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Young rabbits are naturally resistant to rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) caused by the same calicivirus that kills, within 3 days, nearly all adult animals. We have investigated changes in blood leukocytes, and in the morphology and biochemistry of the liver (the organ where caliciviruses replicate) of young rabbits undergoing benign infection by the RHD virus. Four-week-old rabbits were infected with a calicivirus inoculum having a titre of 2(12) haemagglutination units either sacrificed 18, 24, 48 and 72 h later, or kept for follow-up studies up to 21 days after inoculation. The infection caused an acute and transient decrease in blood heterophils, and sustained enhancement in hepatic transaminases. Inflammatory infiltrates of the liver were seen in all animals after 24 h of infection; they had a predominant midlobular location. Hepatocytes could present different degrees of cell damage, including cell death; these lesions were limited to the liver cells located around the inflammatory infiltrates. Liver transaminases peaked 24-48 h after calicivirus infection; this was the same timing when liver infiltration and hepatocyte damage were more evident. No alterations of other parameters of liver biochemistry were observed. We conclude that calicivirus infection of young rabbits causes a subclinical disorder characterised by an acute and transient decrease in circulating heterophils, and focal liver damage that is expressed by intralobular infiltration by heterophils, initially, and, later on, by mononuclear cells. Our finding of persistence of increased values of liver transaminases suggests chronicity of the infection in young rabbits. We propose that, although resistant to RHD, young rabbits infected by calicivirus may be long-term carriers of the infectious agent and, thus, become a major source of transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at determining changes in chosen elements of phagocytosis in rabbits infected with 3 antigenic variants of RHD - Hartmannsdorf, Pv97 and 9905, which differed in haemagglutination ability. The animals were tested for phagocytosis parameters, and the results revealed that the examined strains showed the differences. These variations regarded mainly Pv97 strain, as the intensity of the changes were 5 times stronger in comparison to strain Hartmannsdorf and 9905. As all of the strains examined are signified as antigenic variants, we have stated that this feature does not determine their immunological picture. The results suggest the existence of immunological dissimilarities among strains of the RHD virus, which was revealed for the first time in antigenic variants.  相似文献   

Serological data on myxoma virus, rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus and RHD-like viruses in juvenile rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) trapped in 1995, 1996 and 1997 in two areas of France were analysed. For each disease, the effects of bodyweight, year, month and seropositivity for the other disease were modelled by using logistic regressions. In one area, a model including RHD seropositivity was selected to explain the myxoma virus seropositivity. Models including myxoma virus seropositivity were selected to explain the RHD seropositivity in both areas, and the odds of a rabbit being seropositive to both viruses were 5.1 and 8.4 times higher than the odds of a rabbit being seronegative to myxoma virus and seropositive to RHD. The year and bodyweight had significant effects for myxomatosis in one area and for RHD in both areas.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a vaccine of inactivated virus is influenced to a great deal by the mass of antigen per dose of application. Therefore it is essential to known the concentration of the antigen. We tested a physical method for quantification of the RHD-Virus. It implies a centrifugation of the prepurified, if necessary, preconcentrated infectious or inactivated virus in a gentle sucrose gradient. It is followed by analysis in a sensitive UV flow-through photometer with a computer calculated virus mass. The extinction coefficient (optical density) of the virus (175S-component) at 254 nm is 3.9 cm2/mg. The haemagglutination test and the ELISA were used to prove the virus specificity of the optical peak and partial for comparing them with the method mentioned above.  相似文献   

The present paper refers to the cytometric analysis of lymphocytes T (with receptor CD5+), Th (with receptor CD4+), Tc/Ts (with receptor CD8+), lymphocytes CD25+ and lymphocytes B with receptor CD19+ in rabbits experimentally infected with strains of RHD virus--Rainham, Frankfurt and Asturias, not having haemagglutinogenic capacities, which makes them unique, as haemagglutinogenic capacity is a classic and typical property of most strains of this virus. The study was performed in the dynamic system, drawing blood samples from animals at hour 0, namely before the administration of the viral antigen, and then at 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36 h after the infection. The study indicated that Rainham and Asturias strains of RHD virus cause a similar amount of changes as the most immunogenic haemagglutinogenic strains CAMP V-561 and CAMP V-562 of the RHD virus do. In contrast, the Frankfurt strain of the RHD virus is characterised with 5-6-fold lower reactivity in this respect and is most similar to the least immunogenic haemagglutinogenic strain CAMP V-558 of the RHD virus.  相似文献   

