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Infectious diseases remain one of the most important limitations to the successful propagation of aquatic animals. Most of the losses caused by pathogens in aquaculture could be prevented by health inspection, adequate environment and sound management practices. Effective control measures, mainly based upon 1) avoidance of pathogens 2) modification of the environment 3) improvement of host resistance 4) vaccination and 5) chemoprophylaxis are described.  相似文献   

The integration of the veterinary, medical and environmental sciences necessary to predict, prevent or respond to emerging zoonotic diseases requires effective collaboration and exchange of knowledge across these disciplines. There has been no research into how to connect and integrate these professions in the pursuit of a common task. We conducted a literature search looking at the experiences and wisdom resulting from collaborations built in health partnerships, health research knowledge transfer and exchange, business knowledge management and systems design engineering to identify key attributes of successful interdisciplinary (ID) collaboration. This was followed by a workshop with 16 experts experienced in ID collaboration including physicians, veterinarians and biologists from private practice, academia and government agencies. The workshop participants shared their perspectives on the facilitators and barriers to ID collaboration. Our results found that the elements that can support or impede ID collaboration can be categorized as follows: the characteristics of the people, the degree to which the task is a shared goal, the policies, practices and resources of the workplace, how information technology is used and the evaluation of the results. Above all, personal relationships built on trust and respect are needed to best assemble the disciplinary strength of the professions. The challenge of meeting collaborators outside the boundaries of one's discipline or jurisdiction may be met by an independent third party, an ID knowledge broker. The broker would know where the knowledge could be found, would facilitate introductions and would help to build effective ID teams.  相似文献   

The presentation addressed the following points: the role of veterinary epidemiology in emerging and global disease outbreaks; the contribution of veterinary epidemiology discipline to understanding and prevention of infections and other emerging animal disease, and the challenges for the discipline of veterinary epidemiology in the near future. The emerging and re-emerging infections animal diseases have contributed to expand the outlook of veterinary epidemiology. Methods and approaches in this discipline have been modified to satisfy the needs of society and of the scientific community. Mistakes and "bad turns" were made and should be avoided in the future. Veterinary epidemiology is alive and growing.  相似文献   

Based on current commercial aquaculture production practices, the production cycle for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) extends over a 36-month period during which time the fish are first exposed to intensive freshwater rearing conditions followed by transportation to marine netpen sites for ongrowing. It is predictable that, because of the duration of the production cycle and the variety of water conditions, deleterious environmental conditions have many opportunities to affect salmon health directly and indirectly. Furthermore, diseases which are iatrogenic arise from current methods used to prevent or treat infectious diseases. Specific, more frequently encountered examples are explored, with reference to the possible roles which these diseases may have in favouring the onset of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Retinal dystrophies are a common cause of blindness in purebred dogs. Progressive retinal atrophy, the canine equivalent of retinitis pigmentosa in humans, is the most common dystrophy. Molecular studies have led to the identification of the genetic defect underlying some forms of progressive retinal atrophy and the mapping of the chromosomal location of others. Additionally, the gene mutation that causes a severe retinal dystrophy in the briard, which is the equivalent of Leber congenital amaurosis in humans, has been identified. These advances have led to the development of DNA-based diagnostic tests for some retinal dystrophies, thus facilitating their eradication. The study of these dystrophies in dogs has also provided useful information about the equivalent diseases in humans. Recently, gene therapy has been used to restore vision to dogs with a retinal dystrophy due to a mutation in the RPE65 gene. Such studies are important in the quest to develop therapies for similar conditions in humans.  相似文献   

Tick-borne rickettsial diseases: emerging risks in Europe   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ticks are currently considered the main vectors of human infectious diseases in Europe, particularly since their role in the transmission of the agent of Lyme borreliosis was demonstrated in the 1980s. In the recent years, ticks have also been shown to be the vectors of numerous emerging rickettsial diseases. Although Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) due to Rickettsia conorii was thought for a long time to be the only tick-borne rickettsial disease prevalent in Europe, five more spotted fever rickettsiae have been described as emerging pathogens in the last decade. Further, cases of infection due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the agent of human anaplasmosis (previously known as human granulocytic ehrlichiosis), have been reported throughout Europe. We present here these emerging diseases and discuss other potential threat for the future.  相似文献   

