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Many commercially important fish species use coastal marine environments such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds. The ecological importance of spatially connected habitats to conservation is well established for terrestrial environments. However, few studies have applied spatial metrics, including measures of structural connectivity to marine environments. We examined the relationship between catch-per-unit-effort for commercially caught species and the spatial patterning of mapped benthic habitat types along the coast of Queensland, Australia in their dominant fisheries (trawl, line, net or pot fisheries). We quantified the composition and spatial configuration of seascapes and calculated coastline length, number of estuaries, river length and geographical latitude using 12 metrics within ninety 30-nautical-mile grid cells, which supported inshore fish catch data from 21 species groups. Multiple regression analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling plots indicated that ecological linkages may exist between geomorphic coastal features and nearshore fisheries production for a number of species groups. Connectivity indices for mangroves, salt marsh and channels explained the largest proportion (30–70%), suggesting the importance of connected tidal wetlands for fisheries. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) catch-per-unit-effort was best explained by the number of wetland patches, mangrove connectivity and wetland connectivity (r2 = 0.38, n = 28). Catch-per-unit-effort for the Gulf of Carpentaria was highly correlated with wetland connectivity, the number of estuaries and seagrass patch density (r = 0.57, n = 29). The findings could guide the spatial design of marine protected area networks to maintain ecosystem services and avoid potential disruption to connectivity caused by habitat removal or modification. Application of the same approach to analyses of finer spatial scales would enable catch information to be related to particular estuarine habitats and provide better understanding of the importance of habitat connectivity for fisheries.  相似文献   

Oil extracted from blubber of the Ganges River dolphin, Platanista gangetica, is used as a fish attractant in India and Bangladesh. This oil fishery is associated with the mortality of hundreds of dolphins every year. Oil from fish scraps was field tested for 121 days during 1997-1999 in the Ganges at Patna and was a very effective alternative to dolphin oil as a fish attractant. Fishing with fish oil resulted in higher catches and greater income per person per hour (Rs. 17.8±12.5) than fishing with dolphin oil (Rs. 11.6±9.3). However, there is no statistically significant difference between the results from fishing with dolphin and fish oil. Oil from fish scraps is inexpensive and can be made readily available to all the fishermen. Its widespread use would help in conserving the endangered Ganges River dolphin.  相似文献   

Rare plants in coastal New England sandplains are often restricted to anthropogenically disturbed sites including plowed and mowed firelanes at the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest on Martha’s Vineyard. Little is known about pre-colonial rare plant habitat or how modern management impacts these species. To understand the factors influencing rare plant distribution, we examined the influence of vegetation structure, species composition, environmental characteristics and disturbance history on rare plant populations and potential natural habitat in the 2100-ha Forest. We sampled >100, 100 m2 plots - in firelanes and forested/shrubland areas - and conducted extensive searches for rare plants.Linum intercursum and Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana were frequent in firelanes including in recently plowed areas, whereas Nabalus serpentarius, Sisyrinchium fuscatum, and Aristida purpurascens generally occurred in isolated, locally-abundant patches in firelanes not plowed for many decades. The former group may be characterized by an ability to rapidly establish following disturbances while the latter may take longer to establish and develop large populations. In some respects, rare plants were associated with environmental conditions reflecting the disturbance histories of sites they occupied (e.g., L. intercursum with lower duff depth and N. serpentarius with greater litter cover/depth).In forests and shrublands undisturbed for decades, rare plants only occurred on well-worn paths. Although scrub oak stands supported conditions more similar to those found in firelanes than other native vegetation types, disturbances - far more severe than those in forests/shrublands of the past century - are probably required to create suitable rare plant habitat in sandplain forests and shrublands.  相似文献   

