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The objective of this study was to evaluate the meat quality and shelf life of steaks from steers fed dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) or dried corn gluten feed (CGF) compared with soybean meal with corn (SBM) as a protein supplement from weaning to slaughter. Angus cross steers (n = 81; BW = 306 ± 26.1 kg) were randomly assigned to pens (n = 9) and fed a stocker diet of corn silage (75% of DM) with DDGS, CGF, or SBM and ground ear corn. After 84 d of stockering, 12 steers (BW = 397 ± 15.3 kg) were randomly selected from each treatment and finished using the same protein supplement at 25% of DM for 100 d. Carcass data were collected (24 h) and the longissimus lumborum was fabricated into steaks at 48 h postmortem. Steaks were assigned to proximate analysis, Warner-Bratzler shear force (7-, 14-, or 21-d aging), and retail display (1, 3, 6, or 9 d). Protein source did not affect carcass yield, quality, or longissimus lumborum composition (P > 0.05). After 7 d of aging, DDGS and CGF steaks were more tender (P < 0.01) than SBM, but were similar (P = 0.30) after 14 and 21 d of aging. Feeding corn by-products did not influence subjective overall color acceptance (P = 0.17) in this study, but acceptance declined over time (P < 0.01). Subjective redness was similar (P > 0.05) among diets except SBM steaks were more red (P < 0.01) than DDGS after 9 d. On d 3 and 6 of retail display, CGF steaks exhibited more discoloration (P < 0.04) than SBM or DDGS steaks. However, after 9 d DDGS steaks were more discolored (P < 0.01) than CGF or SBM. Objective L* was lighter for CGF (P < 0.04) over 9 d of display, and all treatments became darker (P < 0.01) as time increased. Redness (a*) declined (P < 0.01) over time with SBM steaks maintaining more color in the red spectrum than CGF and DDGS after 6 d of display. Protein source did not affect (P > 0.05) the rate of lipid oxidation. Total SFA concentrations were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments; however, total MUFA were less (P < 0.05) and total PUFA concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in DDGS steaks compared with SBM or CGF steaks. These data show that DDGS or CGF can be fed as a protein supplement at 25% DM from weaning until slaughter while maintaining meat quality when compared with steers fed soybean meal as a protein supplement.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of feeding high-oil corn on carcass characteristics and meat quality, 60 yearling steers were fed high concentrate diets containing either control corn (82% of diet), high-oil corn (82% of diet), or high-oil corn at a concentration that was isocaloric with the control diet (74% of diet). After being fed for 84 d, steers were slaughtered. At 72 h postmortem, carcass data were collected and rib sections from five steers grading U.S. Choice and five steers grading U.S. Select from each treatment were collected, vacuum packaged, and aged for 14 d. Three steaks (2.54 cm thick) were removed from each rib for Warner-Bratzler shear force measurement, sensory appraisal, and fatty acid composition analyses. Data were analyzed with treatment as the main effect for the carcass data and treatment, quality grade, and two-way interaction in the model for the longissimus data. The two-way interaction was nonsignificant (P > 0.05) for all variables tested. No differences were detected (P > 0.05) in carcass measurements except for marbling scores and quality grades, both of which were greater (P < 0.05) for carcasses from steers fed the high-oil corn. Overall, 78% of steers fed the high-oil corn graded U.S. Choice compared with 47% for the control and 67% for isocaloric group. Shear force and sensory properties of the longissimus were not different (P > 0.05) among treatments. Steaks from U.S. Choice carcasses rated higher (P < 0.05) for tenderness and tended to rate higher (P < 0.10) for juiciness. Feeding the isocaloric and high-oil diets increased (P < 0.05) linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and the total PUFA content of lipid extracted from the longissimus. Saturated fatty acid percentage was lowest (P < 0.05) for high-oil corn and highest (P < 0.05) for control, with isocaloric being intermediate. Feeding high-oil corn increased (P < 0.05) pentadecyclic acid, margaric acid, and total odd-chain fatty acid content. Feeding high-oil corn in finishing beef cattle diets enhanced intramuscular lipid deposition and increased unsaturation of fatty acids of the longissimus.  相似文献   

