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AIM: To investigate the occurrence of emerging macrocyclic lactone (ML) resistance and of resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics on a number of sheep farms in the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: On commercial sheep farms (n=30) in the Taihape district in the North Island of New Zealand, 30 animals were randomly allocated to one of two equal-sized groups and treated with either half of the recommended dose rate of ivermectin (half of 0.2 mg/kg), or with the full recommended dose rate of oxfendazole (4.5 mg/kg). The ivermectin treatment only was used on a further six properties. Faecal egg counts, accompanied by pooled larval cultures, were conducted on all samples at the time of treatment and 7–10 days later.

RESULTS: Resistance, as indicated by a <95% faecal egg count reduction (FECR) in both instances, was found to oxfendazole on 13/30 (43%) farms and to a half dose of ivermectin on 12/36 (33%) properties. For oxfendazole, such resistance was found to involve all six nematode genera whereas for ivermectin it was almost entirely restricted to Ostertagia and Cooperia infections.

CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that emerging ML resistance may be more common on sheep farms in New Zealand than is generally realised. They also suggest that the half-dose ivermectin faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) may offer some very practical benefits for parasite control by providing early warning of developing resistance to ML drenches and by signalling the possible imminent failure of these at their therapeutic dose rates. The sensitivity and reliability of this procedure may be further enhanced by the inclusion of larval cultures.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a faecal egg count reduction test on 4 farms in France, as an integrated part of the routine deworming strategy against horse cyathostomins and Parascaris equorum. Treatment with fenbendazole (FBZ) or ivermectin (IVM) was evaluated in yearlings on Farms 1 and 2 and treatment with pyrantel embonate (PYR) was tested on Farms 3 and 4. Calculation of the arithmetic mean faecal egg count reduction and the 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) around the mean was performed using bootstrap analysis. For equine cyathostomins, resistance to FBZ was found with an arithmetic mean reduction of 48.8% (95% CI: 1.9–69.3%). On Farms 1 and 2, horses with reduced efficacy were identified. PYR was found to be effective against cyathostomins, with an arithmetic mean reduction of 95.3% (95% CI: 84.6–99.8%), as well as IVM (100%). For P. equorum, both FBZ and PYR were effective (100% reduction). The efficacy of IVM, however, was low (45.5%; 95% CI: 0–96.3%). These results confirm that FBZ resistance in equine cyathostomins is present in France and that anthelmintic resistance to IVM is present in P. equorum. This study underlines the necessity to evaluate the efficacy of horse deworming strategies on a regular basis under field conditions.  相似文献   

为探讨用丙硫苯咪唑进行体外虫卵孵化试验检测羊线虫对苯并咪唑类药物的抗药性,对23个羊场的25份田间样品用丙硫苯咪唑和噻苯咪唑进行了虫卵孵化试验并与先前减卵试验(faecal egg count re-duction test,FECRT)的结果比较。结果表明,25份样品中,丙硫苯咪唑和噻苯咪唑对受检虫卵的半数致死量(LD50)均值分别为0.050 1和0.054 0μg/mL,差异不显著。FECRT检测有抗药性的4个羊场,75%的样品对丙硫苯咪唑和噻苯咪唑的LD50均值均在0.1μg/mL以上,只有1个羊场的的LD50值分别为0.068 9μg/mL(丙硫苯咪唑)和0.071 2μg/mL(噻苯咪唑)。检测为可疑的2个羊场,其样品的LD50值为0.04~0.07μg/mL;FECRT检测敏感的蠕虫群体的LD50均在0.04μg/mL以下。此外,丙硫苯咪唑用纯的二甲基亚砜溶解和稀释后于4℃保存7 d,LD50值变化不大,提示药效无明显下降,而保存14 d后药效有下降趋势。  相似文献   

AIM: To gather information on the repeatability of a faecal nematode egg count (FEC) reduction (FECR) test (FECRT), evaluating both different methods of calculating efficacy and variations within a method, in order to supply veterinarians and other advisors with sufficient information to apply some level of confidence around a diagnosis of anthelmintic resistance based on FECRT results.

