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近年在黑龙江省保护地番茄上发现一种番茄植株黄萎病害,从其病茎上分离得到10个菌株。将其接种番茄幼苗,发病症状与自然发病症状完全一致,并从接种病株上重新分离到该菌。经鉴定,病原菌为大丽轮枝菌(Ver-tillium dahliae Kleb)。对其生物学特性研究表明:该菌生长最低温度为5℃,最适范围20-25℃,以22.5℃生长最适。孢子萌发温度为5-30℃,最适温度为25℃。病菌菌丝在pH4-8都能生长,以pH 5生长最好。  相似文献   

Host Range Specificity in Verticillium dahliae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bhat RG  Subbarao KV 《Phytopathology》1999,89(12):1218-1225
ABSTRACT Verticillium dahliae isolates from artichoke, bell pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, chili pepper, cotton, eggplant, lettuce, mint, potato, strawberry, tomato, and watermelon and V. albo-atrum from alfalfa were evaluated for their pathogenicity on all 14 hosts. One-month-old seedlings were inoculated with a spore suspension of about 10(7) conidia per ml using a root-dip technique and incubated in the greenhouse. Disease incidence and severity, plant height, and root and shoot dry weights were recorded 6 weeks after inoculation. Bell pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, cotton, eggplant, and mint isolates exhibited host specificity and differential pathogenicity on other hosts, whereas isolates from artichoke, lettuce, potato, strawberry, tomato, and watermelon did not. Bell pepper was resistant to all Verticillium isolates except isolates from bell pepper and eggplant. Thus, host specificity exists in some isolates of V. dahliae. The same isolates were characterized for vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) through complementation of nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants. Cabbage and cauliflower isolates did not produce nit mutants. The isolate from cotton belonged to VCG 1; isolates from bell pepper, eggplant, potato, and tomato, to VCG 4; and the remaining isolates, to VCG 2. These isolates were also analyzed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Forty random primers were screened, and eighteen of them amplified DNA from Verticillium. Based on RAPD banding patterns, cabbage and cauliflower isolates formed a unique group, distinct from other V. dahliae and V. albo-atrum groups. Minor genetic variations were observed among V. dahliae isolates from other hosts, regardless of whether they were host specific or not. There was no correlation among pathogenicity, VCGs, and RAPD banding patterns. Even though the isolates belonged to different VCGs, they shared similar RAPD profiles. These results suggest that management of Verticillium wilt in some crops through crop rotation is a distinct possibility.  相似文献   

棉花黄萎病防治策略   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
黄萎病是棉花生产中的最主要病害之一,广泛分布于世界各产棉国.由于该病是土壤传播的维管束病害,防治难度较大,至今尚无特效的防治药剂,只能依靠种植抗病品种为主的综合防治措施.但是,我国目前棉花品种的抗病性只能达到抗至耐病水平,致使该病在环境条件适宜时连续流行为害.控制该病的猖獗为害,已成为棉花生产可持续发展的主要问题之一.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Since 1995, lettuce in coastal California, where more than half of the crop in North America is grown, has consistently suffered from severe outbreaks of Verticillium wilt. The disease is confined to this region, although the pathogen (Verticillium dahliae) and the host are present in other crop production regions in California. Migration of the pathogen with infested spinach seed was previously documented, but the geographic sources of the pathogen, as well as the impact of lettuce seed sparsely infested with V. dahliae produced outside coastal California on the pathogen population in coastal California remain unclear. Population analyses of V. dahliae were completed using 16 microsatellite markers on isolates from lettuce plants in coastal California, infested lettuce seed produced in the neighboring Santa Clara Valley of California, and spinach seed produced in four major spinach seed production regions: Chile, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United States (Washington State). California produces 80% of spinach in the United States and all seed planted with the majority infested by V. dahliae comes from the above four sources. Three globally distributed genetic populations were identified, indicating sustained migration among these distinct geographic regions with multiple spinach crops produced each year and repeated every year in coastal California. The population structure of V. dahliae from coastal California lettuce plants was heavily influenced by migration from spinach seed imported from Denmark and Washington. Conversely, the sparsely infested lettuce seed had limited or no contribution to the Verticillium wilt epidemic in coastal California. The global trade in plant and seed material is likely contributing to sustained shifts in the population structure of V. dahliae, affecting the equilibrium of native populations, and likely affecting disease epidemiology.  相似文献   

Nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants were used to determine vegetative compatibility among 34 isolates of Verticillium dahliae from cotton, potato, olive, eggplant, chrysanthemum and tomato from 12 sites in Israel. Based on the formation of complementary heterokaryons, 33 isolates were assigned to two vegetative- compatibility groups (VCGs): one VCG contained 15 isolates from cotton, eggplant, chrysanthemum and olive; and the other VCG contained 18 isolates from potato, olive and cotton. The status of an additional isolate from tomato, which was compatible with both VCGs, remained unclear. In a limited pathogenicity test with 10 isolates, two (from tomato and eggplant) were pathogenic on tomato, eggplant and cotton; most isolates from cotton were pathogenic on cotton and eggplant only; and one from cotton was non-pathogenic. Fewer isolates were pathogenic on tomato than on cotton or eggplant. The diversity of vegetative compatibility found in our V. dahliae collection is comparable to that found in studies of American populations.  相似文献   

在甘肃省农业科学院林果所2010年建植的桃园内,自2011年以来,每年6-8月都陆续出现枯死的桃树;严重年份桃树病株率达20%。经病原菌分离培养、形态观察和致病性测定,确认桃树枯死是由大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)侵染所致。这是桃树黄萎病在我国的首次发生报道。  相似文献   

棉花黄萎病菌致病力测定及评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 棉花黄萎病菌致病力测定及评价是抗病育种及病害综合防治的基础。本文以我国三大棉区的167个黄萎菌菌株为对象,研究致病力测定及评价中不同批次之间病情指数的校准及致病力类型划分标准等关键技术环节。结果表明,以中等致病力类型菌株Vd076为校正菌株,以感病性稳定的冀棉11为校正鉴别寄主,以校正菌株在校正鉴别寄主上病情指数达到50.0±5.0时的调查结果进行各菌株的致病力评价,可获得较好的校正效果,使不同批次试验数据具有可比性;依据聚类分析结果,制定了致病力类型划分标准,强、中、弱3种致病力类型的平均校正病指分别为﹥40.0、20.1~40.0和20.0;通过对不同鉴别寄主组合的分析,推荐陆地棉中棉所41号、豫棉21、鲁棉研28、中棉所35号、中棉所8号、冀棉11作为鉴别寄主。该研究为棉花黄萎病菌致病力变异等相关研究工作提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae is responsible for yield losses in many economically important crops. The capacity of pathogenic fungi to adapt to new hosts is a well-known threat to the durability of resistant crop varieties. In the present work, 25 Medicago truncatula genotypes from a core collection and six V. albo-atrum and V. dahliae strains were used to study the potential of non-host Verticillium strains isolated from different plant species to infect this legume plant and the plant’s susceptibility to the pathogens. The experiment was designed as factorial with randomised complete blocks and with three repetitions. The wilt symptoms caused by V. albo-atrum and V. dahliae were scored on a disease index scale from 0 to 4, during 30 days after inoculation of 10-day-old plantlets. Disease severity was quantified by maximum symptom scores (MSS) and areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPC), which integrate the time course of symptom development. Highly significant differences were observed among plant genotypes and fungal strains, and their interaction was also significant. The correlation between MSS and AUDPC was 0.86. The most severe symptoms were caused by the alfalfa strain V. albo-atrum V31-2 and the least severe by V. dahliae JR2, as shown by mean values obtained on the 25 genotypes. M. truncatula genotype TN8.3 was the most susceptible genotype by mean values obtained with the six fungal strains, whereas F11013-3, F83005.9 and DZA45.6 were highly resistant to all strains studied. The results can be used to choose parents for studying the genetics of resistance in Medicago truncatula to Verticillium strains with different levels of aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Au cours des prospections effectuées dans les oliveraies de la délégation de Mahres (région de Sfax) située au centre-est de la Tunisie, 12 cas de dépérissement d'oliviers âgés, du cv. 'Chemlali' ont été observés dans deux parcelles voisines. Dans ces deux vergers, les oliviers malades sont répartis en foyers. Les investigations au champ et au laboratoire ont permis de mettre en évidence la présence du champignon Verticillium dahliae , qui est ainsi signalé pour la première fois en Tunisie sur olivier.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The spatial patterns of microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in soil and wilt symptoms on cauliflower were determined at three sites in each of two fields in 1994 and 1995. Each site was an 8 x 8 grid divided into 64 contiguous quadrats (2 by 2 m each). Soil samples were collected to a depth of 15 cm with a probe (2.5 cm in diameter), and samples from four sites in each quadrat were bulked. Plants in each quadrat were cut transversely, and the number of plants with vascular discoloration and the number without discoloration were recorded. The soil was assayed for microsclerotia by the modified Anderson sampler technique. Lloyd's index of patchiness (LIP) was used as an indicator to evaluate the aggregation of microsclerotia in the field. Spatial autocorrelation and geostatistical analyses were also used to assess the autocorrelation of microsclerotia among quadrats. The LIP for microsclerotia was greater than 1, indicating aggregation of propagules; however, the degree of aggregation at most sites was not high. Significant autocorrelation within or across rows was detected in some spatial autocorrelograms of propagules, and anisotropic patterns were also detected in some oriented semivariograms from geostatistical analyses for microsclerotia, indicating the influence of bed preparation in the fields on pathogen distribution. The parameter estimates p and theta in the beta-binomial distribution and the index of dispersion (D) associated with the distribution were used to assess the aggregation of diseased plants at each site. A random pattern of wilt incidence was detected at 7 of 12 sites, and an aggregated pattern was detected at 5 of 12 sites. The degree of aggregation was not high. A regular pattern of wilt severity was detected at all sites. The high disease incidence (77 to 98%) observed at 11 of the 12 sites could be explained by high inoculum density.  相似文献   