Jersey cattle are known for producing carcasses with a greater amount of marbling, but they require more days on feed to achieve acceptable market weights compared with other breeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary forage (12 vs. 24% sudangrass:alfalfa hay, DM basis) in steam-flaked, corn-based finishing diets on carcass characteristics, beef palatability, and retail color stability of steaks from Jersey beef compared with conventionally fed commodity beef strip loins (COM) of identified quality (Choice(-) and Select(+)). Jersey steers (n = 77) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to 1 of the following treatments for a 383-d trial period: Jersey low 12% (JL; n = 38) or Jersey high 24% (JH; n = 39) forage (DM basis). A comparison group was selected from conventionally fed cattle on the same day of slaughter as the Jersey treatments, and strip loins from USDA Select(+) (COM; n = 20) and Choice(-) (COM; n = 20) were removed for data analysis. Seventy-two hours postmortem, strip loins were removed, vacuum-packaged, and aged at 3°C for 18 d postmortem. After the aging period, steaks from the LM were sliced, vacuum-packaged, and frozen (-20°C) until analyzed. Jersey steaks had reduced (P < 0.05) Warner-Bratzler shear force values compared with COM steaks. Trained sensory panelists rated JL greater (P < 0.05) for initial and sustained tenderness and initial juiciness than COM, whereas JH was intermediate. As expected, marbling was greater (P < 0.05) for both JL and JH compared with COM, and trained sensory panel sustained juiciness, beef flavor intensity, and overall acceptability scores were greater (P < 0.05) for both JL and JH compared with COM; however, no differences (P = 0.14) were reported for consumer tenderness and flavor. Objective color (L*, a*, b*) measurements decreased (P < 0.05) over time across treatments. There were no differences among treatments for lightness (L*); however, overall during retail display JL were less (P < 0.05) red (a*) and yellow (b*) than JH and COM. Subjective color scores indicated both JL and JH were less red (P < 0.05) than COM. Steaks from Jersey were equal to and on some measurements more desirable than steaks from COM carcasses for both color stability and palatability. These results suggest that dietary forage level had minimal effects on carcass characteristics and beef palatability. However, feeding a low-forage diet decreases input cost and potentially results in a greater valued carcass. Finishing long-fed (383 d) Jersey steers can meet beef industry expectations with respect to quality grade.  相似文献   

Use of poultry fat in the finishing diets of steers has not been studied as a potential source of added energy. Therefore, 60 Angus crossbred steers were fed 1 of 3 dietary treatments consisting of 1) a corn-soybean meal control diet devoid of added fat; 2) the control diet formulated with 4% tallow; or 3) the control diet formulated with 4% poultry fat. Addition of fat did not (P = 0.17) affect ADG for the 112-d study. The inclusion of tallow in the diet reduced (P < 0.05) ADFI of steers compared with those on the control diet; however, ADFI of steers fed poultry fat did not differ from those fed the control (P = 0.06) or the tallow (P = 0.36) diets. At d 55, steers consuming either fat source had improved (P < 0.05) G:F compared with steers fed the control diet. For the entire 112 d, steers consuming the poultry fat diet gained more efficiently (P < 0.05) than the control steers, and the tallow-fed steers were intermediate and not different from the other groups (P > or = 0.14). The inclusion of fat in the diet did not (P > or = 0.15) affect carcass characteristics. Steaks from the steers consuming diets with added fat were darker (lower L* value; P < 0.05) than the controls; however, dietary treatments did not (P > or = 0.10) affect any other objective color measurements or discoloration scores during retail display. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances for LM steaks did not differ (P = 0.21) by dietary treatment. The cooked LM steaks from steers fed poultry fat did not (P > or = 0.80) differ in juiciness or flavor intensity from steaks of steers fed the control or tallow diets. There were also no differences (P = 0.18) in off flavors as a result of added dietary fat. In the LM and adipose tissue, percentages of total SFA were increased (P = 0.05) by adding supplemental fat to the diet, regardless of source. In the LM, total MUFA were decreased (P = 0.02) by adding supplemental fat. Conversely, diet did not (P > or = 0.14) affect the proportions of total PUFA in either tissue or total MUFA in the adipose tissue. Results indicated that replacing beef tallow in finishing diets with poultry fat, a more economical energy source, had no detrimental effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, retail display life, fatty acid profiles, or palatability.  相似文献   

