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The efficacy of an intranasal haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccine containing live gdhA derivative Pasteurella multocida B:2 was tested in buffaloes in Sabah. Sixty buffaloes, kept grazing in the field with minimal human intervention were devided into three groups of 20 buffaloes per group. Buffaloes of group 1 were exposed intranasal to 5 ml vaccine containing 10(6) CFU/ml of live gdhA derivative P multocida B:2. Buffaloes of group 2 were not exposed to the vaccine but exposed to PBS and were allowed to commingle and graze in the same field as the buffaloes of group 1 while buffaloes of group 3 were similarly exposed to PBS and were grazing separately. Booster was on group 1, two weeks later. Twelve months after the first vaccination, three buffaloes from each group were brought into the experimental house and challenged subcutaneously with 10(9) CFU/ml of live wild-type P multocida B:2. All challenged buffaloes of groups 1 and 2 survived with only mild, transient signs while all control unvaccinated buffaloes developed severe signs of haemorrhagic septicaemia and were euthanased between 28 hours and 38 hours postchallenge with signs and lesions typical of haemorrhagic septicaemia. These data showed that the gdhA mutant strain, given intranasally as two doses two weeks apart, successfully induced systemic immunity in exposed buffaloes and also led to spread of vaccine strain to the in-contact animals, where it acted as an effective live vaccine to protect both exposed buffaloes and in-contact buffaloes against challenge with the virulent parent strain.  相似文献   

A large number of streptomycin dependent mutants were produced from bovine haemorrhagic septicaemia strains of Pasteurella multocida. The mutants required a minimum concentration of 25-50 microgram/mL streptomycin for growth and tolerated a concentration of 200 mg/mL. These mutants were avirulent to mice, when inoculated alone, but some mutants killed mice when inoculated with streptomycin. Biochemically all mutants were uniform and similar to the wild type. Most mutants were stable, but a few produced streptomycin independent revertants. The rate of reversion varied with each mutant. Most revertants were highly virulent for mice, some totally avirulant and a few relatively avirulent.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of intranasal exposure to low doses of Pasteurella multocida B:2 on survival of goats challenged with high doses of the same organism. Eighteen goats were selected and divided into three groups. Goats of group 1 were exposed intranasally twice, with a two-week interval, to 7× 106 cfu/ml of live P. multocida B:2. Goats of group 2 were not exposed to P. multocida B:2 but were kept together with the exposed group 1. Goats of group 3 remained as unexposed controls and were kept separated from the other two groups. Serum samples were collected at weekly intervals to determine the antibody levels. At week 5 post exposure, all goats were challenged subcutaneously with 3.7× 1010 cfu/ml of live P. multocida B:2. Following challenge exposure, 8 (67%) goats (4 goats from each of groups 1 and 2) were killed owing to haemorrhagic septicaemia. Four goats were killed peracutely within 48 h post challenge, while the other four goats were killed acutely between 2 and 4 days post challenge. None of the goats of group 3 were killed for haemorrhagic septicaemia. Goats of groups 1 and 2 showed significantly (p<0.05) higher antibody levels following the first intranasal exposure to P. multocida B:2. However, only group 1 retained the significantly (p<0.05) high antibody levels following a second intranasal exposure, and remained significantly (p<0.05) higher than groups 2 and 3 at the time of challenge. P. multocida B:2 was successfully isolated from various organs of goats that were killed between 1 and 4 days post challenge.  相似文献   

Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant vaccines containing endotoxin-free capsular antigens of Pasteurella multocida, types B and E, were administered to cattle. Dose dependent serological responses were observed which were similar for both antigens. The immunised cattle were subjected to intravenous challenge by a virulent type E strain. All animals which received the highest vaccine dose survived and all unimmunised control animals died and a vaccine dose-response relationship was obtained. The results of passive mouse protection and indirect haemagglutination tests (type E) on the sera of immunised cattle corresponded with the degree of protection against challenge of the cattle.  相似文献   

The interaction between pseudorabies virus (PRV) and Pasteurella multocida was investigated to determine whether single or combined infections result in pneumonia in 6- to 7-week-old pigs. The effect of the PRV-P multocida challenge exposure on feed consumption, rate of gain, and extent of pneumonic lesions appeared dependent on the PRV dose; however, pneumonic lesions were of bacterial pneumonia. Pigs inoculated with a virulent strain of PRV plus P multocida developed severe pneumonia, whereas pigs given PRV only did not develop pneumonia. Modified-live PRV vaccine had no effect on the occurrence of pneumonia. Average daily gain was most depressed in pigs given the highest dose of virulent PRV plus P multocida.  相似文献   

