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The main goal of this study was to generate potato tubers with increased levels of flavonoids and thus modified antioxidant capacities. To accomplish this, the vector carrying multigene construct was prepared and several transgenic plants were generated, all overexpressing key biosynthesis pathway enzymes. The single-gene overexpression or simultaneous expression of genes encoding chalcone synthase (CHS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) resulted in a significant increase of measured phenolic acids and anthocyanins. The increase in phenolic compounds synthesis is accompanied by decreases in starch and glucose levels in transgenic plants. The flavonoids-enriched plants showed improved antioxidant capacity; however, there is a complex relationship between antioxidant capacity and flavonoids content, suggesting the great participation of other compounds in the antioxidant potential of the plants. These other compounds are not yet recognized.  相似文献   

Although the effects caused in plants by the calcium (Ca)–phosphorus (P) interaction in calcareous soils are well documented, very few studies report on such effects in nutritive solutions or hydroponic cultivation. In a sand and perlite (1:1 volume) hydroponic system, effects of various P (21, 42, and 63 ppm) and Ca (120, 180, and 240 ppm) concentrations on potato tuberization were studied. A factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications was conducted. For maximum tuber yield and tuber number production, 21 and 42 ppm P was sufficient, respectively. Increase in P and Ca concentrations in nutrient solutions in early growing season resulted in an increase in shoot and root weight, leaf area, and shoot length linearly, but tuber yield and tuber number did not follow this trend. The maximum tuber specific gravity and total solid percent were also observed in 42 ppm P. The highest tuber number and tuber yield were observed in 120 ppm Ca concentration.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca) nutrition for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is important to increase tuber Ca concentration and improve potato tuber yield and quality. High tuber Ca content among other benefits mitigates incidence of blackspot bruise through maintenance of membrane health and regulation of biochemical reactions that leads to potato tuber discoloration. However, growers avoid application of Ca fertilizer in potato production in the belief that it causes potato common scab in Hokkaido, Japan. This study was conducted in Hokkaido to determine the current status of soil Ca and tuber Ca content levels, and its effect in mitigating incidence of potato bruise. Soil and tuber samples were collected from 90 and 80 fields in Tokachi and Kamikawa districts, respectively, in 2013 and 2014. Soil samples were analyzed for base saturation, Ca saturation, and exchangeable Al. Tuber Ca content and susceptibility of tubers to bruising were also evaluated. This study found that (1) 81% and 76% of soils collected from Tokachi and Kamikawa district, respectively, were deficient in Ca level, (2) tuber Ca content was lower than the reported value (250 mg kg?1) considered to mitigate incidence of bruise, and (3) incidence of bruise were influenced by both tuber specific gravity and Ca content. There is urgent need to apply Ca fertilizer to attain increased soil Ca levels and improve quality of tubers.  相似文献   

The texture of boiled potato tubers is one of the most important quality traits. The variation of tuber texture is usually examined in relationship with dry matter or starch content. The objective of the work was to examine variation and stability of texture and starch content in tubers grown in various environments. Both traits were evaluated for the set of potato breeding lines and 10 table potato cultivars. The lines were developed in the program of parental lines carried out in M?ochów Research Center, Poland. The environments were represented by three locations, which differed in cultivation system as well as climatic and soil conditions. The traits were influenced by the effects of genotype, location and their interactions. The effect of location on texture was not explained by the changes in starch content. The calculated stability parameters indicated that unstable expression of both traits was more pronounced and more frequent in breeding lines than in the cultivars. The short period of selection used in the development of the parental lines is not conducive to select potato genotypes with stable expression of quality traits. The starch content was at most moderately related with various characteristics of tuber texture.  相似文献   