Crossbred steers (n = 136) were used to assess breed differences in growth performance, carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition (total lipids and phospholipids), and palatability attributes of longissimus muscle. A multiple regression model was applied to crossbreeding data to estimate genetic differences between Simmental and Red Angus at the same level of backfat finish (10 mm). Simmental spent 71 more (P < 0.001) days on feed to acquire the same degree of backfat thickness as Red Angus, had heavier (P < 0.001) slaughter weights, larger (P = 0.002) longissimus muscle area, and increased (P = 0.023) lean yield. Average daily gain did not differ (P = 0.297) between breeds. Simmental were less (P = 0.012) efficient in converting feed to gain than Red Angus. Generally, there were few breed differences in palatability attributes for longissimus and semitendinosus muscles, with the exception of increased (P < 0.05) beef flavor scores for Simmental beef vs Red Angus beef across both muscles. For total lipids, concentrations of myristoleic acid (14:1), palmitoleic acid (16:1), and vaccenic acid (18:1n-7), along with n-6 to n-3 fatty acid (n-6:n-3) ratio, were greater (P < 0.05) in Simmental than Red Angus. In contrast, concentrations of margaric acid (17:0), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) were greater (P < 0.05) in Red Angus than Simmental. For phospholipids, Simmental had lower (P < 0.05) amounts of 20:5n-3, docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), and n-3 PUFA, with a greater (P = 0.017) n-6:n-3 ratio. Activity of delta9-desaturase enzyme in the conversion of palmitic acid (16:0) to 16:1 was greater (P = 0.001) in total lipids from Simmental as compared with Red Angus. A genetic basis for fatty acid differences is suggested, although the biological and practical significance needs to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight Holstein and 58 crossbred beef steers were individually fed one of four isonitrogenous diets to evaluate the effects of forage source (corn silage and alfalfa haylage) and protein source (soybean meal and fish meal) on feedlot performance. Phase 1 diets (up to 354 kg of BW) were 40% forage and 60% concentrates and were fed for 70 to 136 d (depending on diet and breed group). Phase 2 diets (354 kg of BW until slaughter) were 20% forage and 80% concentrates and were fed for 127 to 150 d (depending on diet and breed group). Slaughter end points were .6 cm of 12th rib fat for Holsteins and 1.0 cm of rib fat for crossbreds using real-time ultrasonic estimates. The steers were fed for a maximum of 330 d each year. Forage source was a significant component of variation for most growth, efficiency, and carcass traits. Holstein and crossbred steers fed alfalfa haylage had significantly lower average daily gain, feed efficiency, dressing percentage, and empty body fat and required more days on feed to reach slaughter end points, but had higher total feed energy intake available for production. Steers fed corn silage diets had significantly greater energetic efficiency (P less than .05) than those fed alfalfa haylage, due to increased use of ME to produce fat in the carcass. Protein type did not influence gain, feed or energetic efficiency, energy intake, or most carcass traits. A significant protein system x forage source interaction among the four diets was detected for crossbred steers fed corn silage and fish meal, for which there was significantly greater feed conversion with lower energy intake above maintenance, possibly due to better fiber digestion and(or) amino acid flow to the lower tract. Alfalfa haylage plus soybean meal diets decreased (P less than .05) the percentage of Holsteins grading USDA Choice or higher. These results indicate that corn silage, because of greater energy concentration, was a more desirable forage in feedlot diets composed of less than or equal to 40% forage and that protein type (soybean meal and fish meal) in growing diets is not an important factor in feedlot performance or carcass traits of Holstein or crossbred steers that are fed these diets.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究育肥期肉牛日粮中添加不同水平的青贮艾草对生长性能、胴体品质及肌肉脂肪酸组成的影响。试验选择15月龄平均体重为(326±22)kg的肉牛24头,随机分为4组,每组6个重复,每个重复1头牛。试验分为育肥前期和育肥后期两个阶段,对照组饲喂基础日粮+水稻秸秆,试验组在基础日粮中分别补充5%、10%和15%的青贮艾草,两个阶段精料补充料干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、脂肪酸组成及主要脂肪酸含量相近。结果 :精料摄入量随日粮青贮艾草添加水平的升高表现为显著二次曲线效应(P <0.05);随着日粮艾草添加水平的升高,肉牛末重和平均日增重表现为显著二次曲线效应(P <0.05),而料比线性降低(P <0.05)。牛的屠体重、眼肌面积和大理石纹评分随日粮青贮艾草添加水平的升高表现为显著二次曲线效应(P <0.05),而背膘厚度表现为显著二次曲线降低(P <0.05)。眼肌C18:0、C18:1和单不饱和脂肪酸含量显著线性降低(P <0.05),亚麻油酸、C18:3、C20:4、C22:0和C24:1脂肪酸含量显著线性降低(P <0.05),多不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值表现为显著二次曲线增加(P <0.05)。结论 :日粮青贮艾草添加水平对肉牛生长性能、肌肉脂肪酸含量的影响表现为二次曲线效应,但高水平青贮艾草降低了肉牛生长性能、屠宰性能及肉品质。肉牛育肥期日粮中适宜的青贮艾草添加水平为10%。  相似文献   

