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小麦原种轮换更新,早在40年代原苏联就已开始实行。邓州市于1981年起对“三三轮换更新”进行了系列研究与应用,目前已更新三个轮次,累计统一供种面积为470万亩次,增产粮食1.93亿公斤,创社会效益5000余万元。本文试以邓州市的实践,对小麦原种“三三轮换更新”的作用及途径进行探讨。 相似文献
基于正交设计的玉米有机无机培肥模式优化研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为优选有机无机培肥模式,采用L9(34)正交试验设计,研究不同氮磷钾施用量和秸秆还田量对土壤物理、化学性质及玉米产量的影响。结果表明:有机物料秸秆的施用对土壤物理性质的改善有极显著影响,而无机化肥用量对其影响不显著;秸秆和施氮量对土壤有机质和碱解氮含量影响显著;磷肥和钾肥用量分别对有效磷和速效钾含量影响显著,通过因素不同水平的综合平衡分析比较,在辽宁中部玉米主产区采用施氮量180kg/hm2、施磷量90kg/hm2、施钾量120kg/hm2、秸秆还田量6 000kg/hm2的玉米生产和土壤培肥技术模式,可达到改善土壤结构、提高土壤质量和增产增效的最佳效果。 相似文献
建设“美丽中国”已经成为我国最重要的发展目标之一。近年来,建设美丽城市、美丽乡村的热潮在全国各地蓬勃兴起,取得了丰硕成果。我们的祖国,实实在在地美起来了。 相似文献
南洋杉为南洋杉科常绿或落叶高大乔木,原产于大洋洲、南美洲及南太平洋诸岛,性喜温暖、湿润的气候条件。我国引入栽培的南洋杉有肯氏南洋杉(又称南洋杉)、海岛南洋杉(又称诺福克南洋杉)等几种,在福建、台湾、广东、海南、广西等地的园林中可露地栽培,在长江流域及以北地区只能盆栽。盆栽南洋杉高可达3米,适宜装点宽敞的厅堂、商店、会议室、宾馆 相似文献
在林业的发展中,更新林木是促进新老代谢、有助于林业健康发展的一项积极措施。笔者根据多年总结,对林木更新前后的技术和保护措施作了初步分析,并对林木更新的技术措施要领作了简要介绍。 相似文献
首先说明了林木培育技术与造林更新之间的关系,在此基础上,阐述了发展林木培育与造林更新的重要性,详细说明了实践阶段提升其效用的有效举措,希望通过分析,为业内人士提供参考依据。 相似文献
赵建云 《农产品加工.学刊》2006,(9):49-52
社会主义新农村建设是着眼于统筹城乡发展、全面建设小康社会而提出的一项重大战略工程。大力推进社会主义新农村建设,改变广大农村普遍存在的农业低效、农村落后、农民贫困的面貌,是促进农村全面进步的保障机制。 相似文献
Framework design of multimedia data parallel management in the informatization of rural areas 下载免费PDF全文
In order to realize the efficient transmission and analysis of multimedia data under TD-SCDMA network, a parallel management framework is proposed. This framework improves the general framework for data management by parallelizing the generation of standardized data and the analysis of original data. It not only reduces the data volume in transmission and analysis, but also fits for parallel optimization. Focusing on image analysis in the informatization of rural areas, the authors introduce the procedures to realize the parallel management framework. As can be seen from experiment results, the data volume of image data is reduced to 1/12 after parallel optimization, and the time cost of analysis is substantially reduced. Thus, it can effectively relax the requirement of the TD-WCDMA transmission bandwidth for multimedia application in the informatization of rural areas. 相似文献
建设广东社会主义新农村是一个惠及广东4000多万农民的系统工程。建设的着力点是科学地利用广东优越的自然资源、充足的财力、产业梯度转移区位优势和农业产业化经营的典型范式;充分发挥各级党委、政府的主导作用,千方百计调动建设主体——广大农民群众的积极性和主动性;选优配强“两委”班子,形成民主管理新机制;积极创建和培育农民专业合作经济组织,大力发展农业产业化经营;统筹区域、城乡发展规划,实现产业梯度转移等。 相似文献
基于ARMA模型的河北省农村金融融量问题研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了改善河北省农村经济发展的金融环境,促进河北省农村经济的进一步发展,对河北省农村金融融量问题进行了较深入地研究。首先,利用戈德史密斯理论测算了河北省农村金融的理论融量和实际融量,得出河北省农村存在巨大的金融缺口;其次,利用计量经济学方法中的ARMA模型对金融缺口的变化趋势进行预测,得出河北省农村金融缺口存在不断扩大的趋势。在此基础上,深入分析了河北省农村金融缺口形成的经济与体制根源,进而提出优化农村金融供给机制、消除金融缺口、完善河北省农村金融环境的对策建议。 相似文献
此研究叙述了河北省农村养老保险对构建中国社会保障体系、建设社会主义新农村的重要作用,并对河北省农村养老保险严重缺位进行了深入分析。通过分析表明:河北省农村养老保险问题的根源在于筹资机制和筹资模式的不完善,根据这一筹资问题的现状,对如何完善河北省新农村养老保险的筹资问题提出了自己的一些看法。 相似文献
现代艺术在城市园林设计中运用的讨论 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
摘要:随着当今社会的发展,大众的生活水平、文化水平、对艺术的认识水平不断提高,人们的审美水平在日益的增长。现代艺术设计是新时代的产物,而设计与艺术是无法分隔开的。城市园林设计是现代最为综合的艺术,它与现代艺术形式之间有着必然的联系。如今,城市园林设计飞速发展,艺术设计在艺术学领域也在蓬勃兴起。本文简要对城市园林设计的内涵做了界定,阐述了城市园林设计与现代艺术之间的关系,从园林中的小品、雕塑、植物造景等多个方面,分析了现代艺术影响下的城市园林设计。 相似文献
基于1978-2010年四川省农村居民人均纯收入的时间序列,先后通过平稳化检验及处理、自相关与偏相关分析,并结合SC准则定阶,建立模型为 ;然后确定模型参数并对模型的残差序列进行白噪声检验,检验通过,满足预测的要求;接着,运用该模型对四川省农村居民人均纯收入进行预测,结果显示平均绝对误差率为1.81%,其中2010年误差率为1.21%,精度较高;最后对2011-2013年进行短期预测,数据表明农村居民人均收入将继续增长。 相似文献
