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Several extraction methods are compared for the simultaneous analysis of organophosphorus pesticides in unpolished rice. Four stationary phases were used for the subsequent gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) determination of the selected pesticides. Using 3 different GLC columns, 11 pesticides were completely separated and identified. The efficiency of the cleanup and the sensitivity of the analytical method were evaluated by using powdered unpolished rice samples fortified with the pesticides and also wheat and dried bean samples. Average recoveries ranged from 74.7% for disulfoton to 97.4% for malathion in unpolished rice and from 68.1% for disulfoton to 108.3% for malathion in other crops. The method described is applicable to the analysis of selected organophosphorus pesticide residues in unpolished rice, wheat, buckwheat, and dried beans.  相似文献   

A multiresidue method for the quantitative determination of organophosphorus pesticides in foods from the Food and Drug Administration's Total Diet Study is described. The organophosphorus pesticides are separated on the basis of polarity and determined in both fatty and nonfatty foods with a minimum of interferences. The foods analyzed included raw and cooked individual foods as well as combination dishes, water, and whiskey. Recoveries of 17 organophosphorus pesticides in 41 foods ranged from about 80 to 118%.  相似文献   

Optimum conditions have been developed for the quantitative recovery of coumaphos from animal fat by using a commercial sweep codistillation unit. Under the conditions specified (255 degrees C distillation temperature, 250 mL/min of nitrogen, 60 min sweep time) and using Florisil trapping, the mean recovery of coumaphos was 91% with a coefficient of variation of 6%. Other organophosphorus pesticides recovered include diazinon, chlorpyrifos, ethion, and bromophos-ethyl with recoveries ranging from 90 to 96% and coefficients of variation ranging between 4 and 6%.  相似文献   

Cation‐exchange–capacity (CEC) results of calcareous soils and clays can be erroneous if the ammonium acetate method is used. In this study, a model is proposed to explain the process for systematic underestimation of the CEC. Seven clayey sediments from Germany with varying calcite and low organic‐C content were studied. After several exchange treatments with concentrated ammonium acetate (NH4Ac) solutions, the exchange population is assumed to be in homoionic ammonium form. Throughout the cation‐exchange experiment, calcite reacts with the NH4Ac exchange solution generating Ca2+ cations. During the necessary washing steps to remove excess salt, calcite dissolution is lower but still occurs. The permanently added Ca2+ ions compete successfully with NH , especially during the washing steps. This leads to a more or less partial biionic exchange population resulting in an underestimation of the CEC which is calculated based on NH concentration of the clay by Kjeldahl analysis. The biionic exchange population was proven using the new silver thiourea technique with presaturation of calcite, AgTU calcite . The clay with 148 g kg–1 calcite had a fraction of 16.4 cmol+ kg–1 exchangeable Ca2+. This is ca. 50% of the CEC of this clay being 31.8 cmol+ kg–1. For clays with similar mineralogical composition, this trend is proportional to the calcite content.  相似文献   

苹果中有机氯农药残留的超声波去除条件优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国是世界苹果第一生产大国,但中国苹果出口仅占世界贸易量的不足10%,其主要制约因素是安全性,其中农药残留是主要原因之一。论文采用响应曲面法对超声波去除苹果中有机氯农药残留的工艺条件(功率、时间、温度)及其交互作用进行了优化,并就超声波处理对苹果主要品质指标的影响进行了分析。结果表明:超声波去除苹果中有机氯农药残留的适宜工艺参数为:超声波功率为609.16 W,时间为70.46 min,温度为15.45℃,去除率可达到64.32%;超声波处理对苹果的硬度没有显著性影响;对苹果的总糖、总酸具有一定的显著性影响,但没有超出国家标准及主要出口国苹果标准的要求。超声波处理简单快速,能有效去除苹果中有机氯农药的残留,极大提高苹果的安全性,很容易和现有鲜果清洗、分级、打蜡生产线耦合链接,其产业化应用前景极为广阔。  相似文献   

Representative collisionally activated decomposition mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry spectra of omethoate, parathion, and azinphos-methyl pesticides are described. Crude and cleaned up extracts of strawberries or lettuce fortified at the 0.2 ppm level with omethoate, parathion, and azinphos-methyl were examined using the direct exposure probe. Cleaned up extracts produced better data because the large overburden of interfering coextractives was removed.  相似文献   