It is likely that new viral diseases may continue to emerge in companion animals. It is more likely that genetic or antigenic virus variants or geographically translocated viruses may emerge or re-emerge in companion animals, however. This latter possibility represents the greater risk. Because this represents an ongoing threat, research and development should continue to maximize broad efficacy and effectiveness in addition to safety. To achieve these goals, the research and development effort should evaluate newer available technologies that may also reduce any barriers to use and availability.  相似文献   

An update on the mosquito-borne flavivirus species including certain subtypes, as listed in the Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, is given. Special emphasis is placed on viruses which have been shown to cause diseases in animals, and viruses for which no pathogenicity has been proven yet. Several recent examples (Usutu virus and lineage-2 West Nile virus in central Europe, Zika virus in Micronesia) have shown that sources providing information on such scientifically largely neglected viruses are valuable tools for scientists and public health officials having to deal with such disease emergences. Furthermore the effects of global warming will lead to introduction of competent mosquito vectors into temperate climate zones and will increase efficiency of viral replication in less competent vector species. This, facilitated by rising global travel and trade activities, will facilitate introduction and permanent establishment of mosquito-borne viruses, some of which may become of public health or veterinary concern, into novel environments, e.g. industrialized countries worldwide.  相似文献   

Surveillance for rare and emerging infectious diseases poses a special challenge to veterinary services. Most emerging infectious diseases like bovine tuberculosis (bTB) are zoonoses, affecting both human and animal populations. Despite the low prevalence of such an emerging infectious disease at time of incursion, the surveillance system should be able to detect the presence of the disease as early as possible. Because passive surveillance is a relatively cost-effective and therefore commonly used process, it is the basic tool for infectious disease surveillance. Because of under-reporting in passive surveillance, cost-intensive active surveillance is often required to increase the sensitivity of the surveillance system. Using scenario tree modelling, the sensitivity of passive and active surveillance system components (SSC) can be quantified and an optimal, cost-effective surveillance system developed considering the contributions of each SSC. We illustrate this approach with the example of bTB surveillance in Switzerland where the surveillance system for bTB consists of meat inspection at the slaughterhouse (SLI), passive clinical surveillance on farm (CLIN) and human surveillance (HS). While the sensitivities for CLIN and HS were both negligible (<1%), SLI was assessed to be 55.6%. The scenario tree model showed that SLI is increasable up to 80.4% when the disease awareness of meat inspectors in Switzerland is enhanced. A hypothetical random survey (RS) was also compared with a targeted survey (TS) in high-risk strata of the cattle population, and the sensitivity of TS was 1.17-fold better than in RS but with 50% of the sample size.  相似文献   

In contrast to mammalian therapeutics, the use of pharmaceutical substances is rather limited in fish. It is basically restricted to anaesthetic agents and anti-infective agents for parasitic and microbial diseases. Anaesthetic agents are used primarily in fish farm and laboratory settings to provide analgesia and immobilization of fish for minor procedures. The anti-infective agents are used for controlling disease and the choice of drug depends on efficacy, ease of application, human safety, target animal safety including stress to the fish, environmental impact, regulatory approval, costs, and implications for marketing the fish. In this article, the major drugs used in salmonids in North America and Europe will be reviewed and some insight into future directions for drug development and use for the salmonid industry will be introduced. The mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and uses of the drugs are emphasized.  相似文献   

