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An 8‐day‐old female Holstein Friesian calf was examined because of congenital spastic paresis of the hind limbs. Myelography revealed deviation and thinning of subarachnoid contrast medium columns in the lumbar segment. Upon magnetic resonance imaging, the ‘hour‐glass’ subdural compression appeared as a T1‐hypointense, T2‐hyperintense ovoidal area suggestive of cerebral spinal fluid collection, compatible with hydrosyringomyelia. The calf was euthanized and the necropsy confirmed the diagnosis of segmental spinal cord hypoplasia of the lumbar tract associated to hydromyelic and syringomyelic cavities.  相似文献   

为阐明瘦素在奶牛脂肪代谢中的调控作用,应用荧光定量RT-PCR法观察了瘦素对体外单层原代培养脂肪细胞胰高血糖素受体(glucagon receptor,GLNR)mRNA丰度的影响。结果表明:随着培养液中瘦素浓度的升高,GLNR mRNA的丰度呈现先升高后降低的趋势(P<0.01),瘦素对GLNR mRNA的表达具有双重作用;研究结果表明,瘦素直接调控新生犊牛脂肪细胞GLNR mRNA的表达。  相似文献   

对新生荷斯坦犊牛脾脏进行了观测。结果:新生荷斯坦犊牛脾脏呈前缘较平直,后缘略凸,两端圆的长椭圆形。脾门位于背侧端的脏面靠近前缘处。公、母犊牛脾脏重量分别为79.21±14.22g和57.67±13.80g,与体重之比分别为0.21±0.04%和0.17±0.03%。  相似文献   

Physicochemical characteristics of two isolates of a neonatal calf diarrhea virus were investigated. Neither isolate was sensitive to ether or chloroform, both were stable at pH 3.0, were relatively heat resistant, but were thermolabile when heated to 50°C for one hour in the presence of 1.0 M MgCl2. Multiplication of virus was not inhibited by concentrations of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IDUR) up to 500 µg/ml, which indicated that the nucleic acid was ribonucleic acid (RNA). Also, multiplication was not inhibited by concentrations of actinomycin D (AD) up to 0.5 µg/ml. Thermal denaturation studies demonstrated that the nucleic acid had a high melting temperature.

Resistance to lipid solvents, stability at an acid pH, relatively high thermostability, type of nucleic acid, plus previous reports from this laboratory on general morphology and cytopathogenicity suggest that the virus may belong to the diplornavirus (reovirus) group. However, thermolability in the presence of 1.0 M MgCl2 is not consistent with characteristics of this group.


Hyperkalemia has been associated with cardiac abnormalities and muscular disorders. Hyperkalemia is a common problem associated with the acid-base and electrolyte disturbances that occur in neonatal calves having acute diarrhea. Occasional calves with acute neonatal diarrhea, metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia have cardiac rate or rhythm abnormalities. Bradycardia observed in three such calves was found to represent atrial standstill and was attributed to hyperkalemia. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1992; 6:294–297)  相似文献   

The effects of a neonatal calf diarrhea virus on cell cultures were investigated. Bovine embryonic kidney cell cultures were the most satisfactory for production of virus. Cytoplasmic changes detected after inoculation with a high multiplicity of virus were: 1) cytoplasmic vacuoles; 2) some eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions; and 3) some degeneration of cells and detachment from the monolayer. Cultures stained with fluorescein-labeled antibody showed cytoplasmic fluorescence as early as four hr after infection with the maximum fluorescence at five days. No cross reactions were observed between the neonatal calf diarrhea virus and reovirus type 1 or type 3 by the fluorescent antibody technique. Plaques were small and were not produced consistently. The optimal adsorption time was one to two hr. The maximum titer was reached at 18 hr, with the cell-associated titer remaining higher than the cell-free titer until that time. An interferon was produced by cultures infected with either ultraviolet-inactivated or untreated virus.  相似文献   

影响荷斯坦牛犊牛初生重的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探索影响犊牛初生重的因素,收集了江苏省某奶牛场2014年度正常健康产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊记录共3 947条,分析不同公牛、出生季节、母牛胎次、是否采用性控精液、妊娠期长短对初生重的影响。结果表明:不同公牛所产犊牛的初生重差异极显著(P0.01);夏季和冬季出生的犊牛初生重较大;第2胎出生犊牛初生重极显著高于第1胎和第3胎;是否采用性控精液对犊牛初生重无显著性影响;初生重与妊娠期长短呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。  相似文献   

对新生荷斯坦犊牛右心室心横肌 进行了形态学观测,结果心模肌粗大,出现率为100%。心膜肌起于隔前乳头肌基部下缘的中隔壁上,止于右心室前壁壁乳头肌左肌左侧缘中部的心壁上。心横肌分为三种类型,即细索形、肉柱型、扁带型。  相似文献   

新生犊牛关节炎是由大肠杆菌、化脓隐秘杆菌和支原体等病原微生物感染引起的以多发性关节炎为特征的疾病。该病好发于新生犊牛,成年牛偶有发病,淘汰率高,严重影响养奶牛业的健康发展。本文就犊牛关节炎的流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、诊断方法及防治措施等方面的最新研究进展做一概述,旨在为新生犊牛关节炎的诊断与防治提供参考。  相似文献   

This study was initiated to determine the etiologic and pathogenic significance of an American strain of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (strain NADL-MD) in enteritis of neonatal calves (calf scours).