The effects of three finishing systems on carcass composition and other characteristics of meat were studied in 15 young Eastern Anatolian Red bulls in Eastern Turkey. For 93?days, five bulls grazed pasture (P), five grazed the same pasture and were given concentrate supplementation (P + C), and five grazed the same pasture for 93?days, and then for an additional 40?days, they received concentrate in a barn (PF). Carcasses of the P bulls were lighter and leaner than those of the PF animals. Compared with the P carcasses, PF carcasses had a greater percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (P?相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding different levels of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) and dietary roughage on performance, carcass characteristics, and feeding behavior of feedlot cattle fed diets based on steam-flaked corn (SFC). In Exp. 1, crossbred steers (n = 200; BW = 314 kg) were fed 4 dietary treatments (DM basis): a standard SFC-based diet containing 9% roughage (CON) and 3 SFC-based diets containing 40% WCGF, with either 9, 4.5, or 0% roughage. A linear (P = 0.04) increase in final BW and DMI (P < 0.01) was observed in diets containing WCGF as dietary roughage increased. Steers fed WCGF and higher levels of roughage had greater (P = 0.01) ADG than steers fed lower levels of roughage. Steers fed the CON diet had lower (P = 0.04) daily DMI and greater (P = 0.03) G:F than those fed WCGF. Most carcass characteristics of steers fed CON did not differ (P > 0.10) from those of steers fed WCGF. Based on feed disappearance and visual scan data, consumption rate did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments; however, feeding intensity (animals present at the bunk after feeding) was greater for steers fed CON (P < 0.01) than for steers fed WCGF. In Exp. 2, yearling crossbred steers (n = 1,983; BW = 339 kg) were fed 4 dietary treatments (DM basis): a standard SFC-based control diet that contained 9% roughage (CON) and 3 SFC-based diets containing either 20% WCGF and 9% roughage or 40% WCGF with 9 or 4.5% roughage. Steers fed the CON diet tended to have lower final BW (P = 0.14), ADG (P = 0.01), and DMI (P < 0.01) than steers fed diets containing WCGF. Steers fed the 20% WCGF diet had greater (P = 0.08) G:F than steers fed the 40% WCGF diets. With 40% WCGF, increasing roughage from 4.5 to 9% decreased (P < 0.01) G:F and increased (P = 0.06) DMI. Gain efficiency was improved (P < 0.01) for steers fed CON vs. those fed diets containing WCGF, whereas HCW (P = 0.02) and dressing percentage (P < 0.01) were greater for steers fed WCGF. Percentage of cattle grading USDA Choice was greater (P = 0.02) for cattle fed WCGF. Results suggest that replacing SFC with up to 40% WCGF increased ADG and decreased G:F when 4.5 to 9.0% roughage was supplied. More CON steers were present at the feed bunk during the first hour after feeding than WCGF steers, suggesting that including WCGF at 40% of the diet affected feeding behavior.  相似文献   

British × Continental heifers (n = 3,382; initial BW = 307 kg) were serially slaughtered to determine if increasing days on the finishing diet (DOF) mitigates negative consequences of zilpaterol HCl (ZH) on quality grade and tenderness of beef. A 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized block design (36 pens; 6 pens/treatment) was used. Zilpaterol HCl (8.33 mg/kg DM) was fed 0 and 20 to 22 d before slaughter plus a 3 to 5 d withdrawal to heifers spending 127, 148, and 167 DOF. Feedlot and carcass performance data were analyzed with pen as the experimental unit. Three hundred sixty carcasses (60 carcasses/treatment) were randomly subsampled, and strip loin steaks were aged for 7, 14, and 21 d for assessment of Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and slice shear force (SSF) with carcass serving as the experimental unit for analysis. No relevant ZH × DOF interactions were detected (P > 0.05). Feeding ZH during the treatment period increased ADG by 9.5%, G:F by 12.5%, carcass