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The toxic effects of Cd2+ on Ca2+ influx kinetics in developing tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) larvae were evaluated. Addition of 20 µg l-1 of Cd2+ to the environment of 0 and 3 day-old larvae competitively inhibited the Ca2+ uptake within 4h resulting in a great increase in Km values for Ca2+ influx (19.3 and 17.4 fold, respectively) as compared with their respective controls. Consequently, the actual Ca2+ influx of larvae in solutions of 0.2 mM Ca2+ are suppressed by 32–45%. Also, 3 day-old larvae were more sensitive to internally accumulated Cd2+ than 0 day-old larvae. Although the Ca2+ influx in 0 and 3 day-old larvae may be restored to the levels of their respective controls with 24h of being transferred to a 20 µg l-1 Cd2+ solution, total body Ca2+ content was significantly reduced in 3 day-old larvae. Increased Ca2+ uptake efficiency ensures sufficient Ca2+ for normal growth. However, rapid increase in Ca2+ influx after hatching also leads to higher Cd2+ uptake. Exposure to Cd2+ will lead to a drop in body Ca2+ content resulting in retardation of larval growth. Therefore, we conclude that if Ca2+ uptake is interfered with at this critical stage of development, larvae will not be able to maintain normal levels of body Ca2+ and will show signs of Cd2+ poisoning.  相似文献   

Tilapia larvae were exposed to 0 (control), 50 (50-Cd) or 100 (100-Cd) μg l-1 cadmium for 4 days and then transferred to cadmium-free fresh water for 3 days of detoxification. Total length and weight, calcium influx and total body calcium and cadmium content were examined at various times during detoxification. All the groups grew normally with regards to total length and body weight. Within the first 12h of detoxification the 50- and 100-Cd exposed groups released cadmium at the similar rate of about 24 ng mg-1 h-1 (or 140 ng larva-1 h-1). Later, however, this rate declined to only 4–16% of the initial level. Calcium influx in the control group showed a 10–26% increase during the detoxification period. Calcium influx in the 50-Cd group increased by about 280% and reached it peak at 12h. Calcium influx in the 100-Cd group increased by 440% and did not peak until 24h after transfer. After peaking, the influxes in both 50- and 100-Cd groups declined to the level of control at the end of the experiment. Calcium contents in 50- and 100-Cd groups increased more rapidly than that in control group within first 24h of the detoxification period. However the rate of increase in calcium content in three groups was the same after 24h. The changes in calcium influx appeared to be correlated with those in calcium content, and these suggested that tilapia larvae regulate the mechanism of calcium balance to compensate for the reduced calcium level in the body. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Changes in Ca2+ content and flux, and the development of skin chloride cells in embryos and larvae of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, were studied. Tilapia embryos hatched within 96h at an ambient temperature of 26–28°C. Total body Ca2+ content was maintained at a constant level, about 4–8 nmol per individual, during embryonic development. However, a rapid increase in body Ca2+ level was observed after hatching, 12.8 to 575.3 nmol per individual from day 1 to day 10 after hatching. A significant influx and efflux of Ca2+ occurred during development, with the average influx rate for Ca2+ increasing from 5.9 pmol mg−1 h−1 at 48h postfertilization to 47.8 pmol mg−1 h−1 at 1 day posthatching. The skin was proposed as the main site for Ca2+ influx before the development of gills, and the increased Ca2+ influx may be ascribed to gradual differentiation of skin surface and chloride cells during embryonic development. Ca2+ efflux was 16–56 pmol mg−1 h−1 in 1-day-old larvae. The resulting net influx of Ca2+, 10–12 pmol mg−1 h−1, accounted for the increased Ca2+ content after hatching. When comparing the measured and estimated ratios of efflux and influx, active transport was suggested to be involved in the uptake of Ca2+. Chloride cells, which may be responsible for the active uptake of Ca2+, started to differentiate in the skin of embryos 48h after fertilization, and the density of chloride cells increased following the development. A possibility of active transport for Ca2+ in early developmental stages of tilapia is suggested.  相似文献   