The removal efficiency of algal intracellular organic matter in Tai Lake by UV/immobilized TiO2 下载免费PDF全文
The immobilized TiO2 film loaded on fiberglass mesh is prepared by sol-gel method, and the analysis result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that the crystalline phase is anatase. On the basis of UV/TiO2 system, the degradation results and effect factors of algal intracellular organic matter(IOM) in Tai Lake are studied. The results show that the degradation of IOM is much harder by photocatalytic oxidation in comparison with humic acid(HA). In 60 min, the IOM degradation of UV254 and DOC are 33.3% and 19.1%, but the HA solution are 96.6% and 57.3% respectively. The reason lies in that IOM is mainly comprised of macromolecular hydrophilic organic matter, containing more amino structures, while HA is strongly hydrophobic organic matter, containing more aromatic structures. Meanwhile, the degradation of IOM is improving as the increase of light intensity to a certain extent; the best degradation rate of IOM appears at pH=6.7. 相似文献
Thavat M 《Asia Pacific viewpoint》2011,52(3):285-298
Fair-trade and organic products are often sold at price premiums justified by smaller production volumes that are associated with greater social and environmental responsibility. The consumption of these products confers on the consumer a greater sense of morality – and usually a claim to better taste. This paper tells the story of attempts to promote organic/fair-trade rice production by de facto organic Cambodian farmers for export to North American and European markets in order to assist poor farmers to trade their way out of poverty. It demonstrates that instead of promoting sustainable agriculture and fair trade between developed and developing markets, organic/fair-trade projects may impose First World consumer ideals and tastes that are out of step with the larger realities of agrarian transition in Cambodia and the wider region of developing Southeast Asia. 相似文献
This paper advances understanding of the process and mechanism of endogenous inclusive development of information and communications technology (ICT) solutions. We present a case of a bottom of the pyramid (BoP) community in a rural area in China, which has achieved sustainable furniture e-commerce development independently. The case study demonstrates that e-commerce development in a disadvantaged area can start from a seed business model targeting a niche market with simple products, which will incur low costs and low skill requirements for entrepreneurs, and is thus able to scale up within local BoP community. In the second stage, BoP entrepreneurs must engage in intensive learning from the seed entrepreneur and other early movers to gain the required capabilities for operating the seed business model. In the last stage, BoP entrepreneurs need to focus on business model innovation and scoping, and form a local value chain and ecosystem for e-commerce development. Throughout the e-commerce development process, a seed entrepreneur plays specific critical roles at each stage. Practical implications for the BoP community to take advantage of ICT innovation to achieve sustainable development are given. 相似文献