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Urolithins A and B (hydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one derivatives) are colonic microflora metabolites recently proposed as biomarkers of human exposure to dietary ellagic acid derivatives. Molecular models suggest that urolithins could display estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic activity. To this purpose, both urolithins and other known phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein, resveratrol, and enterolactone) were assayed to evaluate the capacity to induce cell proliferation on the estrogen-sensitive human breast cancer MCF-7 cells as well as the ability to bind to alpha- and beta-estrogen receptors. Both urolithins A and B showed estrogenic activity in a dose-dependent manner even at high concentrations (40 microM), without antiproliferative or toxic effects, whereas the other phytoestrogens inhibited cell proliferation at high concentrations. Overall, urolithins showed weaker estrogenic activity than the other phytoestrogens. However, both urolithins displayed slightly higher antiestrogenic activity (antagonized the growth promotion effect of 17-beta-estradiol in a dose-dependent manner) than the other phytoestrogens. The IC(50) values for the ERalpha and ERbeta binding assays were 0.4 and 0.75 microM for urolithin A; 20 and 11 microM for urolithin B; 3 and 0.02 for genistein; and 2.3 and 1 for daidzein, respectively; no binding was detected for resveratrol and enterolactone. Urolithins A and B entered into MCF-7 cells and were metabolized to yield mainly urolithin-sulfate derivatives. These results, together with previous studies regarding absorption and metabolism of dietary ellagitannins and ellagic acid in humans, suggest that the gut microflora metabolites urolithins are potential endocrine-disrupting molecules, which could resemble other described "enterophytoestrogens" (microflora-derived metabolites with estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity). Further research is warranted to evaluate the possible role of ellagitannins and ellagic acid as dietary "pro-phytoestrogens".  相似文献   

This paper reports a simple, low-cost, and extremely sensitive reporter-gene assay system for comprehensive analysis of estrogenic activity using transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana: the EPTH system. It had the capability to detect 17beta-estradiol at a concentration of 10 pM. The system was rendered 5 times more sensitive than a previous system [Tojo, T.; Tsuda, K.; Wada, T.; Yamazaki, K. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2006, 64, 106-114) (1)] by increasing the copy number of the transactivation domain fused to a nuclear receptor co-activator. The system can efficiently detect other estrogenic and antiestrogenic substances. Estrogenic activities were determined in treated sewage samples from four distinct sewage farms using the system. Results showed that the system can detect estrogenic activity directly and more efficiently than a yeast two-hybrid system without any manipulation for extraction and condensation of hydrophobic compounds and aseptic treatment. Furthermore, the system also is useful as a powerful tool for discovery of a new category of natural estrogenic substances that are undetectable by previous plant and yeast systems.  相似文献   

This study presents the estrogenic potency of 21 food-packaging-associated compounds determined for the first time, using two transfected U2-OS (human osteoblasts devoid of endogenous estrogen receptors) estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta cell lines. Six plasticizers and three antioxidants were slightly estrogenic in the ERalpha cells. The model compounds bisphenol A and nonylphenol, one plasticizer [tris(2-ethylhexyl)trimellitate (TEHTM)], and two antioxidants (propyl gallate and butylated hydroxyanisole) were estrogenic in both ERalpha and ERbeta cells. Compared to estradiol (E2), these compounds appeared to be relatively more estrogenic in the ERbeta cells than in the ERalpha cells. Three sorbitol-based plasticizers activated neither ERalpha nor ERbeta and may be good replacements of existing plasticizers. All responses were additive with the response of E2. This indicates that they may contribute to the total effects of the pool of estrogenic compounds humans are exposed to. The estrogenic potencies of these compounds, together with the suggested beneficial effect of ERbeta-mediated responses and adverse ERalpha-mediated effects, support the importance of detecting characteristics for ERalpha and ERbeta response separately in independent models, as done in the present study.  相似文献   