岩溶地下河在西南地区分布极广,作为当地重要的生活和生产水源,近年来遭受了不同程度的污染,其中硝酸盐污染是岩溶地下河面临的最突出最普遍的问题之一。且由于岩溶地区含水层的高度非均质性,使得硝酸盐的分布及其形成规律很难通过模拟手段揭示。本文选取广西柳州市大良镇官村的典型岩溶地下河系统作为研究对象,分别于丰水期和枯水期系统采集不同水体样品。通过水化学及氢氧同位素示踪和统计分析等方法,分析硝酸盐浓度及稳定同位素的变化特征。结果表明,该岩溶地下河系统中,丰水期和枯水期硝酸盐浓度变化趋势一致,上湖洞到下湖洞段硝酸盐浓度逐渐升高,下湖洞到地下河出口硝酸盐浓度呈降低趋势;水体明显受到人为活动的影响,水体中的硝酸盐主要来自农业源和生活源,农业源的输入对水体中硝酸盐浓度的影响较强;由于不同季节地下河系统硝酸盐来源的差异及补给水的不同,使地下河系统不同水体的氢氧同位素特征和硝酸盐浓度分布呈现明显的季节性差异,丰水期水体中硝酸盐平均浓度大于枯水期硝酸盐平均浓度;受外源硝酸盐输入、不同补给水的混合作用及还原作用的影响,岩溶地下河系统中不同水体的硝酸盐浓度分布亦呈现明显的空间差异性。本研究通过示踪的方法分析了硝酸盐在岩溶地下河系统中的时空分布规律及其影响因素,对岩溶地区面源污染防治策略的形成具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the Coral Triangle community-based marine protected areas (MPAs) are being established at a prolific rate. Their establishment can benefit both fisheries and biodiversity, and they provide both a socially and economically acceptable means of managing coral reefs in developing nations. However, because such MPAs are typically small (usually <0.5 km2), they will rarely provide protection to large mobile fishes. An exception to this limitation may exist when community-based MPAs are established to protect small sites where vital processes occur, such as fish spawning aggregations (FSAs). To test the effectiveness of small (0.1–0.2 km2) MPAs for protecting FSAs, we monitored three FSA sites where brown-marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion) and squaretail coralgrouper (Plectropomus areolatus) aggregate to spawn. Sites were monitored during peak reproductive periods (several days prior to each new moon) between January 2005 and November 2009. All three sites are located in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, and had been exploited for decades, but in 2004 two sites were protected by the establishment of community-based MPAs. The third site continued to be exploited. Over the monitoring period densities of E. fuscoguttatus and E. polyphekadion increased at both MPAs, but not at the site that remained open to fishing. At one MPA the densities of E. polyphekadion increased tenfold. Our findings demonstrate that community-based MPAs that are appropriately designed and adequately enforced can lead to the recovery of populations of vulnerable species that aggregate to spawn.  相似文献   

Rapidly expanding water resource development in arid and semi-arid zones of Australia threatens the flow regime and ecological integrity of the few large dryland rivers and their immense floodplains. Efforts to manage and conserve the surface waters of these rivers are hampered by limited scientific data on the ecology of their flora and fauna and on their responses to the high natural variability of flow regime that typifies dryland rivers. Irregular floods connect channel and floodplain wetlands to differing degrees and for varying periods of time but the ecological significance of this connectivity is poorly understood. On Cooper Creek, a large dryland river in central Australia, we explored the degree to which assemblage composition varied with connectivity and hydrological regime. Shortly after protracted regional flooding, we sampled aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages from the principal microhabitats in 12 channel and floodplain wetlands. Ephemeral and temporary lakes tended to have fewer taxa than semi-permanent channel or terminal lake habitats. Although hydrological connection had only recently been lost for some wetlands, there was already evidence of divergence in aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Disruption of the natural variability in connectivity and hydrological regime by excessive water abstraction or river-flow regulation threatens the ecological integrity and aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of dryland rivers. Preservation of the irregular flow regime and sporadic connectivity underpins conservation of the mosaic of floodplain wetlands that play such a crucial role in the ecosystem functioning of rivers such as Cooper Creek.  相似文献   

Conservation actions frequently need to be scheduled because both funding and implementation capacity are limited. Two approaches to scheduling are possible. Maximizing gain (MaxGain) which attempts to maximize representation with protected areas, or minimizing loss (MinLoss) which attempts to minimize total loss both inside and outside protected areas. Conservation planners also choose between setting priorities based solely on biodiversity pattern and considering surrogates for biodiversity processes such as connectivity. We address both biodiversity processes and habitat loss in a scheduling framework by comparing four different prioritization strategies defined by MaxGain and MinLoss applied to biodiversity patterns and processes to solve the dynamic area selection problem with variable area cost. We compared each strategy by estimating predicted species’ occurrences within a landscape after 20 years of incremental reservation and loss of habitat. By incorporating species-specific responses to fragmentation, we found that you could improve the performance of conservation strategies. MinLoss was the best approach for conserving both biodiversity pattern and process. However, due to the spatial autocorrelation of habitat loss, reserves selected with this approach tended to become more isolated through time; losing up to 40% of occurrences of edge-sensitive species. Additionally, because of the positive correlation between threats and land cost, reserve networks designed with this approach contained smaller and fewer reserves compared with networks designed with a MaxGain approach. We suggest a possible way to account for the negative effect of fragmentation by considering both local and neighbourhood vulnerability to habitat loss.  相似文献   

