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Four different methods for the methylation of conjugated linoleic acid isomers (CLA) in ruminant lipids were compared by silver ion (Ag+) HPLC. The combination of base-catalyzed methods followed by an acid-catalyzed method with BF3/MeOH was tested under different temperatures (room temperature and at 60 degrees C), along with based-catalyzed methylation with NaOCH3 and methylation with BF3/MeOH after saponification with NaOH. The comparison among these four methods was done on muscle and adipose tissue samples from bulls. The repeatability theta of the combined base- and acid-catalyzed methylation (NaOCH3/BF3) at ambient temperature for 20 min and at 60 degrees C for 10 min was most suitable for the quantitative Ag+-HPLC analysis of CLA isomers. At 60 degrees C the combined methods supplied the highest concentrations of most CLA isomers. The base-catalyzed methylation and the saponification followed by BF3/MeOH methylation for 5 min generated significantly lower concentrations for most CLA isomers compared to the combined methods.  相似文献   

Inclusion complex of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) with cyclodextrins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) inclusion complexes with alpha-cyclodextrin (alpha-CD), beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD), and gamma-cyclodextrin (gamma-CD) (designated CLA/CDs inclusion complexes) were prepared to determine the mole ratio of CLA complexed with CDs and the oxidative stability of CLA in the CLA/CDs inclusion complexes. When measured by GC, (1)H NMR, and T(1) value analyses, 1 mole of CLA was complexed with 5 mol of alpha-CD, 4 mol of beta-CD, and 2 mol of gamma-CD. The oxidation of CLA induced at 35 degrees C for 80 h was completely prevented by the formation of CLA/CDs inclusion complexes.  相似文献   

The fatty acids from a series of milk-chocolate-based confectionery samples were analyzed as methyl esters by GC to determine the presence and amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A single peak corresponding to the 9-cis,11-trans isomer and ranging from less than 0.1% to nearly 0.2% of the total fatty acids, corresponding to up to 0.3 mg per g of chocolate, was observed. One of the chocolate extracts and a milk extract were subjected to silver ion HPLC and GC-MS in order to confirm the identity of the major isomer and tentatively identity minor isomers.  相似文献   

Oxidative stability of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) encapsulated in alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrins (designated CLA/CDs microencapsules) was studied by measuring the headspace-oxygen depletion in airtight serum bottles and by measuring the peroxide values (POV). The rate of oxygen depletion was reduced from 41.0 (control) to 21.5, 2.1, 1.2, and 1.1 micromol/L.h(-)(1) by CLA/alpha-CD microencapsules at 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:6 mole ratios, respectively, indicating that CLA oxidation was completely protected by a 1:4 mole ratio of CLA/alpha-CD. Such a protective effect by CLA/beta-CD or CLA/gamma-CD microencapsules was achieved at a 1:6 mole ratio, but the effect by CLA/beta-CD was slightly greater than that by CLA/gamma-CD. The protective effect of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-CDs for CLA oxidation was confirmed by their POV-reducing abilities in CLA/CDs. These results suggest that alpha-CD was the most effective for the protection of CLA oxidation by microencapsulation, followed by beta-CD and gamma-CD.  相似文献   

A conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-rich soy oil has been produced by photoisomerization of soy oil linoleic acid. Nutritional studies have shown that CLA possesses health benefits in terms of reducing certain heart disease and diabetes risk factors. Potato chips are snacks that are readily produced in the CLA-rich soy oil containing CLA levels similar to those of the oil used for frying. The objective of this study was to develop an FTIR method to rapidly determine the CLA content of oil in potato chips. Photoirradiated soy oil samples with ~25% total CLA were mixed with control soy oil, and 100 soy oil samples with total CLA levels ranging from 0.89 to 24.4% were made. Potato chips were fried using each of these 300 g CLA rich soy oil mixtures at 175 °C for approximately 3 min. Duplicate GC-FID fatty acid analyses were conducted on oil extracted from each batch of potato chips. The chip samples were ground and then scanned using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy with the aid of a high-pressure clamp, and duplicate spectra of each sample were averaged to obtain an average spectrum. Calibration models were developed using PLS regression analysis. These correlated the CLA isomer concentrations of potato chips obtained by GC-FID fatty acid analysis with their corresponding FTIR spectral features. The calibration models were fully cross validated and tested using samples that were not used in the calibration sample set. Calibrations for total CLA, trans,trans CLA, trans-10,cis-12 CLA, trans-9,cis-11 CLA, cis-10,trans-12 CLA, and cis-9,trans-11 CLA had coefficients of determinations (R2v) between 0.91 and 0.96 and corresponding root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP) ranging from 0.005 to 1.44. The ATR-FTIR technique showed potential as a method for the determination of the CLA levels in unknown potato chip samples.  相似文献   