In order to establish critical potassium (K) concentration levels and K/calcium (Ca) plus magnesium (Mg) [K/Ca+Mg] ratios in potato petioles associated to maximum total tuber yields, an experiment was conducted under Brazilian conditions. Six K levels (0, 60, 120, 240, 480, and 960 kg K2O/ha as potassium sulphate) were applied in a randomized complete block design experiment with four replications. Baraka potato tubers were seeded, spaced 0.8 x 0.3 m, following the agronomic cultural practices recommended for the crop. After 48 days from plant emergence, plant tissue samples was collected from each plant, the youngest fully expanded leaves (YFEL) and the oldest but not senescent leaves (ONSL). Petioles from these leaves were analysed to their K, Ca, and Mg contents. At harvest, total, high grade, and weight tuber yields were increased to 733, 719, and 660 g/plant for the 353, 335, and 384 kg K2O/ha levels, respectively. These yields are double the Brazilian potato yield average. Petiole Ca and Mg concentrations were decreased by the K fertilizer treatments, whereas the opposite occurred with the K/Ca+Mg ratio. Potassium concentrations in the petioles from the YFEL and ONSL increased up to 10.44 and 7.13 g K/100 g petiole dry matter at the 672 and 654 kg K2O/ha levels, respectively. The K petiole gradient concentration was not affected by K fertilization. The K/Ca+Mg ratio for YFEL associated with the maximum total tuber yield was 7.24, while the K concentrations were 8.91 and 6.16 g K/100 g dry matter in petioles for the YFEL and ONSL, respectively.  相似文献   

为真实描述植物薄壁细胞物料干燥过程的水分传输机理,该文基于组织生理结构、微观参数测量技术和细胞结构变化,提出了适用于整个低温对流干燥过程的薄壁细胞组织模型。模型假设组织由细胞聚集而成,细胞由细胞壁、细胞膜和细胞腔模型溶液组成。细胞壁中的水分为纯水,干燥过程中细胞壁仅变形,不收缩;细胞膜为理想半透膜,集总了真实细胞内所有的跨膜渗透效应;模型溶液中的水分扩散则代表了真实细胞内部所有的扩散效应;干燥过程中,细胞膜始终紧贴细胞壁,细胞失去膨压后,塌陷收缩。基于组合参数传输模型建模方法构建了考虑细胞和收缩的一维传质模型。模型中细胞尺度的水分传输为局部水势平衡假设下的细胞腔到细胞腔、细胞壁网络和细胞气相间隙传输,宏观传递系数直接由细胞传输特性推演获得。模拟和试验表明:平均干基含水率不低于1.0 kg/kg时,模型可准确预测马铃薯组织的干燥过程,相对误差不超过20%。模型分析揭示:马铃薯组织干燥过程水分传输途径的优先级为细胞腔到细胞腔细胞壁网络细胞间隙。  相似文献   


Earlier harvest of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) can be achieved by different treatments of the seed tubers. This can be important, for example, in areas with a short growing season and in organic farming. In a pot experiment, different pre-sprouting methods were evaluated for four cultivars. The experiment consisted of (a) untreated seed tubers stored at 4 °C until planting, (b) traditional pre-sprouted tubers (P) and (c) pre-sprouted tubers with stimulation of adventitious root formation (PR). Pre-sprouted seed tubers have earlier and faster tuber formation, but often lower yield than non pre-sprouted tubers if there is no restriction of the growing season. The PR method developed here, where tubers were sprayed with water to stimulate adventitious root formation and give faster development and tuber initiation than conventional pre-sprouting, can be of value when the growing season is restricted or if early harvest is important. Initial emergence of the pre-sprouted potatoes was monitored in two pot experiments. Emergence was faster for the pre-sprouted treatments compared with the control, but there were no significant differences between the two pre-sprouting methods. At harvest, the pre-sprouted treatments gave higher yield than the control for all growing periods, methods and cultivars, although the differences were not significant for every combination. The cultivars Matilda, Cicero, Ovatio and Superb seemed to respond more positively in terms of yield to PR treatments than cv. Ditta. The new method for stimulating adventitious root formation developed here will substantially help growers to achieve earlier harvests.  相似文献   

