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To investigate the influence of humoral immunity on the severity of disease caused by infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), an experimentally induced infection study was performed on vaccinated and nonvaccinated calves. Fifteen weanling calves were allotted to 3 groups: 1 group of 6 calves was exposed to 2 live virus aerosols, 35 days apart; another group of 6 calves was vaccinated prior to the same aerosol exposures; and the remaining 3 calves served as controls. Clinical signs of infection were converted to a numerical score for evaluating disease severity. For 14 days after each virus exposure, BRSV-specific IgG and IgM concentrations in serum and BRSV-specific IgA concentration in nasopharyngeal exudate and lung lavage fluid were measured by ELISA. Serum BRSV-specific IgG and IgM and secretory BRSV-specific IgA concentrations did not correlate with disease sign expression. There was a strong correlation between viral isolation and disease scores. Vaccination prior to virus exposure appeared to have little or no effect on severity of the disease, but it did appear to affect disease persistence. Findings indicate that the immunoglobulins evaluated may be primarily protective in nature and do not contribute to disease severity.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the possible role of IgE in the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection. Fifteen calves were allotted at random to 3 treatment groups. One group of 6 calves was vaccinated with attenuated BRSV vaccine before live-virus challenge exposure, another group of 6 was not vaccinated before challenge exposure, and the remaining 3 calves served as controls (nonvaccinated, nonchallenge exposed). Calves of the 2 experimental groups were exposed to 2 live-virus aerosolizations (challenge exposure) 35 days apart. Histamine and BRSV-specific IgE (BRSV-IgE) concentrations in serum, lung lavage fluid, and nasopharyngeal exudate, as well as clinical signs of disease, were evaluated for 14 days after each challenge exposure. Vaccination before challenge exposure with live BRSV appeared to have little or no effect on the severity of the disease, but did appear to affect disease persistence. A correlation (P less than 0.02) existed between signs of disease and BRSV-IgE concentration measured in lung lavage fluid, but this was only true for vaccinated calves. Although no other correlations were found between clinical signs of disease and IgE concentration, analysis of the results additionally revealed a strong correlation (P less than 0.002) between disease signs and histamine concentration in nasopharyngeal exudate from calves of both experimental groups. Thus, indirect evidence implicated IgE in BRSV infection pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Twenty-three calves (three to eight months of age) with serological evidence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection were used in this study. The calves originated from four herds with respiratory tract disease. In a double blind trial the calves were injected intravenously with either flunixin meglumine (2 mg/kg body weight) or with a placebo. The effect on the course of disease was measured using the PO2 in capillary blood samples from the ears of the calves and by the effect on body temperature and respiratory rate. Mean body temperature fell significantly in the flunixin meglumine treated group. Statistically significant differences were not found between the treated and control group during the seven-day examination period.  相似文献   