The acute phase reaction, in association with progressive atrophic rhinitis (AR), was monitored for 3 wk using serum haptoglobin (HPT) quantification in thirty-six, 15 kg swine after intranasal challenge with varying doses of Pasteurella multocida type D (toxigenic strain) and Bordetella bronchiseptica. The challenge doses were administered alone or in combination with pigs divided into 9 isolated treatment groups. Increasing doses of B. bronchiseptica were associated with lower serum HPT (P < 0.05), whereas increasing doses of P. multocida tended to increase serum HPT (0.05 < P < 0.10). Significant and positive correlation of mean HPT and AR score was found in these pigs; increased AR scores were associated with elevated mean HPT concentration (r = 0.41, P < 0.01). A significant interaction between P. multocida and B. bronchiseptica dose indicated that increasing the dose of B. bronchiseptica, for a fixed P. multocida dose, was associated with less AR (P < 0.05). The AR scores were greater in pigs given P. multocida, than B. bronchiseptica alone. These results indicate that a complex interaction between Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica causes progressive atrophic rhinitis and alters serum HPT concentration in swine.  相似文献   

Clinical changes and acute phase responses, including tumour necrosis factor-alpha (tnfalpha), in six buffalo calves were examined following intravenous inoculation of a bolus of endotoxin (1 microg kg(-1) bodyweight in 10 ml of phosphate-buffered saline [ pbs ]) extracted from Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2, the bacterium responsible for haemorrhagic septicaemia (hs) in Asia. Endotoxin injection caused a rapid onset of clinical signs characterised by dullness, sternal recumbency, elevated rectal temperatures, excessive salivation and dyspnoea that lasted for up to 12 hours post-inoculation (p.i.). Serum concentrations of tnfalpha rose within 1 hour p.i. to reach peak values ranging between 8 and 140 ng ml(-1) at 1-2 hours p.i. and then declined rapidly to baseline levels 3-5 hours p.i. Endotoxin injection induced other acute phase changes, including a rapid leucopenia and reductions in the serum concentrations of iron and zinc and a delayed but prolonged increase in haptoglobin from 12 hours p.i. that reached a plateau from about 60 hours p.i. Three control calves injected with 10 ml pbs showed no clinical or blood compositional changes. By reproducing key signs of hs the work confirms a pivotal role of endotoxin in the pathogenesis of hs and emphasises the exquisite sensitivity of the buffalo to P multocida endotoxin.  相似文献   