When the effect of calcium on the oxidation of linoleic acid by potato tuber 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) was investigated, it was seen to promote the enzyme's activity at pH values higher than the optimum pH of 6.3, resulting in an enzyme activation at alkaline pH. Kinetic analysis of calcium activation at different pH values revealed that the cation abolished the inhibition by high substrate concentration, which occurs in the absence of Ca(2+), thus leading to activation at high substrate concentration. Studies were conducted to investigate the influence of Ca(2+) on the physicochemical nature of the substrate and its effect on the LOX activity expression. It was concluded that the aggregation mode rather than the aggregation state of linoleic acid is responsible for potato 5-LOX changes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of drip irrigation regimes on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber yield and quality, an experiment was conducted in 2009 and 2010. Experimental factors were the irrigation regimes including: FI, providing 100% of the water requirement of potato; IR1, providing 70% of the water requirement of potato by reducing the applied irrigation water between planting and tuber initiation by 30%; and IR2, providing 70% of the water requirement of potato by reducing the applied irrigation water during the whole growing season by 30%; and three potato cultivars Agria, Almera and Sinora. The results indicated that cultivars Agria and Almera were much better than Sinora in terms of tuber yield under all irrigation regimes. For Agria and Almera, the experiments show that the full irrigation regime had the highest yield and water productivity. For Sinora, however, deficit irrigation yields higher water productivity than the full irrigation regime. Consequently, deficit irrigation IR1 and IR2 should be applied to Sinora, but not to Agria and Almera.  相似文献   


The main crops on which plastic mulch is widely used in Mexico include tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, melons, watermelons, and strawberry; however, very little research has been performed on potato. One of the main benefits associated with plastic mulching is the modification of the microclimate around the plant. To obtain a positive microclimate modification studies are required to understand how plastic mulch affects growth and yield of a given species. Previous field research assessing the response to colored plastic mulching in potato shows no consistent results on yield, maybe because it has been performed under different geographical latitudes. Potato in Mexico is conventionally cultivated on bare soil combined with various irrigation systems. The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of colored plastic mulches on soil temperature, growth, yield and photosynthetic response of potato plants. The experiment was conducted in Northeast Mexico and the treatments included were: black plastic mulch (BPM); white-on-black plastic mulch (W/B), silver-on-black (SPM), aluminum-on-black plastic mulch (APM) and a control that consisted of bare soil cultivated plants. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results suggest that average daily mean soil temperature was linearly and negatively correlated with total yield and yield of first-quality tubers. Total yield and yield of first-quality tubers of plants mulched with W/B, SPM and APM was significantly higher (p≤0.05) than those of control plants. Leaf area and shoot dry weight were increased when soil temperatures were higher due to the effect of radiation transmission to the soil, however, this decrease was associated with a decrease in tuber production. The results of our study indicate that plants grown under BPM, which induced the highest soil temperature, showed marginal difference in yield compared with control plants, suggesting that colored plastic mulches have a positive effect on yield through decreased rise in soil temperature.  相似文献   

