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采用马铃薯脱毒小薯不同粒级,不同密度,不同品种熟性三因子三水平正交试验,研究了原原种对一级原种的产量、单株平均结薯数及<25g小薯所占比率的影响。结果表明:当早熟、结薯少、薯块均匀的品种原原种播种密度在1.2万株/亩以上,晚熟和中晚熟、结薯较多薯块不均匀品种在1.0~1.2万株/亩之间,且播种粒级大于0.5g/粒时,一级原种繁殖方可收到既高产又具较高的繁殖系数和较低用种量的效果。  相似文献   

选择毕节地区主推品种威芋3号微型薯开展不同粒级对一级原种繁殖的影响试验,设每粒≤5、6~10、11~20、21~30、31~40 g 5个处理粒级。结果表明:在马铃薯品种和种植密度相同的情况下,晚疫病危害程度与原原种粒级存在一定关系,当原原种粒级每粒≤5 g时,不利于晚疫病的发生和流行,当原原种粒级在每粒6 g以上时,晚疫病发生情况接近;粒级为每粒21 g以上的原原种繁殖一级原种产量较高,生产上调进原原种时建议选择大粒种薯为宜。  相似文献   

选择毕节地区主推品种威芋3号微型薯(大小为每粒11~20 g)开展不同种植密度对一级原种繁殖的影响试验。结果表明:在品种和粒级相同的情况下,原原种扩繁一级原种时晚疫病发生轻重与种植密度不相关;每667 m2种植密度从4 500粒增加至6 500粒,各处理间产量不存在显著差异性。综合单位成本、产量、大中薯比例等分析,在选择粒级为每粒11~20 g的原原种进行栽种时,每667 m2种植密度以4 500~5 500粒较适宜。  相似文献   

在内蒙古乌兰察布盟后山地区武川原种基地,对各级种薯生产技术及其良繁体系进行了系统的研究。现已明确:在开放条件下生产脱毒小薯(原原种),产量可达8073~9465kg/hm2,种薯产量和质量不低于温、网室生产的脱毒小薯;不同薯重的脱毒小薯旱坡地直播效果,以10g和8~10g薯重的效果好,产量和商品率均高;1级种薯在不同旱地类型种植的增产效果,以旱滩地的产量最高,其次为旱坡地,分别比对照(未脱毒)增产71.28%、171.28%;8月上旬为有翅桃蚜迁飞盛期,从7月上旬迁飞初期开始喷药防蚜,防治效果显著;在乌盟后山半农半牧地区以原原种、原种、1、2级种薯建立的3级脱毒良种繁育体系符合该地区的生产实际,能达到留种和保种的快速、优质、高产、低成本的效果。经过6年示范推广,现已在武川等3个旗县普及,累计各级种薯种植面积达到2.32万hm2,平均单产3万kg/hm2左右,生产出各级种薯及商品薯6985万kg,累计创造社会财富7150万元。  相似文献   

本文研究了马铃薯脱毒小薯5个不同粒度水平和3个密度水平下的生产能力和种薯的投入产出情况.通过试验,分析和比较了不同处理的主要经济性状的表现.综合评价了不同处理的利用价值,筛选了可用于生产的较好的粒度和密度水平。试验结果表明:0.5~10.g的脱毒小薯是田间生产较好的粒度水平,合理的种植密度为9000株/亩。  相似文献   

夏大豆群体结构对不同类型品种产量及农艺性状的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
在南方地区选择不同类型的代表品种,研究不同密度及同密度下不同株行距配置对大豆产量的影响,结果显示:密度与株行距配置显著地影响产量,品种类型不同,其对密度要求不同,主茎结荚型品种密度以3.0万株/亩为宜,而分枝型品种以1.0-1.5万株/亩为宜,相同密度下株行距愈接近,则产量愈高,因而建议均匀种植。文中分析讨论了密度对产量影响的原因,并对结论的应用作了讨论。  相似文献   

