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母猪分娩是规模化猪场生产中的关键环节。在生产中如果母猪夜问分娩往往由于饲养员白天较累,晚上容易疲劳,对接产、保温、防压、辅助仔猪吃初乳、超前免疫等均易造成影响,另外,在冬季由于受外界气温的影响,晚上温度较低,致使仔猪死亡率偏高,严重影响着养猪企业的经济效益。鉴于此,许多生产场家采取用药物控制的办法,改变母猪的分娩时间,使母猪尽量白天分娩,以期达到良好的效果。 相似文献
前列腺素诱导母猪分娩时的内分泌状态 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
选用5头妊娠后期母猪,于妊娠111d上午9∶00肌肉注射氯前列烯醇(PG)0.20mg。5头母猪皆于次日白天分娩。从注射前至分娩结束,在整个诱导过程中多次采血,监测了血清中孕酮(P4)、硫酸雌酮(E1S)、催乳素(PRL)和皮质醇(cortisol)4种激素浓度的变化。结果表明,诱导分娩过程中各种激素的变化和自然分娩基本一样。这就解释了用国产前列腺素诱导母猪分娩,只要处理时间合适(妊娠111d或112d),就会有良好效果,不会产生不良副作用。 相似文献
临产英系大白母猪66头。随机分为两组,试验组36头,用氯前列烯醇诱导分娩;对照组30头,自然分娩。结果:试验组在用药后(24.08±9.18)小时开始分娩,两天内有94.44%(34/36)母猪分娩。试验组白天分娩比例,平均妊娠期、胎衣排出期分别为80.56%、(114.47±0.70)d、(24.92±31.99)min;对照组分别为53.33%、(115.27±1.70)d、(41.97±42.68)min,差异均达到显著水平;而在产程、产仔间隔、头均初生重、窝均死胎数及窝均活仔数等方面,两组间差异不显著。试验结果表明。应用氯前列烯醇诱导可使母猪分娩高度同期化,对新生仔猪无不良影响,经济效益显著。 相似文献
氯前列烯醇诱导母猪限期分娩 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对65头妊娠第112天母猪肌注PGF2α类似物-氯前列烯醇进行诱导分娩,使其妊娠期为113天,结果与对照组相比,其死胎率降低42.89%,差异显著。而仔猪育成率并未因妊娠期为113天而受影响。 相似文献
临产英系大白母猪66头,随机分为两组,试验组36头,用氯前列烯醇诱导母猪分娩;对照组30头,自然分娩。结果试验组在用药后24.08±9.18h(小时)开始分娩,白天分娩比例,平均妊娠期、胎衣排出时间间隔分别为80.56%、114.47±0.70d、24.92±31.99min。对照组分别为53.33%、115.27±1.70d、41.97±42.68min,差异均达到显著水平;而在产程、产仔间隔、初生窝重、活仔均重、产仔数、死胎数、弱仔数、木乃伊数及活仔数等方面,两组间差异不显著。试验结果表明,应用氯前列烯醇诱导可使母猪分娩高度同期化,对新生仔猪无不良影响,经济效益显著。 相似文献
在生产实践中,由于饲料不足、营养不全等原因造成的母猪不发情比较普遍,在加强饲养管理的基础上可用三合激素诱情,经生产实践效果较好,受胎率高。 相似文献
应用前列腺素类似物氯前列烯醇对100头配种后112-113d的妊娠健康大约克夏母猪进行同期分娩控制试验。结果表明,肌肉注射0.05、0.10和0.20mg氯前列烯醇可分别使90%、95%和90%的母猪在用药后16.0-28.0h分娩,用药母猪的产程明显缩短,压死仔猪的比例明显下降,该药对母猪的生产性能无明显影响。 相似文献
Smith WC Alley MR Holmes RJ Moller K Pearson G Alexander AM 《New Zealand veterinary journal》1982,30(4):34-37
Intramuscular injections (10 mg) of prostaglandin F2alpha were administered to 19 pregnant sows in one herd on either the 112th or 113th day of gestation and a similar number of untreated sows served as controls. Induced sows for up to 6h after injection generally showed more walking, drinking defaceating and postural changes. Over the last 20 h prepartum they spent more time lying and urinated more frequently. Mean interval from injection to onset of parturition in treated sows was 24.5 h and 16 of them commenced farrowing during the working day, compared with 6 in the control group. Induction of parturition did not influence litter size at birth, piglet body-weights at birth or 14 days of age, the incidence of the mastitis, metrititis agalactae syndrome, re-breeding interval of the sow or size of the subsequent litter at birth. Farrowing time was significantly longer (6.48 h v 4.08 h) for treated sows and litter pre-weaning mortality was higher but not significantly so. Most piglet deaths in each group resulted from overlaying or starvation but mortality from anaemia and septicaemia occurred only in the treated group. It is considered that the technique could have practical application on well-managed intensive pig units. 相似文献
W.C. Smith M.R. Alley R.J. Holmes K. Moller G. Pearson A.M. Alexander 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(4):34-37
Intramuscular injections (10mg) of prostaglandin F2ä were administered to 19 pregnant sows in one herd on either the 112th or 113th day of gestation and a similar number of untreated sows served as controls. Induced sows for up to 6h after injection generally showed/more walking, drinking defaceating and postural changes. Over the last 20h prepartum they spent more time lying and urinated more frequently. Mean interval from injection to onset of parturition in treated sows was 24.5h and 16 of them commenced farrowing during the working day, compared with 6 in the control group. Induction of parturition did not influence litter size at birth, piglet bodyweights at birth or 14 days of age, the incidence of the mastitis, metrititis agalactae syndrome, re-breeding interval of the sow or size of the subsequent litter at birth. Farrowing time was significantly longer (6.48h v 4.08h) for treated sows and litter pre-weaning mortality was higher but not significantly so. Most piglet deaths in each group resulted from overlaying or starvation but mortality from anaemia and septicaemia occurred only in the treated group. It is considered that the technique could have practical application on well-managed intensive pig units. 相似文献