A simple colorimetric method is described for the determination of metaproterenol sulfate (orciprenaline sulfate). The method is based on measurement of a colored species formed when metaproterenol sulfate is treated with diazotized dapsone, p-nitroaniline, or benzocaine at room temperature, followed by treatment with an aqueous solution of trimethylamine in the case of benzocaine. Compounds such as starch, talc, and common excipients do not interfere in the reaction. Statistical validation showed that the method was precise and accurate. The results agree well with those obtained by other methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A simple colorimetric method is described for the determination of thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) in dosage forms. The method is based on measurement of a yellow complex formed when thiamine HCl is treated with p-methylaminophenol sulfate (Metol) under alkaline conditions. Compounds such as vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, C, D, and E, and niacinamide, citric acid, liquid glucose, calcium pantothenate, biotin, liver extract, and folic acid do not interfere in the reaction. Extracting the complex into chloroform before quantitation enhances the stability of the reaction product and removes interference of water-soluble colored constituents in syrup samples. Statistical validation shows that the method is precise and accurate. Results agree well with those obtained by other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for determination of phosphine residues in wheat, based on the reaction of phosphine with silver nitrate in aqueous solution to form an egg-yellow chromophore with an absorption maximum at 400 nm. At this wavelength, there is a linear relationship between absorbance and concentration of phosphine in the range 10-100 ng/mL. Phosphine-fumigated wheat is soaked in a known volume of AgNO3 solution, and the absorbance of the filtrate is read against a blank at 400 nm. The method is sensitive, with lower detection and estimation limits of 0.008 and 0.01 micrograms PH3, respectively. Recovery of added phosphine from a closed system was 85-100%. Accuracy for this method has been compared with that for the gas chromatographic method.  相似文献   

The rapid column method described, unlike AOAC method 7.056, determines both neutral ("crude") and total fat in canned pet foods, and uses nonflammable solvent mixtures and simple laboratory equipment. Neutral fat values are obtained by eluting the column with dichloromethane, whereas total fat values are determined by using dichloromethane-methanol (9 + 1). For 7 samples analyzed in triplicate, fat ranged from 2.9 to 10.8%. Neutral fat values by the dry column method were significantly lower (P less than 0.05) than were those by 7.056 (6.29 vs 6.49), although these differences were practically unimportant. Total fat determinations by the dry column method and by 7.056 yielded overall means of 7.40 and 6.49%, respectively. The 0.91% mean difference is significant (P less than 0.01) and represents a more complete extraction of polar lipids by the proposed method.  相似文献   

调质大米半干法磨粉制备鲜米粉及其品质测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为考察半干法磨粉对鲜米粉品质的影响,该研究选用旋风磨和布勒磨对调质后含水率为28%和30%的大米进行磨粉,分析大米粉的白度、凝胶特性及糊化特性,对加工鲜米粉的质构特性、蒸煮特性和感官品质进行了分析。结果显示:调质大米可以减小磨粉仪器机械力和热能对大米粉品质的破坏,其中调质大米经布勒磨粉碎后的白度显著高于湿磨粉白度(P0.05);旋风磨含水率为30%调质粉的凝胶硬度最大为3.45 N/cm2,与湿磨粉的无显著差异(P0.05);2种调质粉相比于湿磨粉其崩解值较小,其中布勒磨含水率为30%调质粉回生程度较低,与湿磨粉无显著差异(P0.05)。对于鲜米粉的品质,筛选得到的旋风磨含水率为30%鲜米粉的硬度为35.10 N/cm2,弹性为0.97,较湿磨米粉更柔软弹滑,感官评价总分和蒸煮特性与湿磨米粉无显著差异。以上结果表明,含水率为30%的大米经旋风磨粉碎后能够制得与湿法磨浆相媲美的鲜米粉,可为解决湿磨法废水量大、产品得率低等问题提供参考。  相似文献   