研究结果表明,马铃薯脱毒试管扦插苗在保持根际黑暗条件下,采用无基质定时喷雾供给养分,在温室或大棚等保护地内可生产马铃薯脱毒小薯(原原种)。单株可结薯50~60粒,重量8~10g/粒,每m2可结薯800~1000粒,其中B组营养液效果最佳。  相似文献   

马铃薯品种Favorita和中薯2号的扦插苗和脱毒小薯分别播种在含有0,0.2%,0.4%和0.6%NaCl盐的土壤中,以研究盐对它们出苗生长及结薯的影响.结果表明,随着盐浓度的升高,扦插苗和小薯的生长均因之受到相应的抑制,表现在出苗迟缓、成活率低、植株矮小等方面.扦插苗对盐的敏感性大于小薯,因此笔者认为,从现有的品种(系)中筛选抗(耐)盐品种(系),从扦插苗做起可为以后的田间筛选做好准备.  相似文献   

为提高马铃薯原原种结薯效率,降低生产成本,开展了苗源及栽培密度对马铃薯原原种生产的影响研究。试验为二因素裂区设计,4次重复,苗源为主区,栽培密度为副区,供试品种为‘费乌瑞它’。试验设置组培苗和水培苗2个苗源,200,400,600和800株/m~24个栽培密度。结果表明,苗源对匍匐茎长度和叶面积以外的其他农艺性状均有显著影响,密度仅对根长、匍匐茎数量、叶面积和单株干物质积累量有显著影响,根长具有显著两因素互作效应。同一密度下,水培苗的单株结薯数和产量(600株/m~2除外)高于组培苗。在主因素组培苗和水培苗中,密度200株/m~2单株结薯数和结薯产量均显著高于3个高密度处理,随密度增大,单位面积结薯数和产量增幅下降,组培苗和水培苗均在200~400株/m~2单位面积结薯数和产量增幅最大,分别增加68.0%和46.0%,25.3%和20.1%,组培苗在600~800株/m~2,水培苗在400~600株/m~2时增幅大幅下降,平均单薯重也随之降低。苗源类型和栽培密度均能显著影响原原种结薯数、产量和单薯重,在保证单薯重基础上,获得较多的单位面积原原种结薯数更有意义。组培苗在密度为600株/m~2处理,水培苗在密度为400株/m~2处理,既可以确保适当的单薯重,又可以提高单位面积结薯数。因此,从原原种生产成本和经济效益考虑,组培苗栽培密度600株/m~2,水培苗400株/m~2可以获得较好的生产效益。  相似文献   

马铃薯品种Favorita和中薯2号的扦插苗和脱毒小薯分别播种在含有0,0.2%,0.4%和0.6%NaCl盐的土壤中,以研究盐对它们出苗生长率及结薯的影响,结果表明,随着盐浓度的升高,扦插苗和小薯的生长均因之受到相应的抑制,表现在出苗迟缓,成活率低,植株矮小等方面,扦插苗对盐的敏感性大于小薯,因此笔者认为,从现有的品种(系)中筛选抗(耐)盐品种(系)从扦插苗做起可为以后的田间筛选做好准备。  相似文献   

Commercial potato minituber production systems aim at high tuber numbers per plant. This study investigated by which mechanisms planting density (25.0, 62.5 and 145.8 plants/m2) of in vitro derived plantlets affected minituber yield and minituber number per plantlet. Lowering planting density resulted in a slower increase in soil cover by the leaves and reduced the accumulated intercepted radiation (AIR). It initially also reduced light use efficiency (LUE) and harvest index, and thus tuber weights per m2. At the commercial harvest 10 weeks after planting (WAP), LUE tended to be higher at lower densities. This compensated for the lower AIR and led to only slightly lower tuber yields. Lowering planting density increased tuber numbers per (planted) plantlet in all grades. It improved plantlet survival and increased stem numbers per plant. However, fewer stolons were produced per stem, whereas stolon numbers per plant were not affected. At lower densities, more tubers were initiated per stolon and the balance between initiation and later resorption of tubers was more favourable. Early interplant competition was thought to reduce the number of tubers initiated at higher densities, whereas later-occurring interplant competition resulted in a large fraction of the initiated tubers being resorbed at intermediate planting densities. At low planting densities, the high number of tubers initiated was also retained. Shortening of the production period could be considered at higher planting densities, because tuber number in the commercial grade > 9 mm did not increase any more after 6 WAP.  相似文献   