低聚糖在水产养殖中的应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张治国 《饲料研究》2002,(12):28-29
低聚糖又称寡聚糖或寡糖,是指2-10个单糖通过糖苷键连接而成的直链或支链的一类糖。由于组成低聚糖的单糖分子种类、分子间结合方式不同,自然界的低聚糖到达数千种之多。多数低聚糖中含有大量的α-1,2、α-1,3、α-1,6、β-1,2、β-1,3、β-1,6糖苷键,α-1,4糖苷键的比例很小,而动物对碳水化合物的消化主要限于α-1,4糖苷键,对其他糖苷键的分解能力较弱或不能分解,因此大部分低聚糖进入消化道后不能被动物体内的消化酶消化。低聚糖的甜度为蔗糖的40%~60%,耐酸、耐碱,并能耐受一定的高温(Fishbein,1988;Ogasca,1990;Lloyd,1995)。早在60年代就发现低聚糖具有增强动物免疫力的作用,随着研究的深入,人们还发现,低聚糖能选择性地刺激肠道有益菌的增殖,并且抑制有害菌的生长。目前,低聚糖已经被广泛地用作食品以及畜禽饲料添加剂。  相似文献   

Cardiomyopathies such as dilated cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy are common in large breed dogs and carry an overall poor prognosis. Research shows that these diseases have strong breed predilections, and selective breeding has historically been recommended to reduce the disease prevalence in affected breeds. Treatment of these diseases is typically palliative and aimed at slowing disease progression and managing clinical signs of heart failure as they develop. The discovery of specific genetic mutations underlying cardiomyopathies, such as the striatin mutation in Boxer arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 and titin mutations in Doberman Pinschers, has strengthened our ability to screen and selectively breed individuals in an attempt to produce unaffected offspring. The discovery of these disease-linked mutations has also opened avenues for the development of gene therapies, including gene transfer and genome-editing approaches. This review article discusses the known genetics of cardiomyopathies in dogs, reviews existing gene therapy strategies and the status of their development in canines, and discusses ongoing challenges in the clinical translation of these technologies for treating heart disease. While challenges remain in using these emerging technologies, the exponential growth of the gene therapy field holds great promise for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Recent international initiatives for disease control suggest that, in the future, the consequences for trade of an exotic disease outbreak may not be as severe as estimated in the past. If zoning were to be accepted by Australia's trading partners, then the major effects may be felt at the regional rather than the national level. A study, using an integrated epidemiological/economic model, was undertaken to compare the impacts of 3 important exotic diseases (foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever and sheep pox) in 3 different regions of Australia. The study demonstrated that there are significant differences between the size and effect of different disease outbreaks. Regional factors influence not only the way that the disease will spread and manifest itself, but also the effects on local communities. Foot-and-mouth disease caused more economic losses than sheep pox or classical swine fever. The major determinant of differences in the effects of the diseases between regions was the nature of the regional economies. The less diversified the economy, the greater the effect of an exotic disease outbreak in relation to the size of that economy.  相似文献   

Numerous culture-based diagnostics are available on the Australian and international markets for on-farm detection of bacterial pathogens in milk. Use of such diagnostics may provide an opportunity to improve the prudent use of antimicrobials in udder health management. Farms are low-resource settings in terms of diagnostic microbiology capacity. The World Health Organisation has identified criteria for the evaluation of diagnostic tests in low resource settings based on Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, User-friendliness, being Rapid or Robust, Equipment-free and being Deliverable (ASSURED). Here, we review how those criteria can be interpreted in the context of microbiological diagnosis of mastitis pathogens, and how on-farm diagnostics that are currently available in Australia perform relative to ASSURED criteria. This evaluation identifies multiple trade-offs, both with regard to scientific criteria and with regards to convenience criteria. More importantly, the purpose of testing may differ between farms, and test performance should be evaluated relative to its intended use. The ability of on-farm mastitis diagnostics to inform mastitis treatment decision-making in a timely and cost-effective manner depends not just on test characteristics but also on farm-specific pathogen prevalence, and on the farm enterprise's priorities and the farm manager's potential courses of action. With most assay evaluations to date conducted in professional laboratories, there is a surprising dearth of information on how well any of the diagnostic tests perform on-farm and, indeed, of the on-farm decision-making processes that they aim to inform.  相似文献   

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