ADG by 33.6%, carcass G:F by 35.9%, carcass ADG:live ADG by 15.6%, HCW by 3.2% (345 vs. 356 kg), dressing percent by 1.5%, and LM area by 6.5% and decreased 12th-rib fat by 5.2% and yield grade (YG) by 0.27 units (P < 0.01). Feeding ZH tended to decrease marbling score (437 vs. 442 units; P = 0.10) and increased WBSF at 7 (4.25 vs. 3.47 kg; P < 0.01), 14 (3.57 vs. 3.05 kg; P < 0.01), and 21 d (3.50 vs. 3.03 kg; P < 0.01). Feeding ZH decreased empty body fat percentage (EBF; 29.7% vs. 30.3%; P < 0.01) and increased 28% EBF adjusted final BW (473.4 vs. 449.8 kg; P < 0.01). Analysis of interactive means indicated that the ZH × 148 DOF group had a similar percentage of USDA Prime, Premium Choice, Low Choice, and YG 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 carcasses (P > 0.10) and decreased percentage of Select (30.4 vs. 36.6%; P = 0.03) and Standard (0.2 vs. 0.9%; P = 0.05) carcasses compared with the control × 127 DOF group. As a result of ZH shifting body composition, extending the DOF of beef heifers is an effective feeding strategy to equalize carcass grade distributions. This can be accomplished along with sustaining the ZH mediated advantages in feedlot and carcass weight gain.  相似文献   

The dose response of melengestrol acetate (MGA) on ADG (kg/d) and gain efficiency (gain/DMI, g/kg) was estimated in beef steers fed a finishing diet under commercial feedlot conditions. Melengestrol acetate is not approved for use in steers as a feed additive. The study design was five blocks of four pens (each pen was assigned a dose of MGA) with 166 to 200 steers per pen. Melengestrol acetate was fed to steers at 0 (n = 899, five pens), 0.1 (n = 900, five pens), 0.2 (n = 899, five pens), and 0.4 (n = 900, five pens) mg of MGA/steer daily. Pens within a block were slaughtered on the same day. Blocks 1 through 5 were fed MGA for 123, 122, 116, 124, and 138 d, respectively. The experimental unit was a pen of steers, and blocking was based on source of steers. The ADG was 1.81, 1.85, 1.80, and 1.83 kg/d for steers fed 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg MGA per day, respectively. For ADG, the dose was significant, but neither linear nor quadratic effects were significant. Compared with steers of the control group, ADG was greater for steers fed 0.1 mg MGA (P < 0.01). Feed efficiencies were 170, 173, 171, and 172 g/kg for steers fed 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg MGA/d, respectively; however, no effects of dose (P = 0.19) or linear (P = 0.21) or quadratic (P > 0.60) effects were observed. There was no evidence for either positive or negative effects of MGA on DMI, hot carcass weight, dressing percent, quality grade, yield grade, back fat thickness, marbling score, longissimus muscle area, and incidence of dark cutter carcasses in response to feeding MGA to steers at doses of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 mg daily. The incidence of buller behavior (0.43 to 1.11%) was low and did not permit an accurate test of the clinical observations that feeding MGA to steers decreases the occurrence of buller steers. Melengestrol acetate fed to finishing beef steers produced small improvements in growth performance (ADG, 2.2%) at the 0.1 mg MGA dose, but none of the doses examined produced improvement in carcass quality or yield grade measurements.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to determine the effects of calcium soaps of long-chain fatty acids (calcium soap) on feedlot performance, diet digestibility, carcass characteristics and ruminal metabolism of steers fed diets (85% concentrate:15% corn silage) containing 0, 2, 4 or 6% calcium soap. In Trial 1, increasing calcium soap decreased (P less than .05) DM, CP and gross energy intake but increased total fatty acid intake. Feed to gain ratio tended to improve with increased calcium soap; gross energy conversion was not affected (P greater than .05) by diet. Average daily gain and hot carcass weight decreased (P less than .05) with addition of calcium soap; other carcass characteristics were not affected (P greater than .05). Apparent digestibilities of DM, N, energy and ash were not affected (P greater than .05) by calcium soap. