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为了探求荔枝蝽蟓的综合防治方法,本文对荔枝蝽蟓的生物学特性(田間迁移习性和大发生因子)、药剂防治与生物防治配合的可能性,进行了初步研究。荔枝蝽蟓在广州地区年发生一代,卵期在3月上、中旬开始、盛期在3月下旬至5月中旬,以后渐少,8月底結束。职成虫越冬,越冬場所除荔枝树外,尚有龙跟树、烏欖树、黄皮树、芒果树、鴨脚木、蔭香树等。荔枝蝽蟓的成虫、若虫和卵,以多花果树上发生較多。荔枝蝽蟓的大发生,与当年花果树多少有密切关系,卵寄生蜂和鳥类也有一定抑制作用。荔枝蝽蟓的防治:收果后期噴射敌百虫(1:800倍浓度)对成、若虫都有更好防治作用;用蝽卵跳小蜂、黄腹卵蜂防治亦有一定效果。如两者结合施用,配合恰当,可減少用药次数,保持卵寄生蜂群落,从而收更全面防治效果。  相似文献   

食物显著地影响荔枝蝽的卵巢发育,产卵量和成虫的产卵期寿命,罩养于支树花(果)枝上,荔枝蝽每雌平均产卵222.3粒,净增殖率为110.57;雌、雄成虫的平均寿命分别为96.25和93.19d。罩养于嫩枝上者,每雌平均产卵193.4 ,净增殖率为96.26;雌、雄成虫的平均寿命分别为89.69和89.25d。罩养于老枝上的成虫不能产卵,雌,雄成虫的平均寿命分别为70.44和70.31d。在花(果)枝上  相似文献   

The stink bugs genus Atopozelus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is native in the Americas, with five described species of which only three have been recorded in Brazil. In August 2007, Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves infested by lerp psyllid were collected and taken to the Forest Pest Biological Control Laboratory situated at São Paulo State University. A small green stink bug, identified as Atopozelus opsimus Elkins (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) that fed on nymphs and adult psyllids, was found on the leaves. These stink bugs presented phytophagy, omnivory and ability in opening the lerp (shell) that protect the psyllid. A. opsimus has demonstrated unusual particularities, different from many biological control agents found in nature; this predator thus deserves more attention for its potential to be evaluated.  相似文献   

为探明荔枝蝽Tessaratoma papillosa体内细菌的群落组成及特点,自福建省、广东省、广西壮族自治区、海南省、云南省和台湾省采集荔枝蝽成虫或若虫30个样本,采用Illumina HiSeq高通量测序方法对其体内细菌的16S rRNA V3+V4保守区进行测序分析。结果显示,6省区荔枝蝽成虫及海南省1龄若虫的优势菌为变形菌门γ-变形菌纲肠杆菌目泛菌属Pantoea;福建省、广东省和广西壮族自治区1龄若虫的优势菌为放线菌门放线菌纲链霉菌目链霉菌属Streptomyces。6省区荔枝蝽成虫之间细菌多样性差异不显著,成虫体内优势菌群均为肠杆菌;但6省区1龄若虫之间细菌组成及其占比差异显著,其中福建省、广东省和广西壮族自治区1龄若虫体内优势菌群为链霉菌,海南省1龄若虫体内优势菌群为肠杆菌。表明荔枝蝽成虫和若虫体内共生细菌多样性差异明显,荔枝蝽成虫体内优势菌为肠杆菌,而多数1龄若虫体内优势菌为链霉菌。  相似文献   

利用人工寄主卵繁殖平腹小蜂防治荔枝蝽   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用人工寄主卵繁殖平腹小蜂防治荔枝蝽,首次获得成功。筛选出12种人工卵卵液配方、卵壳材料和“羊1号”防腐剂。人工寄主卵繁殖平腹小蜂,化蛹率74.34~93.49%,羽化率66.5~89.49%。在笼罩荔枝上及果园中释放防治荔枝蝽,卵粒寄生率分别达89.12%和89.45%。初步看出,用人工寄主卵代替自然寄主卵来繁殖平腹小蜂,可能是解决中间寄主的新途径。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros (F.) is an important pest for many crops in several countries and its ability to survive on associated...  相似文献   

不同施氮量对杂交水稻纹枯病、紫鞘病及云形病的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着化肥生产的迅速发展,稻田施氮量逐年增加。有些地区由于有机肥料的减少,不适当的增施化肥,出现“偏氮、偏多、偏晚”的三偏现象,从而导致水稻病害严重发生。本试验从氮肥这单一因子出发,在其他栽培措施相同的条件下,通过定位观察,系统调查,以探明不同施氮量以及无机氮肥与有机氮肥一定的配比,对杂交水稻纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solain)、紫鞘病(Acrocylindrium oryzae)和云形病(Rhycho-sporium oryzae)发生的影响。  相似文献   