Treatment of one-day-old yolksac larvae of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), by immersion in cortisol solution for two weeks, significantly enhanced growth. The standard length, tail length, head width and wet weight showed dose-dependent increases at concentrations of cortisol (hydrocortisone) from 0.05 ppm to 0.5 ppm, with no further increase at 1.0 ppm. However, cortisol at 5.0 ppm retarded the growth of the larvae without causing any morphological abnormality. Yolk absorption and the onset of free-swimming activity in the larvae were also accelerated by cortisol treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to confirm previous results on the mediation of GnRH signal in tilapia by providing evidence from experiments in cultured pituitary cells and from perifusion experiments using a GnRH-antagonist. After 4 days in culture under identical conditions, cells taken from pituitaries of fish maintained at 26°C were more sensitive to GnRHa ([D-Ala6, Pro9-NEt]-LHRH) than those taken from fish maintained at 19°C. Cells from female pituitaries were more responsive than those from males. taGTH release in culture was augmented by Ca2+ ionophore (A23187; 1–100 μM) or ionomycin (0.02–10 μM). The response of perifused pituitary to GnRH was reduced by nimodipine (1–10 μM) indicating that Ca2+ influx via voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels is involved in the stimulation of GTH release. Activation of protein kinase C by OAG (1-oleyl-2-acetyl glycerol; 0.16–160 μM) or TPA (1-O-tetra-decanoyl phorbol-13-acetate; 1.25–125 nM) resulted in a dose-dependent stimulation of taGTH release from cultured cells. Arachidonic acid (0.33–330 μM) also augmented the release of taGTH from the culture. Four sequential pulses of sGnRH (100 nM) at 2h intervals resulted in surges of taGTH release from perifused pituitary fragments; the surges were similar in magnitude with no signs of desensitization. Sequential stimulation with graded doses of sGnRH (0.1 nM to 1 μM) in the presence of GnRH-antagonist ([Pro2,6, Trp3]-GnRH) resulted in an attenuation of taGTH release. However, the GnRH-antagonist did not alter the pattern of forskolin-stimulated GTH release, indicating that forskolin stimulation is exerted at the level of the adenohypophyseal cells. It is concluded that, as in other vertebrates, the transduction of GnRH stimulation of GTH release involves Ca2+ influx through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels, mobilization of the ion from intracellular sources, arachidonic acid and activation of PKC. Adenylate cyclase-cAMP system us also involved in the mediation but its relationship with other transduction cascades requires further investigations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of feed colour on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae and fingerlings. In the first experiment, triplicate groups of newly hatched larvae (0.01 g fish−1) were stocked in 40 L glass aquaria at a density of 2 fish L−1. The fish were fed a test diet (400 g kg−1 crude protein) with six different colours (dark blue, dark green, red, dark brown, yellow and light brown) for 60 days. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets, while light‐coloured diets (yellow and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Dark diets also produced higher body protein than light diets. Body water, lipids and ash showed irregular trends. In the second experiment, triplicate groups of Nile tilapia fingerlings (5.30 g fish−1) were stocked in 140‐L aquaria, in a recirculating indoor system. The fish were fed a test diet (350 g kg−1 crude protein) with the same colours used in the larval trial, for 60 days. Growth rates, feed efficiency, survival and body composition were not significantly affected by feed colours. These results suggest that Nile tilapia larvae are visual feeders, and they prefer dark‐coloured diets to light‐coloured diets, while fingerling fish showed no preference to diet colours.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects of IL-1 (interleukin 1) and LPS (bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide) on the release of α-MSH (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone) from the neurointermediate lobe (NIL) of the teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (tilapia). In vivo treatment of tilapia with IL-1 for 8 days led to a 49% inhibition of basal α-MSH release, measured by means of an in vitro micro-superfusion technique. The treatment did not affect the sensitivity of the tissue to TRH. In vitro, the release of α-MSH was inhibited by LPS in a dose dependent manner. In addition to its effects on the unstimulated release of the hormone, LPS also blunted the response to a TRH stimulation. Together with recent results obtained by others demonstrating the effects of (neuro-)peptides on immune parameters and the presence of cytokines in fish, the present data establish the bidirectional character of the communication between the immune and the (neuro-)endocrine systems in teleosts.
Résumé Cette étude décrit les effets de l'IL-1 (interleukin 1) et du LPS (bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide) sur la libération de α-MSH (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone) par le lobe neurointermédiaire (NIL) d'un téléosteen Oreochromis mossambicus (tilapia). Le traitement in vivo du tilapia avec l'IL-1 pendent 8 jours conduit à une inhibition de 49% de la libération basale d'α-MSH mesurée à l'aide d'une technique in vitro de micro-superfusion. Ce traitement ne modifie pas la sensibilité du tissue au TRH. In vitro, la libération de α-MSH est inhibée par le LPS de manière dose-dépendante. En plus de ses effets sur la libération basale de α-MSH, le LPS bloque aussi la réponse à une stimulation par le TRH. Confrontés à des donnés récemment publiés montrant les effets de (neuro-)peptides sur les paramêtres immunitaires et la présence de cytokines chez les poissons, nos résultats établissent le caractère bidirectionnel de la communication entre le système immunitaire et les systèmes (neuro-)endocriniens.

