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鹰架招鹰技术控制草地害鼠是一种生物防治方法,通过不同鹰架(巢)杆的高度、鹰架(巢)间隔距离布局以及控制效果等的研究,对应用鹰架招鹰控制草地害鼠技术进行了初步探讨,结果表明,5 m高的鹰架(巢)招鹰效果要比3 m、4 m高的鹰架(巢)要好,且对高原鼠兔种群数量的影响作用显著.  相似文献   

通过对果洛州玛多县26.67×104hm2鹰架招鹰生物控制害鼠种群数量项目区调查,在鹰架设立前鹰类日平均遇见数为12个,筑巢率为24%;鹰架设立后1年鹰类日平均遇见数为27.5个,筑巢率为72%,鹰架的招鹰效果为鹰架设立前的2.29倍,筑巢率是鹰架设立前的3倍。按鹰类非繁殖期每鹰巢一只鹰计算,项目区有鹰类1152只,其害鼠有效洞口减退率达25.71%。  相似文献   

昌吉州西三县市北部沙漠人工鹰架招鹰灭鼠已10年,累计控制61.4 hm2,示范区害鼠密度达到了不足危害水平,草地生物量增加了20.5%,植被盖度提高了38.2%,植被高度增加了25%,其经济、生态和社会效益十分显著,今后应大力推广此项生物灭鼠技术.  相似文献   

招鹰控鼠是利用鼠类天敌食物链关系,在鼠害草地上建立鹰架招引鼠类天敌控制鼠害。作者结合长期实践经验,通过对鹰架制作工艺、安装方法等进行改进,提高了诱引鹰类天敌和控鼠效果,提出了适合甘南高寒草原招鹰控鼠的规范化防治技术。  相似文献   

白凤奎 《青海畜牧业》2004,(4):10-11,34
青海省草地鼠害防治工作始于50年代,经过近半个世纪的努力,从开始进行小面积防治试验到大面积推广应用,从化学防治、生物防治到综合防治,用生物毒素代替化学药品,采用鹰架招鹰控制害鼠密度,用鼠类开发药用资源的方法,拓宽了生物灭鼠的途径,有效控制了鼠害的繁衍,保护草地的生态环境,  相似文献   

鹰架招鹰控制高原鼠兔种群数量研究初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鹰架招鹰控制高原鼠兔种群数量研究初探侯秀敏(青海省草原总站810008)高原鼠兔是我省高寒草原生态系统中除家畜而外的主要消费者。每只高原鼠兔每年约采食新鲜牧草21.6公斤,降低了草地家畜数量和经济效益。因此,防治和控制高原鼠兔种群数量一直是草地保护工...  相似文献   

探索利用天敌控制有害生物的途径,通过人工在天然草地上建立鹰架、鹰墩招引鹰类灭鼠的办法,达到控制害鼠数量的目的。  相似文献   

通过2008—2010年对草地"无鼠害示范区"进行调查监测,对其害鼠种群密度、猛禽和食核数量、牧草产量及生物量进行分析,探讨和分析生物控制鼠害的效果及其产生的生态和经济效益。结果表明,2008—2010年各监测月份的定点样方害鼠有效洞口数均呈明显的下降趋势,每千米目击猛禽数和食核数呈逐年上升趋势,3年内草地生物量增加27.7%,植被盖度增加43.8%,牧草高度增加22.9%;设立鹰架控制害鼠当年即挽回鲜牧草损失总量43 697.4 t,挽回经济损失773.948万元;年内草地生物量增加值为873.948万元。结果提示,在该地区设立鹰架,利用草地生态系统中食物链、食物网的自然结构因子,从生态学角度对害鼠进行防治,控制草地害鼠的种群数量及危害,能够保护草地生态环境,提高草地灭鼠效果,达到长期有效地控制害鼠数量的目的。  相似文献   

探索利用天敌控制有害生物的途径,通过人工在天然草地上建立鹰架、鹰墩招引鹰类灭鼠的办法,控制害鼠数量,达到灭鼠的目的,以便推广应用.  相似文献   

4月22日,青海省质量技术监督局批准发布了4个三江源生态环境保护的地方标准。这4个地方标准分别为《草地蝗虫生物防治技术规程》、《草地鼠害生物防治技术规程》、《草地毛虫生物防治技术规范》、《鹰架招鹰控制草地鼠害技术规程》,由青海省草原总站、青海省质量技术监督信息管理中心共同制定。  相似文献   

1. Choice of three different nest types by hens of broiler breeder lines was investigated: metal nests (26 x 29 x 33-45 cm, w x d x h) with inclined rubber mats, metal nests of the same size with litter, and larger wooden nests (30 x 40 x 38) with litter. Three lines were studied: line B (324 females + 36 males), line P (315 + 36), and line WM (306 + 32). Each line was housed in a pen 23.3 x 3.9 m (90.7 m2); half the area was concrete floor with litter, and the other half raised plastic slats, on which stood 84 nests, 28 of each type, in two-tier blocks. 2. Ninety-five per cent of eggs were laid in nests, with significant variation between types: 63% metal littered, 30% wooden littered, and 2.3% metal with inclined rubber mats. Choice between types was similar in the three lines. Hens of line B laid 66% of nest eggs in lower nests, P laid 57% and WM laid 64%. 3. The other 5.1% of eggs were laid on the floor: 1.2% on the litter and 3.9% on the slats in front of the nests. It is suggested that some subordinate hens were excluded from nests, and therefore laid on the floor.  相似文献   

The woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) is a common and widespread bird in Morocco (North Africa). I examined, over 2 years (2010 and 2011), the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest site habitat and degree of human disturbance. The study area was in the Middle Atlas Tighboula mountain forest, Morocco, in a disturbed and an undisturbed site. Using data collected in the 2 study sites, I aimed to identify the factors influencing the placement of nests within holm oak trees (Quercus rotundifolia) and their densities. I found that habitat structures, influenced by grazing disturbance, have affected nesting density and the location of nests of this species. Woodpigeons place their nests in a higher position (3.42 ± 0.19 m) when disturbance intensity is high and lower (1.68 ± 0.1 m) when disturbance intensity is low, and show higher nesting density in less disturbed zone (3.1 ± 0.4 nests/ha) than in highly disturbed zones (1.4 ± 0.2 nests/ha). Grazing disturbance could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially reduce the abundance of this species by altering the composition and the structure of the forest nesting habitat. Further multi‐scale studies are needed to assess the effects of different levels of grazing disturbance on woodpigeon nest density and placement, and to enhance our knowledge of the breeding behavior of this game species under variable environments.  相似文献   

2011 ~2013年2~7月,对红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)的巢址选择进行了研究,结果表明:红嘴蓝鹊营巢最早开始于2月下旬,结束于6月下旬;第一窝出飞后,即开始另选巢址进行第二窝繁殖,原巢不再利用.红嘴蓝鹊营巢于树上,选择2~4月建巢,均为常绿树种;5~6月建巢既有常绿树种,也有落叶树种.巢树平均高度(11.12 ±4.15)m、胸径(26.23±12.85)cm、巢高(7.35±2.80)m (n=13),主成分分析表明,影响红嘴蓝鹊巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:巢树因子(主要包括:树高、树胸径、巢高)、隐蔽与食物水源因子(巢上郁闭度、巢距最近食源地距离、巢距最近水源距离)、光与人类活动影响因子(巢与巢枝朝向、巢距道路距离).繁殖期红嘴蓝鹊对人为干扰与噪音敏感,巢位较低和较大的暴风雨等均可能造成红嘴蓝鹊弃巢.  相似文献   

聊城大学校园灰喜鹊营巢特征调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2005~2007年每年1次的聊城大学校园灰喜鹊巢址分布情况的调查结果,作者发现,近3 a来灰喜鹊巢的数量以每年15%的数量在增加;灰喜鹊选择杨树(毛白杨和银白杨)作为筑巢树种的比例高达82%,且筑巢的高度存在一定程度的下降.其中,以营巢树为中心,半径为10 m的样方内树的数量2~4株占71.8%.此外,生活区的巢的数量所占比例呈逐年增加趋势.这一研究结果对如何进行校园绿地的规划以及鸟类保护具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

朱井丽  吴庆明 《野生动物》2012,33(3):143-145
2011年4月,在七星河保护区内用生境因子测定法、样方法对苍鹭的巢选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)七星河保护区苍鹭巢为地面型,均营巢于芦苇沼泽,窝卵数以4~5枚卵居多(84.21%);(2)巢外径为95.31±1.30 cm,巢内径为40.29±0.54 cm,巢高为57.51±1.91 cm,巢深为11.51±0.35 cm;(3)巢周水深为42.18±1.94 cm,距道路距离为446.58±13.9 m,巢周芦苇高度为323.12±3.87 cm,密度为263.17±4.20根/m~2,直径为8.11±0.41 mm,盖度为1.32±0.07%。进一步比较分析发现:栖息型、水位、芦苇处理方式的不同,苍鹭巢特征和巢周环境也不同。  相似文献   

The aim of the current investigation was to determine wild ostrich reproductive behaviour in Orbata Nature Reserve by observing 16 hens and 28 cocks over a seven-year period. Intense laying commenced in January, one month after the cessation of the rainy season, and 92% of the eggs were produced during the dry season (January to May, peaking in March). Over the seven years, 1,322 eggs were laid in 69 nests, which corresponded to an annual average production of 19.2 ± 9.1 eggs/nest and 11.8 eggs/hen. 24 nests (34.78%) were non-brooded, 17 nests (24.64%) were deserted in the course of incubation, and 28 nests (40.58%) possessed hatched eggs. All the non-incubated nests had egg losses equivalent to 46.6 ± 12.6%. Hatchability success of incubated eggs was 41.9 ± 12.0%. Ostriches tended to dig their nests adjacent to the reserve enclosure which had direct access by road and track, the latter subjecting them to human disturbance and predation. The systematic obstruction of these nests stimulated ostriches to build additional nests within the reserve perimeter. The authors discussed the results recorded in an ostrich flock in relation to the environmental factors (climatic factors, food disponibility and predation) and suggested possibilities for improved wildlife management.  相似文献   

