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This study was undertaken to determine the dietary protein requirement of shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) with an initial weight of 86.3±0.4 g. The fish were fed five isoenergetic diets containing dietary protein levels ranging from 35% to 59% by 6% increments [the estimated digestible protein (DP) levels ranged between 29.6% and 52.8%], and the growth response over a 10‐week period was monitored. Each experimental diet was given to triplicate groups of fish. The final weight, weight gain and daily growth coefficient increased with the dietary protein level, reaching a plateau at the dietary level of 47% protein. The feed conversion ratio improved with increasing dietary protein level. The daily feed intake was significantly lower in fish fed 53% and 59% protein diets compared with those fed 35% protein diet. However, protein intake showed an increasing trend with increasing dietary protein and became significantly different between the 59% and the 35% protein diets. The protein efficiency ratio, protein retention and condition factor were not affected significantly by the dietary treatments. The final body composition was not influenced by the treatments. The recommended dietary protein percentage and DP/digestible energy (DE) ratio for juvenile shi drum diets are 51.4% (45.6% DP) and 28.5 g DP MJ DE?1 respectively.  相似文献   

Shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) larvae were maintained under three photoperiod regimes: a natural photoperiod regime (16L:8D), continuous light (24L) and equal durations of light and dark (12L:12D) from the end of the vitelline phase to the end of the metamorphosis. Muscle and body parameters were studied at hatching and at 4, 10, 14, 39 and 55 days post hatching (dph). During the vitelline phase, the total body length growth was scarce, whereas the muscle grew significantly, being the hypertrophy of the main mechanism involved. Both the total body length and the hypertrophy were significantly greater at 16L:8D than in the rest of photoperiod regimes. At 10 and 14 dph, the greatest body length was reached at 16L:8D, followed by the 24L group, showing the 12L:12D group the lowest values. At 14 dph, the hypertrophy and hyperplasia were also higher at 16L:8D than in the rest of groups. At 39 dph, the highest values of body length were reached in both 16L:8D and 12L:12D regimes, this latter group reaching the highest values of hypertrophy, thus showing a compensatory growth when comparing with the previous stages. The end of the metamorphosis took place at 50–55 dph in all the groups, with 2.7–3.1 cm of body length (> 0.05). At this stage, the transverse area of the white muscle was similar among the groups, but the greatest hypertrophy was reached at 16L:8D, whereas the highest hyperplasia was reached at 24L.  相似文献   

Carcass and flesh morphometric, reological and chemical traits of triploid (3n) and diploid (2n) shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) were evaluated through 7 months. Three age groups, 17‐, 21‐ and 24‐month‐old fish, were investigated. The effects of ploidy were statistically evaluated and the weight of fish was included in the model as a covariate because triploids grew less than diploids. As expected, fish weight was found to be significantly correlated with all the investigated morphometric traits, but showed a negative correlation with some chemical (pH) and colour traits (lightness) of raw fillet. In comparison with controls, triploid shi drums were characterized by different morphological traits that involved a slender body shape. In triploids, a reduction in condition factor, backbone weight, dressing index and an increase in the agility index were also recorded. When the commercial size (i.e. over 300 g) was achieved, triploids exhibited larger coelomatic and fillet (dorsal white muscle) fat deposition than diploids. Among reological traits, colour and texture were affected by ploidy; raw fillet lightness and cooked flesh tenderness were higher among triploids in all the investigated age groups. As fish were fed with a restricted feeding regimen, fillet fat deposition was supposed to be limited. Thus, the effects of ploidy on reological traits may be only partially explained by lipid fillet amount and are supposed to be more related to different fibre muscle architecture.  相似文献   