Lysozyme was purified from the ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, with two steps, chitin coated-cellulose and Sephadex G-100, and its biological properties were investigated. Purified lysozyme had a molecular mass of 15kDa on SDS-PAGE under reducing condition. Analyses with antibody (a-EL) against the purified lysozyme revealed that serum and egg extract reacted with a-EL and the precipitin lines fused completely. The enzyme activities in serum and egg extract were inhibited by adding serially diluted a-EL. Therefore, egg extract and serum lysozyme was immunologically identical. Immunohistochemically, lysozyme was observed in the ooplasm of the oocytes laden with yolk but not in the follicle layers, egg envelope or immature oocytes (the peri-nucleolus stage). In addition, the enzyme activity in the large oocytes was higher than that in the small ones. These results suggest that lysozyme detected in the oocytes is derived from extra-ovarian tissue and transfers from the maternal circulation. Lysozyme activity in the serum of female tilapia increased with oocyte development, suggesting that the change in the enzyme level may be partially related to the reproductive events (especially vitellogenesis) of the female fish.  相似文献   

Branchial plasma membranes from the freshwater cichlid teleostOreochromis mossambicus (tilapia) contain two Na+-dependent ATPases: Na+/K+ ATPase, and an amiloride-sensitive ATPase which is postulated to operate as a Na+/H+ (–NH4 +) ATPase. It is suggested that both enzyme activities are located in the basolateral membrane system of the chloride cells. K+ has opposing effects on the two enzymes: it stimulates Na+/K+ ATPase and inhibits Na+/H+ (–NH4 +) ATPase activity. Na+/H+ ATPase appears more sensitive to NH4 + at low concentrations than Na+/K+ ATPase and the stimulatory effect by NH4 + ions on the first enzyme could be important in facilitating NH4 + excretion by tilapia gills under physiological conditions.In vitro maximum stimulation by NH4 + is similar for the two enzymes (200%). In contrast to Na+/K+ ATPase, Na+/H+ ATPase activity is inhibited by supra-physiological (>20 mM) concentrations of NH4 +.  相似文献   

We have previously reported growth-promoting effects of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH) in Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, after 4 weekly injections or a single injection of slow-releasing formulation (Posilac®) (Leedom et al. 2002). In order to obtain further understanding of the role of the growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis in growth in the tilapia, the effects of rbGH on plasma and mRNA levels of IGF-I were examined. Plasma IGF-I levels were significantly increased after rbGH and Posilac® injections, and a significant correlation was observed between plasma IGF-I levels, body length and mass in both treatments. IGF-I mRNA levels in the liver and in the skeletal muscle were also significantly increased after rbGH and Posilac® injections, indicating that IGF-I gene expression in these tissues is under control of circulating GH. IGF-I mRNA levels in the gill were not affected by treatment. Liver IGF-I mRNA levels were significantly correlated with body length and with body mass after rbGH and Posilac® injections. These results indicate that the growth-promoting effect of rbGH in this species is mediated to a significant extent via its stimulation of hepatic production of IGF-I and the resulting increase in plasma IGF-I, and also possibly through locally produced IGF-I in the skeletal muscle, acting in a paracrine or autocrine fashion.  相似文献   