Mixtures of t,t conjugated linoleic acid methylester (t,t CLA-Me) isomers were prepared from synthetic CLA, consisting of 47.8% t10,c12 CLA; 45.5% c9,t11 CLA; 2.0% t,t CLA; and 4.7% others, by methylation with BF(3)/methanol (designated TT-TC/CT) in conjunction with purification at -68 degrees C for 24 h. The amount or composition of the TT-TC/CT was greatly affected by the concentration of BF(3) in methanol and the duration of methylation. The methylation of 50 mg of synthetic CLA for 30 min with 1 mL of 7.0% BF(3)/methanol produced a TT-TC/CT (21.54 mg) with the composition of 1.3% t12,t14; 5.9% t11,t13; 42.7% t10,t12; 44.0% t9,t11; 5.0% t8,t10; and 1.1% t 7,t9 CLA, whereas the methylation for 60 min with 14.0% BF(3)/methanol produced a TT-TC/CT (28.62 mg) with the composition of t,t CLA isomers different from that of TT-TC/CT by methylation for 30 min with 7.0% BF(3)/methanol. A large quantity of TT-TC/CT (14.15 g) with the composition similar to that of TT-TC/CT prepared from 50 mg of synthetic CLA was also prepared from 25 g of synthetic CLA. The purity of TT-TC/CT samples was greater than 98%. These results suggest that TT-TC/CT with a purity greater than 98% was easily prepared from synthetic CLA by BF(3)-catalyzed methylation, and the amount and composition of t,t CLA isomers of TT-TC/CT samples could be controlled by methylation conditions.  相似文献   

Silkworms with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) incorporated into their lipids (designated CLA silkworms) were produced to enhance the quality of silkworms having a synergistic effect with CLA functions by dietary synthetic CLA. Silkworm larvae were fed fresh mulberry leaves (control diet) until the third instar stage and were then subjected to various levels (0%, 0.1%, 1%, 5%, and 10%) of CLA-sprayed mulberry leaves (designated CLA diet) beginning on the first day of the fourth instar stage and continuing to the third day of the fifth instar stage. CLA contents in CLA silkworms increased proportionally with increasing CLA levels of CLA diets. CLA silkworms on a 1% CLA diet contained 2.2 g CLA/100 g lipid without body weight reduction, whereas CLA silkworms on a 10% CLA diet contained 14.8 g CLA/100 g lipid with a significant reduction of body weight, relative to the control silkworms. The CLA content in the lipids of CLA silkworms on a 10% CLA diet was significantly higher than that of CLA silkworms on a 5% CLA diet. A 0.1% CLA diet was not sufficient to accumulate CLA in the silkworms. Most of the CLA (approximately 99%) of silkworm lipids was present in triglyceride (TG) with a similar ratio of c9,t11 and t10,c12 CLA isomers. These results suggest that a 1% CLA diet was suitable for the production of CLA silkworms.  相似文献   

A method for microbial isomerization of oat linoleic acid to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was developed. The method includes hydrolysis of oat lipids in aqueous flour slurries by the endogenous oat lipase. Then, the flour slurry containing free linoleic acid is utilized as a substrate for the isomerization reaction carried out by resting cells of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii. The isomerization reaction progressed most effectively when, after the lipid hydrolysis period, the pH of the slightly acidic oat slurry was elevated to 8.0-8.5 and maintained at this range. With slurries containing 5% (w/v) oat flour, the amounts of CLA formed per dry matter were up to 10.1 mg/g corresponding to 102 mg/g lipids or 0.44 mg/mL slurry. Increments in the flour content up to 15% increased the volumetric production of CLA to 0.85 mg/mL. The proportion of the cis-9,trans-11 isomer was 80% of the total CLA formed. CLA could be concentrated into the solid material of the oat slurry by acidification.  相似文献   

