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王文磊  徐燕  纪德华  谢潮添 《水产学报》2023,18(11):119104-1-119104-14



胡红浪  韩枫  桂建芳 《水产学报》2023,18(1):019101-1-019101-10
种业是农业发展的基础,振兴种业是保障国家粮食安全的核心要素,也是保障国家安全的重要举措。种业发展涉及政策、技术和市场等多种因素。我国水产遗传育种技术发展日新月异,但与《种业振兴行动方案》提出的要求尚有差距。本文从育种技术研究、发展与应用等角度阐述了我国水产遗传育种技术发展现状,对照《种业振兴行动方案》提出的目标与任务,从种质资源保护与利用、育种技术创新、种业生产体系建设和种苗监管等方面分析了我国水产育种技术发展存在的短板,认为我国水产养殖用种总体有保障、风险可管控,也存在国内种质资源丰富但遗传改良率不高、科研育种成果多但转化效率不高、种业企业多但核心竞争力不强等3个主要问题。针对短板,本文提出加强种质资源挖掘保存与创新利用技术研究、加强现代育种技术特别是新种质创制的研究及应用、加强生产体系技术标准化应用、加强育种技术商业化应用研究、加强种业市场监管技术支撑等建议,以期为我国水产育种技术创新攻关及种业发展政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

刘永新  邵长伟  侯吉伦  张殿昌  郑先虎 《水产学报》2023,31(1):019605-1-019605-14
水产育种是世界各国竞相发展的热点研究领域,育种技术开发和优良品种培育充分体现了一个国家的综合创新实力和市场竞争能力。开展水产养殖生物的遗传育种研究,可提高种质资源开发强度和基因资源挖掘深度,发掘我国水产种业科技潜能和增强产业化应用水平。我国水产育种涵盖了完整的品种育成和扩繁推两大系统,已经成为推动水产养殖业绿色发展的重中之重,在保障优质蛋白稳定供给、提升种业强国竞争实力和改善国民饮食消费习惯等方面展示了杰出功效。随着生命科学特别是分子生物学和基因组学的飞速发展,我国水产育种取得了丰硕的科研成果,但也遇到了诸多核心瓶颈和制约因素。本文概括性总结了开展水产育种研究的重要意义,分析了当前我国水产育种研究的整体现状,凝练了亟需突破和解决的关键问题,提出了强化种质资源挖掘与高效利用、重视基础研究开展源头创新、研发前沿技术进行重点攻关、聚焦市场需求培育优良新品种等今后研究重点任务,形成了建设种质资源保藏体系、建成创新支撑平台、推进保护政策扶持、打造新型研发主体等对策建议,以期为我国引领世界水产育种研究和新时代渔业转型升级提供参考资料。  相似文献   

桂建芳 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119101-119101
鲫是多倍体鲫属复合种的统称,包括拥有100条染色体的鲫与人工驯养的金鱼以及拥有150多条和200多条染色体的银鲫。它们不仅是重要养殖鱼类,而且是稀有的具有不同倍性的脊椎动物,为研究脊椎动物单性生殖及多倍化机制提供了潜在机会。本文综述了银鲫在遗传进化上的特殊性以及近五年来揭示的基因组演化方面的创新见解,尤其是在精准育种上取得的相关重要突破,结合我们育种实践积累的经验,展望水产育种和水产种业的未来发展。  相似文献   

种苗是海洋生物养殖产业的源头和必需的物质基础,种质是海洋养殖业的核心问题。海水养殖产业"种子工程"包括"健康苗种繁殖"和"优良种质创制"两个部分,前者以实现原种和良种的人工繁殖为中心目标,还包括与之相匹配的设施设备等建设,对鱼类原种开发、种子扩繁和产业发展起到支撑作用;后者强调应用现代生物技术,以不断改进和优化原种种质为目标,是增加产量的有效途径,是实现海水养殖业健康和可持续发展的有效保证。本文以海水鱼类为例,分析了"种子工程"两个方面的研究发展历程、研究中心目标及其内在既有联系又相对独立的研究特点,基于研究和产业平衡发展的共同需要,应坚持二者并列、并重的研究方向。文中还对当前海水养殖鱼类原种开发、种质改良和良种选育等研究领域提出了初步看法和设想。  相似文献   