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility increased linearly (P less than .08) with increasing calcium soap, whereas digestibility of total fatty acids was affected quadratically (P less than .05); fatty acid digestibility was similar among 0, 2 and 4% calcium soap diets but decreased for the 6% calcium soap diet. In Trial 2, increased calcium soap did not affect (P greater than .05) ruminal VFA concentrations, pH or in sacco NDF disappearance of orchardgrass following 12, 24 and 48 h of incubation. Calcium soap increased (P less than .07) ruminal concentrations of calcium soap fatty acids at 1, 2, 4 and 8 h postfeeding. Calcium soap did not improve performance of feedlot cattle fed high-concentrate diets. Further, calcium soap did not affect ruminal fermentation and did not dissociate significantly even when ruminal pH was below 6 for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Thirty-six Angus x Hereford heifers (365 kg) were used to determine effects of dietary lipid supplementation from two sources during the final 32 or 60 d of feeding on serum and adipose tissue leptin concentrations, animal performance, and carcass characteristics. Following an initial feeding period of 56 d, heifers were fed one of three diets in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet plus 4% (DM basis) corn oil, or 3) basal diet plus 2% (DM basis) rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid (a mixture of Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids with 31% conjugated linoleic acid). Jugular blood samples were collected at 28-d intervals (d 28 to 118) and serum subsequently harvested for leptin quantification via RIA. Real-time ultrasound measurements were collected at 28-d intervals across time on feed. At slaughter, samples were obtained from various adipose depots. Data were analyzed with dietary treatment, length of supplementation, adipose depot (when appropriate), and all two- and three-way (when appropriate) interactions in the repeated measures model. Measures of feedlot performance, including ADG, DMI, and gain:feed did not differ (P > 0.23) with dietary treatment or supplementation length. Heifers supplemented with corn oil tended (P < 0.07) to have higher marbling scores following 32 d of treatment than those supplemented with rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid, with controls intermediate. Quality grade and hot carcass weight did not differ (P > 0.15) with treatment or length of supplementation. Leptin concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) from d 57 to 118 on feed than the initial period (d 0 to 56) of dietary adaptation when all animals received the basal diet. Circulating leptin concentrations were not affected by dietary treatment. However, leptin concentrations in adipose tissues were greater (P < 0.05) for heifers supplemented with corn oil than either control or rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid diets, which did not differ. Compared with adipose tissues from rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid-supplemented animals, tissues from heifers fed corn oil contained 68% greater leptin concentration. Correlations between performance, carcass traits, and serum leptin concentrations were low. Serum leptin concentrations across time on feed were not associated with carcass and performance data, including ADG, DMI, and gain:feed. Based on these data, concentrations of leptin are not related to indices of feedlot performance and carcass quality in beef cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of various Wagyu sires on carcass quality traits and palatability attributes of cooked ribeye steaks. Wagyu sires were used and grouped as Old (n = 6) or New (n = 2) sires, based on the chronological order in which they were imported into the United States. One hundred thirteen F1 heifer and steer calves sired by Wagyu bulls out of three different sources of cows were fed a backgrounding diet for 112 d consisting of an 80:20 ratio of roughage:concentrate then grazed on a mixture of orchardgrass and bluegrass pasture for 84 d and finished on a 10:90 ratio of roughage:concentrate diet for 231 d in a feedlot. Progeny from New sires had larger (P < .05) ribeye areas, higher (P < .05) marbling scores, and lower (P < .05) maturity scores than progeny from Old sires. Marbling was positively correlated (P < .05) to brightness (r = .56), texture (r = .60), and fat luster (r = .38). Progeny of New sires had lower shear force values (P < .05) than progeny of Old sires. These results indicate the superiority of New Wagyu sires to produce progeny with more marbling, lower shear force values, and larger ribeye areas than Old Wagyu sires. Furthermore, there are substantial differences between Wagyu sires for carcass quality traits and palatability attributes.  相似文献   

