木材的缺点得到不同程度的改进,使优点能进一步加强,更适合于应用。将能改进木材材质和性能的各种处理方法统称为木材改性。广义的木材改性还包含在营林技术方面,加强森林抚育,提高林木材质等。在林产工业范围内的木材改性大致可包括以下九方面内容:1)材色处理;2)尺寸稳定处理;3)可塑化(软化)处理;4)增强处理;5)塑合木(WPC);6)防腐、防虫处理;7)阻燃处理;8)防风化处理;9)木材塑料化等。现就目前应用较广泛又急待解决的材色、阻燃…  相似文献   

绿色,孕育了生命,充满了希望。森林是绿色的大本营,它维护着地球生命,维持着我们人类的生存空间。书上说,森林是“地球之肺”,是“氧气制造厂”,生长1吨木材,可吸收1.47吨二氧化碳。我们人类不能没有氧气,森林是最主要的氧气之源。森林还是人类的“绿色水库”,有森林的地方就有水,毁了森林就要闹沙漠;有森林就能调节水,毁了森林要就会发大水,闹水灾。森林是地球巨大的绿色水库,它可吸收全球30%~40%的降水量,对全球的水循环、水平衡有巨大的调节作用。森林又是自然界的“物种储存库”,世界上已经命名的140多万种动植物…  相似文献   

近年来,大气污染对环境的危害程度不断增加,对森林的威胁已成为公众十分关注的问题。就大气污染对森林生态系统及木材市场的影响进行了理论分析,并提出了控制我国大气污染,保护森林生产力,稳定木材市场的基本对策。  相似文献   

石福春 《国外林业》1994,24(1):50-53
决定未来美国木才及其它林产品供应量的两个重要因素是:(1)森林数量,(2)森林管理。人们对各种林木产品的需求量逐年增加,而现存森林却是有限的,这就使某些地区,尤其是国有林场,很难增加或维持木材供应的原有水平。如果国有森林木材供应量减少,就需要私有林地承担量增加,这是几十年来的发展趋势。美国大约3/4的森林属私人所有,所产木材数量和其它林木产品的质量在很大程度上取决于私有者如何管理这些用材林地。本文  相似文献   

黑龙江省杨树速生丰产林的发展前景及新品种资源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭树平 《林业科技》2004,29(5):13-14
黑龙江省林业用地面积为2388.6万hm^2,占全国的8.96%,这说明黑龙江省林业具有广泛的发展空间;黑龙江省森林面积1895.0万h^m2,占全国的11.92%,所占的比例大于林业用地面积,说明已有的森林生态环境好于全国。黑龙江省的森林覆被率为41.90%,虽然高于全国(16.55%)平均水平,但距离生态省的水平尚有很大距离;黑龙江省森林蓄积量为14.98亿m^3,2001年木材采伐量为974.71万m^3,仅是全国年木材缺口的1/8。解决中国、黑龙江省木材缺乏问题的关键是发展人工林,而发展人工林的核心是速生丰产林树种的选择。  相似文献   

An extremely fragmented timber supply, high harvesting costs, low profitability, high subsidies and insufficient competitiveness characterise forest enterprises in Switzerland. In a case study using a forest district in the state of Solothurn as an example, it was sought to identify strengths and weaknesses of wood production and to formulate possible improvement opportunities. The results indicate that there is considerable potential for industry rationalisation. The greatest handicaps are the small sized forest holdings, excessive numbers of staff, insufficient use of modern harvesting technology and costly business administration. The most eminent of the proposed improvement measures are those which aim to increase concentration of timber supplies and reduce production costs. These include greater centralising of timber sales as well as planning and steering of production, making full use of modern harvesting systems, reducing transaction costs, supporting administration, planning and steering of wood production with modern information technology and reducing input on stand tending. In principle, amelioration can be best achieved by close cooperation with neighbours or even merger of enterprises. Consequently, there is a need for related business tasks to be combined in functions. The paramount prerequisite for success is the willingness and readiness of all affected stakeholders to make changes. The situation described is typical for Swiss forestry and the proposed solutions could well be used as models for a wide range of Swiss forest districts.  相似文献   