Three colostrum-fed calves from dams exposed intravenously to BVD virus at 6, 16 and 25 days prepartum, respectively, had moderate diarrhea persisting until the eighth day of life. The BVD virus was isolated from all 3 calves and persisted up to 93 days in 1 calf, indicating either that BVD was transmitted in utero or via the dam's milk.

Three specific pathogen free (SPF) calves permitted dams' colostrum for the first 4 feedings and then given milk replacer were exposed orally on the day of birth to BVD virus. One calf died of neonatal enteritis 28 hours post-exposure and at necropsy the BVD virus was isolated from several of its organs. The remaining 2 calves had a mild diarrhea persisting to the eighth day of age.

Two calves permitted dams' colostrum ad lib. for 72 hours, and then weaned, were exposed orally to BVD virus. Both calves had a mild persistent diarrhea and BVD virus was isolated from their blood for 56 days post-exposure.

Of 13 SPF, colostrum-deprived calves exposed orally or intranasally at birth to the BVD virus, 4 had severe diarrhea and died of neonatal enteritis from 38 hours to 13 days postexposure. Isolations of BVD virus were made from several of the organs of the calves at necropsy. All of the 9 surviving calves had a moderate to severe diarrhea frequently persisting for 7 to 10 days, and BVD virus was isolated from the survivors up to 103 days postexposure.

Several strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from calves after the second day of life, but were neither pathogenic for mice, nor serologically related to strains of E. coli usually associated with outbreaks of calf scours. Four colostrum-deprived SPF calves were exposed orally at birth to a strain of E. coli isolated from the intestine of the calf with the most acute symptoms and fatal neonatal enteritis. None of the four calves receiving the E. coli had diarrhea. One calf, however, had respiratory distress and died on day 5.

Two SPF colostrum-deprived control calves had neither diarrhea nor respiratory distress.

The above findings support the conclusion that BVD virus should not be overlooked as a primary cause of the neonatal calf enteritis complex.


隐孢子虫 (Crytospridium)是世界上公认的引起人畜腹泻的重要寄生性原虫 ,日益受到世界各国的普遍重视。该病主要通过饲料、饮水等经口传染给动物 ,通过牛奶、饮水、蔬菜等食物经口传染给人 ,常引起流行和爆发。据李培英等 (1998)报导安徽黄牛的感染率在 33 33%~ 72 73%。该病不仅对畜禽养殖业造成巨大危害 ,亦在公共卫生学上有重要意义。我省至今尚未见有牛隐孢子虫感染报导。 2 0 0 0年 8月贵阳市一牛品种改良试验点试养的荷斯坦牛犊发生腹泻 ,该试验点现有从某奶牛场购进的荷斯坦奶公犊牛 40头 (5日龄断奶后饲喂人工奶及…  相似文献   

选择出生日期5~8 d,5 d初乳期后的荷斯坦母犊牛20头,按照体重相近的原则随机分为两组,每组10头,记为试验组和对照组,试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组饲喂全乳,其精料、粗料两组均相同,哺乳期45 d,断奶。1月龄和2月龄两组牛平均日增重,第一个月分别为513 g、611 g;第二个月分别为823 g、812 g。试验组生长发育正常,第二个月试验组比对照组饲料转化率稍有提高,表明代乳粉可用来代替全乳饲养犊牛。  相似文献   

This case illustrates that good results may be achieved with fractured femur that was severely comminuted (i.e. a "Humpty Dumpty" fracture). The blood supply at the fracture site must be carefully preserved. The bony architecture must be reestablished with perfect reduction of the articular surfaces, preferably with interfragmentary compression between the bone fragments. These fragments are held in place with screws and Kirschner wires. Some of the screws and pins were left in place as the trauma incurred to retrieve them would have done more harm than good due to bony overgrowth.  相似文献   

通过测定150头育成牛从出生到配种前各月龄牛的体重、体高、体斜长、胸围和管围,掌握其生长发育规律,绘制生长发育曲线。结果表明,育成牛在13月龄时体重、体高、胸围、体斜长和管围分别为366.26 kg、125.69 cm、168.01 cm、139.38 cm和17.83 cm,均达到了配种要求;在8月龄之前各项体尺增长最快,8月龄之后速度减慢。犊牛和育成牛体重的评估模型为:Y=-284.087+4.747X1+5.664X2-3.209X3-25.352X4或Y=96.475X22X3。  相似文献   

观察了20头新生荷斯坦犊牛右心室乳头肌和腱索的形态特征。右心室内有三个乳头肌,即壁乳头肌、隔前乳头肌、隔后乳头肌。三个乳头肌中壁乳头肌最大,隔前乳头肌最小。在三例标本中隔前乳头肌缺如。乳头肌分三个型,总计60例乳头肌中,游离型6例(10%),中间型24例(40%),附着型30例(50%)。腱索总数为17.93±3.34条。  相似文献   

通过对526头荷斯坦胚移犊牛及其受体母牛初生期的体重、体尺指标测定,初步分析了胚移犊牛与受体母牛的体尺、体重相关关系.结果表明:受体母牛膘情与犊牛的初生重、体高、体斜长、胸围极显著相关(P<0.01),与犊牛的初生期管围显著相关(P<0.05).膘情为3分的受体母牛所产犊牛体尺较佳,受体母牛太瘦太肥都会影响犊牛的初生重...  相似文献   

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