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通过放牧、人工梭梭林营造、嫁接肉苁蓉、病虫害等干扰因素对乌兰布和沙漠梭梭林生长影响的调查和分析,总结了不同干扰因素对乌兰布和沙漠梭梭林的影响程度,提出了乌兰布和沙漠梭梭林适宜的保护措施。  相似文献   

<正>乌兰布和沙漠是我国八大沙漠之一,地处黄河中上游,其东南缘紧邻黄河,是我国的主要沙尘源区及沙尘暴的主要通道之一,直接危害黄河和河套平原生态环境。磴口县地处乌兰布和沙漠东部,沙漠面积426万亩,占全县总土地面积的68.3%。黄河流经磴口县52公里,刘拐沙头是黄河与乌兰布和沙漠的交会点,保护治理乌兰布和沙漠,对阻止西沙东移、保护黄河生态安全、推进我国北方生态安全屏障建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠东缘沙地综合治理效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过介绍乌兰布和沙漠综合治理试验站对乌兰布和沙漠东缘沙地的综合治理效果:形成一定规模的绿洲,呈现出林农、林牧、林果共同发展的态势。说明其经济效益和生态效益是显著的。  相似文献   

2006年10月13日,国务院总理温家宝在自治区原人大常委会主任巴图巴根《关于对乌兰布和沙漠地区继续进行治理的报告》上作了重要批示,责成国家发改委和有关部门对乌兰布和沙漠的治理进行专题研究。在此之前,自治区党委储波书记,自治区政府杨晶主席对乌兰布和沙漠的治理都曾作过明确的指示。2007年元月,国家发改委、农业部、  相似文献   

为有效保护阿拉善盟境内85公里黄河不受沙漠危害和海勃湾水利枢纽工程及周边的生态安全,阻止乌兰布和沙漠对水库的入侵危害,阿拉善盟盟委、行署将在2012年全面启动黄河西岸乌兰布和沙漠1000平方公里综合治理一期工程。  相似文献   

金岩 《国土绿化》2024,(2):40-43
<正>乌兰布和沙漠位于内蒙古自治区西部,北至巴彦淖尔市的狼山,西至阿拉善盟吉兰泰盐池,南至贺兰山麓,东至黄河边缘,总面积约135.2平方公里,是我国八大沙漠之一。一、乌兰布和沙漠治理现状乌兰布和沙漠所处的地理位置,在历史上曾经是一个水草丰美的大草原。由于自然环境和人类活动叠加的原因,沙化、荒漠化日趋严重,逐渐形成了横跨内蒙古阿拉善盟和巴彦淖尔市广大地区,以流动沙丘为主的大沙漠。随着气候变暖和人类活动的不断加剧,20世纪初,  相似文献   

本文以乌兰布和沙漠的遥感影像中白刺沙丘为研究对象,利用ENVI和ArcGis软件对其进行地物边缘提取。通过对比提取后的白刺沙丘形状和外业调查数据,发现其吻合效果较好。又通过对其测量精度验证,检验其有较高的提取精度。通过利用ENVI和ArcGis提取乌兰布和沙漠遥感影像中白刺沙丘边缘的研究,目的是为利用遥感影像提取沙漠地区植被的调查提供参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

白独贵湾位于内蒙古自治区乌海市贺兰山余脉的岗德格尔山西麓,地处乌兰布和沙漠东侵南移的主风口,是乌兰布和沙漠跨越黄河进入乌海,形成的面积达13平方公里的风积流动沙地和沙漠的新的边缘。整个白独贵湾沙丘汹涌,  相似文献   

文章将乌兰布和沙漠分为4个保护建设区,针对各区域现状实施不同的保护与建设措施,使乌兰布和沙漠自然环境状况得到全面改善。  相似文献   

内蒙古磴口县地处我国西北部的乌兰布和沙漠边缘,全县总面积625万亩,其中,乌兰布和沙漠426.9万亩,占全县总土地面积的68.3%。这里的生态环境极其脆弱,优势树种主要是柠条、梭梭、沙冬青、霸王、蒙古扁桃等典型沙生植被,且覆盖度较低。一、森林多目标经营和定向培育的关系问题国家对整个林业的要求是多目标、  相似文献   

企业流程再造是企业管理的一种创新,正确地选择关键流程进行再造是企业改善取得成功的基础。首先阐述流程再造及层次分析法的概念,其次分析层次分析法在流程择优应用中的优势,最终选取层次分析法作为关键流程选择的科学方法。通过A公司选取关键流程的实例表明,层次分析法很容易被企业决策者掌握,企业通过此方法选择关键流程具有较强的实用性,适用于大多数实施流程再造的企业,对当今企业如何选取核心业务流程、成功实施流程再造具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   


In Fennoscandia, the concept of woodland key habitats has become one of the key concepts when defining hotspots for forest biodiversity. There is a serious lack of studies, however, in which the diversity value of the assumed key habitats has been assessed for any groups of organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the woodland key habitats as defined in the Finnish Forest Act can be advocated as diversity hotspots for polypores, a group of wood-decaying fungi including several red-listed species and species used as indicators for conservation value of forests. The study area was situated in the southern boreal zone, in eastern Finland. In total, 72 woodland key habitat sites representing six different habitat types, and 12 production forest sites as controls were investigated for their polypore assemblages. A total of 2077 records of 93 species was made, of which only 17 records of nine species were red-listed. On average, key habitats hosted more species than control forests, but of the six habitat types, only fresh and mesic–moist herb-rich forests differed significantly in species number from the control forests. Compared with control forests, key habitats can maintain rich polypore flora but, because of the low number of red-listed species found, they are likely to be of little help in the conservation of threatened polypores.  相似文献   