The effect of clenbuterol hydrochloride on the course of disease in calves with a natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection was examined. Six calves (three to nine months of age) originating from four herds with respiratory tract disease and serological evidence of a bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection were used in this study. The calves were injected intravenously with clenbuterol hydrochloride. The effect of clenbuterol on the course of disease was measured using the PO2 in blood taken from an indwelling canula inserted in the caudal auricular artery and by clinical signs. Clenbuterol did not improve clinical signs. After clenbuterol administration arterial PO2 values decreased significantly in five out of six patients. Six to eight hours after medication the mean arterial PO2 values were higher than initial values. The moderate positive effect of clenbuterol after six to eight hours may be caused by enhancing ciliary activity and by the secretolytic activity of clenbuterol.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of allergen-induced type-1 hypersensitivity on the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection, we sensitized calves by aerosol to Micropolyspora faeni (MF) and challenge exposed them during infection with BRSV. The development of MF-specific IgE serum concentrations was confirmed by ELISA. The dynamics of arachidonic acid metabolism and histamine release during a type-1 hypersensitivity reaction in the bovine lung were studied by quantitating the concentrations of prostaglandin (PG)E2, PGF2 alpha, PGI2 as 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, thromboxane (TX) A2 as TXB2, and histamine in plasma of BRSV-infected and/or MF-sensitized/challenge-exposed calves. Four treatment groups were established: (1) BRSV infection only, (2) aerosol sensitization to MF followed by BRSV infection and aerosol challenge exposure to MF, (3) MF aerosol sensitization and challenge exposure without BRSV infection, and (4) aerosol sensitization to MF followed by BRSV infection without MF challenge exposure. Significantly increased concentrations of PGI2 were associated with MF aerosol exposure, particularly when combined with BRSV infection in group 2. After MF challenge exposure, TXB2 concentrations were significantly greater in the virus and MF challenge-exposed group 2. Individual calf data for the change in MF-specific IgE concentration between the first and second MF challenge exposures and the change in PGE2 concentration 30 minutes after the second MF challenge exposure had a highly significant direct correlation. Histamine concentrations were significantly greater in calves infected with BRSV than in uninfected controls regardless of MF exposure. These data further substantiate the thesis that implicates type-1 hypersensitivity as a pathogenic mechanism in BRSV-related disease.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis and repair of airway and alveolar injury induced by bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was studied ultrastructurally in conventional calves to characterize pulmonary cell types susceptible to viral infection and cytopathologic changes associated with infection. Viral nucleocapsids and budding virions were present in tracheal and bronchial ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells and mucous cells 3, 5, and 7 days after inoculation and in bronchiolar ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells 5 days after inoculation. Mild interstitial pneumonia was observed 5 days after inoculation and was characterized by swelling of type 1 and type 2 alveolar epithelial cells, interstitial edema, and infiltration by lymphocytes and macrophages. Viral assembly and release in tracheal and bronchial epithelial cells was associated with loss of cilia from ciliated cells, formation of syncytial epithelial cells, swelling of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, and cell necrosis. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages were present in close association with the viral-infected and damaged epithelial cells. There was intercurrent hyperplasia of basal epithelial cells that, in association with other epithelial lesions, resulted in the loss of normal ciliated epithelium in these airways 5 and 7 days after inoculation. Regeneration of airway epithelium was largely completed by 10 days after inoculation, except in 1 of 4 calves that had failure of epithelial repair and that developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. Pulmonary ultrastructure in BRSV-inoculated calves 30 days after inoculation was indistinguishable from that in controls. The results demonstrated that BRSV can induce reversible alterations in airway epithelium, which may cause depression of mucociliary clearance and thereby enhance susceptibility to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The cause of arterial hypoxia during natural infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus was studied in seven calves (three to nine months of age) originating from five herds with respiratory tract disease and serological evidence of infection with the virus. Blood gas values were measured during ambient air breathing and during 100 per cent oxygen breathing. The percentages of contribution to the arterial hypoxia from alveolar hypoventilation, mismatching of ventilation and perfusion, and right-to-left shunting were calculated from the measured parameters. Calculated percentages of total venous admixture varied from 14 per cent of cardiac output in relatively mild cases to 48 per cent in the worst affected animal. This venous admixture had been caused mainly by right-to-left shunting of blood, while mismatching of ventilation and perfusion became important in the more severely affected animals. Alveolar hypoventilation was only important in the worst affected animal.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to evaluate the clinical, haematological, viral and serological aspects of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves. Eleven calves were inoculated intranasally with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (Quebec strain) in aerosol. Clinical, haemotological and serological responses of the calves and virus shedding were monitored. The experimentally infected animals manifested moderate to severe signs of respiratory disease. The parameters used to evaluate the severity of the disease included ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, lung sounds, nasal discharge, pyrexia and leukopenia. The animals were scored accordingly (scale infected 70.8-148.5, control 22-29.3). Highest disease scores were observed between day 6-9 after infection. Virological and serological assessment demonstrated that the observed clinical picture was due to bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection.  相似文献   

Three bovine isolates and one human isolate of RS virus were given intranasally to gnotobiotic, colostrum-deprived and conventional calves. All isolates produced a biphasic pyrexia associated with a serous nasal discharge. Virus was recovered from nasal secretions 4-10 days after inoculation from nasal, tracheal and bronchial mucosae and lung of animals killed 7-13 days after inoculation. Infection did not produce any macroscopic lesions, but histologically there was a focal degenerative rhinitis and a catarrhal bronchiolitis with the occasional formation of syncytia in bronchioles and alveoli.  相似文献   

Similar clinical signs have been reported in calves infected either by Dictyocaulus viviparus or bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Three experiments were carried out to establish the clinical picture and the course of the disease in animals with these infections. The clinical signs of calves infected with lungworm included coughing, nasal discharge, tachypnoea, abdominal breathing and pyrexia, and auscultation of their lungs revealed increased bronchial sounds. Similar signs were also observed after infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus, but the signs were more acute and resolved more rapidly than in animals infected with lungworm larvae. Calves infected with lungworm had more serious clinical signs after infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus than calves, which were not infected with lungworm.  相似文献   