METHODS: Two commercial sheep farms were selected on the basis of having previously recorded FECR <95% after treatment with ivermectin (Farm 1) or albendazole (Farm 2). On each farm at least 250 lambs, managed as a single mob, were individually ear-tagged and sampled for FEC. The resulting counts were used, 3—4 days later, to sort the lambs into 24 groups of 10. First, the animals were split into three groups of 80, having high, medium or low FEC. Second, within each of these groups the 80 animals were further divided into four replicate mobs of 20 (each with the same mean count). Third, each of these replicates was further split into two groups of 10: those that would be drenched and those that would remain as untreated controls. All animals were again faecal-sampled and those in the drenched groups were dosed, using a syringe, to their individual liveweight, with ivermectin (Farm 1) or albendazole (Farm 2). Ten days after treatment all animals were individually faecal- sampled again. FEC and larval cultures were undertaken for all 24 groups from both pre- and post-treatment samples. Ef- ficacy (FECR) of the undifferentiated FECRT was calculated using three different equations, and efficacy by genus was also calculated.

RESULTS: Calculated efficacies differed between equations, and the equation which did not utilise an untreated control yielded significantly lower efficacy estimates on both farms. Faecal cultures varied considerably in the proportions of parasite genera recovered. In general, this did not differ between FEC groups, except on Farm 1 where Haemonchus spp were more common and Cooperia spp less common in high-FEC samples. Estimated efficacies against individual genera varied considerably or very little, depending on the level of resistance. On both farms, differing proportions of tests against some genera passed or failed FECRTs based on a threshold pass mark of ≥95% FECR.

CONCLUSION: There was considerable variability in the outcomes of FECRTs and in larval culture results. Caution is warranted in interpreting the results of FECRTs when efficacy values fall into the 90—95% range. Further, the possibility of a test returning a false-negative result is raised, indicating that even an efficacy estimated ≥95% may not guarantee the absence of resistant parasites.  相似文献   


AIM: To determine what, if any, changes have taken place in the optimum time, for undertaking faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) in sheep in New Zealand.

METHODS: A comparison was made between the numbers and types of nematode genera adequately represented for testing purposes (faecal nematode egg count (FEC) of >50 epg) in initial FECRT case submissions to a veterinary laboratory in New Zealand, during two 4-year periods, in 1992–1995 and 2006–2009.

RESULTS: Although there were some minor differences between them, the seasonal patterns of occurrence remained basically the same for all parasite genera in both datasets, with their individual peak periods of representation occurring during February to May in all instances. Not surprisingly, this period of maximum seasonal occurrence for each parasite genus also coincided with those months of the year when the greatest numbers of worm genera were adequately represented for faecal nematode egg count reduction (FECR) testing.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the optimum time for conducting FECRT in sheep in New Zealand continues to be during the late summer-autumn months of February to May. However, they also reaffirmed that even during this optimal period there are still likely to be many occasions when relatively few nematode genera may be sufficiently well represented for satisfactory FECR testing. Accordingly, veterinary practitioners ought to be aware that, in order to obtain a complete picture of the resistance status of all worm genera on a particular property, such testing may need to be carried out on more than one occasion.  相似文献   

Equine gastrointestinal nematodes are ubiquitous; in horses that graze contaminated pasture and that are not treated appropriately, large numbers of worms can accumulate, which can lead to serious clinical disease. Nematode control has traditionally followed interval treatment regimens, which involve regular anthelmintic administration to all horses based on the strongyle egg reappearance periods of each drug, usually defined around the time of licensing. Interval treatment programmes have resulted in substantial reductions in large strongyle disease, but have made major contributions to the development of anthelmintic resistance, particularly in cyathostomins. Cyathostomin resistance to 2 of the 3 available anthelmintic classes is widespread, and resistance to both classes in single populations is not uncommon. Reduced efficacy of the most commonly used macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics, as measured by shortened egg reappearance periods after treatment, is emerging in cyathostomins. Macrocyclic lactone resistance is also now commonly reported in Parascaris equorum on stud farms. Faecal worm egg counts (FWEC) are increasingly being used as part of targeted approaches to parasite control, whereby only those horses with moderate to high FWEC within a group are treated with an anthelmintic. The objective of this approach is to reduce environmental contamination, while leaving a proportion of the worm population in some horses unexposed to selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance. This article reviews recent findings in equine parasitology research that will underpin guidelines for control, with a particular focus on how to optimise the value of FWEC methodologies and anthelmintic efficacy analyses.  相似文献   