This study was performed to characterize the ability of an active Bifidobacterium strain to produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and to test its possible utilization as a probiotic compatible to the ruminal condition. Bifidobacterium breve LMC520 can actively convert linoleic acid (LA) to cis-9,trans-11-CLA, which is a major isomer derived from microbial conversion. LMC520 showed reasonable tolerance under acidic conditions (pH 2.5 with 1% pepsin) and in the presence of oxgall (0-3%). The growth and CLA production of LMC520 were tested under ruminal conditions and compared with those of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38, which is a major CLA producer in the rumen as an intermediate in the biohydrogenation (BH) process. LMC520 converted 15% of LA to CLA under ruminal conditions, which was 2 times higher activity than that of A38, and there was no decline in CLA level during prolonged incubation of 48 h. The BH activity of LMC520 was comparable to that of A38. When LMC520 was cocultured with A38, even with slight decrease of CLA due to high BH activity by A38, but the level of CLA was maintained by the high CLA-producing activity of LMC520. This comparative study shows the potential of this strain to be applied as a functional probiotic not only for humans but also for ruminants as well as to increase CLA production.  相似文献   

Precise methylation methods for various chemical forms of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which minimize the formation of t,t isomers and allylmethoxy derivatives (AMD) with the completion of methylation, were developed using a 50 mg lipid sample, 3 mL of 1.0 N H(2)SO(4)/methanol, and/or 3 mL of 20% tetramethylguanidine (TMG)/methanol solution(s). Free CLA (FCLA) was methylated with 1.0 N H(2)SO(4)/methanol (55 degrees C, 5 min). CLA esterified in safflower oil (CLA-SO) was methylated with 20% TMG/methanol (100 degrees C, 5 min), whereas CLA esterified in phospholipid (CLA-PL) was methylated with 20% TMG/methanol (100 degrees C, 10 min), followed by an additional reaction with 1.0 N H(2)SO(4)/methanol (55 degrees C, 5 min). Similarly, CLA esterified in egg yolk lipid (CLA-EYL) was methylated by base hydrolysis, followed by reaction with 1.0 N H(2)SO(4)/methanol (55 degrees C, 5 min). These results suggest that for the quantitative analysis of CLA in lipid samples by GC, proper methylation methods should be chosen on the basis of the chemical forms of CLA in samples.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) are a group of octadecadienoic acids (18:2) that are naturally present in food products and may have beneficial health effects. Liposomes and ethanol solutions were prepared by mixing synthetic phosphatidylcholines (PCs) with c9,t11-CLA, t10,c12-CLA, and linoleic acid (LA) in the sn-2 position into natural PCs from soybean, egg yolk, rat brain, and rat heart at 5 mol %. The oxygen diffusion-concentration products were measured using electron spin resonance spin-label oximetry methods. Individual synthetic PCs, the phospholipid matrix, and the tested lipid systems all exhibited influence on oxygen diffusion-concentration products during lipid peroxidation. Incorporating 5 mol % PC(c9,t11-CLA) into soy and egg yolk PC increased oxygen consumption in liposome suspensions while it was decreased in rat heart and brain PCs. On the other hand, PC(t10,c12-CLA) increased oxygen consumption in mixtures with egg yolk and rat heart PC but decreased it in soybean and rat brain PC. By comparison, PC(LA) decreased oxygen consumption in every case. In ethanol solutions, all of the synthetic PCs suppressed the capacity to generate peroxide radicals in the order of LA > c9,t11-CLA > t10,c12-CLA. In addition, PCs containing individual CLA isomers and LA differed in their capacities to react with and quench DPPH radicals in both ethanol solution and liposome, suggesting differences between CLA isomers and LA in DPPH radical-fatty acid interactions. Incorporation of CLA isomers and LA into dimyristyl-PC reduced the phase transition temperature from 23.6 to 23.1 and 23.3 degrees C, respectively. The results of this study provide evidence that the behavior of CLA isomers differs in the microenvironment of membranes possibly due to structural differences that affect the permeability of membranes to oxygen and lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The esterified fatty acid composition of cheese (YC) from yak ( Bos grunniens), reared in the highlands of the Nepalese Himalayas, was studied using capillary gas-liquid chromatography and compared with that of dairy cow Cheddar cheese (DC) purchased in a local market. The YC was collected from Dolakha, Nepal. The YC had a lower (P<0.001) myristic acid (C14:0; 6.7 vs 10.3%, YC vs DC, respectively) and palmitic acid content (C16:0; 23.3 vs 29.2%, YC vs DC, respectively) compared to DC. The YC had a lower (P<0.01) total medium-chain saturated fatty acids (C10:0-C16:0) content compared to DC (36.7 vs 47.3%, YC vs DC, respectively). On the other hand, the YC had a 24.8% higher (P<0.01) level of total long-chain saturated fatty acids (C17:0-C26:0) and a 3.2 times higher (P<0.001) content of total n-3 PUFA than DC. The ratio of n-3 PUFA to n-6 PUFA in YC was 0.87 compared to 0.20 in DC. YC had a 2.8 times higher (P<0.001) total trans-18:1 (9.18 vs 3.31%, YC vs DC, respectively) content. The percentage of vaccenic acid ( trans-11-C18:1) in YC was 4.6 times higher (6.23 vs 1.35% of total fatty acids, YC vs DC, respectively) than in DC. Vaccenic acid constituted 67.9% of total trans-C18:1 in YC. The Delta9-desaturase index for YC was lower than that of DC. The total conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in YC was 2.3% of total fatty acids compared to 0.57% in DC. The cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomer in YC constituted 88.5% of the total CLA. The results suggest that cheese from yak, grazed on Himalayan alpine pastures, may have a more healthful fatty acid composition compared to cheese manufactured from dairy cattle fed grain-based diets.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) strongly prevents fat accumulation in adipose tissue of mice, even if hepatic fat deposition and insulin resistance are concomitantly observed. This study investigated the possibility of maintaining the antiadiposity properties of CLA while preventing adverse effects such as liver steatosis and hyperinsulinemia. To this end, mice were divided into three groups and fed a standard diet (control) or a diet supplemented with 1% CLA (CLA) or a mixture of 1% CLA plus 7.5% pine nut oil (CLA + P). The combination of CLA + P preserved the CLA-mediated antiadiposity properties (70% fat reduction), preventing hepatic steatosis and a sharp increase in plasmatic insulin starting from the eighth week of CLA treatment. The assay of both fatty acid synthesis and oxidation in the CLA + P mice revealed a time-dependent biphasic behavior of the corresponding enzymatic activities. A sudden change in these metabolic events was indeed found at the eighth week. A strong correlation between the changes in key enzymes of lipid metabolism and in insulin levels apparently exists in CLA-fed mice. Furthermore, lower levels of lipids, in comparison to values found in CLA-fed mice, were observed in the liver and plasma of CLA + P-fed animals.  相似文献   