株行距和施肥量对木薯产量及生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用裂区试验设计方法,研究株行距和施肥量对华南5号木薯产量和生长的影响.结果表明:在本试验株行距和施肥量条件下,施肥量对木薯产量和生长的影响比株行距大.密植(0.6~0.8 m)有利于提高淀粉产量、鲜薯产量和鲜薯淀粉含量,以0.8m株行距最佳,而疏植(1.2~1.4m)有利于提高单株薯数、单株鲜薯重、单株鲜茎叶重、收获指数和茎径.施肥有利于提高淀粉产量、鲜薯产量、单株鲜薯重、单株鲜茎叶重、茎径、株高和单株薯数,但降低鲜薯淀粉含量和收获指数.丰产栽培技术要兼顾单位面积株数、单株鲜薯重和鲜薯淀粉含量.建议在土壤肥力差和少施肥时,用0.6 m株行距;土壤肥力中等且较高施肥时.采用0.8 m株行距;土壤肥力中上且优越水肥管理,采用1.0 m株行距.  相似文献   

不同密度和种薯大小对产量及主要农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确在黑龙江省哈尔滨地区生态条件下,不同种植密度和不同种薯大小对马铃薯产量及主要农艺性状的影响,以密度为主处理,种薯大小为副处理进行了二因素裂区试验。供试材料为品种东农303。不同密度间,块茎数和总产有显著差异,两性状随密度的增加而增加。不同种善大小间,除净产量只达0.05显著水平外,其它性状均达0.01显著水平。株高、主茎数/每穴、块茎数随种薯大小的增大星线性增长,而总产、商品薯块茎数、商品薯产量、净产量随种薯大小的变化规律则只能用二次多项式来描述。采用新复极差法对各性状在不同密度及不同种薯大小下的表现作了多重比较。要想获得较高的商品薯产量及净产量,并考虑节约用种,提高繁殖倍数,在黑龙江省哈尔滨地区生态条件下,东农303的株行距应为30cm×70cm,种薯大小应为50~80g。  相似文献   

To optimize minituber production through aeroponics some horticultural management factors should be studied. Potato plantlets, cv Zorba, were grown aeroponically at two different plant densities (60 and 100 plants/m2). Plants showed an extended vegetative cycle of about 5 months after planting. A higher number of stolons was obtained at low plant densities. Tuber formation hastened when supplied N was reduced. Experiments on harvesting intervals (7, 10, and 14 days) indicated that for a density of 60 plants/m2, both number of minitubers and yield increased as harvesting interval decreased. Best results were achieved harvesting every 7 days: a total tuber yield of 118.6 g per plant was obtained (four times higher than for 100 plants/m2). Such a yield was composed, on the average, of 13.4 tubers with a mean tuber weight of 8.1 g. Harvesting intervals did not have an effect on the number of minitubers and yield for a density of 100 plants/m2. The best productivity obtained in this study was 800 minitubers/m2 for weekly harvests and a low plant density (60 plants/m2). We also studied the field performance of aeroponically produced minitubers vs those produced by hydroponics. Minituber behavior under field conditions was independent from the technique used for its production.  相似文献   

