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A soybean lecithin‐based extender supplemented with hyaluronic acid (HA) was assayed for effectiveness to improve the quality of frozen–thawed ram semen. HA has not been tested yet in an extender containing soybean lecithin for freezing ram semen. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the effects of soybean lecithin at 1% or 1.5% along with HA at 0, 0.5 and 1 mg ml‐1 in a Tris‐based extender on the motion characteristics, membrane integrity (HOST), viability, GSH peroxidase (GSH‐PX) activity, lipid peroxidation and acrosomal status after freezing–thawing. Semen was collected from four Mehraban rams during the breeding season and frozen in the six lecithin×HA extenders. The extender containing 1.5% lecithin supplemented with no HA yielded higher total motility (52.5%±1.6), viability (55.8%±1.6) and membrane integrity (44.5%±1.7), but the effects of the lecithin concentration did not reach signification. Linearity‐related parameters, ALH, BCF, lipid peroxidation, GSH‐PX activity, morphology and acrosomal status were not affected by the extender composition. In general, adding HA significantly decreased sperm velocity (1 mg ml‐1 HA), total motility (only with 1.5% lecithin), viability (1 mg ml‐1 HA for 1% lecithin; both concentrations for 1.5% lecithin) and membrane integrity. In conclusion, adding HA to the freezing extender supplemented with soybean lecithin failed to improve quality‐related variables in ram semen. Increasing the lecithin content could have a positive effect, but further studies are needed.  相似文献   

犬精液低温常温保存稀释液筛选试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验比较了 8种稀释液在 5 ,10 ,15 ,2 0℃下保存犬精液的效果。结果表明 :15℃为犬精液液态保存的较适温度 ,3号液为优等液。其中 3号液在 15℃精子的存活时间为(10 5± 10 )h,与对照液在 15℃的保存效果差异极显著 (P <0 .0 1) ;2 ,4 ,5号液是良等液 ,在 15℃精子的存活时间是 (6 4± 8)h ,与对照液在 15℃的保存效果差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;中等液为 6号液 ,在15 ,2 0℃保存时与对照液没有统计学上的差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,在 5 ,10℃保存时不如对照液 ;7,8号液为差等液 ,在 15℃保存时与对照液差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,在 5 ,10 ,2 0℃时不如对照液  相似文献   

The suitability of certain commercial and self‐made chemically defined extenders for liquid storage of goat semen was tested and the effects of storage temperatures, dilution rates and sperm washing and pH of extenders on the goat sperm during liquid storage were observed. Semen was collected from nine goat bucks of the Lubei White and Boer breeds using an artificial vagina. Each ejaculate after initial evaluation was diluted with a specific extender, cooled and stored at a desired temperature. Stored semen was evaluated for sperm motility and other parameters every 24 or 48 h of storage. The ranking order of the existing milk‐ and yolk‐free extenders in sustaining goat sperm motility was Androhep > Zorlesco > Beltsville thawing solution > the Tris–glucose medium. The new extender (mZA) which was formulated based on Zorlesco and Androhep was more suitable for goat sperm than Androhep. The mZAP extender with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) replaced with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) worked as efficiently as the mZA in maintaining sperm motility, membrane integrity, acrosome intactness and capacitation status. Goat sperm motility was best maintained at 5°C during liquid preservation, but decreased significantly as the temperature increased. When semen was sixfold diluted, sperm motility was maintained longer (p < 0.05) after centrifugation, but sperm motility did not differ between the centrifuged and non‐centrifuged groups when semen was 11‐fold diluted. When the extender pH was adjusted from 6.6 to 6.04, the efficiency increased significantly in both Androhep and mZAP. A forward sperm motility of 34% was maintained for 9 days when buck semen was 11‐fold diluted and stored at 5°C in mZAP, with pH adjusted to 6.04. It is concluded that for liquid storage of buck semen, the mZA extender was more suitable than other extenders; BSA can be replaced with PVA in mZA; centrifugation to remove seminal plasma can be omitted by adequate dilution; and the storage temperature and pH of extenders affected sperm motility significantly.  相似文献   

Contents: The aim of this study was to determine whether the semen donor and/or heparin concentration influences the rate of fertilization of bovine follicular oocytes and their subsequent embryonic development in vitro. Frozen-thawed semen from five highly fertile bulls was treated with one of four concentrations of heparin (0.5,1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 μg/ml) on a 5 x4 factorial basis in an IVM-NF programme. Zygotes/oocytes were cultured in frozen-thawed bovine oviduct cell-conditioned medium for 6 days. The use of semen from different bulls resulted in significantly (P < 0.001) different rates offertilization, as judged by cleavage rates of the oocytes at 72 h post insemination, and subsequent embryonic development through the'8-cell-block'(P < 0.05) in vitro. Development up to the morula/blastocyst stage, however, did not differ significantly (P = 0.06) among groups of oocytes fertilized with spermatozoa from different bulls. Heparin levels ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 μg/ml did not differ in their effect on in vitro fertilization as judged by the rate of normally cleaved oocytes (P = 0.14). The overall parthenogenetic division rate at 72 h post insemination was 12.4% and was not influenced by the heparin concentration. There was a linear relationship (P < 0.001) between fertility estimates based on AI and the estimates basedon the first cleavage following in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