关于发展人工林与建立人工林业问题探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王豁然 《林业科学》2000,36(3):111-117
全世界森林面积为 34 5 4× 1 0 8hm2 ,其中 3%是人工林。人工林是重要的森林生态系统 ,在木材生产、环境保护和景观建设中具有重要功能和作用。人工林在生产功能方面的补偿作用 ,使天然林可以更好地发挥生态环境价值、森林娱乐和生物多样性保护功能。人工林可持续经营的前提是遗传材料的正确选择与营林实践艺术的结合以及保证这种结合的林业政策。愈来愈多地使用外来树种营建人工林是全球趋势。人工林对于环境和生物多样性的影响 ,可以通过合理的规划和经营措施得到解决。林木育种与遗传改良和经营制度的技术创新是不断提高人工林生态系统生产力的动力。人工林的可持续经营是一个十分复杂的问题 ,中国人工林实现可持续经营面临技术和体制两方面的挑战 ,但是 ,根本出路在于林业经济体制的改革 ,象农业那样 ,在市场经济环境中实行人工林产业化经营 ,建立人工林业 (Forestplantationindustry)。  相似文献   

荷兰林业印象   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
荷兰是欧洲的一个小国,林业不是国民经济的重要产业,但却是荷兰外交活动中的重要方面。荷兰林业得到政府的高度重视,资金十分充足。森林游乐和改善环境是荷兰森林的主要功能,提供木材和林产品的功能已降至微不足道的地位。公众的森林环境意识强烈,政府的环境政策受公众的影响很大。  相似文献   

In recent years, worldwide socioeconomic, ecological, and cultural changes have led to a paradigm shift in forestry and forest management. Some years ago, most forest enterprises exclusively focused on wood production, whereas today, forest management is expected to be multifunctional and economically as well as socially and ecologically sustainable [Harrison, S., Herbohn, J., Niskanen, A., 2002. Non-industrial, smallholder, small-scale and family forestry: what's in a name? Small-scale Forest Economics. Management and Policy 1 (1), 1–11; Schmithuesen, F., 2004. Forest policy developments in changing societies — political trends and challenges to research. Towards the sustainable use of Europe's forests: Forest ecosystems and landscape research: Joensuu: European Forest Institute, Proc., vol. 49, pp. 87–99]. In this context, non-timber forest products (NTFPs) such as forest honey, mushrooms, or berries could gain importance as an additional source of income for the forestry sector. To assess the market potential of NTFPs in Switzerland, two corresponding surveys were conducted. A consumer survey (N = 897) conducted in six cities in Switzerland investigated the purchase of Swiss NTFPs, consumer preferences, and demand potentials. An additional survey of sellers of NTFPs (N = 105) looked at these aspects from a complementary perspective. The results showed that there is a high esteem and considerable demand potential for such products among urban consumers. Food products were mentioned most frequently. Both consumers and sellers considered quality and environmental friendliness the most important attributes of NTFPs. Structural and organizational innovations and considerable marketing efforts and sales promotion would be required to expand the market for Swiss NTFP, however. Our results indicate that certification of the products' origin, environmental performance, and quality could support such efforts and that recreational and ecological forest services have a synergetic potential for the marketing of NTFPs.  相似文献   

林业产业结构是生产要素在林业产业各部门之间配置构成的方式,不仅在量上反映林业产业间的比例关系,而且在质上反映林业产业间生产、技术、经济等方面的相互联系。文中在描述广西林业结构现状的基础上,采用灰色关联度方法对广西2011—2021年林业总产值和各次级产业产值进行分析。结果显示,广西林业各次级产业产值的增长率均为正值,以第一产业和第二产业为主导产业;其中,花卉产业是第一产业的主导产业,机制纸及纸板制造业是第二产业的主导产业,林业旅游与休闲服务是第三产业的主导产业。鉴于各次级产业的发展情况,进一步提出优化广西林业产业结构的建议:在做大林业第一产业、夯实基础的同时,大力发展经济林,并构建规模化、标准化、一体化的广西林业花卉产业园;第二产业在大力发展机制纸及纸板制造业和家具家居制造业的同时,发展林化产品(香料香精产业)和木质工艺品文化产业;第三产业在促进金融、服务业、旅游等与林业多种业态融合发展的同时,大力发展碳汇产业等。  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍当今世界一些国家森林资源遭毁坏的原因与恢复森林、提高木材生产的措施。文中强调引导林主走联合发展林业的道路,并强调全面开展森林资源清查的重要性。最后列举一些国家依靠科学技术,坚持人工造林,集约经营方面的经验。  相似文献   