Anthelmintics of the avermectin/milbemycin class continue to demonstrate the highest efficacy against cyathostomin nematodes; however, over‐reliance on these drugs is increasing the likelihood that recent emerging resistance to these drugs will worsen. Use of benzimidazole and pyrantel compounds given concurrently may provide sufficiently high efficacy to serve as a viable treatment alternative to the avermectin/milbemycin drugs, thus reducing the selective pressures for resistance development. The study was conducted to determine if oxibendazole (OBZ) and pyrantel pamoate (PYR) would have greater efficacy when used in combination vs. what either drug could achieve individually, and to determine if the combination protocol would consistently achieve faecal egg count reduction (FECR) rates >90%, the general threshold for acceptable efficacy. Horses of various ages and breeds on 11 horse farms were assigned randomly to treatment with OBZ (n = 34), PYR (n = 35), or a combination of both (n = 61). A faecal egg count was performed for each horse prior to treatment and 9–14 days post treatment. Mean FECR percentages were calculated for each treatment group on individual farms, and for each treatment group across all farms. Combination treatment achieved >90% mean FECR on all 11 farms, and >95% on 9 of the 11 farms. Overall arithmetic mean FECR rates were 90.03%, 81.10% and 96.35% for horses treated respectively with OBZ, PYR, and the 2 drugs in combination. Combination treatment with OBZ and PYR demonstrated an additive effect whereby horses given both anthelmintics concurrently had mean FECR percentages that were significantly greater than in horses given either drug alone. Combination treatment with OBZ and PYR can be an efficacious and viable treatment choice for controlling cyathostomins, thereby reducing the over‐reliance on avermectin/milbemycin drugs.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to establish whether anthelmintic resistance was present in nematode parasites of horses in Denmark. Sixteen horse farms were selected for faecal egg count reduction (FECR) tests to measure the efficacy of the anthelmintic used. Resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics was found on 13 of the 16 farms, with FECR values ranging from 80.0% to -101.3%. On the remaining 3 farms FECR was 100.0%, 99.3% and 97.2%. Results of a questionnaire study on anthelmintic usage, parasite control measures and management practices showed that horses in this study were treated on average 7.1 times/year. Horse owners changed between preparations of drugs but almost only within the same class of anthelmintics. Nine owners gave an anthelmintic treatment to purchased horses before they were introduced on the farm. On 14 farms, the same paddock was grazed every year and the average stocking rate was estimated to be 2.4 horses/ha. Strategies to avoid development of anthelmintic resistance are discussed and recommendations of parasite control on horse farms are presented.  相似文献   

Composite strains of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Ostertagia spp consisting of 0, 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100% of known resistant strains were prepared and tested for benzimidazole resistance using faecal egg count reduction tests, in vitro egg hatch assays and tubulin binding assays. All tests detected resistance where the proportion of the resistant strain in the composite was 50% or more, whereas none of the tests unequivocally detected resistance below 25%. Egg count reduction tests were no less sensitive than the in vitro tests in detecting low levels of resistance but the egg hatch and tubulin binding assays provided a better quantitative estimate of moderate to high levels of resistance. Faecal egg count reduction therefore, provides a suitable means of detecting resistance in the field but tests, more sensitive to low levels of resistance are required. Results indicate that the use of post-treatment counts alone provides an adequate indication of anthelmintic efficiency.  相似文献   


Occasionally the need arises for a review of a subject aimed at putting the available evidence into perspective. Over the past decade a considerable amount of work has been done on the milk-ejection mechanism of the mammal. Too frequently this reflex has been regarded as isolated from other aspects of mammalian reproduction. In this review, an attempt is made to outline our basic knowledge of the nature of the milk-ejection process and the mechanisms involved in it against the background of the mammalian reproductive system. For along time it has been known that the suckling stimulus has an effect on the ability of the mammal to secrete milk. At the same time it is known that there are no neural pathways to the anterior pituitary which releases the hormones controlling mammary gland activity. Thus the mechanism by which the stimuli of suckling could affect the release of anterior lobe hormones has not been at all clear. Evidence is rapidly accumulating for the idea that the posterior pituitary hormones, which must pass through the anterior pituitary gland on their way to the systemic circulation, may have an effect on the release of anterior lobe substances. This effect is made possible by the peculiar system of circulation which exists between the neurohypophyseal tract and the anterior pituitary. Evidence for this view is summarized in what follows, and its significance as a factor in the maintenance of milk secretion is considered. It has been thought worth while to present a generalized picture of the milk-ejection reflex and of certain other reproductive reflexes as recent developments within the mammals superimposed upon the “water balance” regulating mechanisms which are to be found throughout the entire vertebrate phylum. In doing this, a certain amount of over-simplification has been inevitable, but it is hoped that the review will place some of the problems of lactation in perspective and, in so doing, show the many gaps in our knowledge which must be filled before we have an adequate understanding of the process controlling the secretion and ejection of milk in the mammal.  相似文献   