Productive performances of triploid (3n) and diploid (2n) shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) were evaluated over an experimental period of 76 days. Fish, selected according to body weight (196 specimens from each ploidy), were reared in tanks (two for each thesis) under the same environmental and dietary conditions. A practical extruded diet (crude protein: 43.4%; ether extract: 19.3%) was offered to fish according to a feeding rate that varied from 1% to 1.5% of live weight. Both at the beginning and at the end of the trials, samples of fish were submitted to morphometrics and chemical analysis. The final body weight and the specific growth rate of triploid fish were significantly lower than those of fish diploid. The feed efficiency of triploids showed a reduction in crude protein retention. Juvenile triploids evidenced a larger amount of coelomatic fat, and their gonads were atrophic. The whole‐body proximate composition of 3n fish was characterized by a higher ether extract and a lower crude protein content than 2n fish. Triploids had higher liver lipid content; there were no significant differences in viscera proximate composition. Sum, the results showed that chromosome set manipulation in this species can reduce productive performances at a juvenile stage, influencing some morphometric traits.  相似文献   

The influence of the absence of Artemia nauplii from larval diet protocols on growth and digestive system ontogeny was studied using histological techniques in the shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa). One group of larvae was reared using the standard intensive rearing protocol, which offers a combination of enriched rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis), Artemia spp. nauplii and artificial diet (Std-group). Another group was reared using the same protocol, but without the offering of Artemia nauplii (group No-Artemia). The ontogenesis of the digestive system from hatching to metamorphosis was a very rapid process, and there were no differences between the two feeding regimes in the temporal appearance of the various components of the digestive system. The first organised presence of the hepatic and pancreatic tissue appeared at 2–3 d after hatching (dah), suggesting that these organs function from a very early developmental stage. In the No-Artemia larvae between 13 and 29 dah there was a reduction in the height of enterocytes in the intestinal mucosa, a progressive flattening of the primary intestinal folds in the anterior and posterior intestine and a decrease in lipid stores in the liver, suggesting a period of relative starvation. However, by the end of the study at 41 dah, there were no significant differences in body length, intestinal morphology or liver lipid stores between larvae reared under the two feeding regimes. The study suggests that the diet may influence the maturation and/or function, but not the ontogeny of the digestive system. Furthermore, the rapid differentiation of the digestive system in shi drum and the prompt recovery of the No-Artemia larvae from the symptoms of starvation by 29 dah, indicate a plasticity during ontogenesis and the ability of larvae to adapt to artificial diets at very early developmental stages.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of shi drum Umbrina cirrosa (Linnaeus 1758), a candidate new species for aquaculture, was studied throughout the entire larval phase. Geometric morphometric analysis revealed two clear inflection points (7.0 and 12.7 mm total length, TL) in the shape ontogeny of this species, separating the studied period into three phases of different allometric priorities. Spline graphs demonstrated that the major non‐uniform shape ontogeny correlated with the development of the fins, the anterior dorsal area of the body, the caudal peduncle, the eye and the mouth. Concerning the morphological features, shi drum larvae are characterized by an upward anterior bending of the notochord. The ontogeny of the fins began with the formation of the pectoral buds (2.9 mm TL), continued with the notochord flexion (4.3 mm TL, associated with the caudal fin development), the appearance of the pelvic buds, the first anal rays (4.5 mm TL) and the first dorsal rays (4.8 mm TL). Shi drum juveniles presented 25 vertebrae and the following dominant fin types: D XI,23, AII,6, VI,5, P17 and C17.  相似文献   

Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. (initial mean body weight: 42.5 g) were fed four experimental diets containing either 47 or 51% of dry matter (DM) as protein and either 15 or 21% as lipid for 12 weeks. Each diet was hand-distributed to triplicate groups of 60 fish, three times a day until satiation. The digestibility coefficients of the dietary components were determined using chromic oxide as a marker. The levels of protein or lipid in the diets did not affect the digestibility. Fish regulated their feed intake and attained the same weight at the end of the experiment. However, feed efficiency varied between diets, with best values obtained with both diets containing 21% lipid. When diets contained only 15% lipid, feed efficiency increased with dietary protein level. Nitrogen retention was significantly higher with high fat diets regardless of dietary protein level. Neutral lipid deposition was significantly higher in liver for diets rich in lipids. It was elevated in muscle only in fish fed the diet containing 47% protein and 21% lipid and this deposition in muscle contributed to a significant increase in body fat content. Phosphorus load to the environment, measured as percentage retention of ingested or digestible phosphorus, was significantly lower with both diets higher in lipids.  相似文献   