河道内鱼类上溯路径不唯一,聚集位置更是难以预测,对鱼类上溯行为进行有效引导有助于提升过鱼设施进口的效率。为此,该研究提出了一种导鱼堰的概念和设计方法,结合姚家坪水电站的过鱼设施,利用流场三维数值模拟、鱼类洄游(active fish migration,AFM)模型和实鱼试验对导鱼堰的效果进行评估。结果表明:姚家平水利枢纽工程的导鱼堰上下游水面落差为0.36~0.40 m,过堰水流流速可达1.5~2.8 m/s,形成阻鱼的屏障,并在导鱼堰下游侧形成了诱导鱼类向集鱼渠进鱼口游动的唯一低流速上溯通道,鱼类聚集点趋于唯一,验证了导鱼堰方案的合理性。利用鱼类洄游模型对导鱼堰的导鱼效果进行预测,结果表明,下游高水位和低水位2种工况下,90%以上的鱼类游动路径均表现出相似的规律,鱼类沿河道右岸和导鱼堰下游侧的低流速通道上溯,并最终聚集在集鱼渠的进鱼口处。放鱼试验中试验个体全部进入集鱼渠,结果进一步证实导鱼堰可以有效引导鱼类游动路线,并在集鱼渠进鱼口处形成唯一的聚集区。本文提出的导鱼堰丰富了生态水工建筑物的形式,可为过鱼设施进口的水力设计及下游河道的局部整治提供参考。  相似文献   

淤泥质海岸带土壤盐分空间分布规律初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了淤泥质海岸带土壤盐分的空间分布规律及离子组成特征;海岸带土壤盐分分布呈由近岸到陆地经向递减梯度;由于地形因素的影响,海岸带土壤盐分纬向呈现斑状分布格局;滨渤海地区土壤盐分组成以氯化物为主,属氯化物盐渍土。  相似文献   

氟不仅以气体的形态存在于大气中,而且还以水溶性化合物形态存在于土壤和地下水。氟污染的地区,作物因土壤中氟过量而出现生长异常,人和动物通过饮水和食物摄取过多的氟而使健康受到严重威胁。本文从氟在土壤中的地球化学特征、作物对氟的吸收富集、氟污染对人体和动物健康的危害等几个方面的国内外研究进展出发,就氟对土壤的生态环境效应进行综述,同时对今后的相关研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布是准确量化植被与气候相互作用不可缺少的参数,也是玉米生产科学管理和节水农业发展的重要科学依据.在中国气象科学研究院固城生态环境与农业气象实验站内的大型根系观测系统中,采用地下室玻璃窗观测法和方形整段标本法,观测了"屯玉46号"玉米的根深、根宽、根长和根重,分析了玉米根长、根长密度、根重密度和根系粗度等在土壤剖面中的分布状况.结果表明,玉米根长、根干重均随土壤深度的增加基本呈递减类型.吐丝期0~40 cm土层根长占整层根长51.5%,0~80 cm土层占76.2%,0~120 cm土层占90.5%.乳熟后期其分布趋势与吐丝期相似.玉米根系粗度随着土壤深度增加,在上层呈减少分布型,在下层呈增加分布型.乳熟后期,玉米最大根深可达230 cm,根长总量达8.288 km·m-2,显示出该玉米品种有较发达的根系.通过玻璃窗观测的根深大于远离玻璃窗处的根深.  相似文献   