Fecal egg count (FEC) is an indicative measurement for parasite infection in sheep. Different FEC methods may show inconsistent results. Not accounting for inconsistencies can be problematic when integrating measurements from different FEC methods for genetic evaluation. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the difference in means and variances between two fecal egg counting methods used in sheep—the Modified McMaster (LMMR) and the Triple Chamber McMaster (LTCM); to estimate variance components for the two FEC methods, treating them as two different traits; and to integrate FEC data from the two different methods and estimate genetic parameters for FEC and other gastrointestinal parasite resistance traits. Fecal samples were collected from a commercial Rideau-Arcott sheep farm in Ontario. Fecal egg counting was performed using both LMMR and the LTCM methods. Other parasite resistance trait records were collected from the same farm including eye score (FAMACHA), body condition score (BCS), and body weight (WT). The two FEC methods were highly genetically (0.94) and phenotypically (0.88) correlated. However, the mean and variance between the two FEC methods were significantly different (P < 0.0001). Therefore, re-scaling is required prior to integrating data from the different methods. For the multiple trait analysis, data from the two fecal egg counting methods were integrated (LFEC) by using records for the LMMR when available and replacing missing records with re-standardized LTCM records converted to the same mean and variance of LMMR. Heritability estimates were 0.12 ± 0.04, 0.07 ± 0.05, 0.17 ± 0.06, and 0.24 ± 0.07 for LFEC egg count, FAMACHA, BCS, and WT, respectively. The estimated genetic correlations between FEC and the other parasite resistance traits were low and not significant (P > 0.05) for FAMACHA (r = 0.24 ± 0.32) and WT (r = 0.22 ± 0.19), and essentially zero for BCS (r = −0.03 ± 0.25), suggesting little to no benefit of using such traits as indicators for LFEC.  相似文献   

This study examines the possible outcome of adopting criteria recommended by the Australian Working Party for defining anthelmintic resistance by the faecal egg count reduction test, namely a mean percentage reduction of less than 95%, together with a lower 95% confidence limit of less than or equal to 90%.

Based on an analysis of 313 veterinary diagnostic cases submitted for faecal egg count reduction testing in sheep and goats over a 7-year period, it was found that lower confidence limits of 90% or less were always associated with mean percentage reductions of less than 95%. These results suggest that if anthelmintic resistance is to be defined on the basis of mean faecal egg count reductions of this magnitude, then little practical purpose is likely to be served by further consideration of the lower confidence limits of these estimates.  相似文献   

This study reports a comparison between faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT), egg hatch assay (EHA) and larval development assay (LDA) for detecting anthelmintic resistance in equine strongyles. Resistance to benzimidazoles was demonstrated in 33 of 42 (79%) farms tested by FECRT and in 32 (62%) of the 52 farms tested by EHA. As the reference strain used was not fully susceptible to benzimidazoles it was not possible to determine the level of resistance by LDA. Pyrantel resistance was indicated on three of 15 farms by faecal egg count reduction. Resistance was also indicated by LDA for one of these farms. In addition resistance was indicated by LDA on two more farms that were not tested by FECRT. Further testing is needed to confirm if these findings are truly indicative of resistance. Generally, correlations between the tests were poor and it was not possible to use the outcome of one test to predict the outcome of another.  相似文献   


Perception of, and relief from, pain differs markedly between individual animals(1). In a humane system of animal care, this requires addressing. I have investigated the analgesic effects of different opioid agonists in male and female sheep, and the results suggest a sex-related difference in the efficacy of both kappa (𝛋) and mu (𝛍) opioids.  相似文献   

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