Two forms of vitellogenin were isolated by DEAE agarose ion-exchange chromatography from plasma of the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. The monomers have apparent molecular masses of 200 and 130 kDa, as indicated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and a total amount of phosphorus of 1.7 and 0.1%, respectively. Antibodies specific to the two forms, designated tVTG-200 and tVTG-130, were generated in rabbits and used to develop enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and in Western blot analyses of plasma and oocyte extract. SDS-PAGE of the oocyte extract showed a major protein band at 106.6, minor bands at 26.6, 24.2, and 23.7 kDa, and very faint bands at 83.4 and 17.5 kDa. Western blots of the oocyte extract revealed that the antiserum to tVTG-200 recognized strongly the protein bands at 24.2 and 23.7 kDa, and less strongly the bands at 25.1 and 22.6 kDa, whereas the antiserum to tVTG-130 recognized mainly the protein band at 106.6 kDa. The presence of both VTGs in untreated male tilapia was detected with the ELISAs using relatively high plasma volumes. Their presence in males was confirmed by VTG-like immunoreactive materials eluting from the ion-exchange column at the same positions as tVTG-200 and tVTG-130. The concentrations of the VTGs in males were several orders of magnitude lower than in vitellogenic females. Treatment of male tilapia with estradiol-17β (E2) induced both VTGs within 24h. After 7 days, tVTG-130 reached a maximum concentration in plasma, whereas tVTG-200 continued to increase. Our findings demonstrate that the two vitellogenins are biochemically distinct, possibly differentially regulated, and made by both sexes.  相似文献   

Treatment of one-day old yolksac larvae of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) by immersion in 0.05 ppm T4 or 0.01 ppm T3 significantly accelerated the differentiation and growth of all the fins, particularly pectoral and tail fins. Both the treatments also significantly accelerated yolk absorption and transition to free-swimming activity in the larvae. The treatments also significantly accelerated the growth of the larvae, with T3 at 0.01 ppm having a greater effect than T4 at 0.05 ppm. The yolk conversion efficiency was found not to be significantly affected by the hormone treatments but the treated larvae exhibited an increased heart beat, suggesting metabolic stimulation by the hormones.On the other hand, yolk absorption and free-swimming activity were significantly delayed in tilapia larvae immersed in 25 ppm solution of an antithyroid drug, phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). PTC also retarded the growth of the larvae. T4 (0.05 and 0.10 ppm) or T3 (0.01 and 0.02 ppm) therapy removed the PTC-inhibition,albeit not completely, suggesting that thyroid hormones are involved in the larval growth and development of tilapia.  相似文献   

The effect of sulfide on K+ influx pathways was measured in red blood cells (RBCs) of sulfide-sensitive rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sulfide-tolerant crucian carp (Carassius carassius). In trout RBCs, maximal inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase was attained at 10 mol l–1 sulfide and amounted to 32% without being influenced by pH between 6.7 and 8.3. Ouabain-resistant K+ influx in the absence and presence of sulfide was insignificant at pH values between 6.7 and 7.7. At higher pH values ouabain-resistant K+ influx increased, but was inhibited to about 15% by 30 mol l–1 sulfide. In RBCs of crucian carp neither Na+, K+-ATPase nor ouabain-resistant K+ influx were affected by sulfide concentrations up to 850 mol l–1. Differences in sulfide-sensitivity of K+ influx between both species can be based upon different properties of the membrane transporter themselves. The reduced Na+, K+-ATPase activity in trout RBCs may also result from a slightly reduced (by 9%) ATP level after sulfide exposure. In addition, intracellular sulfide concentrations were higher in trout RBCs as compared to crucian carp. In trout, intracellular sulfide concentrations reached extracellular levels within 5 min of incubation whereas sulfide concentrations in crucian carp RBCs remained about 2-fold lower than extracellular concentrations. Although the physiological basis of sulfide-insensitive K+ influx in crucian carp RBCs is currently unknown it may contribute to the extremely high sulfide-tolerance of this species.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) action on goldfish growth hormone (GH) release were investigated by examining GH release responses from dispersed goldfish pituitary cells to a synthetic mammalian (m)PACAP38 peptide. It was established that GH release stimulated by 2-h exposure to mPACAP38 was concentration-dependent, attenuated by the PACAP receptor antagonist mPACAP6–38, and subject to neuroendocrine modulation by somatostatin. Maximal mPACAP38-stimulated GH release was not additive to the responses elicited by either the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin or the cyclic (c)AMP analog 8-bromo-cAMP. The GH responses to mPACAP38, forskolin and 8-bromo-cAMP, either alone or in combination, were abolished by H89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor. SQ22536, an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, attenuated forskolin- and mPACAP38-stimulated GH release. In contrast, mPACAP38-stimulated GH release were additive to the responses to two protein kinase C (PKC) activators and unaffected by two PKC inhibitors. These results suggest that the stimulatory action of PACAP on GH secretion is mediated through a cAMP- / PKA-dependent mechanism, whereas the involvement of PKC appears unlikely. The ability of mPACAP38 to further enhance maximal GnRH (PKC)-dependent GH release, but not dopamine D1 agonist (PKA)-dependent GH secretion, is consistent with this hypothesis. A possible involvement of Ca2+ in PACAP action is also suggested. Two inhibitors of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel reduced the GH responses to mPACAP38 in static incubation; conversely, mPACAP38 increased intracellular [Ca2+] in identified, single goldfish somatotropes.  相似文献   