The shi drum is an emerging Mediterranean aquaculture species that has gained increasing interest in recent years. However, the nutrient requirements of this species remain to be determined to optimize its culture. The present study evaluated the effects of dietary protein (470g/kg or 520g/kg) to lipid ratios (100g/kg, 150 or 200g/kg) on the growth performance, nutrient utilization and tissue morphology of the shi drum (7 g average initial weight). Dietary protein levels positively correlated with weight gain, showing high protein demands (>470g/kg) for this species. Nonetheless, dietary lipid levels negatively affected growth rate, feed intake and efficiency, and protein utilization, suggesting that this macronutrient cannot be efficiently utilized in high concentrations (>100g/kg). Histological evaluation revealed fat accumulation within the hepatocytes and the enterocytes with increasing dietary lipid levels, starting from 150g/kg lipid inclusion. Overall, our results confirm the high dietary protein requirements of the shi drum (>470g/kg for fish of 7 g initial weight) and suggest that lipid levels should not exceed 100g/kg of inclusion in the diets as this species has a low tolerance to this macronutrient.  相似文献   

Shi drum specimens were maintained under four different photoperiod regimes: a natural photoperiod regime (16L:8D), constant light (24L), equal durations of light and dark (12L:12D) and a reduced number of daylight hours (6L:18D) from hatching until the end of larval metamorphosis. Specimens were then kept under natural photoperiod conditions until 111 days post-hatching. Muscle and body parameters were studied. During the vitelline phase, there was little muscle growth and no photoperiod effects were reported; however, a monolayer of red muscle and immature white muscle fibres were observed in the myotome. At hatching, external cells (presumptive myogenic cells) were already present on the surface of the red muscle. At the mouth opening, some presumptive myogenic cells appeared between the red and white muscles. At 20 days, new germinal areas were observed in the apical extremes of the myotome. At this stage, the 16L:8D group (followed by the 24L group) had the longest body length, the largest cross-sectional area of white muscle and the largest white muscle fibres. Conversely, white muscle hyperplasia was most pronounced in the 24L group. Metamorphosis was complete at 33 days in the 24L and 12L:12D groups. At this moment, both groups showed numerous myogenic precursors on the surface of the myotome as well as among the adult muscle fibres (mosaic hyperplastic growth). The 16L:8D group completed metamorphosis at 50 days, showing a similar degree of structural maturity in the myotome to that described in the 24L and 12L:12D groups at 33 days. When comparing muscle growth at the end of the larval period, hypertrophy was highest in the 16L:8D group, whereas hyperplasia was higher in the 24L and 16L:8D groups. At 111 days, all groups showed the adult muscle pattern typical of teleosts; however, the cross-sectional area of white muscle, white muscle fibre hyperplasia, body length and body weight were highest in the 24L group, followed by the 12L:12D group; white muscle hypertrophy was similar in all groups. Larval survival was higher under natural photoperiod conditions compared to all the other light regimes.  相似文献   

Six iso‐nitrogenous (410 g kg?1) diets with three levels of total phosphorus (P4, P10 and P18 g kg?1) and two levels of starch (S200 and S350 g kg?1) were fed to triplicate groups of 30 fish to evaluate whether the high level of dietary phosphorus could improve the utilization of starch. Over 8‐week‐growth trial, best weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) (P < 0.05) were observed in fish fed the P10/S200 and P18/S200 diets. WG and SGR significantly decreased as starch levels increased whereas for P4, while lipid contents of liver and whole body, hepatosomatic index and intraperitoneal fat ratio (IPF) significantly increased. These results suggested that high dietary starch will depress the growth performance and cause lipid accumulation. Within both starch levels, fish fed diet with P4 tended to produce lower (P < 0.05) WG and SGR, and had higher (P < 0.05) values of IPF. The whole body lipid, ash, calcium, phosphorus and iron contents were significantly affected by dietary phosphorus levels. Supplied phosphorus could improve the growth and decrease the whole body lipid, but there is no more effect after the phosphorus requirement was met at 10 g kg?1.  相似文献   