基施有机肥对马铃薯原原种生产及二次结薯的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以早熟马铃薯‘早大白’为供试品种,在防虫温室内进行了有机肥对脱毒马铃薯试管苗生长及二次结薯影响的试验,旨在探索提高微型薯产量及试管苗利用率的途径。试管苗移栽70 d后收获微型薯并尽量保护好根系,继续使其结薯,进行多次收获。结果表明:多次收获微型薯的产量远高于一次性收获的微型薯产量,因此二次结薯可大大提高试管苗的生产效率。全部追施处理二次结薯单株结薯2.3粒,而基施有机肥33 kg/667 m2条件下单株结薯3.8粒,因此基施有机肥有利于试管苗的生长。  相似文献   

Summary Performance of 20 potato genotypes was studied for seven agronomic characters in crops raised from minitubers and normal seed tubers. Correlation coefficients were computed between minituber crop and normal seed crop in order to study the selection efficiency at minituber crop level. The performance of normal seed crop was significantly better than the minituber crop for various characters including tuber yield and its components. Correlation coefficients between minituber and normal seed crop were significant for various characters except number of stems and number of tubers. Highest correlation coefficient (r=0.86) was for tuber yield followed by average tuber weight (r=0.67) and number of nodes (r=0.63). The results suggest that selection for tuber yield can be practised at the minituber crop level in potato breeding programmes  相似文献   

Summary Multiplication factors and progeny yield variation in crops from minitubers of five weight classes (ranging from 0.13–0.25 g to 2.00–3.99 g) and conventional seed tubers were studied in field experiments in three years. Multiplication factors were calculated as the number and weight of progeny tubers produced per planted tuber or per unit planted tuber weight. They were lower for the lighter minitubers when calculated per tuber and higher when calculated per weight. Yield variation was described by coefficients of variation for the number and weight of progeny tubers produced. Variation over individual plants of a crop was higher in stands from the lighter minitubers. Variation over plots within a field was sometimes higher for the lighter minitubers, but variation over years was similar for all minituber classes. Variation over plots in progeny tuber weight was higher for minitubers than for conventional tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Minitubers can be produced in large quantities by repeated harvesting of tubers from in vitro propagated plantlets at 4, 7 and 10 weeks after transplanting to the glasshouse at high plant densities. Yield parameters of minitubers can be manipulated by crop husbandry. By supplying nutrients or using a square plant arrangement, minituber yield increased. Effects on numbers of tubers were cultivar-dependent. Changing plant density from 50 to 800 plants per m2 or the minimal diameter of harvested tubers from 5 to 12 mm did not significantly affect tuber yield per m2. Higher plant densities resulted in more tubers per m2 but fewer tubers per plant. Removing smaller tubers greatly increased the number of small tubers, but did not affect yield and number of tubers in larger grades. Crop husbandry techniques affected minituber yield mainly through their effects on leaf area duration, and the number of minitubers through their effects on growth of tubers to a harvestable size.  相似文献   

The growth and yield of plants from different-sized seed tubers derived from true potato seed were evaluated on a per stem, per plant, and per unit area basis using either single or multiple-sprout tubers. In single-sprout tubers, haulm dry weight per stem 47 days after planting was greater in the 40–60 g tubers when compared with that in the 5–10 g or the 10–20 g tubers. This resulted in greater tuber weight per stem in the 40–60 g tubers throughout the growing season. The number of tubers per stem was not affected by seed tuber size. In multiple-sprout seed tubers of increasing size, total tuber number and total tuber weight, as well as weight of those tubers larger than 45 mm, increased on a per plant basis but decreased on a per stem basis. At different rates of planting, 1–5 g seed tubers produced smaller tubers than 5–10 g or 10–20 g seed tubers. Increased rate of planting resulted in non-significant yield increases per unit area in plots planted with 1–5 g seed tubers. The yield increases were significant when 5–10 g and 10–20 g seed tubers were planted at higher rates. The number of main stems per unit of seed tuber weight was five times greater in 1–5 g tubers compared with that in 40–60 g tubers. This resulted in low seed weights per hectare when small tubers were planted and in a high ratio of harvested to planted tuber weight.  相似文献   

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