Nine calves between three and 18 weeks old with serologically confirmed natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection were examined clinically, radiographically and by radionuclide lung perfusion imaging. The results were compared with those from seven healthy calves. The diseased calves were euthanased and examined pathologically, virologically and bacteriologically. The clinical signs indicated that the disease was in an acute stage. Radiography of the diseased animals revealed cysts, corresponding morphologically with bullous emphysema, and infiltrations roughly corresponding in distribution with atelectatic and, or, pneumonic areas. Radionuclide lung perfusion imaging revealed no perfusion shifts between the left and right lungs and a normal perfusion pattern in five of the nine diseased calves. The abnormalities in the perfusion patterns of three calves were probably caused by anatomical disorders such as cysts and pleural adhesions, but no cause of the abnormality could be found in one calf. These findings suggest that in calves infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus, the normal perfusion pattern is maintained until anatomical disorders occur. The pathological examination and radiography revealed that the cranioventral lung fields were particularly poorly ventilated. This finding and the normal perfusion pattern indicate that these parts of the lungs are probably the sites where shuntings and perfusion-ventilation mismatchings occur.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis was inoculated alone or in combination with respiratory syncytial virus into the respiratory tracts of 12 gnotobiotic calves. Clinical signs ranged from transient pyrexia to protracted fever accompanied by severe lower respiratory signs and in one case, arthritis. Pulmonary lesions included foci of coagulative necrosis surrounded by mononuclear cells and suppurative bronchiolitis with varying degrees of lympho-reticular hyperplasia. No enhancement of lesions occurred in the combined infections of M. bovis and respiratory syncytial virus. M. bovis was identified by immunoperoxidase labelling in lesions of necrosis, especially at interfaces between the lesion and mononuclear cells and in bronchiolar exudates. Organisms were also located in necrotic lesions of joint capsules, in tonsillar crypts, and in liver.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) on clearance of inhaled antigens from the lungs of calves. ANIMALS: Eleven 6- to 8-week-old Holstein bull calves. PROCEDURES: Aerosolized (99m)technetium ((99m)Tc)-labeled diethylene triamine pentacetate (DTPA; 3 calves), commonly used to measure integrity of the pulmonary epithelium, and (99m)Tc-labeled ovalbumin (OA; 8 calves), commonly used as a prototype allergen, were used to evaluate pulmonary clearance before, during, and after experimentally induced infection with BRSV or sham inoculation with BRSV. Uptake in plasma (6 calves) and lung-efferent lymph (1 calf) was examined. RESULTS: Clearance of (99m)Tc-DTPA was significantly increased during BRSV infection; clearance of (99m)Tc-OA was decreased on day 7 after inoculation. Clearance time was correlated with severity of clinical disease, and amounts of (99m)Tc-OA in plasma and lymph were inversely correlated with clearance time. Minimum amounts of (99m)Tc-OA were detected at time points when pulmonary clearance of (99m)Tc-OA was most delayed. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: BRSV caused infection of the respiratory tract with peak signs of clinical disease at 7 or 8 days after inoculation. Concurrently, there was a diminished ability to move inhaled protein antigen out of the lungs. Prolonged exposure to inhaled antigens during BRSV infection may enhance antigen presentation with consequent allergic sensitization and development of chronic inflammatory lung disease. IMPACT FOR HUMAN MEDICINE: Infection of humans with respiratory syncytial virus early after birth is associated with subsequent development of allergic asthma. Results for BRSV infection in these calves suggested a supportive mechanism for this scenario.  相似文献   

In a group of 60 Belgian White Blue calves less than 8 months old still housed in barns, a bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) outbreak was revealed on the basis of a direct diagnosis (immunofluorescence and virus isolation) performed on the lungs of dead animals, and the kinetics of BRSV neutralizing antibodies. Clinical signs, macroscopical and microscopical pulmonary lesions were also compatible with a BRSV infection. This outbreak is peculiar because the 35 oldest calves (204 +/- 29 days old) had been vaccinated 3-4 months before with an inactivated BRSV vaccine and 30% of these animals had died of respiratory distress. While they experienced a mild respiratory symptomatology, no death was recorded among the 25 youngest calves (69 +/- 29 days old) which had been left unvaccinated. Another peculiarity was found at the histological level where a massive infiltration of eosinophils was demonstrated in the pulmonary tissues of the dead animals. Together these data parallel the dramatic story described 30 years ago in children previously vaccinated with a formalin-inactivated human RSV (HRSV) vaccine upon a natural HRSV challenge. This illustrates that an immunopathological phenomenon also takes place after BRSV vaccination in cattle.  相似文献   

