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1. Chromosome counts were made on 105 spermatogonial and diakinesis cells prepared from testicular tissue taken from 10 hybrid cockerels. 2. The modal numbers for the diploid chromosome and haploid chromosome complements were 78 and 39 respectively.  相似文献   

Taste preferences in Brown Leghorn hens were studied in a choice situation. The preference for sodium, potassium and calcium chlorides, hydrochloric and acetic acids, and glucose, fructose and sucrose were determined by the presentation of the solution for 3 min periods in nipple drinkers together with water in identical drinkers. A significant preference was shown to 5% sucrose and to all the other solutions the birds were indifferent or showed various degrees of rejection. Using the same technique it was found that the additions of glucose rendered acetic acid less aversive and the addition to it of sodium chloride made the acetic acid more aversive.

The length of the EEG arousal pattern was measured following oral presentation of distilled water or a chemical solution. It was found that repeated presentation of distilled water led to habituation and that the orienting reflex could be elicited by the presentation of a stimulating chemical in place of the water. Using this technique the chemical concentrations to which the hens appeared to be indifferent were investigated. It was found that whereas many of the solutions that resulted in the hens giving no behavioural response also gave no EEG response, some e.g. 0.05 M and 0.1 M acetic and hydrochloric acids, gave pronounced EEG responses without concomitant behavioural responses.  相似文献   

The distribution and relative frequency of external taste buds (TB) of Garra rufa were studied. TB of Garra rufa were observed on different body location (lips, lateral and ventral areas, forehead, operculum and dorsal-pelvic-pectoral-anal fins). TB are at the highest frequency in lips, forehead, pectoral and anal fins. These structures are moderate as a number in operculum, La2 (between pelvic and anal fins) areas, and then decreased a few in other areas.  相似文献   

1. The structure of the chicken caecal epithelium has been investigated at macroscopic and microscopic levels (scanning and transmission electron microscopy). 2. Morphological data distinguish three regions in the caecum: proximal, with well developed villi, but smaller and less numerous than those present at mid-jejunum; medial, with longitudinal folds and small villi, and distal, with longitudinal and transverse folds and small villi similar to those of the medial region. 3. Microvilli of enterocytes from the tip of the villus of the proximal caecum are shorter and thinner than jejunal microvilli; microvilli of medial and distal regions are poorly developed. 4. There is a decrease in microvillus surface area along the villus axis as a result of the progressive decrease of microvillus length from the tip of the villus to the crypt, both in the proximal caecum and jejunum. In tip of the villus, the amplification of apical surface due to microvilli is 24, 12.7 and 14 times in proximal, medial and distal caecum, respectively, while in the jejunum the amplification factor is 33.1. 5. The higher development of proximal caecal apical surface supports the view that this region is better adapted for the absorption of nutrients that the other caecal regions.  相似文献   

The taste buds of the fungiform papillae, circumvallate papilla, foliate papillae, soft palate and epiglottis of the rat oral cavity were examined by lectin histochemistry to elucidate the relationships between expression of glycoconjugates and innervation. Seven out of 21 lectins showed moderate to intense staining in at least more than one taste bud. They were succinylated wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA). Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin-I (BSL-I), Ricinus communis agglutinin-I (RCA-I), peanut agglutinin (PNA), Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) and Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin-L (PHA-L). UEA-I and BSL-I showed moderate to intense staining in all of the taste buds examined. They strongly stained the taste buds of the epiglottis, which are innervated by the cranial nerve X. UEA-I intensely stained the taste buds of the fungiform papillae and soft palate, both of which are innervated by the cranial nerve VII. The taste buds of circumvallate papilla and foliate papillae were innervated by the cranial nerve IX and strongly stained by BSL-I. Thus, UEA-I and BSL-I binding glycoconjugates, probably alpha-linked fucose and alpha-D-galactose, respectively, might be specific for taste buds. Although the expression of these glycoconjugates would be related to the innervation of the cranial nerve X, the differential expression of alpha-linked fucose and alpha-D-galactose might be related to the innervation of the cranial nerve VII and IX, respectively.  相似文献   

Poultry genetic resources diversity serves as a reservoir of genes adaptable to local conditions, production, resource utilization, and production that are compatible with consumer preferences for meat and egg products. This study was, therefore, conducted to determine the production potentials of native chickens in Western Visayas, Philippines. A total of 270 raisers were interviewed and 810 chickens were characterized. These numbers were divided equally among the provinces of Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras, Iloilo, and Negros Occidental. The data collected were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and significant differences were determined using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Results show that native chickens from Aklan had the highest (P?<?0.01) hatching percentage (93.10?±?1.67 %) and oldest (P?<?0.01) slaughter/marketing age (23.56?±?1.03 weeks). Those from Guimaras had the biggest (P?<?0.01) egg (42.69?±?0.87 g) and heaviest slaughter/marketing weight (920.00?±?22.72 to 924.44?±?23.01 g); the shortest (P?<?0.01) clutch interval (77.87?±?4.14 days) was observed from those in Iloilo. Those from Antique had the highest (P?<?0.01) survival rate from 1 day old to a slaughter/marketing age of 52.48?±?1.83 %. The adult live weight ranged from 1.27?±?0.04 to 1.62?±?0.04 kg with those from Aklan as the lowest (P?<?0.01) while those from Guimaras were the highest. Thus, the observed variations in reproductive and growth performances of native chickens from this region expressed their potentials for genetic improvement toward production.  相似文献   