Triplicate groups of 40 Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus reared in freshwater (average weight, 9.52±0.47 g) were fed with six isonitrogenous (∼46% crude protein) diets containing 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14% or 16% lipid for 10 weeks respectively. The results showed that the maximum weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) all occurred at the 10% lipid level ( P <0.05) and growth depression occurred when the dietary lipid level was over 12%. Whole body and liver lipid concentrations were enhanced with the increase in the dietary lipid levels, but the muscle lipid content did not significantly change with the increase in the dietary lipid levels. Both liver pepsin and trypsin activities increased with dietary lipid levels ranging from 6% to 10%, and then decreased with a further increase in the dietary lipid content. Liver lipase activities showed a positive correlation with dietary lipid levels, but amylase activities were not markedly influenced by dietary lipid levels. High proportions of 18:1n-9, 20:1n-9, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3; EPA), 22:1n-11 and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3; DHA), and low concentrations of n-6 fatty acids, particularly 18:2n-6 occurring in the liver and muscle, to some extent, reflected the fatty acid composition in experimental diets.  相似文献   

A 309 days feeding experiment was carried out on gilthead sea bream fingerlings (initial weight 14.7±4.4 g) to evaluate effects of substitution of fish oil with soybean oil in diets on growth and sensory characteristics and muscle fatty acid composition. Duplicate groups of fish were hand fed with four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets (46% protein, 14% lipid and 22 MJ kg−1) in which 0%, 24%, 48% or 72% of the fish oil was replaced by soybean oil. Fish fed diet 72% reached a lower final weight (324 g) than fish fed diets 0%, 24% and 48% (349, 343 and 338 g respectively). Feed intake, protein efficiency ratio, body composition and economic profitability were not influenced by the amount of soybean oil in the diets, but muscle fatty acid composition differed with diets. Panellists observed significant sensory differences between fish fed diet 0% and diet 72%. These results verified the possibility of feeding sea bream until they reached commercial weight with a 48% dietary substitution of fish oil for soybean oil.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein and lipid levels for growth, feed utilization and body composition of Pseudobagrus ussuriensis fingerlings (initial weight: 3.40 ± 0.01 g). Twelve diets containing four protein levels (350, 400, 450 and 500 g kg?1 crude protein) and three lipid levels (50, 100 and 150 g kg?1 crude lipid) were formulated. Fish were randomly allotted to 36 aquaria (1.0 × 0.5 × 0.8 m) with 25 fish to each glass aquarium. Fish were fed twice daily (08:00 and 16:00) to apparent satiation. The results showed that weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) decreased with increasing dietary lipid level from 50 to 150 g kg?1 at the same dietary protein level. Fish fed the diets containing 150 g kg?1 lipid exhibited higher feed conversion ratio (< 0.05), lower protein efficiency ratio (PER) and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE) relative to fish fed the diet containing 50 and 100 g kg?1 lipid. Weight gain and SGR significantly increased with increasing dietary protein from 350 to 450 g kg?1 at the same dietary lipid level, and even a little decline in growth with the further increase in dietary protein to 500 g kg?1. Daily feed intake, NRE and PER were significantly affected by both dietary protein and lipid levels (P < 0.05) and tended to decrease with increasing dietary protein and lipid levels. Whole‐body protein content increased as protein levels increased and lipid levels decreased. Whole‐body lipid and muscle lipid content increased with increasing dietary lipid level, and decreased with increasing dietary protein at each lipid level. There was no significant difference in condition factor and viscerosomatic index among fish fed the diets. Hepatosomatic index was affected by dietary lipid level (P < 0.05), and increased with increasing dietary lipid level at the same protein level. These results suggest that the diet containing 450 g kg?1 protein and 50 g kg?1 lipid with a P/E ratio of 29.1 mg protein kJ?1 is optimal for growth and feed utilization of P. ussuriensis fingerlings under the experimental conditions used in the study.  相似文献   