This study examined the protection induced by oil adjuvant vaccine and broth bacterin in mice. Protective immunity was induced by both oil adjuvant and bacterin vaccination procedures. Oil adjuvant vaccination induced a 10(5)-fold increase for lethal challenge over control mice, while secondary vaccination induced a further 10-fold increase in resistance to lethal challenge. Broth bacterin induced a slightly weaker protective response with 10(4)- and 10(5)-fold increases in resistance to lethal challenge following primary and secondary vaccination, respectively. There was a significant relationship between IgG antibody levels and resistance to challenge (P = 0.026). Protection lasted for at least 20 weeks after a primary oil adjuvant vaccination. There was also a strong and significant relationship between IgG antibody levels and the passive protection afforded by serum transfer in each experiment within this study and the overall correlation was highly significant (P = 0.00001). There appeared to be a relationship between protection and the antibody response to major protein bands with the apparent molecular mass Mr. 94,000; 80,000; 67,000; 35,000 and 32,000 as well as to the bands in the region of the lipopolysaccharide components of P. multocida (approximately Mr, 14-15,000). Whether protection resulted from recognition of specific antigens or was a result of both antibody levels and antibody specificity remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-seven young buffaloes were experimentally infected or naturally exposed to haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS). Of these animals 32 became immune carriers. They were observed in groups for periods up to 360 days to monitor the appearance of pasteurellae in the nasopharynx and antibody status. In most animals pasteurellae appeared in the nasopharynx for a short period initially and disappeared. The organism reappeared intermittently and the longest observed period of reappearance was 215 days after exposure. All animals showed rising antibody titres with a peak lasting for 150 to 180 days and declining thereafter. Pasteurellae persisted in the tonsils and were isolated from 20 out of 27 carriers after slaughter. The longest period when isolation was made after slaughter was 229 days. The organism lodged in the tonsils was unaffected by antibacterial therapy using drugs to which the organism displayedin vitro sensitivity. It is concluded that in HS, carrier animals exist in an active as well as a latent state, the former appearing for short intermittent periods between long latent periods, when pasteurellae continue to remain in the tonsils which constitute a long-term reservoir.
Persistencia Del Estado De Portador De Septicemia Hemorragica (Infeccion ConPasteurella Multocida Serotipo 6:B) Bufalos
Resumen Cincuenta y siete búfalos jóvenes fueron infectados experimentalmente o expuestos naturalmente a septicemia hemorrágica (SH). Treinta y dos de estos animales se volvieron portadores inmunes. Los búfalos fueron observados en grupos por períodos de hasta 360 días, para detectar la aparición de la pasteurela en la nasofaringe y de anticuerpos. En la mayoría de los animales la pasteurela apareció en la nasofaringe por un período inicial corto y desapareció. El organismo reapareció intermitentemente y el período más largo observado fue 215 días después de la exposición. Todos los animales tuvieron un aumento de anticuerpos, con un pico que duró de 150 a 180 días, declinando después. La pasteurela persistió en las tonsilas y fue aislada en 20 de 27 portadores después del sacrificio. El período más largo de aislamiento, después del sacrificio, fue de 229 días. El organismo alojado en las tonsilas, no fue afectado por terapia antibacterial, utilizando drogas a las cuales la bacteria fue sensitivain vitro. Se concluye que en SH, los animales portadores existen en estado activo y latente, apareciendo el primero por períodos intermitentes cortos, entre largos períodos latentes, cuando pasteurela se aloja en las tonsilas, las cuales constituyen un reservario permanente.

Persistance De La Situation De Porteur Chez Des Buffles Atteints De Septicemie Hemorragique APasteurella Multocida, Serotype 6:B
Résumé Cinquante sept jeunes buffles ont été infectés expérimentalement ou naturellement exposés à la septicémie hémorragique (HS). Parmi eux, 32 sont devenus des porteurs immuns. Ils ont été suivis par groupes pendant des périodes allant jusqu'à 360 jours pour déceler l'apparition de pasteurelles dans le nasopharynx et caractériser leurs taux d'anticorps. Chez la plupart des animaux, les pasteurelles sont apparues dans le nasopharynx pendant une courte période initiale puis ont disparu mais elles sont réapparues par intermittence et la période de présence la plus longue a été de 215 jours après le contact infectieux. Tous les animaux ont relevé des titres croissants d'anticorps avec un pic d'une durée de 150 à 180 jours suivi d'un déclin ultérieur. Les pasteurelles ont persisté dans les amygdales et ont été isolées sur 20 des 27 porteurs aprés abatage. La période la plus longue pendant laquelle l'isolement a pu être réalisé après abattage a été de 229 jours. L'organisme hébergé dans les amygdales a résisté a une thérapie antibactérienne avec des médicaments auxquels il se révélait sensiblein vitro. En conclusion, dans la septicémie hémorragique, il reste des porteurs actifs aussi bien que latents. Les premiers apparaissent par intermittence pendant des épisodes de courte durée, entre de longues périodes de latence, alors que les pasteurelles restent présentes dans les amygdales. Celles-ci jouent de ce fait le rôle d'un réservoir à long terme.

The cell-free antigen (CFA) obtained from the culture supernatant of Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) and the toxin (PMT) purified from CFA were inactivated and mixed with oil adjuvant to prepare a trial vaccine. Both of the mice immunized with CFA and PMT toxoid vaccine were noticeably protected against intratracheal challenge with toxigenic strains of P. multocida. Nevertheless, the protective indices of the mice immunized with CFA vaccine indicate that it is more protective and clears away the bacteria more promptly than in the mice immunized with PMT vaccine. The results suggested that CFA would possibly be good as an effective antigen to toxigenic strains of P. multocida infection.  相似文献   