Mast cells in the ovary of Gallus gallus domesticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Histamine or mast cells are involved in mammalian ovary function. Their role in the avian ovary is not known. In the present study mast cell distribution in the ovary of the domestic fowl was studied. 2. Mast cells were distributed throughout the ovary, both in the stroma of medullary and cortical regions as well as in the thecae of normal and atretic follicles. In the stroma, mast cells were especially abundant in the area just below the germinal epithelium (GE) and followed the contours of the GE. 3. In the follicles, mast cells were more obvious in the thecae of small non-yolky follicles, whereas they were compressed and scattered in the larger yolky follicles. They were more frequently seen in the theca externa than in the theca interna and in their ultrastructure showed characteristic mast cell granules. 4. Some of the atretic follicles showed increased mast cells in their thecae. Postovulatory follicles had very few mast cells. 5. The possible role of the mast cells in the ovarian activity of domestic fowl is discussed.  相似文献   

《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(1-2):81-84
Angiostrongylus vasorum, a parasite of the cardiorespiratory system in canids, has a heteroxenous biological cycle in which the intermediate hosts are terrestrial and aquatic mollusks. Generally, canids become infected by ingesting the intermediate host or paratenic hosts, such as amphibians, that contain infective larvae (L3). However, there are no reports of birds as paratenic hosts of A. vasorum. To evaluate the susceptibility and viability of Gallus gallus domesticus as a paratenic host of A. vasorum, 17 Cobb chickens were randomly divided into two groups. The animals in group A were inoculated with third stage larvae of A. vasorum, and those in group B ate snails inoculated with A. vasorum L3. At 30 days post-infection, the chickens were killed, and the muscles and organs were placed in a pepsin–HCl solution (1% HCl (37%), 1% pepsin) for 3 h in an oven at 40 °C to recover the L3. In group A, 1863 L3 were recovered per chicken. In group B, 2585 L3 were recovered. A dog that ingested organs and tissues from a chicken from group A released first-stage larvae of A. vasorum in its feces 51 days after infection; the dynamics of this process were monitored for 107 days, when treatment with 25 mg fenbendazole/kg body weight was performed for 21 days. Chickens nourished with infected snails or with infective L3 may be a source of infection for dogs indicate that G. gallus is a potential paratenic host for this parasite.  相似文献   

The relationship between taste sensitivity and the number of taste buds using a bitter tastant, quinine hydrochloride, was investigated in White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and broiler chickens. The White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red strains were able to perceive 2.0 mmol/L quinine hydrochloride, but the taste sensitivity of Rhode Island Red chickens was higher than that of White Leghorn chickens. Broiler chickens perceived 0.5 mmol/L quinine hydrochloride. The number of taste buds in the White Leghorn strain was the lowest, then the Rhode Island Red strain, with the number of taste buds highest in the broiler chickens. The number of taste buds was well correlated with bitter taste sensitivity. Therefore, we suggest that the number of taste buds is a vital factor in the perception of bitter taste and may be useful in selecting appropriate feeds for chickens.  相似文献   

Intraneural perineurioma is an extremely rare condition characterized by perineurial cell proliferation within peripheral nerve (PN) sheaths. In the veterinary field, this entity has been reported only in a dog. We examined multiple enlargements of PNs in 11 chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) (9 Japanese bantams and 2 specific pathogen-free White Leghorn), which were inoculated with an avian leukosis virus (ALV) causing so-called fowl glioma. All chickens clinically exhibited progressive leg paralysis. Lumbosacral plexus, brachial plexus, and/or spinal ganglion were commonly affected, and these nerves contained a diffuse proliferation of spindle cells arranged concentrically in characteristic onion bulb-like structures surrounded by residual axons and myelin sheaths. The spindle cells were immunohistochemically negative for S-100alpha/beta protein. Electron microscopy revealed that these cells were characterized by short bipolar cytoplasmic processes, occasional cytoplasmic pinocytotic vesicles, and discontinuous basal laminae. These features are consistent with those of intraneural perineurioma. Furthermore, the specific sequence of the ALV was detected in the PN lesions of 8/11 (73%) birds by polymerase chain reaction. These results indicate that the multiple intraneural perineuriomas of chicken may be associated with the ALV-A causing fowl glioma.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term (14 months) unilateral vasoligation on the tests and their excurrent ducts of the domestic fowl were studied histologically and ultrastructurally. Severe testicular degeneration and epididymal atrophy were observed in the ipsilateral organs while the contralateral control organs were normal. Massive macrophage activity was observed in the epididymal regions and to a lesser extent in some severely degenerated seminiferous tubules. Several granulomata occurred in the epididymal regions and the ducti deferentes, and most were resorbed or were undergoing resorption at the time of examination.  相似文献   

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