Maintenance of biodiversity in commercial forests has become a main goal in forestry, and several new management principles to reach that goal have been introduced lately. For example, in even-aged forestry, tree retention (leaving a proportion of trees standing in clear-cut sites) is widely used to increase the structural diversity and the amount of dead wood in forests. However, the cost-efficiency of the new management principles is poorly studied. To increase the amount of dead wood, an alternative way could be a change in the thinning regime, so that the self-thinning builds up of woody debris of a growing stand. We used long-term (200?years) simulations to compare ecological and economical effects of the two alternative management practices to increase the amount of dead wood in forest stands: (1) green tree retention and (2) growing stands unthinned. We simulated stand growth and management of 12 pine and 12 spruce stands that represented sites in different parts of Finland. We found that growing stands unthinned produced about 5–6?times more dead wood than retention with 20 trees left per hectare. In terms of economical loss, leaving stands unthinned reduced the net present value of harvest revenues less than 20%. Consequently, leaving stands unthinned offers a cost-effective option to increase the amount of dead wood in commercial forests. The effects of unthinned management were, however, dependent on thermal sum and initial stand density, indicating that biodiversity-oriented management practices should be designed for local conditions.  相似文献   

Ortloff  Wolfgang 《New Forests》1999,18(1):59-73

Basically there are three methods of regenerating a forest: sowing, planting, and natural regeneration. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, large forested areas of Switzerland were devastated by exploitation and grazing within the forest borders. A significant percentage of these areas was regenerated by planting seedlings. Thus, the Swiss landscape is the result of both land use and cultural history. Today practically no old virgin forests remain.

Forests in Switzerland are required to meet diverse expectations. They function as a means of protection against avalanches, rock falls, and landslides; a source of wood; a natural habitat for animals and plants; and areas for recreation and tourism. Forest management aims to ensure all of these functions on a long-term, sustainable basis. Several problems exist with regard to sustainability in Swiss forests. Data from the Swiss National Forest Inventory reveal that the age structure is off balance, i.e., that there are too many old and not enough young forests. In addition, only two-thirds of the potential Swiss timber yield is harvested, whereas wood is imported from foreign regions where no control over the type of forest management is possible. Without a reduction in the demand for and consumption of wood, this practice, over the long term, is not a sustainable management option. The matter also raises ethical questions, e.g., is it correct to practice nature conservation in your own country while at the same time using wood produced under unsustainable conditions elsewhere?


为了适应林改形势,强化公共服务,完善服务功能,建议在国家网络森林医院中,针对具有林权证的用户建立林木健康卡,记录林地的基本信息、林木防治活动以及用户在网院的咨询与专家的解答等信息,实现网院"服务社会、服务林改、服务现代林业"的宗旨。本文系统地探讨了建立林木健康卡的可行性、设计原则、实现方法与使用方法。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current situation and future prospects for community forestry in the south-west of Germany. A classification of functional types of community forests and a unique form of forest administration as an appropriate reaction to the intensive mixture of ownership types are explained. In most cases institutional support is more important than direct measure-related subsidies. The results of customer satisfaction analysis and indicators including participation in the state ranger system provide evidence that the model of Public-Public-Partnership (PuPuP) has proved successful. The role of various forest functions in the individual community is highlighted. High productivity in community forests, increasing wood consumption in the housing sector and increasing use for energy production suggest favourable prospects for community forestry in Baden-Württemberg. Equally important are efforts to increase technical efficiency of production. Improved stakeholder communication can result in a better perception of the importance of forestry. The paper also identifies relevant threats to community forestry. The increasing cost-price squeeze is one of the crucial risks for communal forest enterprises. Additionally, an anti-trust campaign of the timber industry endangers their market position. A reorganisation of the state forest administration will result in a lower level of financial and institutional support.  相似文献   

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