A microbially safe process for the enrichment of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in oats was developed. The process consists of hydrolysis of oat lipids by non-inactivated oat flour, followed by propionibacterium-catalyzed isomerization of the resulting free linoleic acid to CLA. The first stage was performed at water activity (a(w)) 0.7, where hydrolysis of triacylglycerols progressed efficiently without growth of the indigenous microflora of flour. Thereafter, the flour was incubated as a 5% (w/v) aqueous, sterilized slurry with Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii. The amount of CLA produced in 20 h was 11.5 mg/g dry matter corresponding to 116 mg/g lipids or 0.57 mg/mL slurry. The oat flour had also the capability to hydrolyze exogenous oils at a(w) 0.7. Sunflower oil, added to increase linoleic acid content in triacylglycerols 2.7-fold, was hydrolyzed rapidly. Isomerization of this oil-supplemented flour as a 5% slurry gave final CLA content of 22.3 mg/g dry matter after 50 h of fermentation, corresponding to 118 mg/g lipids or 1.14 mg/mL slurry. Storage stability of CLA in fermented oat slurries at 4 degrees C was good.  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸水包油型乳液的物理化学稳定性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
共轭亚油酸(conjugated linoleic acid, CLA)是一种具有多重生理功效的不饱和脂肪酸,其氧化稳定性较差,对光、热、氧气很不稳定。以亲水胶体为乳化剂制备CLA的水包油(O/W)型乳液可改善其氧化稳定性,扩大其在食品中的应用。该研究采用改性阿拉伯胶EM2为乳化剂、2种不同黏度的CLA为油相,通过测定乳液颗粒的粒径和粒径分布以及乳液在40℃贮存过程中的过氧化值和茴香胺值,研究了CLA的水包油(O/W)型乳液的物理化学稳定性。结果表明,高质量分数的EM2有利于形成粒径更小且分布均一的乳液颗粒。乳液的氧化稳定性很大程度上依赖于其物理稳定性。对于黏度较小的CLA,在各测试EM2质量分数下,CLA乳液具有较好的物理稳定性,且随着EM2质量分数的增大,乳液氧化稳定性提高。对于黏度较大的CLA,EM2质量分数为5%时,乳液具有较好的物理化学稳定性;增大EM2的质量分数,其稳定性下降。该研究可为今后研究基于乳液技术的功能性因子保护和增效提供参考,有利于CLA在食品行业中的推广应用。  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-rich soy oil can be produced by photoisomerization of soy oil linoleic acid to produce a soy oil with up to 20% CLA. Recent studies indicate that mixed soy tocopherols added to refined bleached deodorized (RBD) oil produced significant increase in soy CLA yield during soy oil linoleic acid photoisomerization. However, the effect of common synthetic free radical scavenging antioxidants and specific tocopherols on CLA yield and its oxidative stability is not known. Therefore, this investigation evaluated the effects of various antioxidant systems on soy oil CLA yield and oxidative stability. Soy oil with added antioxidants consisting of combinations of mixed tocopherols (MT), ascorbyl palmitate (AP), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) was photoisomerized to produce CLA- rich soy oil. The CLA content was determined by GC-FID analysis and oxidative stability by peroxide value (PV). The soy oil in the presence of TBHQ, MT alone and MT with 500 ppm of AP produced significantly greater CLA yields and improved oxidative stability compared to a control without added antioxidants (p < 0.05). However, added mixed tocopherols produced the greatest CLA yield and also reduced PV relative to the control. Tocopherols in the form of α-, γ- and δ-tocopherols were then each examined as to their relative effect on CLA yields and PV. The largest increase in CLA yield was obtained with 1800 ppm of γ-tocopherols with reduced PV. Mixed tocopherols, TBHQ and γ-tocopherols can be used to increase CLA yield and reduce PV of soy oil during linoleic acid photoisomerization.  相似文献   