【目的】 薯麦轮作是我国甘薯种植的主要模式,施钾对甘薯、小麦都有较好的增产效果。本文研究了薯麦轮作中钾肥最佳运筹方案,以便更好地发挥钾肥效益。 【方法】 在江苏省农业科学院位于南京的六合基地连续进行了三年田间定位试验,在周年钾肥投入总量K2O 270 kg/hm2的前提下,设置5个甘薯 (S) /小麦 (W) 钾肥分配量处理,分别为 S0W270、S90W180、S135W135、S180W90、S270W0,重复三次。调查了产量、产量组成和生物量分配,测定了吸钾量、钾生理效率和钾表观平衡。 【结果】 钾肥分配量显著影响甘薯的块根产量、单株薯数、单个薯重、冠根比、吸钾量和钾生理效率,而对小麦产量、有效穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、草谷比、吸钾量、钾收获指数和钾生理效率均无显著影响。甘薯产量和周年产量均以钾肥全部施于薯季的S270W0处理最高,全部分配于麦季的S0W270处理次之,S270W0的甘薯产量和周年产量比薯麦两季分配的S90W180、S135W135、S180W90处理提高20.7%~24.5% (P < 0.05) 和17.8%~20.9% ( P < 0.01),S0W270的分别提高了9.9%~13.4% ( P > 0.05) 和8.2%~11.0% ( P > 0.05)。S270W0处理的单株薯数和单个薯重分别比钾肥施两季的处理高5.2%~10.4%和8.5%~30.6% ( P < 0.01),是其产量增加的主要原因;S0W270处理的单株薯数比 这三个处理高18.9%~24.8% ( P < 0.001),但单薯重低于其他处理,较高的单株薯数是该处理甘薯增产的主要原因。S180W90和S270W0处理甘薯整株吸钾量比S90W180和S0W270高出9.7%~16.1% ( P < 0.05)。随薯季施钾量增加,甘薯冠根比先增后减 ( P < 0.001)、钾生理效率先减后增 ( P < 0.01)、钾收获指数和商品率变化较小 ( P > 0.05)。甘薯吸钾量平均为K 2O 228.0 kg/hm2,是小麦的2.3倍;钾收获指数平均为0.55,是小麦的5.5倍。薯蔓中储存的钾占甘薯吸钾量的46.6%,薯蔓还田可满足小麦对钾的需求;麦秸中贮存的钾占小麦吸钾量的91.0%,麦秸还田只能满足甘薯吸钾量的39.5%。本研究施钾量下,秸秆不还田,甘薯和小麦年均携出土壤的钾达K2O 327.9 kg/hm2,年末土壤速效钾呈快速下降,三个轮作周期后土壤速效钾降低49.2%;秸秆和薯蔓完全还田条件下,薯麦轮作施钾量为K2O 134.3 kg/hm2时即可保持土壤钾素平衡。 【结论】 薯麦轮作中,以钾肥单施于甘薯上,可显著增加单株薯数和单个薯重,增加甘薯产量和周年产量。全部钾肥施于甘薯上,薯蔓还田可以满足小麦的钾素营养。麦秸和薯蔓完全还田条件下,可适当减少钾肥的投入,年施K2O 134.3 kg/hm2时即可保持钾素平衡。供试地区土壤和管理条件下,钾肥的管理模式建议为“秸秆还田 + 适宜施钾量 + 钾肥全部施于薯季”。   相似文献   

Crop geometry has great influence on economically important characteristics such as total yield, processing-grade yield, tuber size distribution and tuber quality in Grey Terrace Soil. An experiment was conducted to develop a suitable crop geometry for the production of higher processing-grade yield and quality of potato tubers. The treatment consisted of three levels of inter-row spacing (60, 67.5 and 75 cm) and four levels of intra-row spacing (20, 25, 30 and 35 cm). Crop geometry significantly influenced growth, yield contributing characters, tuber size distribution and yield of potato. The highest chips, French fry grade tubers and total potato tuber yield were found in 67.5 cm × 25 cm crop geometry without affecting processing quality but all were in the highly acceptable range. Intra-row spacing of 25 cm produced the maximum processing quality tubers, closely followed by 30 cm. The highest gross and net returns with a benefit–cost ratio of 1.75 were recorded in 67.5 cm × 25 cm crop geometry. Therefore, the 67.5 cm × 25 cm crop geometry can be recommended for higher potato tuber yield and processing-grade tubers as well as higher economic return.  相似文献   