Eight botanical preparations that are commonly used for the treatment of menopausal symptoms were tested for estrogenic activity. Methanol extracts of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus L.), and hops (Humulus lupulus L.) showed significant competitive binding to estrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and beta (ER beta). With cultured Ishikawa (endometrial) cells, red clover and hops exhibited estrogenic activity as indicated by induction of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and up-regulation of progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA. Chasteberry also stimulated PR expression, but no induction of AP activity was observed. In S30 breast cancer cells, pS2 (presenelin-2), another estrogen-inducible gene, was up-regulated in the presence of red clover, hops, and chasteberry. Interestingly, extracts of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) induced pS2 mRNA expression in S30 cells, but no significant ER binding affinity, AP induction, or PR expression was noted in Ishikawa cells. Dong quai [Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels] and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) showed only weak ER binding and PR and pS2 mRNA induction. Black cohosh [Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt.] showed no activity in any of the above in vitro assays. Bioassay-guided isolation utilizing ER competitive binding as a monitor and screening using ultrafiltration LC-MS revealed that genistein was the most active component of red clover. Consistent with this observation, genistein was found to be the most effective of four red clover isoflavones tested in the above in vitro assays. Therefore, estrogenic components of plant extracts can be identified using assays for estrogenic activity along with screening and identification of the active components using ultrafiltration LC-MS. These data suggest a potential use for some dietary supplements, ingested by human beings, in the treatment of menopausal symptoms.  相似文献   

We used a modified yeast-based human estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) bioassay to determine the estrogenic activity in 22 kinds of diets for experimental animals. The estrogenic activity of each diet was reevaluated by comparison with a calibration curve of 17 beta-estradiol. Almost all of the diets had estrogenic activity. The diets for rabbits and guinea pigs had the highest estrogenic activity compared to any other diets, including those for rats and mice. Estrogenic activity was found in dried skim milk, fishmeal, soybean meal, and alfalfa meal. In the NIH-07 diet opened for the ingredients, estrogenic activity was nearly all derived from the alfalfa meal. Multiple assays were performed to evaluate potential seasonal variations in the estrogenic potency in the raw materials of the rat and mouse diets. We found that the estrogenic activity in these raw materials changed throughout the year.  相似文献   

Ellagic acid (EA), a plant-derived polyphenol, exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and gastroprotective effects. Its gastroprotective mechanisms have not been fully elucidated nor have its effects on chronic ulcer previously been described. Toward these ends, the antiulcer activities of EA were evaluated in acute (ethanol and indomethacin) and chronic (acetic acid) ulcer models in Wistar rats. In this study, oral administration of EA significantly prevented the gastric ulceration caused by ethanol, indomethacin, and acetic acid treatments. Its gastroprotective mechanism in ethanol-induced ulcer were partly due to intensification in the endogenous production of nitric oxide, an antioxidant effect by replenishing depletion of endogenous nonprotein sulfhydryls and attenuation of tumor necrosis factor-α increase, whereas in indomethacin ulcer, it is partly due to a reduction in the plasma level of leukotriene B(4). In acetic acid ulcer, promotion of ulcer-healing effects was partly due to attenuation of the elevated levels of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, interferon-γ, and interleukins-4 and -6. These findings suggest that ellagic acid exerts its antiulcer activity by strengthening the defensive factors and attenuating the offensive factors.  相似文献   

Tea catechins exert many biological effects, including anticancer and antibacterial activities. Also, it is reported that some plant flavonoids exhibit estrogenic activity. In this study, we investigated estrogenic or antiestrogenic activities of catechins in HeLa cells transiently transfected with an estrogen response element (ERE)-regulated luciferase reporter and an estrogen receptor (ER) alpha or ERbeta expression vector. Catechins alone did not induce luciferase (luc) activity in either of the ERs. Addition of 17beta-estradiol (E2) plus epicatechin gallate (ECG) or epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) at 5 x 10(-6) M resulted in significant decreases in the ERalpha-mediated luc activity compared with that of E2 alone. On the contrary, lower concentrations significantly increased the E2-induced luc activity. Similar effects were observed with tamoxifen. The ERbeta-mediated estrogenic activities were stimulated by catechins. In conclusion, some catechins, particularly EGCG, were antiestrogenic for ERalpha at higher doses, and co-estrogenic for ERalpha at lower doses and for ERbeta. The lower doses were found in human plasma after tea-drinking. In addition, some catechins may be antiendocrine disruptors because they suppressed bisphenol A-induced luc activities.  相似文献   