牛冷冻精液稀释液中草药配方的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较以淫羊藿为主要成分的单方及复方中草药提取液对牛冷冻精液解冻后精子活率、畸形率、顶体完整率及低温保存时间的影响,以期开发牛冷冻精液中式稀释液。将三种不同配方的淫羊藿提取液分别以6.25%、12.5%、25.0%、50.0%的体积分数添加于稀释液中,制作牛颗粒冻精,利用干解冻法(40~42℃)解冻后分别检查精子活率、畸形率和顶体完整率,评定其品质。结果表明:配方三取得了较佳的冷冻效果。其提取液添加12.5%时精子冻后活率平均达到0.56,极显著高于其他各组(P〈0.01):精子顶体完整率最高达到76.80%。畸形率仅14.61%,低温保存时间长迭138h。配方三最有利于生产牛冷冻精液。  相似文献   

Cryopreservation process reduces lipids and phospholipids from buffalo bull spermatozoa. It was therefore hypothesized that supplementation of fatty acid to extender may improve the post‐thaw quality of buffalo semen. The objective was to evaluate the effect of arachidic acid supplementation in extender on post‐thaw quality of buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) spermatozoa. Semen was collected from three adult Nili‐Ravi buffalo bulls of similar age group with artificial vagina (42°C) for 3 weeks (replicate). Qualified semen ejaculates (n = 18) were split into four aliquots and diluted in triscitric acid extender containing 0.0 (control), 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ng/ml at 37°C having approximately 50 × 106 spermatozoa/ml. Diluted semen was cooled to 4°C in 2 h and equilibrated for 4 h at 4°C. Cooled semen was filled in 0.5‐ml straws at 4°C, kept on liquid nitrogen vapours for 10 min and plunged in liquid nitrogen for storage. Thawing of frozen semen was performed after 24 h at 37°C for 30 s. Sperm progressive motility (%) was improved in a dose‐dependent manner by supplementing arachidic acid at 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ng/ml compared with control. Structural and functional integrity of sperm plasma membrane (%), number of acrosome‐intact live sperm (%) and sperm chromatin integrity (%) were better (p < 0.05) in extender having 5.0 ng/ml of arachidic acid compared with control. At 10.0 ng/ml, these values did not vary (p > 0.05) from those at 5.0 ng/ml. Further improvement in structural and functional integrity of sperm plasma membrane, number of acrosome‐intact live sperm and chromatin integrity was observed at 20.0 ng/ml of arachidic acid in extender. In conclusion, arachidic acid supplementation in extender improved the post‐thaw quality parameters of cryopreserved Nili‐Ravi buffalo bull spermatozoa. Among the arachidic acid concentrations studied, maximum improvement in post‐thaw semen quality parameters was observed at 20.0 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Semen collection and AI in the cat are still not routine procedures. The correlation between semen quality and fertility under natural conditions is a relatively unknown field in the cat. In the present study, functional in vitro tests, such as the ability to bind and penetrate the zona pellucida or to fertilize in vitro, were used to determine fertilizing ability of sperm cryopreserved with a practical and efficient freezing protocol previously developed in our laboratory. Semen was collected by electroejaculation, evaluated for motility and diluted with Tris-glucose-citrate egg-yolk extender supplemented with Equex STM paste (0.5% v/v). After equilibration and loading into 0.25 ml straws, semen was frozen at 3.85 degrees C/min. Frozen-thawed semen was co-cultured with in vitro matured cat oocytes. Penetration rate was recorded 30 h after in vitro fertilization and cleaved zygotes were cultured in vitro until day 7. A correlation was found between sperm motility index (SMI) after thawing and semen fertilizing ability (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the post-thaw motility quality, expressed as SMI, of spermatozoa frozen using the protocol mentioned above can be considered an index of the sperm ability to penetrate in vitro matured oocytes.  相似文献   

牛的体外受精技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马平  马云 《家畜生态学报》2006,27(6):251-255
本文阐述了体外受精技术在牛胚胎工程和育种研究中的意义,介绍了牛体外受精技术的研究历史和目前的研究进展,对牛IVF技术的技术指标现状及经济效益进行了评估,并就牛的体外受精技术当前研究存在的问题作了评述,对其前景做了展望。  相似文献   