深旋松耕改善耕层结构促进马铃薯增产   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了探究深旋松耕提升马铃薯产量与质量的可行性。在山东省胶河地区以常规旋耕为对照,研究深旋松耕对土壤物理性质、马铃薯根系及产量形成的影响。结果表明:与常规旋耕相比,深旋松耕能打破犁底层,显著降低20~40 cm土层的容重和穿透阻力,提高0~50 cm土层的贮水量25.67%,促进作物生长,其中马铃薯根系生物量显著提高26.61%,中、下层叶片净光合速率分别增加20.82%、37.13%,进而提高花后光合产物积累量,促进花后干物质向块茎的转运,使得单块薯重量提高29.82%,马铃薯增产38.68%。  相似文献   

The principal goal of this paper was to investigate the significance of anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase (5-UGT) for potato tuber metabolism. The ectopic expression of a 5-UGT cDNA in the tuber improved the plant's defense against pathogen infection. The resistance of transgenic lines against Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora was about 2-fold higher than for nontransformed plants. In most cases the pathogen resistance was accompanied by a significant increase in tuber yield. To investigate the molecular basis of transgenic potato resistance, metabolic profiling of the plant was performed. In tuber extracts, the anthocyanin 3,5-O-substituted level was significantly increased when compared to that of the control plant. Of six anthocyanin compounds identified, the highest quantity for pelargonidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside acylated with p-coumaric acid and peonidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside acylated with p-coumaric acid was detected. A significant increase in starch and a decrease in sucrose level in transgenic tubers have been detected. The level of all other metabolites (amino acids, organic acids, polyamines, and fatty acids) was quite the same as in nontransformants. The plant resistance to bacterial infection correlates with anthocyanin content and sucrose level. The properties of recombinant glucosyltransferase were analyzed in in vitro experiments. The enzyme kinetics and its biochemical properties were similar to those from other sources.  相似文献   

Potato starch production leaves behind a huge amount of juice. This juice is rich in protein, which might be exploited for food, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical applications. In northern Europe cv. Kuras is dominant for industrial starch production, and juice protein of freshly harvested mature tubers was fractionated by Superdex 200 gel filtration. The fractions were subjected to selected activity assays (patatin, peroxidase, glyoxalases I and II, alpha-mannosidase, inhibition of trypsin, Fusarium protease, and alcalase) and protein subunit size determination by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Proteins present in SDS-PAGE bands were identified by tryptic peptide mass fingerprinting. Protein complexes such as ribosomes and proteasomes eluted with the void volume of the gel filtration. Large proteins were enzymes of starch synthesis dominated by starch phosphorylase L-1 (ca. 4% of total protein). Five identified dimeric patatin variants (25%) coeluted with four monomeric lipoxygenase variants (10%) at 97 kDa. Protease inhibitor I variants (4%) at 46 kDa (hexamer) inhibited alcalase. Fourteen Kunitz protease inhibitor variants (30%) at 19 kDa inhibited trypsin and Fusarium protease. Carboxypeptidase inhibitor variants (5%) and defensins (5%) coeluted with phenolics. The native sizes and molecular properties were determined for 43 different potato tuber proteins, several for the first time.  相似文献   



Superabsorbent polymers, new water-saving materials and soil conditioners, are used widely in dry-farming agriculture. However, little is known about their effects on the soil physical properties under dry-farming conditions. To elucidate the effects of two SAPs (Wote and microbe) at different doses on the soil bulk density, water status, potato growth, yield, and economic benefit in a dry-farming region, we conducted a 2-year fixed field position experiment in the semiarid drought-prone area of Ningxia, China.

Materials and methods

The two SAPs were diluted 1:10 (product:soil) and applied at different rates before planting, i.e., Wote SAP 30 kg ha?1, Wote SAP 60 kg ha?1, Wote SAP 90 kg ha?1, microbe SAP 30 kg ha?1, microbe SAP 60 kg ha?1, and microbe SAP 90 kg ha?1. The treatment without SAP was used as the control.