陈海南 《广东畜牧兽医科技》2011,36(6):21-23
在集约化猪场中,要求严格按工艺流程有节奏地进行养猪生产。为了避免夜间产仔和有效地提高商品猪的整体质量,常采用同期分娩解决这一难题。作为调控繁殖节律的技术之一,药物诱导母猪同期分娩已成为集约化养猪业的一个重要研究课题。本文对前列腺素F2α和氦前列烯醇在母猪同期分娩中的应用作一简单介绍。 相似文献
在工厂化养猪条件下,要求严格按工艺流程有节奏地进行养猪生产,药物诱导母猪同期分娩作为调控繁殖节律的技术之一,已成为工厂化养猪业的一个重要研究课题,这一技术在国外养猪生产中已广为应用,国内近年来也进行了这一技术在生产中的应用研究. 相似文献
Aggressive behavior of sows at parturition 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
H A van der Steen L R Schaeffer H de Jong P N de Groot 《Journal of animal science》1988,66(2):271-279
Sows, especially primiparous, may show aggressive behavior at parturition against their own piglets, resulting in wounding or death of the piglets. Frequency, environmental influences and heritability of aggressive behavior were studied in two data sets. The first (923 first litters) was collected at an experimental farm and the other (925 first litters) came from a pig breeding organization. Frequency of aggressiveness ranged, depending on its definition, from 7 to 12%. Fixed effects of year, season and feeding level of the gilt during the rearing period did not affect the frequency of aggressiveness. A regression of aggression on postpartum sow weight was found, suggesting that low weight at first farrowing might predispose sows to aggressive behavior. Coefficients for backfat and litter size were positive but nonsignificant. Heritability of aggressiveness on the underlying normal scale, estimated from the paternal half-sib component of variance, averaged .12 for the first data set, and .25 for data set II. Estimates from daughter-dam regression were .49 and .87 for the two data sets, respectively. A simulation study indicated that this difference might be due to maternal effects. A simple application would be to select boars and gilts from non-aggressive sows only. Response to selection would be rather slow if the frequency of aggressive behavior is low. At frequencies that are too high from an economic point of view, estimation of breeding values, combining own performance and(or) data from relatives, is required. 相似文献
Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of feeding thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) during lactation on sows. In Exp. 1, sows were fed 0, 1, 10, 100 or 1,000 mg TRH on d 10.8 +/- .4 (mean +/- SE) after parturition. Blood samples were taken from sows every 30 min from -2 h to 8 h and at 10, 12 and 18 h from feeding. Consumption of 100 or 1,000 mg TRH increased mean serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4; P less than .001), 1,000 mg TRH increased growth hormone (GH; P less than .06) and 100 or 1,000 mg TRH increased prolactin (PRL; P less than .01), but insulin (INS; P greater than .10) was unaffected by TRH. Serum concentrations of T4 were elevated within 2 to 4 h after feeding TRH and remained elevated for 12 to 18 h. Concentrations of GH and PRL began to increase immediately after feeding 100 or 1,000 mg TRH and remained elevated for 6 and 8 h, respectively. In Exp. 2, sows were fed 0 or 200 mg TRH from d 111 of gestation to weaning at 27.1 +/- .3 d of lactation. Consumption of TRH elevated concentrations of T4 at all stages of lactation and increased respiration rate on d 10 and d 20, heart rate on d 20, and milk production on d 20 of lactation. Consumption of TRH did not influence number of pigs born, number born alive, survival rate during lactation, sow body weight, heartgirth, backfat depth, feed disappearance, or milk production on d 10 of lactation. Piglets nursing sows fed TRH were similar in weight to piglets nursing sows not fed TRH on d 0 and 5 of lactation, but they were heavier on d 10 (P less than .07), 15 (P less than .001), 20 (P less than .001) and 27 (P less than .0001). Sows fed TRH took longer (P less than .001) to return to estrus after weaning than control sows. Results indicated that feeding TRH elevated T4, GH and PRL and that feeding TRH for the duration of lactation increased milk production on d 20 of lactation and increased weaning weights, but it delayed estrus after weaning. 相似文献