Seven rabbits experimentally infected with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus were examined haematologically and histologically. Haematologically, activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time were markedly prolonged in the terminal phase of the disease, just prior to death (all the animals died between 27 and 40 hr after inoculation with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus). There was an increase in the titre of fibrin degradation products and a decrease in antithrombin III activity during the same interval. Acute necrotic hepatitis and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in many organs, including the lung, kidney, spleen and heart were the characteristic histopathological changes. Thus, the haematological and histological changes suggested that DIC was induced by rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus infection. Severe liver necrosis was considered to be a factor causing DIC by inducing a hypercoagulable condition in the systemic blood circulation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the time course distribution of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) structural protein VP60 in tissues from experimentally infected rabbits from three different age groups. Viral VP60 antigen could not be detected in tissue samples from animals under four weeks, and only a few hepatocytes (0.01 to 0.2 per cent) were stained in the 6-week-old animals. A 6-week-old rabbit euthanised at 72 hpi showed VP60-labelling in hepatocytes and macrophages close to areas of inflammation. Viral VP60 antigen was detected as early as 12 hpi in a few hepatocytes (0.03 per cent) from adult animals. Within this age group, the extent of hepatocyte labelling considerably increased at 18 (3.0 per cent), 24 (25.5 per cent), 36 (50 per cent) and 48 (60 per cent) hpi. Extrahepatic viral VP60 antigen was also detected at 36 and 48 hpi in spleen macrophages and lymphocytes from adult rabbits. These findings support the hypothesis that the hepatocyte is the only cell type in the liver able to support RHDV replication almost immediately after viral infection.  相似文献   

In experiments adapted to natural conditions it was established that--a conjunctival infection with about 100 RHD-virus particles was successful--in a milieu without flies transmission over a distance of only 50 cm did not take place--iridescent flies (Phormia spp.) seven hours after contamination with RHD-virus material from died rabbits transmitted RHD to susceptible rabbits in an isolated cage. It ist supposed that transmission in this way will be an epizootiological important one for spreading in narrow distances.  相似文献   

The report demonstrates that the induction of apoptosis in peripheral blood granulocytes and lymphocytes of rabbits infected with three non-haemagglutinating RHDV strains (English Rainham, German Frankfurt, and Spanish Asturias) is a crucial determinant of the pathogenesis of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. Apoptosis was measured by flow cytometric detection of caspase activity. These studies demonstrated that the investigated RHDV (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus) viral strains affected leukocyte apoptosis to varying degrees. Enhanced leukocyte apoptosis was detected between 4 and 36h after infection and was more pronounced in lymphocytes than in granulocytes. The data presented here thus provide a preliminary understanding of the kinetics of apoptosis in leukocytes of rabbits infected with RHDV.  相似文献   

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is an acute fatal disease of domestic and wild European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) caused by RHD virus (RHDV). Accurate assessment of immunity is of great importance for the conservation and control of wild rabbits. We evaluated a competitive ELISA (cELISA) against isotype ELISAs for assessing the protective immunity against the disease by challenging 50 wild-caught rabbits with a lethal dose of RHDV. Death or survival to the challenge was used as a criterion to determine the performance characteristics of the assay for the assessment of immunity in rabbits. At 1:10 dilution, a serum exhibiting ≥ 25% inhibition (1:10(25)) was regarded as the presence of RHDV-specific antibodies. Eleven of 16 (68.8%) rabbits with antibodies at 1:10(25) (<1:40) died of RHD. When the cut-off was moved from 25% to 50% inhibition (1:10(50)) at 1:10 serum dilution, the assay sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the protective immunity were improved from 84%, 54.2% and 69.4% to 84%, 100% and 91.8%, respectively. We also demonstrated at the epitope amino acid sequence level why the presence of the RHDV-cross reactive benign rabbit calicivirus, which interfered with isotype ELISAs, had little impact on the specificity of the cELISA for the diagnosis of RHDV infection. The presence of RHDV-specific antibody at 1:10(50) by the cELISA is a reliable indicator for the protective immunity. In contrast to isotype ELISAs, the cELISA is a valuable specific tool for monitoring the herd immunity to RHD for the conservation and management of wild rabbits in the field.  相似文献   

To date information on rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in Spain and Portugal has been scarce, although the disease is endemic and continues to have a considerable impact on species conservation and hunting industry. We analysed RHDVs obtained between 1994 and 2007 at different geographic locations in Portugal (40 samples), Spain (3 samples) and France (4 samples) from wild European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that succumbed to the disease. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial VP60 gene sequences allowed a grouping of these RHDVs into three groups, termed "Iberian" Groups IB1, IB2 and IB3. Interestingly, these three Iberian groups clustered separately, though not far from earlier RHDVs of Genogroup 1 (containing e.g., strain "AST89"), but clearly distinct from globally described RHDV strains of Genogroups 2-6. This result, supported by a bootstrap value of 76%, gives rise to the hypothesis that the virus evolved independently since its introduction to wild rabbit populations on the Iberian Peninsula, with the Pyrenees acting as a natural barrier to rabbit and hence to virus dispersal. No differences were observed in RHDV sequences obtained from geographic regions where the rabbit subspecies O. c. algirus prevails compared with those obtained from O. c. cuniculus.  相似文献   