The pine lappet moth, Kunugia latipennis Walker (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), is the major insect pest of pines found in the northeastern hilly region of India. Recently, an outbreak of lappet moths was observed in the mid-altitude hills of Meghalaya during May?CJune 2011. In this report, attempts are made to describe a recent outbreak of K. latipennis in the region. Females were found to be highly fecund and have the potential to cause severe damage to the pine forest. Incubation and pupal period were found to be 8?±?0.2?days and 16.1?±?0.3?days, respectively. However, many natural regulatory factors were observed during the course of time, which had substantial impact on their survival: these include mainly extreme weather fluctuations and natural enemies. Moths were found to be positively phototrophic; therefore, light traps could be the best option to manage the outbreak.  相似文献   


Wodlly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hsm.) is widely distributed in India. It reproduces all year round on apple and crab apple. Alates are produced from July to November and lay nymphs with degenerate mouth parts. The infestation is spread by nursery plants and air currents. The pest is controlled in the nursery either by dip-treatment with fenitrothion (0.025%) or dichlorvos (0.088%) or by soil application of phorate granules (2.5–3.0 g a.i.) during spring. Subterranean populations can be controlled with granules of dimethoate (15 g a.i.), aldicarb (5.0 g a.i.) or carbofuran (3.0 g a.i.). Aerial populations are controlled by autumn sprays of fenitrothion + dichlorvos + demeton-methyl (0.05%), vamidothion (0.025%), phosophamidon (0.035%) or dimethoate (0.03%). Banding of the trunk base with granules has been found useful in reducing reinfestation by checking the first instar nymphs, which migrate between the aerial and subterranean parts. Resistant root stocks of the ‘M.M.’ series are recommended against the pest.  相似文献   

The nature of damage, seasonal incidence, developmental period and morphometrics of Cochlochila bullita (Stål) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) were studied on Ocimum sanctum L. in Jharkhand province of India. The infestation of C. bullita started in June and continued until December on O. sanctum. The highest population of C. bullita per twig was found to be 63.8 in 2011 and 71.2 in 2012, in the months of August and September, respectively. The highest per leaf population of C. bullita was observed in the month of September in both years. The adults and nymphs of C. bullita were found feeding gregariously on the tender leaf and shoot, and laid eggs – mostly single, but sometimes in groups. Pre-oviposition period, oviposition period and egg incubation period of the bug were 3.37, 15.56 and 6.06 days, respectively, whereas the nymphal period was 11.50 days and the adult period was 21.18 days. This is the first report of feeding of C. bullita on O. sanctum from Jharkhand, India.  相似文献   

2011年-2014年,对河北廊坊枣园绿盲蝽种群周年消长动态进行了系统调查。结果表明,一代绿盲蝽若虫于4月中下旬发生,5月中旬陆续羽化为一代成虫;二代若虫于6月上中旬达到高峰期,6月中旬至7月上旬陆续羽化为二代成虫,随后迁出枣园。8月下旬至9月上旬,绿盲蝽成虫再次迁回枣园。分析发现,早春温度影响绿盲蝽越冬卵孵化进度,温度越高一代若虫出现的时间越早。研究结果为开展枣园绿盲蝽的发生期测报与及时防治提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

The occurrence of flower chafer beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor (Fabricius) (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) damaging the flowers of important grain legumes such as pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) and mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) is reported for the first time from Punjab, India. Heavy infestation of these flower beetles at flowering may cause considerable damage to these crops. A mild to moderate level of infestation of 15?C17 beetles per ten plants was recorded at the time of peak flowering period on both the grain legumes. Adult beetles devour the flowers and buds, thereby greatly reducing the number of pods that are set. Information on important taxonomic characters of the beetle is highlighted in this report. Careful monitoring and timely reporting on this chafer beetle is necessary to avoid any future outbreak.  相似文献   

The hop looper, Hypena humuli Harris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is becoming an increasingly important pest of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) (Rosales: Cannabaceae) in western USA. Currently, control of this pest usually involves broad-spectrum pesticides that kill natural enemies and disrupt biological control of other hop pests. In order to develop better management strategies for H. humuli, field and laboratory studies were conducted over a four-year period to identify the pest's natural enemies and to investigate their phenologies and to assess their impact. Nine parasitoid species and assorted species of invertebrate predator were found to attack different life-stages of H. humuli. Levels of parasitism were consistently low throughout the study period and none of the parasitoids found was a specialist natural enemy of the pests. Exclusion cage studies showed, however, that the complex of natural enemies as a whole can significantly reduce larval densities of the pest, and laboratory studies confirmed successful predation of H. humuli larvae by several generalist predators including the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.), the damsel bug Nabis alternatus Parshley and two species of the geocorid bug genus Geocoris.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), is a pest of many annual and perennial agricultural products. The species is native to...  相似文献   