Six isoproteic diets were designated to evaluate the effects of dietary lipid levels (from 70 to 270 g/kg) on the growth performance, feed utilization, digestive tract enzyme activity and lipid deposition of juvenile Brachymystax lenok (average initial weight 0.54 ± 0.04 g). Each diet was fed to triplicate tanks (30 fish per tank) in an indoor closed recirculating system for 9 weeks. Final body weight and weight gain were highest in fish fed 190 g/kg diet and lowest in fish fed the 70 g/kg diet. Specific growth rate of fish fed with 190 g/kg diet was significantly higher than those fed with 70 and 270 g/kg diets (< .05). Protein efficiency ratio of fish fed with 70 g/kg diet was significantly lower than the 110–230 g/kg treatments and was not significantly different from the 270 g/kg treatment. Fish fed with 270 g/kg diet had significantly higher hepatosomatic index and viscerosomatic index than those fed with 70–190 g/kg diets (< .05). Intraperitoneal fat ratio and the whole‐body lipid content had a trend to increase with increase in dietary lipid level. Muscle crude lipid content increased up to 190 g/kg with increase in dietary lipid level. Lipid retention decreased with increase in dietary lipid level, while no significant differences in protein intake and retention levels were observed in fish among all treatments. Lipase activity of the mixture of pyloric caeca and foregut in fish fed 190 and 230 g/kg diets was significantly higher than those fed 70 and 110 g/kg diets. Midgut and hindgut lipase activities of fish were significantly higher than those fed the 190 and 230 g/kg diets. In conclusion, based on the second‐order polynomial model of WG and FCR, this study suggested that 173.8–195.0 g/kg dietary lipid levels were appropriated for B. lenok.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the dietary copper requirement of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and compare the bioavailability of copper sulphate (CuSO4) and copper‐ethanolamine. A basal diet was formulated using semi‐purified ingredients and analysed to contain 3 mg Cu/kg. Both copper sources were supplemented to the basal diet at either 5, 10 or 20 mg Cu/kg of dry diet. No significant differences were observed in growth performance of fish fed the various diets. However, red drum fed all copper‐supplemented diets retained more copper in liver and whole‐body tissues compared to fish fed the basal diet. Within both inorganic and organic copper treatments, the highest tissue copper concentrations were observed in fish fed diets supplemented with 10 mg Cu/kg. No significant differences were detected in net copper retention regardless of the nature of the copper source; hence, the bioavailability of copper sulphate and copper‐ethanolamine complex was not different in the diets for juvenile red drum. Furthermore, the minimum copper requirement for growth performance of juvenile red drum appeared to be satisfied when fish were fed the basal diet containing 3 mg Cu/kg diet, and no detrimental effects were observed in red drum fed diets supplemented with 20 mg Cu/kg.  相似文献   