Results and discussion

The tilth soil bulk density decreased under different SAP doses compared with the control, and the soil total porosity improved greatly, where the Wote SAP treatments had the greatest effects. The soil bulk density (0–60 cm) under Wote SAP 90 kg ha?1 was significantly decreased by 6.4% compared with the control. The Wote SAP treatments had the greatest effects on water conservation during the critical potato growth stage, where the soil water storage (0–100 cm) was significantly higher than the control. The Wote SAP treatments promoted potato growth in the later period, where the plant height and stem diameter were higher than the control. Higher yield and commodity rate improvements were achieved by the application of Wote and microbe SAP compared with the control, where the optimum dose was 60–90 kg ha?1 for Wote SAP. The application of Wote SAP 90 kg ha?1 significantly increased crop water use efficiency compared with no SAP, and the commodity rate was highest with Wote SAP 60 kg ha?1. The mean potato yield, commodity rate, and net income increased significantly using Wote SAP at 60 and 90 kg ha?1, i.e., by 38.2 and 50.5%, 18.5 and 14.1%, and 28.5 and 35.0%, respectively, compared with no SAP.


The application of SAPs can decrease soil bulk density and significantly improve soil porosity and soil water conservation capacity, thereby promoting potato growth. The application of Wote SAP 60–90 kg ha?1 significantly increased potato yield and net income in a dry-farming region of Ningxia, China.

Ca deficiency disorders are common in micropropagated plantlets but little is known regarding the uptake of Ca in vitro. Ca uptake by in vitra-grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cvs. Bintje and Norland) plantlets was investigated when Ca levels were maintained but the total macroelement salts or just NH4, the major competing cation, were reduced in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. This increased the ratio of Ca:cations or Ca:NH4 as well as the osmotic potential of the medium. The increased Ca-cations improved Ca uptake of shoot tips, leaves, and stems while increased Ca:NH4 had no effect. MS medium macroelement dilution may improve Ca uptake by micropropagated plantlets and prevent Ca deficiency disorders.  相似文献   


Tissue culture is currently used by many seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) programs enabling the production of high quality, disease free seed potatoes. Potato plantlets produced by micropropagation are planted in greenhouses to produce tubers for further multiplication in the field. The objective of this study was to develop a potting medium that would maximize potato tuber production under greenhouse conditions. Two studies were conducted evaluating different combinations of vermiculite, sand and perlite. In each study where nutrient solutions were applied weekly, vegetative weight, number of stems and potato tuber weight were evaluated. Potting media had significant effects on vegetative plant weight, number of tubers and tuber weight. Significant positive relationships between percent vermiculite in the potting mixture and number of stems (R2 = 0.33? and 0.44 ) and tuber weight (R2 = 0.63?? and 0.52??) were observed. In the final analysis, a potting mix containing 80% vermiculite and 20% sand provided optimum tuber production in the greenhouse. The vermiculite provided an adequate cation exchange capacity for holding nutrients and high water holding capacity while the sand provided adequate aeration.  相似文献   

营养水平对马铃薯块茎发育中激素、产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以台湾红皮(Cardinal)为试验材料,研究了不同营养水平对马铃薯块茎发育过程中内源激素行为的影响及对产量和品质形成的影响。结果表明,过低、过高的营养供给,降低了块茎发育前期细胞分裂素(ZT)的含量,中期细胞生长素(IAA)的含量以及促进块茎发育的脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸(JA)含量,增加了各时期促进匍匐茎发生的赤霉素(GA)含量,导致在块茎形成和膨大的关键时期,GA/ABA和GA/JA比值失衡,抑制了块茎的正常发育。而合理营养水平供给,保持了前期较高水平的ZT含量,中期较高的ABA、IAA、JA含量和较低的GA含量,保证了块茎发育各时期对重要激素的需要,GA/ABA和GA/JA在块茎发育各时期也保持在合理的水平。结果还表明,过低、过高的营养供给,有利于马铃薯可溶性糖的形成,但不利于后期淀粉的形成,同时缩短了块茎快速增长期的时间。  相似文献   

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