A multiresidue solid phase extraction (SPE) method for the isolation and subsequent gas chromatographic determination of nonpolar organochlorine and polar organophosphorus pesticide residues in eggs is described. The method uses an acetonitrile extraction followed by an SPE cleanup using graphitized carbon black and aminopropyl SPE columns. Organophosphorus pesticides are determined by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. After further cleanup of the extract using Florisil SPE columns, organochlorine pesticides are determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Studies were performed using eggs containing both fortified and incurred pesticide residues. The average recoveries were 86-108% for 8 fortified organochlorine pesticide residues and 61-149% for 28 fortified organophosphorus pesticide residues.  相似文献   

Citreoviridin, a neurotoxic mycotoxin, has been found as a natural contaminant in corn left unharvested in the southeastern United States and in rice of several Asian countries, including Japan. A reliable analytical method for the quantitative determination of citreoviridin in corn and rice is described. Corn or rice is extracted with dichloromethane, and the extract is partially purified on silica and amino solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns. The extract is analyzed for citreoviridin by normal-phase liquid chromatography, using a mobile phase of ethyl acetate-hexane (75 + 25) at 1.5 mL/min and a fluorescence detector to measure the yellow fluorescence (388 nm excitation, 480 nm emission). With a 100 microL injection loop, the relationship between concentration and injection volume is linear for 20-60 microL injections. Recoveries of citreoviridin added to yellow corn at 10-50 ng/g were 91.0-96.9%; recoveries from white corn (10-50 ng/g added) were 96.8-102.8%. Recoveries of 5000 ng/g added to white corn were 89.0%, indicating that heavily contaminated samples can be assayed by the method. Minimum detection limits were 10 ng for citreoviridin standard and 2 ng/g for citreoviridin added to corn. White rice fermented with Penicillium citreo-viride (1524 ppm) was mixed with and serially diluted with uncontaminated ground corn to obtain citreoviridin-contaminated corn (ca 25 ppb). When the samples were assayed by the method, a mean level of 24.4 +/- 1.65 ppb (6.5% coefficient of variation) was obtained. Four fermented rice food samples and 3 commercial rice samples were investigated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A simple, reliable, and gentle saponification method for the quantitative determination of carotenoids in green vegetables was developed. The method involves an extraction procedure with acetone and the selective removal of the chlorophylls and esterified fatty acids from the organic phase using a strongly basic resin (Ambersep 900 OH). Extracts from common green vegetables (beans, broccoli, green bell pepper, chive, lettuce, parsley, peas, and spinach) were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for their content of major carotenoids before and after action of Ambersep 900 OH. The mean recovery percentages for most carotenoids [(all-E)-violaxanthin, (all-E)-lutein epoxide, (all-E)-lutein, neolutein A, and (all-E)-beta-carotene] after saponification of the vegetable extracts with Ambersep 900 OH were close to 100% (99-104%), while the mean recovery percentages of (9'Z)-neoxanthin increased to 119% and that of (all-E)-neoxanthin and neolutein B decreased to 90% and 72%, respectively.  相似文献   

A simple colorimetric method is described for the determination of terbutaline sulfate. The method is based on measurement of a colored species formed when terbutaline sulfate is treated with diazotized dapsone and p-nitroaniline at room temperature. Compounds such as starch, talc, and common excipients do not interfere in the reaction. Statistical validation showed that the method was highly precise and accurate. The results agree well with those obtained by other methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and specific method for determination of adrenaline bitartrate and isoprenaline sulfate was developed. The method is based on the oxidation reaction in aqueous solution of either adrenaline bitartrate or isoprenaline sulfate in the presence of silver oxide to give a red aminochrome measurable at 490 nm. The color is stable for 2 h. Beer's law is valid within a concentration range of 5-80 micrograms/mL for each drug. All variables were studied to optimize the reaction conditions. The method is specific for catecholamine drugs having a secondary amine in the side chain. Other catecholamines such as orciprenaline and noradrenaline do not interfere, and no interference was observed in the presence of common pharmaceutical adjuvants. Interference due to sodium metabisulfite and sodium chloride was circumvented. The validity of the method was tested by analyzing adrenaline injections and isoprenaline tablets. Good recoveries were obtained for these preparations. The results were comparable to those obtained by official procedures. The proposed method is also recommended as a stability indicating assay for oxidative degradation of both drugs.  相似文献   

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