Two feeding trials were conducted to determine the minimum dietary protein level producing maximum growth, and the optimum protein to energy ratio in diets for red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) fingerlings, respectively. In the first trial, six isoenergetic diets were formulated with protein levels ranging from 400 to 650 g kg?1 in increments of 50 g kg?1, and fed for 11 weeks to 2.8 g average initial weight fish. Weight gain, specific growth rate and feed efficiency were significantly higher with diets containing higher protein levels, when compared with dietary levels below 500 g kg?1. The highest protein efficiency ratios were obtained in fish fed 500 g kg?1 dietary protein. The minimum dietary protein level producing maximum fish growth was found to be 500 g kg?1. In the second trial, 15 g average initial weight fish were fed for 12 weeks, six diets containing three different lipid levels (100, 150 and 200 g kg?1) combined with two protein levels (450 and 500 g kg?1). Weight gain values increased when dietary lipids increased from 100 to 150 g kg?1, with a further decrease for 200 g kg?1 lipids in diets; the lowest fish growth being supported by 200 g kg?1 dietary lipids. Fish growth was significantly higher when dietary protein increased from 450 to 500 g kg?1. There was no evidence of a protein‐sparing effect of dietary lipids. Liver protein and lipid contents were low when compared with other fish species. All diet assayed produced high liver glycogen accumulation. The recommended protein and lipid levels in diets for red porgy fingerlings were 500 and 150 g kg?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Diets formulated with increasing digestible energy (10–22 DE MJ kg−1) contents and decreasing digestible crude protein (DCP)/DE ratios (34–15 g MJ−1) were fed to triplicate groups of Sparus aurata in three consecutive trials. Fish were hand-fed to apparent satiation and voluntary feed intake was found to be dependent upon dietary DE content. Daily growth was regulated both by energy and protein intake and reached its maximum at high energy levels. Growth composition showed narrow limits regarding protein gain (157–190 g kg−1) and a wider range regarding lipid (55–210 g kg−1) deposition reflecting the dietary energy to protein supply. Energy utilization for growth was constant at a value of 0.50 regardless of energy intake. Efficiency of protein utilization for growth varied between 0.33 and 0.60 depending on the DCP/DE ratio in the diet. The optimal protein utilization for protein deposition was found to be at 0.47. These values allow daily energy and protein requirements for growing S. aurata to be quantified. This demonstrates that the optimal dietary DCP/DE supply changes with fish size, growth potential and daily feed intake.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in flow through system to examine the effects of dietary supplementation of microbial phytase on growth, nutrient utilization, haemato‐biochemical status and body compositions in common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L.) fingerlings (average weight 6.66 ± 0.08 g). The aim of experiment was also to determine whether dicalcium phosphates (DCP), tracemineral premix and lysine and methionine supplemental levels in carp diet could be reduced if microbial phytase was supplemented. Control diet (diet 1) supplemented with DCP, tracemineral premix and lysine and methionine without microbial phytase supplementation. Four experimental diets were formulated with reduction of either dietary DCP or trace minerals or lysine and methionine or all four supplementation levels by 100% of control diet without microbial phytase supplementation (diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively). Another two experimental diets were formulated with reduction of all dietary DCP, trace minerals, lysine and methionine supplementation levels by 0 and 100% of control diet with dietary microbial phytase supplementation at 500 FTU kg−1 diet (diet 6 and 7 respectively). After acclimation of fish for 2 weeks, 20 fish were randomly stocked into triplicate tanks for each of seven treatments (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 for diet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively) and fed with respective diet to apparent satiation. Results indicated that phytase was effective in releasing most of the phytate bound proteins, amino acids and minerals for optimum utilization and performance. Results also suggested that DCP, trace minerals and lysine and methionine supplementation level could be replaced by microbial phytase supplementation at 500 FTU kg−1 in soybean‐based common carp diets without altering the optimum performance of fish. Optimum replacement level of dietary DCP, trace minerals and lysine and methionine with phytase supplementation at 500 FTU kg−1 soybean‐based carp diet needs to be standardized in further investigations.  相似文献   

Simultaneous, 6-week feeding trials were conducted in which diets containing menhaden, corn, coconut and hydrogenated menhaden oil at 7.0%, plus a diet containing 14% menhaden oil, were fed to triplicate groups of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) at two different salinities (5 and 32%.). Weight gain was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by diet and salinity. Fish fed the diet containing 14% menhaden oil had the greatest weight gain; whereas, fish fed the diet containing coconut oil gained the least weight. Fish in brackish water had significantly greater weight gain than fish in full-strength seawater over the 6-week period, although fish fed coconut and saturated menhaden oil in brackish water had reduced survival. Dietary lipid also significantly affected muscle and liver total lipid, hepatosomatic index (HSI), and intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio, as fish fed the diets containing 14% menhaden oil had higher values for all of these body condition indices.After the feeding trial, fish were subjected to a chronic cold tolerance assay. In the chronic trial, where temperature was gradually reduced over a 3-week period, fish fed the diets containing menhaden oil had significantly lower median lethal temperatures (MLT) than those fish fed the diets containing coconut, corn and saturated menhaden oils. No significant effects of cold exposure were observed on muscle and liver total lipid. Cold exposure prompted a modification in lipid metabolism by lowering total saturated fatty acids and raising (n – 3) highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in the neutral lipid of liver. Fish with the lowest MLT in the chronic assay exhibited signs of conserving (n – 3) HUFA and depleting (n – 6) fatty acids [primarily 18:2 (n – 6)], resulting in higher (n – 3)/(n – 6) ratios in the polar lipid of liver. These data suggest that the lower lethal temperature of juvenile red drum can be reduced through dietary manipulation involving the inclusion of high levels of dietary lipid rich in (n – 3) HUFA.  相似文献   

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