Lesions in 32 calves that died or were euthanatized during the course of severe natural infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) are described. All calves had been dyspneic for 1 to 2 days. At necropsy, lesions that could be related to dyspnea included congested and cyanotic mucosae and widespread petechiae. The lungs had various lesions in the cranioventral (CV) and caudodorsal (CD) portions. The CV portion of the lungs was consolidated, firm, and edematous. Histologically, the main characteristic was degenerative, necrotic bronchiolitis, with few syncytial cells. Signs of repair, such as epithelial hyperplasia, fibrosis, and bronchiolitis obliterans, often were observed. The CD portion of the lungs was markedly distended, owing to severe edema and emphysema. Bronchiolar lesions were lacking in the CD portion. In 14 calves, hyaline membranes were seen in the CV and CD portions. Results of immunofluorescence for BRSV were positive in 24 calves, but only in the CV portion of the lungs. The calves had variable concentrations of BRSV-specific IgG1 and IgM in serum, lung lavage fluid, or both. The BRSV-specific IgA, on the contrary, was seldom detected. Thus, 2 discrepancies existed. Although the clinical picture appeared to be acute, bronchiolar lesions and serotest results suggested infection of longer duration. Also, although virus and viral cytopathologic features were detected only in the CV portion of the lungs, the CD portion had extensive lesions that consisted of emphysema and edema.  相似文献   

Calves lacking detectable serum antibodies against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) were screened for virus-specific T-cell memory. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured in vitro with live BRSV and analyzed by dual-color flow cytometry for surface expression of CD25 on CD4(+), CD8(+), and gammadeltaT-cells. Significant recall responses were detected in some of the seronegative calves. Modified live BRSV vaccine was administered to these and to a group of non-responding calves. Following vaccination, virus-specific IgG, virus neutralizing antibody, and T-cell recall responses were all elevated more rapidly in the group with BRSV-sensitive T-cells than in the T-cell-negative group, which suggested that calves in the first group were previously exposed to BRSV. This demonstrates that exposure to BRSV can induce T and B cell memory in young calves without causing seroconversion. The calves were presumably exposed to BRSV while they had maternal antibody, which inhibited the calves from developing an antibody response.  相似文献   

Six serum samples were taken at monthly intervals from birth to weaning from each of 41 newborn calves in the autumn and spring calf crops of a beef cow--calf herd. The serum hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titres to parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV-3), virus-neutralization (VN) antibody titres to bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) were determined using microtitration techniques. There was serological evidence of a significantly higher incidence of infection with BAV-3 in the fall calves than in the spring calves. Serological responses to BAV-3 were not detected in calves with VN titres of greater than 1/256. Serological evidence of subclinical infection with PIV-3 occurred mainly in late February or early March during a period of marked environmental temperature fluctuations. Serological evidence of a high incidence of infection with BRSV was obtained for both the fall and spring calf crops. Serum antibody appeared to be unable to prevent infection with BRSV. An association between infection with BRSV and clinical pneumonia was found in 3 out of 9 calves. BAV-3 infection was related to pneumonia in only 1 instance; however, there was simultaneous evidence of BRSV infection in this calf. PIV-3 infection was found to be related to pneumonia in only 1 instance. There was serological evidence of infection with BAV-3 in association with the occurrence of diarrhea in 3 calves.  相似文献   

The inflammatory response in the air-passages of the lungs of calves after intranasal inoculation with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was compared in RSV-vaccinated and control animals. Total cells recovered from lung washings remained the same; however, the fold by eight days after infection and the type of cells changed from a predominance (85 per cent) of macrophages to equal proportions of macrophages and neutrophils (45 per cent) during the course of infection. The absolute numbers of neutrophils rose by 15-fold. In contrast, when RSV-vaccinated calves were challenged, the total number of cells recovered from lung washings remained the same; however, the numbers of macrophages decreased and the numbers of neutrophils increased by fivefold. Cytological studies of the lung washings revealed no evidence of an exacerbated inflammatory response in RSV-vaccinated calves. Levels of virus replication were significantly reduced in RSV-vaccinated compared with control animals.  相似文献   

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