本文阐述了体外受精技术在牛胚胎工程和育种研究中的意义,介绍了牛体外受精技术的研究历史和目前的研究进展,对牛IVF技术的技术指标现状及经济效益进行了评估,并就牛的体外受精技术当前研究存在的问题作了评述,对其前景做了展望。  相似文献   

During the cryopreservation process, the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in the sperm plasma membrane decreases significantly because of lipid peroxidation, which may contribute to sperm loss quality (i.e. fertility) of frozen–thawed semen. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of DHA (fish oil) in freezing extender II on frozen–thawed semen quality. Semen from 20 boars of proven motility and morphology, were used in this study. Boar semen was split into four groups, in which the lactose–egg yolk (LEY) extender used to resuspend the centrifuged sperm pellet was supplemented with various levels of fish oil to reach DHA level of 1X (group I, control, no added fish oil), 6X (group II), 12X (group III) and 18X (group IV). Semen solutions were frozen by using a controlled rate freezer. After cryopreservation, frozen semen was thawed and evaluated for progressive motility, viability by using SYBR‐14/Ethidiumhomodimer‐1 (EthD‐1) staining and acrosome integrity by using FITC‐PNA/EthD‐1 staining. There was a significantly higher (p < 0.001) percentage of progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity in DHA (fish oil) supplemented groups than control group. Generally, there seemed to be a dose‐dependent effect of DHA, with the highest percentage of progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity in group‐III. In conclusion, supplementation of the LEY extender with DHA by adding fish oil was effective for freezing boar semen as it resulted in higher post‐thaw plasma membrane integrity and progressive motility.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the quality of bovine embryos cryopreserved in different years in Chiapas, Mexico. The embryos were obtained from a government institution (FIMEGEN) dedicated to promoting embryo transfer among dual-purpose cattle farmers. Forty-three embryos frozen in 1988, 1989, 2000 and 2002 were analysed with the Tunel technique to detect programmed cell death (apoptosis). Eleven fresh embryos were used as controls. Analysis of variance was used in embryos stored in the different years with averages tested using Tukey's test. Student's t-test was employed to compare fresh and frozen cells. Embryos with shorter storage time presented a lower number (p < 0.001) of Tunel-positive cells compared with embryos stored for longer time. On the contrary, when comparing the number of apoptotic cells between frozen and fresh embryos a higher number of positive cells (p < 0.05) were found in the former. The present results suggest that the cryopreservation per se caused damage that compromises the viability of the embryo. Another explanation for the lower pregnancy rate found in the tropics could be irreversible damage caused by poor storage technique in these large operations.  相似文献   

牛的体外受精技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了体外受精技术在牛胚胎工程和育种研究中的意义,介绍了牛体外受精技术的研究历史和目前的研究进展,对牛体外受精技术的技术指标现状及经济效益进行了评估,并就牛的体外受精技术当前研究存在的问题作了评述,对其前景做了展望。  相似文献   

猪冷冻精液体外受精研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为简化猪体外受精过程中精液的来源,避免不同公猪精液和不同采精时间对猪体外受精的影响,本研究采用5mL大管冷冻精液进行体外受精(IVF),研究IVF过程中的各项参数。结果表明:精卵共孵2~8h对多精人卵率影响不大(P〉0.05),2-细胞率随着共孵时间的延长而增加,8h时达到72.8%,显著高于2h组(60.5%,P〈0.05),桑椹胚和囊胚发育率以6h组最高,分别达46.1%和3.48%。多精人卵率随精子浓度的增加而增加,且各组之间差异显著(P〈0.05),2-细胞率也以10^8组(81.2%)最高,且显著高于10^5组(63.7%)(P〈0.05),同时10^7组和10^8组分别获得了8.11%和3.13%的囊胚发育率。以NCSU-23作为成熟培养液,并部分去除卵丘细胞的IVF卵裂率和囊胚率最高,达77.1%和7.33%。冻精和新鲜精液的IVF,无论是在卵裂率,还是桑椹胚或囊胚率上均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

文章介绍了牛冷冻精液的检测技术,包括检测条件要求、抽样要求、项目指标、结果判定,以及精液检测质量控制,做到将常规检验与型式检验监管常态化,为种牛精液品质质量安全提供技术保障.  相似文献   

牛卵母细胞体外受精和培养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了牛卵母细胞体外受精和体外成熟技术的研究进展,包括精子的体外获能、卵母细胞成熟培养和体外受精、体外受精早期胚胎的培养等,并且对影响该技术的主要原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