林业重点工程建设10年来,产生了巨大的生态效益,有力地推动了四川林业产业的发展,文章根据调盖和统计资料的分析,评估了林业重点工程建设对四川林业产业发展的影响与作用。  相似文献   

重点工程使用林地都面临科学有效地编制可行性报告的问题。以成渝高速铁路建设重点工程为试点,研究使用林地可行性研究报告编制工作提前介入的相关技术和方法,结果表明:在重点工程使用林地可行性报告编制工作中,采用先期介入方法可行可靠,能够引导重点工程建设合理利用和节约使用林地资源,其应用可为我国林地现代化管理,以及工程建设与生态环境保护的和谐统一提供重要保障。  相似文献   

储小院  朱仕荣  李云  徐洋 《林业建设》2012,(5):81-84,88
个旧市以山区为主,其岩溶面积占全市国土面积的51.48%,石漠化土地面积占国土面积的27.7%,属于岩溶地区石漠化较为严重的典型代表地区。本文提出以小流域为单元的个旧市石漠化综合治理模式,然后对治理工程实施后的生态、经济和社会效益进行了评价,并提出了小流域石漠化综合治理相关建议。  相似文献   

Political responses to global deforestation, as a defining characteristic of the so-called Anthropocene, are a key field for scholarship and policy analysis. In the past decade, research has proliferated on global forest governance and the international forest regime (IFR), yet the academic literature on the IFR is just as dispersed and fragmented as the IFR itself. An emerging body of literature now suggests the key role of domestic actors in international forest governance, questioning an implicit top-down logic of global arrangements. In spite of all the resources at its disposal, the IFR is characterised by complexity, fragmentation and ineffectiveness regarding its main objective of reducing global deforestation.Based on an extensive literature review, the authors’ long-standing observations and selected own empirical findings, this review article aims to provide an updated historical account of the IFR and proposes a from-below approach for analysing the IFR from the viewpoint of domestic actors. In this bottom-up perspective the IFR is conceptualised as a set of resources that key domestic actors can pick and choose from according to their interests and in the light of domestic politics.Using illustrative empirical examples from recent research and own observations, the article finds that the IFR is being hollowed-out by (i) the growing policy links between forests and climate change - a process referred to as “climatization”- and (ii) domestic influences. We conclude that our from-below approach is instrumental in further explaining why deforestation has largely continued, despite the emergence of the IFR some three decades ago. Our findings about the importance of domestic actors illustrate that global governance arrangements cannot operate effectively, relative to their ambitious mandate and for tackling policy issues relating to the Anthropocene, unless they are granted adequate resources and support by key domestic actors.  相似文献   

全球陆地生态系统水热平衡规律研究进展*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆地生态系统水热平衡问题是研究气候和小气候形成及其变化机制的重要问题,也是维持现有陆地生态系统平衡稳定以及退化生态系统恢复的关键。文中较系统地分析总结了国内外陆地生态系统水热平衡规律的最新研究进展,并从系统观点出发,评述了不同类型陆地生态系统水热平衡研究的若干方法,阐述了土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)系统水热平衡规律的研究进展,最后对未来的研究方向和重点问题作了分析。  相似文献   

为使云南省第二次重点保护野生植物资源调查数据得到系统科学的管理及应用,在全面分析调查数据管理应用需求基础上,设计开发了一个基于ASP.NET、B/S结构和Microsoft SQL Server2008的云南省重点保护野生植物资源调查信息管理系统,系统主要包括用户管理、系统管理、数据录入、数据检查、数据管理、数据查询、数据统计、报表输出等模块,以ASP.NET为系统平台,以Microsoft SQL Server 2008为数据库后台,采用B/S系统架构设计方法,构建起一个科学、高效的云南省重点保护野生植物资源调查信息管理系统。  相似文献   

Many expert-designed agroforestry projects enunciated in 1970s around the world, particularly in the developing countries, had uneven success due to inadequate adoption or abandonment after adoption. There are many empirical studies on factors affecting on-farm tree cultivation mainly where expert-designed agroforestry programmes were introduced but lacking in case of traditional agroforestry. Moreover, the concern to identify key factors influencing on-farm tree growing is gaining importance. The present study identifies key factors in on-farm tree growing based on investigation of traditional agroforestry using logistic regression approach. The study is based on household survey of 401 households located in Indian Western Himalaya. The factors affecting on-farm tree growing were grouped into: biophysical (included land use and infrastructural aspects) and social. Models predicting on-farm tree growing for each category were developed and key factors affecting on-farm tree growing in the respective category were identified. A composite model was also developed by combining biophysical and social factors. In the present study, farm size, agroclimatic zone, soil fertility, mobility and importance of tree for future generations respectively were the key factors which influenced tree growing. In contrast to many previous studies which considered either biophysical or social factors, the composite model in the present study reveals that both biophysical and social factors are simultaneously important in motivating the farmers to grow trees on their farms in traditional agroforestry. Moreover, the present study open vistas for using farmers’ experience and knowledge of adoption of agroforestry to stimulate on-farm tree growing. The wider implication of the study is that biophysical as well as social variables should be considered together in designing suitable agroforestry systems in various parts of the world.  相似文献   

江西武夷山国家级自然保护区高等植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等植物是组成生物多样性最重要的成分之一。通过总结近十几年的科研监测成果,以《中国高等植物》、《中国植物志》为依据,对江西武夷山保护区的高等植物名录进行编目整理,共统计到植物271科1141属2820种,其中比重最大的为被子植物152科858属2255种,分别占总科属种数的56.09%、75.20%、79.96%。参照新的国家级和省级重点保护野生植物名录,新增5个国家Ⅱ级、106种省级重点保护植物。国家重点保护野生植物19科23属26种,省级重点保护野生植物34科92属149种。  相似文献   

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