12月底从海上网箱挑选14尾1 5龄以上,健康、外表无伤的军曹鱼(Rachycentron cana dum),移至陆地盖有顶棚的大水泥池进行强化培育。经过4个月左右的培养,结果显示,亲鱼在陆地强化培育比在海区网箱提前约7 d成熟并自然产卵。受精卵在室内育苗池进行人工育苗,在海水比重为1. 020±0. 5,pH 8 1~8 4,水温在27. 0、29. 2 ℃时,仔鱼孵出时间分别为26、24 h,孵化率为88 .8%~93 .5%。孵出后的仔鱼在第7~9天为死亡高峰期,第11天左右的仔鱼体色有明显的变化,由棕红色变为黑色。经过1个月的培养,仔鱼的成活率约为9%。  相似文献   

我国养殖鱼类育种技术概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林祥日 《淡水渔业》2005,35(4):61-64
我国渔业产量和养殖规模近年来一直居世界首位,但依然缺少高效、优质、抗病力强的养殖品种.如何通过传统育种和生物技术对鱼类进行品种选育和遗传改良,以获得优良性状的苗种,将对促进水产养殖业向高产、优质、持续、健康方向发展具有重要的意义.本文就我国养殖鱼类育种技术研究作一扼要的概述.  相似文献   

目前我国水产业以养殖为主,捕捞为辅。在2022年的水产品产量中,淡水养殖占47.91%,海水养殖占33.15%,捕捞占18.94%。在水产养殖中,鱼类养殖产量占52.16%,呈现出举足轻重的地位。“良种良养良销”是水产业中三个重要的组成部分,“良种”是水产业的龙头,“良养”是水产业的保障,加工、销售等“良销”环节是拉动水产业发展的重要动力。20世纪50年代以来,我国水产业取得了长足发展,为广大人民提供了丰富的水产品,解决了“吃鱼难”的问题。然而,目前我国水产业中有种无业、有业无种等现象还比较严重,没有从根本上解决“吃好鱼”及“吃放心鱼”的问题,为了加快我国水产业的发展,作者认为很有必要建立和实施“良种良养良销”体系,以推动我国水产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to survey the nutrient loads of receiving waters and evaluate the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter budget of the conventional fishponds in Hungary. The average nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and organic matter (OM) concentrations in the filling-up water of the fishponds were 2.51 ± 1.25, 0.57 ± 0.57 and 23.8 ± 13.4 mg l?1, respectively. Contrarily, the N, P and OM concentrations in the effluents of fishponds were 1.64 ± 2.19, 0.37 ± 0.51 and 30.2 ± 20.5 mg l?1, respectively. The sediment nutrient content in the fishponds during the operation was 5.77 ± 4.42 mg g dry sediment?1 for N, 1.25 ± 0.75 for P and 30.5 ± 43.3 for total organic carbon. The retained nutrients represented on average 53 % (84 kg ha?1 year?1) of N, 74 % (21 kg ha?1 year?1) of P and 74 % (2400 kg ha?1 year?1) of OM, introduced into the fishponds. In the fishponds, the ratio of input N, P and OM accumulated in fish biomass was 18.4 ± 6.7, 10.4 ± 4.4 and 6.8 ± 2.1 %, respectively. The investigated fishponds discharged 48 % less N and 62 % less P into the recipient waters than received with the intake water. However, 78 % more OM was discharged with the effluent from the fishponds than received with the inlet and supplement water.  相似文献   


The literature on production economics and management of fish culture has grown as aquaculture has matured as a commercial industry. Salmon, catfish, shrimp and trout are the focus of this literature survey as a reflection of the volume of research that has been completed on these species and their importance in US production and world trade. In addition, a discussion of low resource production systems is included that is dominated by tilapia and carp culture systems. A brief overview of the principles of aquaculture production economics and management is presented followed by a review of economic studies.  相似文献   

2009年度,我们在海兴县瑞澄科技水产养殖有限公司进行了微生物制剂综合应用试验,试验池自清池后不使用任何化学药物(必要的病害治疗除外),全程只使用微生物制剂进行肥水、调水和改良底质,试养品种有虾和鱼,试验以传统的养殖模式为对照.  相似文献   


Globally, aquaculture has faced serious economic problems due to bacterial, viral, and various other infectious diseases of different origins. Even though such diseases are being detected and simultaneously treated with several therapeutic and prophylactic methods, the broad-spectrum activity of vaccines plays a vital role as a preventive measure in aquaculture. However, treatments like use of antibiotics and probiotics seem to be less effective when new mutant strains develop and disease causing pathogens become resistant to commonly used antibiotics. Therefore, vaccines developed by using recent advanced molecular techniques can be considered as an effective way of treating disease causing pathogens in aquatic organisms. The present review emphasizes on the current advances in technology and future outlook with reference to different types of vaccines used in the aquaculture industries. Beginning with traditional killed/inactivated and live attenuated vaccines, this work culminates in the review of modern new generation ones including recombinant, synthetic peptides, mucosal and DNA, subunit, nanoparticle-based and plant-based edible vaccines, reverse vaccinology, and monovalent and polyvalent vaccines.


