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The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of canine HD in a population in which there was minimal or no prior screening of radiographs for the disorder. Patient information was obtained from the radiographic database at the University of Missouri-Columbia Veterinary Teaching Hospital during the five-year period of 1991-1995. The coxofemoral joints on ventrodorsal radiographs of the pelvis were independently evaluated by three veterinary radiologists. A consensus evaluation of normal, borderline, or dysplastic was compiled. There were 2885 dogs identified representing 116 breeds and the mixbreds. There were 2236 purebred dogs (1071 males and 1165 females) and the prevalence of HD was 19.7%. There were 649 mixbred dogs (340 males and 309 females) and the prevalence of HD was 17.7%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of HD between sexes or between purebred and mixbred dogs (P = 0.16; P = 0.29). Degenerative joint disease (DJD) was the most common radiographic manifestation of HD and there appeared to be a threshold at 12 months of age after which the presence of DJD was the primary diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   

Ultrasound‐guided intraarticular injection of cervical articular process joints is a well‐established procedure in both humans and horses for neck pain resulting from osteoarthritis, but the technique has not been described in dogs. Aims of this study were to describe the ultrasonographic anatomy and landmarks for cervical articular process joint injections in the dog, develop a technique for articular process joint injections using these landmarks, and determine the accuracy of injections and factors that may influence it. Eleven canine cadavers were used and bilateral joint spaces from C2–3 to C7‐T1 were injected under ultrasound guidance with a blue radiopaque solution. A computed tomographic scan was acquired following each injection, and an injection score was assigned and compared with other patient‐specific factors. Of the 132 injections performed, 110 (83.3%) were intraarticular, 20 (15.1%) were periarticular within 5 mm, and 2 (1.5%) were periarticular beyond 5 mm from the joint. There was no significant difference in mean scores between dogs. Only C2–3 had a significantly lower mean score than any other joint. There was no significant correlation between injection score and any other factors measured. The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae served as excellent ultrasonographic landmarks for identifying the cervical articular process joints in dogs regardless of the size of the dog or location along the vertebrae. Accuracy of ultrasound‐guided intraarticular process joint injection was 83% in dogs and similar to published techniques in horses. Further studies are needed to examine the safety and efficacy of this procedure in live animals.  相似文献   



Chronic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of human cervical spondylotic myelopathy and could also play a role in cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM) in dogs.


That cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokine concentrations would differ between clinically normal (control) and CSM‐affected Great Danes (GDs), with affected GDs showing higher levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)‐6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1/chemokine ligand 2 (MCP‐1/CCL2).


Client‐owned GDs: 15 control, 15 CSM‐affected.


Prospective study. Dogs underwent cervical vertebral column magnetic resonance imaging and collection of CSF from the cerebellomedullary cistern. Cytokine concentrations were measured using a commercially available canine multiplex immunoassay. Cytokine concentrations were compared between groups. Associations with the administration of anti‐inflammatory medications, disease duration and severity, severity of spinal cord (SC) compression, and SC signal changes were investigated in affected GDs.


Affected GDs had significantly lower MCP‐1/CCL2 (mean 138.03 pg/mL, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 114.85–161.20) than control GDs (212.89 pg/mL, 95% CI = 165.68–260.11, = .028). In affected GDs, MCP‐1/CCL2 concentrations correlated inversely with the severity of SC compression. There were no associations with administration of anti‐inflammatory medications, disease duration, or disease severity. IL‐6 concentrations were significantly higher (2.20 pg/mL, 95% CI = 1.92–2.47, < .001) in GDs with SC signal changes.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Lower MCP‐1/CCL2 in CSM‐affected GDs might compromise clearance of axonal and myelin debris, delay axon regeneration, and affect recovery. Higher IL‐6 in CSM‐affected GDs with SC signal changes suggests more severe inflammation in this group.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) scans can be acquired with the transverse images aligned either parallel to the endplates or perpendicular to the vertebral canal. The purpose of this prospective cross‐sectional study was to determine the effect of angle acquisition on CT morphometric evaluation of the cervical vertebral column of Great Danes with and without cervical spondylomyelopathy. Twenty‐eight Great Danes (13 normal, 15 affected) were sampled. For each dog, a set of CT images was acquired with the transverse slices aligned parallel to the endplates and another one with the transverse images aligned perpendicular to the vertebral canal. For each different set, transverse slices from the cranial, middle, and caudal aspects of the individual vertebral bodies C2‐C7 were measured. Height, width, transverse area, right dorsal to left ventral height (RDLV), and left dorsal to right ventral height (LDRV) were recorded by a single observer at each location. For both affected and control dogs, significant differences between the measurements obtained from the two sets of transverse images were found only at the cranial aspect of the vertebrae (P = 0.005, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, P = 0.005, and P = 0.010 for height, width, area, RDLV, and LDRV, respectively). Measurements for the middle and caudal aspects did not differ. The funnel‐shape morphology of the cervical vertebral foramina in Great Danes with stenosis of their cranial aspect may be responsible for the significant differences found. Considering that the morphometric parameters were significantly affected by CT slice angle in the current study, authors recommend that a standardized scanning protocol be followed when morphometric evaluations using CT are planned.  相似文献   

Caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy is a common neurologic disorder of Doberman pinschers which has a number of striking similarities to cervical spondylotic myelopathy in humans. Diagnosis of this human disease is facilitated considerably by the use of computed tomographic (CT) myelography. Sixteen Doberman pinscher dogs with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy were studied by conventional myelography followed by CT myelography. A close correlation was noted between the CT myelographic appearance of the cervical spinal cord in these dogs, and that reported for human cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Five dogs had atrophy of the spinal cord, and in another there was an accumulation of contrast medium within the spinal cord. These features are often associated with a poor response to surgical decompression in humans with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. The CT examination provided information that could not be obtained by conventional myelography alone and should be considered as an additional diagnostic procedure in dogs with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy.  相似文献   

Lameness in captive elephants is most commonly caused by pododermatitis or degenerative joint disease. Hard surfaces such as concrete, which produce a damp and cold environment, wet and muddy conditions, as well as restricted movement are the major causes of these problems. Radiography was performed in two African elephants at the Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna to determine the cause and extent of lameness. Various radiographic techniques are described for use in trained elephants. Low time settings were used to avoid loss of detail through movement and to minimize exposure while observing radiation safety. A 37-year-old elephant had front limb lameness due to an interdigital abscess. In radiographs of the foot an inhomogenous soft-tissue swelling without involvement of the phalanges was seen. Ultrasonography was helpful in visualizing the fluid-filled abscess. In additional joint radiographs severe degenerative joint disease was identified. A 13-year-old elephant had lameness of the hind limb. Radiographs of the hind limb from the foot to the stifle were made. Open physes and early signs of degenerative joint disease were identified on the radiographs.  相似文献   

Cervical spondylomyelopathy or "wobbler syndrome" is a well-defined disorder of large-breed dogs, characterized by a compressive lesion affecting the cervical spinal cord that in many dogs may have a dynamic component. Determination of whether this dynamic component is present is important in the decision-making process as regards therapeutic intervention. Despite a significant risk of neurologic deterioration following myelography in some large dogs affected by wobbler syndrome, myelography is considered an essential part of the assessment, primarily as it allows assessment of whether a dynamic compression exists. This same neurologic deterioration is not apparent following magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; however, the use of MR imaging in the investigation of wobbler syndrome has thus far been limited by the inability to perform the traction studies required to ascertain whether a dynamic component to the spinal cord compression exists. This paper presents a technique of applying traction during MR imaging of the cervical spine to reduce a dynamic wobbler syndrome lesion.  相似文献   