Biochemical procedures developed to isolate plasma membranes from the branchial epithelium of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yield membrane fractions that are specifically enriched in the plasma membrane marker enzyme Na+/K+-ATPase. As the bulk of the branchial Na+/K+-ATPase is assumed to be confined to the mitochondria-rich chloride cells, such membrane preparations must contain the essence of the enzymatic machinery of the chloride cells. Basal Na+ activity in branchial (chloride) cells is around 10 millimolar and, accordingly, we find a Km for Na+ of the Na+/K+-ATPase of 13 millimolar, indicating that the enzyme may be regulated by changes in cytosolic sodium. The Na+-gradient across the serosal plasma membrane created by this pump provides energy for 3Na+/Ca2+-exchange and bumetanide-sensitive Na+/K+/2Cl--cotransport. Here we further postulate the presence of a Na+/Cl--cotransporter, indicated by thiazide-sensitive, bumetanide-insensitive transport of Na+ and Cl-; this cotransporter activity awaits the characterization of its kinetics. The Na+/Ca2+-exchanger has kinetic characteristics compatible with a regulatory role of cytosolic Na+ in the activity of this carrier. Both Na+/Ca2+-exchange and Ca2+-ATPase activity may contribute to transport of Ca2+, the former having lower affinity for calcium but a higher capacity than the latter carrier. The Na+/K+/2Cl--cotransporter has kinetics that favor a regulatory role for plasma K+ in the activity of this carrier. Seawater adaptation leads to increased activity of cotransporter molecules in the plasma membrane fractions (the activity increases relative to that of the Na+/K+-ATPase) and this may reflect a function in Cl--extrusion performed by the chloride cells in a seawater environment. A function for the cotransporter in the gills of freshwater fish may be the regulation of cell volume.  相似文献   

The tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, exhibits a sexually dimorphic pattern of growth, males growing larger than females. We examined the effects of E2 and DHT on the GH/IGF-I axis and on VTG production in the tilapia. Sexually mature tilapia were injected with 5 μg g body weight of E2 (males) or DHT (females) every 5 days for a total of 3 injections. Female tilapia had significantly higher plasma GH levels than males. However, plasma and liver mRNA levels of IGF-I were significantly lower in females than in males, whereas VTG levels in both the plasma and liver mRNA were significantly higher in females than in males. Although significant amounts of VTG were detected in control males (8 ± 0.3 μg ml), the levels in control females (3000 ± 500 μg ml) were about 400 times higher than in males. Males treated with E2 exhibited a female-like GH/IGF-I profile. That is, they had significantly elevated levels of plasma GH with lower plasma IGF-I and liver IGF-I mRNA levels. Estradiol treatment significantly elevated both plasma and liver mRNA VTG levels. Dihydrotestosterone treatment in females induced a male-like GH/IGF-I profile: plasma GH levels were significantly reduced, whereas plasma and liver IGF-I mRNA levels were significantly elevated. Both plasma and liver mRNA levels of VTG were not altered by DHT treatment. Pituitary GH mRNA levels were similar in all treatment groups. These results clearly indicate that estrogens and androgens feminize and masculinize the GH/IGF-I axis, respectively. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of the Na+/K+ and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios in saline groundwaters on Na+-K+-ATPase activity, survival and growth of Marsupenaeus japonicus postlarvae were investigated. The results indicate that the Na+-K+-ATPase activity, survival rate and weight gain of postlarvae were significantly affected by the Na+/K+ and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios (P < 0.05). The Na+-K+-ATPase activity of postlarvae, in every treatment, changed corresponding to Na+/K+ and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios, and came to a stable level after 24 h. There was a negative relation between Na+-K+-ATPase activity and Na+/K+ ratio, while there was a positive relation between Na+-K+-ATPase activity and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio. Compared with seawater (the Na+/K+ and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios are 27.8 and 4.64 respectively), the Na+-K+-ATPase activity of the Na+/K+ ratio 30 treatment showed no significant difference, while the Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio 4.5 treatment showed distinct difference. The survival rates and weight gain of postlarvae increased markedly when the suitable amount of K+ and Ca2+ was added to test water, and arrived at their maximum in the Na+/K+ ratio 20-30 or Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio 4.5 treatment, having no significant difference compared with normal seawater. Therefore, considering the Na+/K+, Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios and the absolute concentration of Mg2+, Ca2+ in the experimental saline groundwaters applied to Marsupenaeus japonicus farming, it should be modulated to around 30, 4.5 and 1312 mg/l, 291 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the changes in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) myofibrillar protein as influenced by multiple freeze-thaw cycles as well as the stabilization effects of sucrose and trisodium citrate on shrimp myofibrils. Shrimp myofibrils in 0.1 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) were mixed individually with sucrose and citrate at concentrations of 0.05 M and were evaluated for Ca2+-ATPase activity, salt solubility, total and reactive sulfhydryl, and surface hydrophobicity during three freeze-thaw cycles. Sucrose and citrate had strong cryoprotective effects against freeze denaturation by retaining higher Ca2+-ATPase activity and salt-soluble myosin and actin, by slowing the reduction of reactive sulfhydryl (SH) and by exposing less hydrophobic groups at the surface of the protein compared with the no-additive sample. Results indicated that both cryoprotectants had suppressive effect against protein denaturation and helped stabilize white shrimp myofibrillar protein during the freeze-thaw process. This study suggests that sucrose and citrate stabilized the protein structure by retarding the unfolding of protein; thus, the native protein could be protected during frozen storage.  相似文献   

The euryhaline Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) shows a more marked ability to adapt to low magnesium levels in food and water than many other fish species. Nonetheless, the internal distribution of magnesium is altered under low-magnesium conditions. The amount of magnesium in scales, and to a lesser extent the vertebral bone, is reduced and hence serve as magnesium reservoirs. The magnesium concentration of muscle is only marginally reduced by low external magnesium, suggesting that magnesium is partitioned to ensure normal muscle functioning. The water magnesium is of vital importance, as exposure to low-magnesium water markedly deminished the ability of tilapia to adapt to low-magnesium feeding. However, magnesium intake from the water, eithervia the integument or drinking, does not increase in lowmagnesium fed fish, despite an increased opercular chloride cell density. The growth related magnesium accumulation of tilapia under low-magnesium conditions approximates the total intake of the element (from the food and from the water), indicating that magnesium losses are minimized and that the magnesium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract may be highly efficient and very important.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of increasing levels of methionine (Met) supplementation on the success of almost total replacement of fish meal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM) in diets for hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis mossambicus). Fish were fed for 70 days a FM‐based diet (Diet1‐positive control) or SBM‐based diets supplemented with graded levels of DL‐methionine (Diet2 to Diet7). Contrast in dietary Met, concentration was created by supplementing Diet2‐negative control with 1.2 (Diet3), 2.4 (Diet4), 3.6 (Diet5), 4.8 (Diet6) or 6.0 g kg?1 (Diet7) of DL‐Met. Specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein gain and retention efficiency (PER) improved significantly with increasing levels of dietary DL‐Met supplementation. Moreover, nonlinear regression analysis of the effects of supplementing SBM‐based diet with graded levels of DL‐Met indicated that a dietary Met + Cys level of 15.7 and 12.5 g kg?1 diet (as fed) was required to reach 95% of maximum weight and protein gain, respectively. Supplementation of SBM‐based diet with graded levels of DL‐Met proved an effective strategy in reducing FM content in practical diets for hybrid tilapia. Data also indicate that adjustment of dietary formulas according to currently recommended Met or Met + Cys dietary concentrations is probably limiting maximum growth potential of hybrid tilapia.  相似文献   

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