Naturally wilted cultivated and weed species were collected from several fields in Kriti (GR) over the years 1992/1997, and tested by isolation for the presence of Verticillium dahliae. The fungus was most frequently recovered from cultivated Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae. Infection of many known Verticillium hosts was confirmed, and the fungus was found for the first time in Kriti in pistachio and grapevine and in several common weeds.  相似文献   

Vascular wilt caused by the soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae is a major yield and quality-limiting disease across a broad spectrum of crop plants worldwide. Sulphur-enhanced plant defence mechanisms provide an opportunity to effectively and environmentally safely constrain the wilt disease levels in planta. To evaluate the influence of sulphur nutrition on the protective potential of these mechanisms, two near-isogenic tomato genotypes differing in fungal susceptibility, were treated with low or supra-optimal sulphur supply. Microscopic analysis revealed a significant sulphur-induced decrease in the amount of infected vascular cells in both genotypes. However, plant shoot and severely pathogen-affected root growth did not display this distinct alleviating influence of sulphur nutrition. Rates of leaf photosynthesis were impeded by Verticillium dahliae infection in both genotypes especially under low sulphur nutrition. However, assimilate transport rates in the phloem sap were enhanced by fungal infection more in the resistant genotype and under high sulphur nutrition suggesting a stronger sink for assimilates in infected plant tissues possibly involved in sugar-induced defence. A SYBR Green-based absolute quantitative Real-Time assay using a species-specific primer was developed which sensitively reflected sulphur nutrition-dependent changes in fungal colonization patterns. High sulphur nutrition significantly reduced fungal spread in the stem in both tomato genotypes. Concentrations of selected sulphur-containing metabolites revealed an increase of the major anti-oxidative redox buffer glutathione under high sulphur nutrition in response to fungal colonization. Our study demonstrates the existence of sulphur nutrition-enhanced resistance of tomato against Verticillium dahliae mediated by sulphur-containing defence compounds.  相似文献   

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