The ability of Boophilus microplus strains to be susceptible (-) or resistant (+) to amidines (Am), synthetic pyrethroids (SP), and/or organo-phosphates (OP) (or acaricide profiles) was investigated in 217 southeastern Mexican cattle ranches (located in the states of Yucatán, Quintana Roo, and Tabasco). Three questions were asked: (1) whether acaricide profiles varied at random and, if not, which one(s) explained more (or less) cases than expected, (2) whether the spatial distribution of acaricide profiles was randomly or non-randomly distributed, and (3) whether acaricide profiles were associated with farm-related covariates (frequency of annual treatments, herd size, and farm size). Three acaricide profiles explained 73.6% of the data, representing at least twice as many cases as expected (P<0.001): (1) Am-SP-, (2) Am+SP+, and (3) (among ranches that dispensed acaricides > or = 6 times/year) Am-OP+SP+. Because ticks collected in Yucatán ranches tended to be susceptible to Am, those of Quintana Roo ranches displayed, predominantly, resistance to OP/SP, and Tabasco ticks tended to be resistant to Am (all with P < or = 0.05), acaricide profiles appeared to be non-randomly disseminated over space. Across states, two farm-related covariates were associated with resistance (P < or = 0.02): (1) high annual frequency of acaricide treatments, and (2) large farm size. Findings supported the hypothesis that spatial acaricide profiles followed neither random nor homogeneous data distributions, being partially explained by agent- and/or farm-specific factors. Some profiles could not be explained by these factors. Further spatially explicit studies (addressing host-related factors) are recommended.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine, using immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization, whether CAEV is capable of infecting goat uterine epithelial cells in vivo. Five CAEV seropositive goats confirmed as infected using double nested polymerase chain reaction (dnPCR) on leucocytes and on vaginal secretions were used as CAEV positive goats. Five CAEV-free goats were used as controls. Samples from the uterine horn were prepared for dnPCR, in situ hybridization, and immunofluorescence. The results from dnPCR confirmed the presence of CAEV proviral DNA in the uterine horn samples of infected goats whereas no CAEV proviral DNA was detected in samples taken from the uninfected control goats. The in situ hybridization probe was complementary to part of the CAEV gag gene and confirmed the presence of CAEV nucleic acids in uterine samples. The positively staining cells were seen concentrated in the mucosa of the lamina propria of uterine sections. Finally, laser confocal analysis of double p28/cytokeratin immunolabelled transverse sections of CAEV infected goat uterus, demonstrated that the virus was localized in glandular and epithelial cells. This study clearly demonstrates that goat uterine epithelial cells are susceptible to CAEV infection in vivo. This finding could help to further our understanding of the epidemiology of CAEV, and in particular the possibility of vertical transmission.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study the cell-mediated cytotoxicity of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from chickens inoculated with Marek's disease virus (MDV) against a Marek's disease-derived lymphoblastoid cell line (MSB-1) and to associate the cytotoxicity with incidence of disease. In experiment I, moderately susceptible random-bred, specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated with MDV (group 1), vaccinated with a herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) and inoculated with MDV (group 2), vaccinated with HVT and inoculated with chicken kidney cells (CKC; group 3), and inoculated with CKC only (group 4). Cytotoxic activity in the PBL was detected initially during the first week after MDV inoculation and periodically throughout the observation period (groups 1, 2, and 3). Throughout the observation period, the magnitude of cytotoxic activity was similar in PBL from groups 1 and 2 chickens. The PBL from both surviving and fatally infected chickens (groups 1 and 2) were similarly cytotoxic when sampled during the first 16 days after MDV inoculation. In experiment II, inbred genetically susceptible (line 7) and resistant (line 6) chickens were used. Cytotoxic activity of PBL of significantly greater magnitude was associated with a lower mortality or incidence of gross lesions (or both) in MDV-inoculated line 6 (group B) and HVT-vaccinated and MDV-inoculated line 7 (group C) chickens compared with activity of PBL from MDV-inoculated line 7 (group A) chickens. The cytotoxic activity of PBL from individual inbred chickens did not correlate with the outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

Undiluted uterine secretion was used to determine the concentration of total protein and the accumulated volume of uterine secretion after a bacterial inoculation in mares susceptible and resistant to chronic uterine infection (CUI). The uterus of 6 susceptible and 5 resistant mares was inoculated with 5 x 10(6) Streptococcus zooepidemicus on the third day of estrus. Using a tampon inserted in the uterus, secretions were sampled at 5, 12, 24, and 36 hours after inoculation, followed by intrauterine lavage with phosphate buffered saline solution. The concentration of protein was determined in the undiluted secretion as well as in the uterine washing and the total amount of accumulated uterine secretion was calculated. Protein concentrations in plasma were compared before and after absorption by the tampon. Protein concentration of plasma before and after absorption by the tampon did not differ. Mares susceptible to CUI accumulated significantly (P less than 0.001) more fluid in the uterus than mares resistant to CUI, and uterine washings from the resistant mares were significantly (P less than 0.05) more dilute than those from the susceptible mares. Significant differences in protein concentrations between susceptible and resistant mares were not found. It was concluded from this study that the described method to sample undiluted uterine secretion was practical and reliable for the analysis of protein concentration. Various concentrations of uterine secretions in washings from susceptible and resistant mares emphasizes the importance in using undiluted uterine secretions or dilution markers in washings when intrauterine products are analyzed.  相似文献   

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