Angus x Hereford steers (n = 48) similar in frame size and in muscle thickness were allotted to eight groups (n = 6) of similar mean live weight for serial slaughter at 28-d intervals (0 to 196 d). Except for d-0 steers, which served as grass-fed controls, all steers were fed a high-concentrate diet during the finishing period. Upon slaughter, one side of each carcass was trimmed of subcutaneous fat in the wholesale rib region. Postmortem longissimus muscle (LM) temperature was monitored for each side during the 24-h chilling period. After quality and yield grade data were collected, rib steaks were removed and aged (7 d) and sensory traits of the steaks were evaluated. Most carcass grade traits increased linearly (P less than .01) with days on feed, whereas most sensory panel variables and marbling increased curvilinearly (P less than .05). Generally, after 56 d on feed, carcasses chilled at slower rates (P less than .05) with increased days fed. Taste panel tenderness, amount of perceived connective tissue, and shear force values peaked at 112 d and were slightly less desirable for cattle fed longer than 112 d (quadratic term, P less than .01). Postmortem muscle temperature at 2.5 h was the chilling time most highly correlated with tenderness values among untrimmed sides. Correlations for shear force with 2.5-h LM temperature, marbling score, days fed, fat thickness, and carcass weight were -.63, -.61, -.56, -.55, and -.53, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮添加玉米或高粱DDGS等量替代玉米对肉牛生长性能、血液指标及屠宰性能的影响。试验选择初始体重为(298±22)kg的肉牛60头,随机分为3组,每组20头,每头作为1个重复。共设计3种日粮,分别为玉米组、玉米DDGS组和高粱DDGS组,玉米DDGS和高粱DDGS组在日粮中用20%DDGS等量替代玉米,试验共进行16周。结果显示:玉米和玉米DDGS组较高粱DDGS组显著提高肉牛生长期平均日增重(P <0.05);高粱DDGS组较玉米DDGS组显著降低了生长期增重耗料比(P <0.05);与高粱DDGS组相比,玉米DDGS组显著提高了育肥期末重(P <0.05),玉米DDGS组较高粱DDGS组显著提高了试验末期肉牛的体重(P <0.05)。玉米组较高粱DDGS组显著提高了56 d肉牛血浆尿素氮含量(P <0.05);玉米、玉米DDGS和高粱DDGS组对生长期、育肥期肉牛血糖浓度的影响均无显著差异(P> 0.05)。玉米DDGS组较高粱DDGS组显著提高了屠体重(P <0.05),玉米、玉米DDGS和高粱DDGS组对肉牛眼肌面积、大理石纹评分、瘦肉率、肋骨重、皮下脂肪和肌间脂肪等的影响均无显著差异(P> 0.05)。结论 :日粮添加20%玉米DDGS较高粱DDGS提高了肉牛的生长性能,高粱DDGS提高了背膘厚度,使肉牛在较小体重情况下进入育肥期。  相似文献   

To assess the effects of flax addition and flax processing on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics, 128 yearling beef heifers (360 +/- 14 kg of initial BW) were blocked by weight and assigned randomly to feedlot diets that included no flax (control), whole flax (WHL), rolled flax (RLD; 1,300 microm), or ground flax (GRD; 700 microm). Heifers were fed a growth diet (31% corn, 30% corn silage, 18% barley malt pellets, 14% alfalfa, 4% linseed meal, and 3% supplement; DM basis) for 56 d, after which they were adapted to a finishing diet (79% corn, 7% corn silage, 7% alfalfa, 4.75% linseed meal, and 2.25% supplement; DM basis). In WHL, RLD, and GRD, flax replaced all linseed meal and partially replaced corn at 8% of diet DM. All diets provided 0.5 mg of melengestrol acetate, 2,000 IU of vitamin E, and 232 mg of monensin per heifer daily. Cattle were slaughtered by block after 96, 97, and 124 (2 blocks) d on feed. At 24 h postmortem, carcass data were collected, and a portion of the loin was removed, vacuum-packaged, and aged for 14 d. After aging, 2 steaks were removed from each loin for Warner-Bratzler shear force measurement, sensory panel evaluation, and fatty acid analysis (approximately 100 g of muscle was collected). Flax inclusion (WHL, RLD, and GRD vs. control) did not affect DMI (P = 0.79), fat thickness over the 12th rib (P = 0.32), or LM area (P = 0.23). Flax inclusion increased ADG (P = 0.006), G:F (P = 0.006), and USDA yield grade (P = 0.01). Flax processing (RLD and GRD vs. WHL) increased ADG (P = 0.05), G:F (P = 0.08), and apparent dietary NEm and NEg (P = 0.003). Muscle from heifers fed flax had greater phospholipid 18:3n-3 (P < 0.001), 20:5n-3 (P < 0.001), 22:5n-3 (P < 0.001), and 22:6n-3 (P = 0.02) fractions, and greater neutral lipid 18:3n-3 (P < 0.001). Feeding 8% flax to feedlot heifers increased gain and efficiency, and processing flax increased available energy and resulted in increased efficiency of gain. Feeding 8% flax also increased levels of n-3 fatty acids in fresh beef.  相似文献   