This study was designed to isolate bifidobacteria from human intestines that efficiently converts monolinolein, a monoglyceride form of linoleic acid, into conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), as well as to optimize culture conditions for improving CLA production during milk fermentation. Among 150 screened neonatal bifidobacteria, Bifidobacterium breve LMC 520 showed the highest CLA-producing ability and was tested with different types of fat substrates at various concentrations to determine the optimal conditions for CLA production. Monolinolein was tested as a substrate for CLA production. The incubation time optimized for CLA production was 24 h, and CLA production was proportionally increased with monolinolein concentration. The incubation of LMC 520 with commercial starter strains caused minimal reduction in CLA production. Our results demonstrate that the CLA-producing ability of B. breve LMC 520 could offer beneficial effects when utilized as a starter culture for the development of functional dairy products.  相似文献   

Structured lipid (SL) was synthesized from extravirgin olive oil (EVOO) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) via a lipase-catalyzed reaction. CLA provides a variety of health benefits, but it is not consumed in free fatty acid form. The synthesized SL olive oil contained 42.5 mol % CLA isomers, and the major isomers were cis-9,trans-11-CLA (16.9 mol %) and trans-10,cis-12-CLA (24.2 mol %). The antioxidant activity determined by the radical scavenging capacity with the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical was lower in SL olive oil than in EVOO. The oxidative stability was also lower in SL olive oil since it had a higher peroxide value, rho-anisidine value, and 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values during 20 days of storage at 60 degrees C. This observation could be due to the reduction in the natural phenolic compounds (97%) and tocopherols (56%), and the incorporated CLA with two conjugated double bonds in the SL olive oil. The oxidative stability of SL olive oil was increased by added rosemary extracts at concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 ppm. The present study suggests that the SL olive oil may be a suitable way to incorporate or deliver CLA into human diets. However, the addition of a proper antioxidant would be required for improving its oxidative stability.  相似文献   

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