Radiographs from 196 tarsi in 98 Icelandic horses were evaluated to compare the accuracy of four different projections in detecting radiographic signs of degenerative joint disease in the distal tarsus. The extent and localization of tarsal degenerative joint disease found in one projection when reading all four projections of the same tarsus together was compared with the combined findings from all four projections. The results of reading individual radiographic projections without knowledge of the other three projections was also evaluated. Degenerative joint disease was detected most frequently in the plantarolateral-dorsomedial oblique (P1L-DMO) projection. The location with the highest relative frequency of radiographic findings was the dorsolateral aspect of the centrodistal and tarsometatarsal joints respectively. Radiographic signs of active bone remodelling was detected in 30 (33%) and periarticular osteophytes in 51 (56%) of 91 tarsi with degenerative joint disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of magnetic resonance imaging to depict abnormalities of the equine foot. MRI was performed on isolated limbs which had lesions of the foot. These images were made in 3 perpendicular planes (sagittal, transverse and frontal) using a T1 weighted sequence and were 5mm thick. Images accurately depicted normal and pathologic structures in the foot and proved to be very precise for documenting degenerative joint disease, navicular disease and laminitis lesions. This preliminary study demonstrates the considerable potential of MRI in the diagnosis of locomotor problems in the horse.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) provides excellent bony detail, whereas magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is superior in evaluating the neural structures. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess interobserver and intermethod agreement in the evaluation of cervical vertebral column morphology and lesion severity in Great Danes with cervical spondylomyelopathy by use of noncontrast CT and high‐field MR imaging. Fifteen client‐owned affected Great Danes were enrolled. All dogs underwent noncontrast CT under sedation and MR imaging under general anesthesia of the cervical vertebral column. Three observers independently evaluated the images to determine the main site of spinal cord compression, direction and cause of the compression, articular process joint characteristics, and presence of foraminal stenosis. Overall intermethod agreement, intermethod agreement for each observer, overall interobserver agreement, and interobserver agreement between pairs of observers were calculated by use of kappa (κ) statistics. The highest overall intermethod agreements were obtained for the main site of compression and direction of compression with substantial agreements (κ = 0.65 and 0.62, respectively), whereas the lowest was obtained for right‐sided foraminal stenosis (κ = 0.39, fair agreement). For both imaging techniques, the highest and lowest interobserver agreements were recorded for the main site of compression and degree of articular joint proliferation, respectively. While different observers frequently agree on the main site of compression using both imaging techniques, there is considerable variation between modalities and among observers when assessing articular process characteristics and foraminal stenosis. Caution should be exerted when comparing image interpretations from multiple observers.  相似文献   



Great Danes (GDs) with osseous‐associated cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM) have osteoarthritis (OA) of the cervical vertebrae. OA is often associated with increases in bone mineral density (BMD) in people and dogs.


To compare the trabecular BMD of the cervical vertebrae between clinically normal (control) GDs and GDs with osseous‐associated CSM by using computed tomography (CT). We hypothesized that the vertebral trabecular BMD of CSM‐affected GDs would be higher than that of control GDs.


Client‐owned GDs: 12 controls, 10 CSM affected.


Prospective study. CT of the cervical vertebral column was obtained alongside a calibration phantom. By placing a circular region of interest at the articular process joints, vertebral body, pedicles, and within each rod of the calibration phantom, trabecular BMD was measured in Hounsfield units, which were converted to diphosphate equivalent densities. Trabecular BMD measurements were compared between CSM‐affected and control dogs, and between males and females within the control group.


Differences between CSM‐affected and control dogs were not significant for the articular processes (mean = −39; = .37; 95% CI: −102 to 24), vertebral bodies (mean = −62; P = .08; 95% CI: −129 to 6), or pedicles (mean = −36; P = .51; 95% CI: −105 to 33). Differences between female and male were not significant.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

This study revealed no difference in BMD between control and CSM‐affected GDs. Based on our findings no association was detected between cervical OA and BMD in GDs with CSM.  相似文献   

F. Rossi  DVM    G. Seiler  DVM    A. Busato  DVM habil.  MSc.    C. Wacker  DVM    J. Lang  DVM habil. 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2004,45(5):381-387
The geometry of the lumbosacral region has been suspected to play a role in the development of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in the dog. In this study, 50 dogs (21 German Shepherd dogs and 29 dogs of other breeds) with clinical signs of cauda equina compression were studied by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The orientation of the articular process joints in the L5-S1 region and the angle difference between two adjacent motion segments were calculated. Intervertebral disc degeneration of the same region was identified and classified in four stages. A positive association between MR-imaging stage and articular process joint angle difference in the transverse plane was found in the two groups of animals. German Shepherd dogs and dogs of other breeds had different geometry of the lumbosacral region with different articular process joint angles in the transverse plane and statistically different stages of disc degeneration.  相似文献   

A Rottweiler dog was presented with an 8 week history of hindlimb ataxia. Neurological examination localised the lesion to the cervical spinal cord. Myelography demonstrated dynamic compressive lesions at C5-6 and C6-7 consistent with a diagnosis of caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy. Distraction/stabilisation of both discs was performed using interbody polymethyl methacrylate. Both implants subsequently failed leading to extrusion of the remaining dorsal annulus fibrosus of the C5-6 intervertebral disc and nonambulatory tetraparesis. A ventral slot combined with distraction/stabilisation using screws and polymethyl methacrylate was performed and resulted in nearly full neurological recovery.  相似文献   

Joint stiffness, lameness and reduced activity levels are common inflammatory responses observed in canines and have significant impact on quality of life (QOL). The symptoms are often ascribed to osteoarthritis (OA), for which the standard treatment is systemic anti-inflammatories, but pharmacologic intervention can have significant short-term and long-term side effects.  相似文献   

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