Genetic improvement in the Australian aquaculture industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most aquaculture industries in Australia are at an early stage of development and would benefit from the introduction of genetic improvement programmes. Size at harvest is perceived by industry participants, managers and researchers as the trait that will most influence profitability. Although most current genetic improvement programmes in aquaculture use mass selection, inbreeding is widely regarded as an important problem, which could be overcome by the use of family data in selection decisions. The major research priority is the development of genetic markers to enable accurate pedigree determination. The major constraint upon the implementation of genetic improvement programmes by aquaculture industries is lack of available funds and resources. Industry ownership and national co‐ordination of research and development is seen as the best way of addressing this constraint.  相似文献   

随着生物技术的迅速发展,动物的育种技术也在更新换代,新型的分子育种正在越来越广泛地被应用于各种动植物育种中,但在鱼类中起步较晚,然而发展却迅速,如目前已在遗传图谱构建、QTL定位、分子标记辅助育种等方面广泛应用.本文综述了分子育种的研究内容并结合当前科研动态介绍了其在鱼类育种中的应用现状.  相似文献   

水产养殖中鱼类投喂策略研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产养殖中的饲料成本占养殖总成本的比例较大,有效的投喂策略是减少水产养殖生产成本的重要途径,投饲装备投喂过程中,既要满足鱼群生长的营养需求,也要避免过多投饲,从而降低对环境的污染。当前国内水产养殖投饲装备智能化水平较低,投饲策略主要依据人工经验定量投饲,每一次喂料的偏差累积影响整期渔获经济效益。因此,科学的投喂策略能有效减少养殖成本,提高养殖效益。重点介绍了基于人工经验及生物能流的鱼群生长摄食模型、基于机器视觉及机器声学感知鱼群摄食活动的技术手段和智能投喂控制系统的发展状况,并提出投喂策略的具体实现方法。本研究可为水产养殖投饲装备从自动化升级到智能化提供参考。  相似文献   

鱼类多倍体育种技术及其在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
多倍体技术就是通过增加染色体组的方法来改造生物的遗传基础,从而培育出符合人们需要的优良品种.多倍体育种方法简单,技术可行,易于操作,与性控、选育等技术结合可以生产具有生长速度快、抗病力强、成活率高和饲养管理方便的新品种.  相似文献   

Norway leads the world aquaculture production of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon is currently consumed around the globe. However, sea lice infestation is a major problem faced by the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway and elsewhere. The use of wild-caught cleaner fish, mainly wrasses, has been recommended over the other available methods as the most economical and environmentally friendly option to control sea lice infestation in salmon farming. Here, we review the development of the Norwegian wrasse fishery and the use of wrasses as cleaner fish. In this document, we address the sea lice problem and introduce the main wrasse species employed as cleaner fish, document the cleaning behaviour of wrasses, present the development of a new wrasse fishery associated with the salmon aquaculture industry, and finally, we identify the main challenges associated with the intensive use of wild-caught cleaner wrasses and provide some insight for future directions of the wrasse fishery and further development of aquaculture techniques to supply salmon facilities with domesticated cleaner fish.  相似文献   

为了探索健康、高效的对虾养殖模式,利用移动床生物滤器水处理技术和藻类净化技术,构建凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)工厂化循环水养殖系统,并进行养殖试验研究。结果表明:在养殖期间DO为(5.85±1.09)mg/L;pH为8.11±0.40,TAN为(0.39±0.12)mg/L,水质指标符合养殖要求;对虾生长情况良好,经过92 d的养殖,收成时养殖密度4.96 kg/m2,成活率80.9%,饲料系数1.34,取得了健康、经济、高产、高效的养殖结果。  相似文献   

The Spanish aquaculture sector has undergone a rapid and continuous growth becoming one of the biggest European producers. A wide range of species are farmed and, among them, the sea bass, sea bream and turbot make a significant contribution to the total of the Spanish fish farming output. In this paper, we analyse and predict the medium-term trend of the production and price level for the three leading species previously mentioned. The results obtained show a significant increase in the production of sea bream, sea bass and turbot. The results show also a slight decrease in the sea bream average price, a stable trends for the sea bass and increasing prices for the turbot.  相似文献   

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