The federally threatened California red-legged frog Rana aurora draytonii occupies both aquatic and terrestrial habitats in its adult life stage. The terrestrial activities of this species are not well known and require documentation to assist in the development of appropriate levels of protection under the US Endangered Species Act. We studied the terrestrial activities of radio-tagged red-legged frogs (n=8-26) inhabiting a coastal watershed in Santa Cruz County, California, during 1997-1998. In particular, we investigated (1) the use of terrestrial habitats by non-migrating adults in relation to season, breeding chronology, and precipitation, and (2) adult migration behavior, including seasonal timing, duration, distances traveled, and the use of corridors. Non-migrating red-legged frogs occupied terrestrial habitats briefly (median=4-6 days) following infrequent summer rains, but resided nearly continuously on land (median=20-30 days) from the onset of the winter wet-season until breeding activities commenced 1-2 months later. All of the non-migrating frogs remained within 130 m of their aquatic site of residence (median <25 m). Intervals spent on land were again brief during mid/late winter (median=1-4 days), despite frequent and copious rainfall. Adult migration to and from breeding sites occurred from late October through mid-May (wet season). We monitored 25 migration events between aquatic sites that were 200-2800 m apart. Short distance movements (<300 m) were completed in 1-3 days, longer movements required up to 2 months. Most migrating frogs moved overland in approximately straight lines to target sites without apparent regard to vegetation type or topography. Riparian corridors were neither essential nor preferred as migration routes. Frogs traveling overland occurred in upland habitats as far as 500 m from water. Approximately 11-22% of the adult population was estimated to migrate to and from breeding sites annually, whereas the bulk of the adult population was resident at these sites. Adequate protection of red-legged frog populations inhabiting relatively undeveloped landscapes is liable to be achieved by retaining an array of suitable habitat elements within at least 100 m of occupied aquatic sites, and by imposing seasonal limitations on detrimental human activities occurring within this zone. Specific protections for migrating frogs are probably unwarranted in forest and rangeland environments because dispersal habitat is ubiquitous and migrating frogs are widely distributed across the landscape in space and time.  相似文献   

为揭示滨海滩涂地区土壤盐分三维空间分布特点并提供相关技术方法与思路,以苏北海涂围垦区典型地块为例,综合采用三维克里格和随机模拟方法对土体盐分含量的三维空间分布进行估值、模拟与对比分析,并对土体盐分三维分布的空间不确定性进行评价。结果显示,由克里格法得到的土壤盐分空间分布具有明显平滑效应,减小了数据间的空间差异并改变了数据的空间结构;序贯高斯模拟结果整体分布相对离散,突出了原始数据分布的波动性;研究区土壤盐分随深度增加而升高,存在一定次生盐渍化风险;围垦后研究区土壤盐渍化的发生概率已有所降低,轻度盐化土和中  相似文献   

A 35-day simulated evaporation experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biochar application on phreatic water evaporation and water-salt distribution in coastal saline soil. Three biochar rates (0, 1%, and 5%; w/w) were applied to 65-cm-long soil columns. Results showed that applying the low biochar application rate effectively inhibited soil water evaporation. The 1% biochar treatment resulted in 4.4% lower cumulative soil water evaporation compared with the control, while it caused salt accumulation in the surface soil. By contrast, the high biochar application rate had little effect on cumulative soil water evaporation. Nonetheless, the 5% biochar treatment significantly increased the soil water-holding capacity while decreasing sodium adsorption ratio and salinity in the surface soil. In conclusion, applying a higher biochar rate (e.g., 5%) could improve salt water-distribution in the coastal saline soil under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对紫色水稻土团聚体及有机碳分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effect of different tillage systems on the size distribution of aggregates and organic carbon distribution and storage in different size aggregates in a Hydragric Anthrosol were studied in a long-term experiment in Chongqing, China. The experiment included three tillage treatments: conventional tillage with rotation of rice and winter fallow (CT-r) system, no-till and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape (RT-rr) system, and conventional tillage with rotation of rice and rape (CT-rr) system. The results showed that the aggregates 0.02-025 mm in diameter accounted for the largest portion in each soil layer under all treatments. Compared with the CT-r system, in the 0-10 cm layer, the amount of aggregates 0.02 mm was larger under the RT-rr system, but smaller under the CT-rr system. In the 0-20 cm layer, the organic carbon content of all fractions of aggregates was the highest under the RT-rr system and lowest under the CT-rr system. The total organic carbon content showed a positive linear relationship with the amount of aggregates with diameter ranging from 0.25 to 2 mm. The storage of organic carbon in all fractions of aggregates under the RT-rr system was higher than that under the CT-r system in the 0-20 cm layer, but in the 0-60 cm soil layer, there was no distinct difference. Under the CT-rr system, the storage of organic carbon in all fractions of aggregates was lower than that under the CT-r system; most of the newly lost organic carbon was from the aggregates 0.002-0.02 and 0.02-0.25 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of mountain streams in the Jiri (440 km2) and Seorak (373 km2) National Park areas of South Korea was investigated from September 1998 to May 2001. A total of 5979 fish were collected and classified into 22 families and 60 species from both national parks. At Jiri, 30 species in 12 families of fishes were collected, while at Seorak there were 42 species in 17 families. Zacco temmincki [relative abundance (RA) 47.9%] was dominant at both parks. Subdominant species were Rhynchocypris kumkangensis (RA 10.8%), Zacco platypus (RA 9.4%), and Pungtungia herzi (RA 5.3%). A total of 20 species were found to be Korean endemic species, representing seven families. The relative abundance of Korean endemic species was higher at Seorak (30.5%) than Jiri (18.5%). One exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and two species translocated outside their native catchments (Hypomesus nipponensis and Coreoperca herzi) were collected. The proportion of Korean endemic freshwater fish species in both parks (33.3%) was higher than the overall proportion on the Korean peninsula (23.6%). Within the 14 South Korean mountain-area national parks as a whole, larger parks tend to have higher fish diversity. We conclude that South Korean national parks are important for conservation of the regional fish fauna, especially for endemic and endangered species. Current threats to conservation of fishes within South Korean national parks are identified and management solutions are suggested.  相似文献   