Seven legume extracts containing phytoestrogens were analyzed for estrogenic activity. Methanol extracts were prepared from soybean (Glycine max L.), green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), alfalfa sprout (Medicago sativa L.), mung bean sprout (Vigna radiata L.), kudzu root (Pueraria lobata L.), and red clover blossom and red clover sprout (Trifolium pratense L.). Extracts of kudzu root and red clover blossom showed significant competitive binding to estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta). Estrogenic activity was determined using an estrogen-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation assay. Kudzu root, red clover blossom and sprout, mung bean sprout, and alfalfa sprout extracts displayed increased cell proliferation above levels observed with estradiol. The pure estrogen antagonist, ICI 182,780, suppressed cell proliferation induced by the extracts, suggesting an ER-related signaling pathway was involved. The ER subtype-selective activities of legume extracts were examined using transiently transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells. All seven of the extracts exhibited preferential agonist activity toward ERbeta. Using HPLC to collect fractions and MCF-7 cell proliferation, the active components in kudzu root extract were determined to be the isoflavones puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, and genistein. These results show that several legumes are a source of phytoestrogens with high levels of estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

Ellagic acid, ellagic acid glycosides, and ellagitannins found in various fruits and nuts, including muscadine grape, are reported to have potential health-promoting benefits and antioxidant properties. This study isolated and identified several ellagic acid derivatives present in muscadine grapes and determined their relative antioxidant properties (AOX). Compounds were extracted from grape skins and pulp using methanol, and the solvent was evaporated. Isolates were dissolved in citric acid buffer (pH 3.5) and absorbed onto C18 cartridges. Nonretained polyphenolics were collected separately and again partitioned from Sephadex LH-20, whereas retained polyphenolics were first eluted with ethyl acetate followed by methanol. Ellagic acid derivatives were identified on the basis of UV and mass spectra, and the presence of ellagitannins was confirmed by a significant increase in free ellagic acid with HPLC followed by acid hydrolysis. Muscadine grapes contained phenolic acids, flavonols, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and numerous ellagic acid derivatives. AOX varied in the order ethyl acetate > methanol > C18 nonretained fractions; each correlated to both total phenolics (r = 0.90) and total ellagic acid (r = 0.99) contents. Results of this study revealed previously unidentified ellagic acid derivatives in muscadine grapes.  相似文献   

It has been suspected that beer drinking may change the hormonal status of men caused by phytoestrogens. Five different Austrian lager beers have been investigated for estrogenic activity by a yeast two-plasmid system harboring the human estrogen receptor alpha, after concentration by solid phase extraction. The beer concentrate was further fractionated by reversed phase HPLC, and then the fractions were characterized by the biological assay and GC-MS. The most potent fraction did not contain a known phytoestrogen. The total activity corresponded to an average of 43 ng of 17beta-estradiol/L of beer. It was concluded that the human health hazard of beer drinking originating from compounds activity on the estrogen receptor alpha is negligible.  相似文献   

Anhydrous methanolic HCl has been found to be an excellent reagent for releasing ellagic acid and gallic acid (as methyl gallate) from biomass substrates. Optimization of both the reaction conditions and the gradient HPLC analysis has led to the development of a new protocol. The method provides ellagic acid yields significantly higher than those obtained previously, indicating total ellagic acid contents of several substrates have previously been underestimated.  相似文献   