The major Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus populations in South Africa are threatened by pollution, habitat alteration/destruction, and poaching. This has highlighted the importance of other minor populations. The Phongola River Nile crocodile population was previously considered as unsubstantial. Consequently, we investigated the Nile crocodile population numbers and status and the effects of the impoundment of the Phongola River on this. In 2009–2010 we determined a minimum population number of 281 Nile crocodiles in Pongolapoort Dam using a combination of survey methods. The population structure was identified as having a minimum of 116 (41.3%) juveniles (<1.2 m total length), 31 (11.0%) subadults (1.2–2.5 m total length) and 134 (47.7%) adults (>2.5 m total length). At the commencement of the breeding season in August, crocodiles congregated at a major basking site where the main tributary entered the dam. Three major nesting areas were identified, two of which were located on the river inlet to the dam. We identified approximately 30 nesting females during the 2009/10 nesting season. Several nests were predated by the Nile monitor Varanus niloticus. There was a total recruitment failure of nests along the river inlet to the dam due to a flash flood of the Phongola River in January 2010. This preliminary study suggests that the Pongolapoort Dam Nile crocodile population has a relatively high potential reproductive output, although their annual successes may vary greatly because of loss of nesting sites as a result of water-level fluctuations and predation. It appears that the river impoundment has generally had a positive impact on this Nile crocodile population, although suitable nesting sites may become limited. Continued long-term monitoring of the Nile crocodile population in Pongolapoort Dam is required to determine if the impoundment continues to support a viable population.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):156-168
Two species of Cubitermes coexist in the grassy Loudetia Savanna of Bondoé, in the Central African Republic, namely C. sankurensis (Wasmann, 1911) and C. ugandensis (Fuller, 1923) Despite the obvious size difference between individuals their nests have the same general shape but there are significant, though small, differences in height, diameter, number of caps, surface and volume. The closest correlations between these five parameters can be seen between the surface and the volume of the nests. The regressions between these two parameters are identical for both species; the addition of a first cap decreases the volume/surface ratio but a second or third cap does not alter this ratio further. Three apparent age classes have been attributed to the nests based on their external appearance: recent, eroded, and dilapidated. The great density (1297 nests/ha) and abundance of the nests that are dilapidated but still occupied by a declining population clearly suggests that the pressure from predation is weak. This study suggests that the environmental conditions are more influential than the species in shaping the mounds and tentative population dynamics of the termite mounds of Bondoé are outlined.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of maternally selected nests in shaping offspring phenotypes, our understanding of how the nest environment affects embryonic development and offspring traits of most non-avian reptiles is rather limited largely due to the logistical difficulty in locating their nests. To identify the relative contributions of environmental (temporal [seasonal] and spatial [nest-site]) and intrinsic (clutch) factors on embryonic development and offspring traits, we conducted a cross-fostering experiment by swapping eggs between maternally-selected nests of the toad-headed agama (Phrynocephalus przewalskii) in the field. We found that nest environment explained a large proportion of variation in incubation duration, hatching success, and offspring size and growth. In contrast, clutch only explained a small proportion of variation in these embryonic and offspring traits. More significantly, compared with spatial effects, seasonal effects explained more phenotypic variation in both embryonic development and offspring traits. Eggs laid early in the nesting season had longer incubation durations and produced smaller hatchlings with higher post-hatching growth rates than did later-laid eggs. Consequently, hatchlings from early-laid eggs reached larger body sizes prior to winter. In addition, we found that female toad-headed agama did not select nests specific to reaction norms of their own offspring because hatchlings from original or translocated nests had similar phenotypic traits. Overall, our study demonstrates the importance of seasonal variation in nest environments in determining embryonic development and offspring phenotypes, which has not been widely appreciated at least in non-avian reptiles.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):274-278
The southern ground hornbill, Bucorvus leadbeateri, is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a ‘Vulnerable’ species with a decreasing population. Despite a myriad of threats, including loss of nesting sites, accidental poisoning and persecution, there has been no detailed study of the southern ground hornbill in Zimbabwe. We collected data on nest sites and usage for 42 nests over three breeding seasons in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park. For the active nests in the breeding seasons of 2008/9 and 2009/10 the mean nearest neighbour distances were 4.41 km and 3.53 km, respectively. Most nests were found in granite crevices (67%) while the remainder were found in five different tree species. Most nests (90%) were in areas of subsistence crop farming, the remainder (10%) were found in forests and open savannas. The high breeding density of the southern ground hornbill in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park in Zimbabwe could be attributed in part to traditional Ndebele culture which, for the most part, protects this species. Food also appears to be relatively abundant under communal farming conditions.  相似文献   

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