Challenge infections of calves with Pasteurella multocida were established to characterize the local inflammatory response and determine the effect of previous exposure to live bacteria on the post-challenge immune response. Experimental infections were established by intratracheal inoculation of P. multocida in both naive calves and calves that had been previously vaccinated with two subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of live bacteria. Histological, immunohistological and cytokine expression studies were performed on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples, lung parenchymal tissues and lung lymph nodes (LN). In comparison to uninfected control animals in which no lung lesions were observed, a patchy to confluent bronchopneumonia was observed following infection of naive calves, characterized by abscess formation, haemorrhage, oedema and suppurative consolidation. Cellular analysis following infection of naive animals was characterized by an influx of neutrophils in the BAL, with macrophages and dendritic cells observed in the lesion perimeter. A significant increase in the number of CD8(+) blasts expressing MHC (major histocompatibility) II was also observed in the BAL of infected calves. Decreased expression of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and increased expression of IL-8 compared to naive unchallenged controls was apparent in lung LN. In comparison, a more limited pathology was observed in vaccinated animals post-challenge, indicating partial protection conferred by the s.c. immunization with live bacteria. Studies of vaccinated animals showed the presence of bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) in the lung tissue and an increase in the number of B-cells and CD4(+) T-cells expressing MHCII in the lung LN after challenge. In contrast to primary infection, there was no significant influx of neutrophils in the BAL. Instead, a population of newly recruited monocytes/macrophages was observed. Increased IL-2 expression and decreased IL-8 expression was observed in the LN, while IL-1 beta expression was not detected. The reduced neutrophil and increase monocyte response in the vaccinated calves may be associated with significant changes in the gamma delta T lymphocyte population in the BAL.  相似文献   

Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is an acute disease of cattle and buffaloes caused by Pasteurella multocida 6:B. Outbreaks of the disease have been closely associated with carrier animals that transmit the organism to susceptible animals during stressful condition. This study was conducted to determine whether goats exposed intranasally to P. multocida 6:B can transmit the organism to contact goats. Thirty-six healthy local Katjang goats were divided into four groups and goats of groups 1 and 3 were each inoculated intranasally with a 1-ml inoculum that contained 1 x 10(9) CFU/ml of live P. multocida 6:B. Following the exposure, all goats of groups 3 and 4 were injected with dexamethasone at the rate of 1 mg/kg for three consecutive days. At the end of the dexamethasone treatment, goats of groups 1 and 2 were commingled but kept separate from goats of groups 3 and 4, which were commingled in another pen. Three surviving goats from each group were killed on days 7, 14 and 21 post-exposure for postmortem examination. Naso-pharyngeal mucus and heart blood were collected on swabs. Tissues from lungs, lymph nodes and tonsils were collected for bacteriological isolation and identification. Only one goat of group 3 died 6 days post-exposure showing clinical signs and lesions typical of HS. Other goats showed mild signs of upper respiratory tract infection. Goats of all groups developed acute mild pneumonic lesions, however, those treated with dexamethasone had significantly (P < 0.05) more extensive lesion scoring based on the lesion scoring system. P. multocida 6:B was isolated from the nasal mucosa and lung lesions of exposed and contact goats not treated with dexamethasone. Exposed and contact goats treated with dexamethasone carried the organism for 21 days. P. multocida isolation from heart blood was made only from exposed and contact goats treated with dexamethasone. P. multocida was isolated from the lymph node of the goat that died during the experiment.  相似文献   

The immunoprotective efficacy of Pasteurella multocida (6:B) outer membrane proteins (OMPs) was examined in the mouse model. Bacterial OMPs were extracted using sarkosyl method and analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Prototype vaccines were prepared using OMPs with adjuvants including dioleoyl phosphatidyl choline-based liposome and Montanide ISA206 water-in oil-in water emulsion. Antibody response to the vaccine was monitored using indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The results of the study showed that immunized mice had high titre with both the formulations. The vaccinated mice were able to survive a live virulent bacterial challenge. Based on the findings of the study it can be inferred that OMPs are important determinants of immunoprotection hence can serve as vaccine candidates against haemorrhagic septicaemia.  相似文献   