合理的水土保持林空间配置是黄土高原植被恢复和水土保持功能持续提高的关键。在对HEC-HMS分布式水文模型参数进行率定的基础上,探讨该模型在黄土高原小流域中的适用性,模拟水土保持林覆被率以及水土保持林空间配置对场降雨径流的影响。结果表明:HEC-HMS分布式水文模型在黄土高原小流域中的应用效果良好,径流系数、洪峰流量均随森林植被覆盖率的增加而减少,随着水土保持林覆被率的提高,流域对高强度暴雨的调控能力将得到极大的提高;当水土保持林位于流域的上游、中游时,场降雨的径流量、洪峰流量均降低,水文调节效果较好。因此,在干旱的黄土高原应该适度造林,在小流域中配置水土保持林时,应该配置在上中游。  相似文献   

We studied the relative value of natural habitats, river and coastal wetlands, and artificial habitats, irrigation canal and ponds, for the conservation of an endangered fish, Iberian toothcarp, in its southernmost area of distribution, characterised by agricultural intensification. Our results show that the bulk of the population of the Iberian toothcarp is concentrated in irrigation ponds. Natural habitats sustained null or impoverished subpopulations, and individuals showed signs of low metabolic activity. This coincided with the relatively high habitat quality observed in ponds, particularly those with submerged aquatic vegetation, in contrast with the chronic eutrophication of the coastal lagoons. In spite of a generalised aggressive management in the irrigation system, featured by periodic vegetation clearance, desiccation and biocide treatment, the subpopulation of the Iberian toothcarp thrives in it probably thanks to adequate water quality and to an active path dynamics maintained by connectivity through the canal. Agro-environmental measures are discussed for the improvement of this species conservation in natural and artificial habitats.  相似文献   

土壤养分空间分析的局部随机法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
曾绮微  薛剑峰  陈桂珠 《土壤学报》2009,46(6):1155-1161
土壤养分空间分布的研究对作物的产量分析、施肥控制、环境保护及土地质量评价有非常重要的作用。建立合理有效的土壤空间养分分布图,可以为土地管理、决策分析提供科学有效的依据。目前在进行土壤养分空间分析的过程中,常采用传统的插值方法:反距离插值法、样条插值法和Kriging插值法等[1,2]。但是在使用这些插值方法的过程中,往往人为地预先假定该研究参数在空间分布上服从某种规律,如反距离插值法中的距离因子或者样条插值法中的样条函数。因此,利用这些传统的插值方法所预测的分布图,所代表的只是土壤养分分布的一种可能性或者某种比较好的估计[3,4]。而且这些方法预测结果往往过于平滑,不能反映土壤养分的实际分布特  相似文献   

While deforestation of tropical ecosystems has been shown to have significant impacts on terrestrial habitats, its effects on aquatic habitats are poorly studied. Deforestation dramatically reduces the input of woody debris to streams, and given the importance of large woody debris to fish communities in temperate streams, this might be one mechanism by which logging could affect aquatic ecosystems in the tropics. To examine the effects of large woody debris on the diverse fish assemblage of a tropical stream, we surveyed pools with and without wood at Rio Las Marias, Venezuela. Pools containing wood contained greater numbers of individuals and more species of fish than pools without wood, and the two types of pools differed in their composition. To test whether these results were due to the presence of woody debris, we conducted an experimental wood addition. Pools to which wood was added showed marked increases in both fish abundance and species richness relative to wood-free pools, and the composition of the fish assemblage in experimental pools approached that of pools with naturally occurring woody debris. These results demonstrate that large woody debris plays a major role in structuring fish communities in tropical streams. As a consequence, logging practices that reduce the input of woody debris to tropical streams or directly remove wood from streams could have serious impacts on aquatic habitats, affecting both the diverse fish communities and local economies dependent on stream fisheries.  相似文献   

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