Corn distiller's grains plus solubles (DGS) have become a common replacement for shelled corn in diets of finishing steers. Numerous studies have evaluated DGS inclusion, both wet (WDGS) and dry (DDGS), into feedlot diets with conflicting reports on feedlot performance and subsequent meat quality. Many authors have failed to describe the nutrient composition of the DGS utilized in their studies making it difficult to determine why different studies have different results. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feedlot performance and subsequent meat quality characteristics of steers fed high fat (10.36±0.72%), modified wet corn distiller's grains plus solubles (HWDGS) at 0, 25, 40, and 70% of the diet dry matter (DM). Angus cross steers (n=240; 335±55 kg) were blocked by source and stratified within block (3 blocks) by body weight (BW) to 32 treatment pens containing either 6 or 10 steers/pen. Pens within block were randomly assigned to one of four diets containing 15% corn silage: (1) 76.9% shelled corn, 6.4% soybean meal 1.5% limestone, 0.2% premix (0 HWDGS); (2) 25.0% HWDGS, 58.20% shelled corn 1.6% limestone, 0.2% premix (25 HWDGS); (3) 40.0% HWDGS, 42.74% shelled corn 2.06% limestone, 0.2% premix (40 HWDGS); (4) 70.0% HWDGS, 12.30% shelled corn 2.5% limestone, 0.2% premix (70 HWDGS). Target BW at harvest was 591 kg±23 kg with 121 steers harvested on day (d) 161 and 117 steers on d 224. Hot carcass weight and liver abscess scores were recorded on d of harvest. Longissimus muscle area, rib fat thickness, marbling score, and kidney, pelvic and heart fat were measured after a 24 h chill. No significant differences were observed between treatments regarding average daily gain (ADG) or BW. Steers fed 0 HWDGS had significantly lower average daily feed intake (ADFI) than steers fed HWDGS and the response was quadratic at lower ADFI. Steers fed 70 HWDGS had lower (P<0.05) dry matter intake (DMI) compared to steers fed lower HWDGS concentrations. Steer gain to feed ratio (G:F) was significantly higher for steers fed 70 HWDGS compared to 0, 25, or 40 HWDGS with a quadratic response at higher % HWDGS diets. Mean United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) quality grade was average choice. Mean USDA yield grade was 3.0. Steers fed 70 HWDGS had significantly smaller rib eye areas and a linear trend (P=0.08) to have lower USDA quality grades compared to steers fed lower HWDGS inclusion rates. Increasing dietary HWDGS increased polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and PUFA/saturated fatty acid concentrations in intramuscular fat with both a linear and quadratic effect. High fat modified WDGS can be fed up to 70% of diet DM without compromising feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, or meat quality.  相似文献   

To measure the effects of dietary fat on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and beef appearance, moisture binding, shelf life, and palatability, 168 crossbred beef steers (317 +/- 1.0 kg) were allotted randomly, within weight blocks, to a randomized complete block design with a 3 x2 + 1 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Main effects were level of yellow restaurant grease (RG; 0, 3, or 6%) and level of alfalfa hay (AH; 3.5 or 7%), with the added treatment of 6% tallow and 7% AH in barley-based diets containing 15% potato by-product and 7% supplement fed for 165 d (all dietary levels on a DM basis). Dietary treatment did not (P >0.10) affect DMI, LM area, beef brightness, or beef texture. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) ADG from 1.48 to 1.60 kg/d, diet NE(m) from 2.4 to 2.6 Mcal/kg, diet NE(g) from 1.7 to 1.9 Mcal/kg, and internal fat from 2.1 to 2.4%. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) G:F from 0.184 to 0.202, but decreased (P <0.05) beef firmness score from 3.0 to 2.8 and fat luster score from 3.1 to 2.8. Level of AH did not (P >0.10) affect any of the measurements; however, AH interacted with level of RG on fat thickness and yield grade (linear; P <0.05), as well as marbling score and percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice (quadratic; P <0.05). Fat thickness and yield grade increased with increasing RG level in 3.5%, but not in 7%, AH diets. In steers fed 3.5% RG, marbling scores and percentage of carcasses grading Choice were greatest when fed with 3.5% AH, and least when fed 7% AH. Steers fed tallow had lower marbling scores (P = 0.01) and percentage of carcasses grading Choice (P = 0.066) than those fed RG. Retail storage attributes, including visual and instrumental color, decreased during storage (P <0.01), but were not (P >0.10) affected by diet. Trained sensory panel scores for initial tenderness increased quadratically (P = 0.07) as dietary RG increased, but diet did not (P >0.10) affect drip loss, cooking loss, or trained sensory panel scores for sustained tenderness, initial and sustained juiciness, and beef flavor. Therefore, RG increased diet energy, improved performance, and increased carcass fatness; however, dietary fat and AH did not affect most measurements of water retention, color stability, or palatability of beef.  相似文献   

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