为研究多杀性巴氏杆菌转铁结合蛋白TbpA的免疫原性,本试验利用PCR从牛源A型多杀性巴氏杆菌HB01基因组中扩增了TbpA的编码基因tbpA,并将其克隆至原核表达载体pET-30α(+)上,转化至大肠杆菌BL21中进行诱导表达。SDS-PAGE检测结果显示,rTbpA蛋白成功表达。Western blot证实该蛋白能够与抗多杀性巴氏杆菌HB01血清发生阳性反应。将rTbpA免疫小鼠后,分别于免疫后14,28 d采血,利用ELISA试验检测血清中的抗体滴度,结果显示血清中的抗rTbpA蛋白的IgG抗体显著升高(P0.05)。感染试验结果显示,免疫rTbpA蛋白能够保护70%的小鼠抵抗多杀性巴氏杆菌的致死性攻击,并且病理切片结果表明,免疫小鼠的肺部损伤相对于对照组小鼠显著降低。本试验为筛选新型的多杀性巴氏杆菌免疫原性蛋白提供依据。  相似文献   

Toxin produced by Pasteurella multocida type D was investigated for its effect on serum complement and serum biochemistry in rats. Rats were given a sublethal single subcutaneous injection of D toxin equivalent to 0.2 microgram/kg of body weight. Serum obtained 1, 3, 5 and 7 days post-treatment was tested for complement activity, total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Serum complement titers were significantly elevated (P less than 0.05) at all times after injection of toxin compared to rats injected with diluent and tested at the same intervals. Bilirubin was decreased but both control and D toxin-treated rats had low concentrations of bilirubin in their sera. The other biochemical constituents measured had no consistent pattern that would indicate liver damage in the rats.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the haemolytic and cytotoxic activity of Pasteurella multocida B:2 strains, originally from cases of haemorrhagic septicaemia in cattle. All six P. multocida B:2 strains were non-haemolytic on sheep blood agar (SBA) and horse blood agar (HBA) when grown aerobically and on SBA anaerobically but they were haemolytic on HBA when grown anaerobically. No haemolytic activity against horse red blood cells was detected in culture supernates from aerobically or anaerobically grown cultures and only very weak haemolytic activity was obtained in supernates or pellet fractions from sonicated cells. However, after repeated extraction of sonicated cells with Tween 80, haemolytic activity was found in various cell fractions, both Tween-soluble and -insoluble. The Tween-extracted putative haemolysin and other bacterial fractions were also cytotoxic for mouse macrophage-like J774.2 cells. Further characterisation of the putative haemolysin revealed it to be a heat-labile, non-pore-forming protein of molecular weight >10 kDa whose activity was completely destroyed by trypsin and greatly reduced with protease and proteinase K treatment. Congo red also reduced the haemolytic activity. Non-denaturing gel-electrophoresis and RBC agar overlay revealed clear haemolytic zones but suggested that Tween was bound to some component of the P. multocida B:2 fractions and was responsible, to some extent, for the haemolytic activity observed. However, the effect of heat and other reagents on the Tween-extracted fractions and the lack of haemolytic activity in different Tween-extracted cell fractions of organisms other than P. multocida suggested that some proteinaceous component of the organism could indeed act as a haemolysin. This putative haemolysin may be one of the virulence attributes of P. multocida, but its characterisation and role in pathogenesis require further study.  相似文献   

为研究牛多杀性巴氏杆菌(P.multocida)高亲和力锌吸收蛋白znuA的免疫学活性及其免疫保护作用,本研究利用PCR方法扩增了P.multocida znuA基因,构建表达载体pET-28a-znuA,将其转化E.coli BL21后经诱导表达。表达产物经SDS-PAGE和western blot分析显示,重组蛋白约40 ku;以重组znuA蛋白免疫小鼠后用P.multocida菌株Y-1攻毒,结果显示重组znuA蛋白对免疫组小鼠保护率为60%,表明其具有免疫保护作用。本研究首次在原核系统中表达了P.multocida znuA蛋白,且验证了其免疫保护力,为深入探究znuA基因在P.multocida致病过程中的作用及其亚单位疫苗的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolytica produce specific proteins in the outer membrane under iron-depleted conditions. Pasteurella multocida serovar A expresses these proteins of molecular masses of 76 and 96 kDa as determined by electrophoresis. The analogous serovar D produces a further iron-regulated protein of 85 kDa. The Pasteurella haemolytica strains of serovar A1, A6 and T contain iron-regulated outer membrane proteins of molecular masses of 71, 77 and 100 kDa. These proteins possess binding positions for iron ions. Both Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolytica strains utilize iron from porcine and bovine transferrin, but not from haemin and haemoglobin.  相似文献   

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