The buff coconut mealybug, Nipaecoccus nipae (Maskell) (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera), was recorded on tender feeder roots of coconut seedlings at Kayamkulam, Kerala, India. N. nipae was not located on any other arboreal parts of palm including foliage. This is a new distributional record of the pest in Kerala, South India. The concealed nature of the pest on underground feeder roots of coconut seedlings warrants thorough examination at the seedling distribution point of coconut seedlings in order to prevent the spread of this pest to other free zones of the country. Re-emergence of the pest is reported in India after a time gap of 100?years.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug. Halyomorpha halys, (BMSB) is an exotic pest causing damage to fruits and vegetables. They also transmit diseases. Integrated pest management strategies are lacking for this invasive. For the first time, information is presented on the virulence of several entomopathogenic fungi against BMSB. Three Beauveria bassiana and two Metarhizium anispoliae isolates were bioassayed against adult BMSB. One B. bassiana isolate was the active ingredient in BotaniGard® which produced 85 and 100% mortality in 9 and 12 days post treatment, respectively. Experimental isolates ERL 1170 and ERL 1540 were also efficacious. Metarhizium anispoliae isolates produced lower mortalities than the B. bassiana isolates. Data presented showed the potential for management of BMSB with entomopathogenic fungi. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Pests,diseases and weeds of Napier grass,Pennisetum purpureum: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Napier or elephant grass ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) is an important fodder crop in East Africa, particularly in Kenya, where it is used almost exclusively for feeding dairy cattle in cut-and-carry systems. A smut pathogen ( Ustilago kamerunensis P. & H. Sydow) was recently reported as being in the country, causing serious losses in biomass. A preliminary investigation of the grass/smut pathosystem revealed very little information on worldwide pests and diseases of the host. Data were not easily accessible and there was no central reference. This review attempts to address this gap in the literature, particularly with regard to the outbreak of U. kamerunensis, which may focus attention on the pest management of a valuable but comparatively neglected crop.  相似文献   

The data on the first findings of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) in Armenia are presented. The species was found in three localities in the north-eastern part of the country, characterized by subtropical climatic conditions. The species is thought to have spread naturally from neighbouring regions of Georgia or Azerbaijan.  相似文献   

The heteropteran bug, Helopeltis theivora is a polyphagous pest attacking the foliage crop tea and several other crops grown in the old world tropics. Application of synthetic insecticides, especially organophosphate was so far an effective and economic means of conventional management of the pest. Severe selection (bottlenecking) of H. theivora population by exposure to LC80 dose of an organophosphate insecticide, monocrotophos resulted in 105 fold increase in tolerance level in the third generation. The total activity of general esterases (GE) and cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases (CYP450) analogously increased in insecticide-selected F2 generation by 16.4 and 9.5 fold, respectively. Such enhanced enzyme activity could be related to the higher tolerance levels of the selected bug. Electropherogram of GE and CYP450 of the insecticide-selected generations indicated a change in isozyme profile with their elevated expressions. Induced isozymes in insecticide selected generations were only partially inhibited, when blocked by the insecticide. These findings imply that different groups (zones) of isozymes of the detoxifying enzymes are involved in imparting higher tolerance in insecticide-selected generations. Isozyme profiles of defence enzymes can be used as indices for identifying tolerance level in the field population of H. theivora, enabling tea planters to carry out rapid monitoring of the tolerance status of the pest populations, thereby providing a ready clue to choose an effective insecticide for pest management.  相似文献   


The efficacy of insecticides for the control of Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), the green vegetable bug, was tested in laboratory and field trials. Bioassays of 11 insecticides against field-collected adults were used to select two insecticides for a field experiment conducted in a process sweet corn crop, Zea mays (L.) (cv. Punch), near Tolaga Bay on the east coast of the North Island, New Zealand. Lambda-cyhalothrin (as 200 ml Karate®/100 litres water ha m 1 ) and methamidophos (as 1 litre Tamaron TM /100 litres water ha m 1 ) were tested against a water control. Both insecticides demonstrated efficacy, with respective mortality rates of 87 and 83% compared with 2% in the control. Green vegetable bug flew into the experimental crop in large numbers over 48 h before the start of the trial. Damage thresholds were exceeded in two of the three control plots within 7 days of the green vegetable bug first invading the crop, leaving only a very small 'window' for insecticide application. Success or otherwise of these insecticides is therefore likely to be dependent on the timing of application as well as on the efficacy of the products themselves.  相似文献   

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