利用性控精液结合体外胚胎生产技术是获得预知性别后代的一种有潜在效率的方法.自20世纪90年代,利用流式细胞仪将X精子和Y精子分离开来,使畜牧生产性别选择的梦想变为现实,性控精液得到了极大的推广应用.本文重点阐述利用性控精液进行胚胎体外生产的研究和生产状况.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of chilled dog semen processed with extenders containing various concentrations of N‐acetyl‐L‐cysteine (NAC). Ejaculates from five dogs were collected, pooled and evaluated for concentration, motility, rapid steady forward movement (RSF‐movement), viability, acrosomal integrity and by the hypo‐osmotic swelling test (HOST). In addition, superoxide anion (O2‐?) production, hydroxyl radicals (OH?) and total reactive oxygen species (tROS) were determined. The pool was divided into five aliquots, which were diluted to a final concentration of 66.66 × 106 spermatozoa/ml with Tris‐glucose‐egg yolk extender containing one of the following concentrations of NAC (0, 0.5, 1, 2.5 or 5 mm ). The semen aliquots were chilled and preserved at 4°C. Semen quality was evaluated after rewarming at 72 h. Sperm motility was significantly higher with the 0.5 mm concentration compared with the control group (p = 0.001). Rapid steady forward movement was higher with the 0.5 and 1 mm concentrations compared with the control and 5 mm group (p < 0.001). Viability and HOST percentages were not significantly altered. Compared with the control, the 5 mm concentration showed significantly reduced percentages of spermatozoa with normal acrosomes (p = 0.049). None of the ROS values at 72 h were significantly affected by the presence of NAC in semen extenders, although all NAC concentrations showed lower O2‐? and OH? values compared with the control. Only the concentrations of 1 and 5 mm inhibited the significant increase of tROS values after 72 h, compared with the fresh semen value. In conclusion, NAC supplementation of semen extenders is beneficial to semen motility of canine spermatozoa during chilling with the 0.5 mm concentration being the most effective, although no significant ROS inhibition was observed at 72 h.  相似文献   

葡萄糖在牛体外受精及胚胎发育中的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在牛精子获能液中添加不同浓度的葡萄糖,应用体外培养技术对牛精子体外获能及早期胚胎发育进行研究,通过观察顶体反应、超激活、活率和早期胚胎发育率,筛选出获能液中最适葡萄糖浓度及其有利于牛早期胚胎发育的最佳浓度.结果表明:葡萄糖是精子获能和维持超激活运动的主要能源物质,其代谢过程中产生的活性氧在牛精子体外获能、受精过程中起重要作用,高浓度(超过9.15 mM)葡萄糖有利于获能的完成;但是对早期胚胎发育不利,对早期胚胎发育来说其最适添加量为6.10 mM,此时的囊胚率最高.  相似文献   

The techniques used to prepare bovine spermatozoa for in vitro fertilization, to enhance the percentage of motile sperm cells include the swim-up (SU) method, among others. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation and plasma membrane integrity as the indicator of apoptosis and necrosis in post-thaw bull sperm after SU treatment using annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)/propidium iodide (PI) assay. A flow cytometric method was employed to measure apoptosis levels on frozen-thawed bull spermatozoa. The assay detects PS translocation across the plasma membrane using a fluorescein-labelled annexin-V and PI. By using the annexin V/PI assay four different subpopulations of sperm were observed: (i) a population of apoptotic sperm, labelled with annexin V-FITC but not with PI; (ii) a population of early necrotic spermatozoa, sperm labelled with annexin-FITC and PI; (iii) a population of necrotic sperm, labelled with PI but not with annexin-FITC; and (iv) a population of fully viable sperm cells, sperm not labelled with annexin V-FITC and without PI. Results clearly indicated that SU technique itself could have an adverse effect on the spermatozoa membrane stability. It has also been found, significant differences between bulls in the levels of apoptotic sperm, after SU treatment.  相似文献   

李晓晨  李华  蔡勤  曹辉  黄英 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(11):119-122
为加速母牛胚胎的生产,实现性控制胚胎产业化和体外扩繁优质品种的奶业工程发展,本研究在体外受精技术(in vitro fertilization,IVF)不断成熟和完善的基础上,通过对牛非性控IVF胚胎与常规人工受精体内胚胎移植的妊娠成功率及其两者出生后牛的性别比例进行比较分析,结果发现,两组妊娠成功率基本相同,且IVF胚胎出生的公牛比例高于体内胚;采用性控和非性控精液进行IVF试验,并对非性控IVF胚胎及性控IVF胚胎用牛Y染色体性别决定特异基因(SRY)核心序列进行分子生物学性别鉴定,结果显示,性控IVF胚胎的公牛比例显著低于普通IVF胚胎;此外,作者还比较了性控IVF与普通非性控IVF的囊胚发育率,结果显示两者并无显著差异。以上研究结果证明,体外扩繁优质良种母牛的奶业工程必须依靠性别控制体外授精技术来提高其效率和有效性。  相似文献   

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