From red raspberries, ellagic acid, its 4-arabinoside, its 4' (4' '-acetyl) arabinoside, and its 4' (4' '-acetyl)xyloside, as well as quercetin and kaempferol 3-glucosides, were identified. In addition, two unidentified ellagic acid derivatives were detected. The free radical scavenging activity of the ellagic acid derivatives was evaluated by using the DPPH method and compared to that of Trolox. All of the isolated compounds showed antioxidant activity. The effect of processing to obtain jams on raspberry phenolics was evaluated. The flavonol content decreased slightly with processing and more markedly during storage of the jams. The ellagic acid derivatives, with the exception of ellagic acid itself, remained quite stable with processing and during 6 months of jam storage. The content of free ellagic acid increased 3-fold during the storage period. The initial content (10 mg/kg of fresh weight of raspberries) increased 2-fold with processing, and it continued increasing up to 35 mg/kg after 1 month of storage of the jam. Then a slight decrease was observed until 6 months of storage had elapsed. The increase observed in ellagic acid could be explained by a release of ellagic acid from ellagitannins with the thermal treatment.  相似文献   

Dietary ellagic acid and related polyphenols are metabolized in humans to dibenzopyran-6-one derivatives, and the microbial origin of these metabolites has been suggested. However, this has not been demonstrated so far. Fecal samples donated by six volunteers were incubated under anaerobic conditions, and aliquots were used to evaluate the fecal metabolism of ellagic acid, the ellagitannin punicalagin, and an ellagitannin rich extract from walnuts. The isoflavone daidzein was also incubated with the same fecal samples to follow the production of the microbial metabolites previously reported (dihydrogenistein, O-demethylangolensin, and equol) as a positive control of the system and to evaluate similarities between isoflavone and ellagic acid fecal flora metabolism. After fermentation the metabolite "urolithin A" (3,8-dihydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one) was produced from ellagic acid, punicalagin, and the ellagitannin extract in all the fecal cultures from different volunteers, but with very different production rates and concentrations. This large variability in the concentration of metabolite and kinetics of metabolite production is consistent with the large variability found in the excretion of these metabolites in urine in vivo after human consumption of ellagitannins, and with differences in the composition of the fecal microflora. No correlation between isoflavone and ellagic acid metabolism by fecal microflora was observed. The present study confirms the microbial origin of the recently reported in vivo generated hydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one derivatives in humans and is a further step in the study of the bioavailability and metabolism of ellagic acid and ellagitannins.  相似文献   

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L., Fabaceae) dietary supplements are currently used to treat menopausal symptoms because of their high content of the mildly estrogenic isoflavones daidzein, genistein, formononetin, and biochanin A. These compounds are estrogenic in vitro and in vivo, but little information exists on the best time to harvest red clover fields to maximize content of the isoflavones and thus make an optimal product. Samples of cultivated red clover above-ground parts and flower heads were collected in parallel over one growing season in northeastern Illinois. Generally, autohydrolytic extracts of above-ground parts contained more isoflavones and had more estrogenic activity in Ishikawa endometrial cells as compared with extracts of flower heads. Daidzein and genistein contents peaked around June to July, while formononetin and biochanin A contents peaked in early September. Flower head and total above-ground parts extracts exhibited differential estrogenic activity in an Ishikawa (endometrial) cell-based alkaline phosphatase induction assay, whereas nondifferential activity was observed for most extracts tested in an MCF-7 (breast) cell proliferation assay when tested at the same final concentrations. Ishikawa assay results could be mapped onto the extracts' content of individual isoflavones, but MCF-7 results did not show such a pattern. These results suggest that significant metabolism of isoflavones may occur in MCF-7 cells but not in Ishikawa cells; therefore, caution is advised in the choice of bioassay used for the biological standardization of botanical dietary supplements.  相似文献   

Humic acid, the principal component of soil organic matter, contains the surface active substances peptizable with alkali and non-lixiviable with benzene, ethanol and benzene-ethanol mixture. The surface tension of the decantate of suspension is below that of pure water being a few (< 10) erg cm?2 before peptization, and up to 30 erg cm?2 after peptization. According to the surface tension values of the decantates of suspensions, the soils can be in the following order: non-lixiviated < lixiviated with benzene < lixiviated with ethanol < lixiviated with benzene-ethanol mixture.  相似文献   

A procedure for the measurement of the fungal and bacterial contribution to substrate-induced respiration was tested in three arable soils. Glucose and different amounts of cycloheximide (eukaryote inhibitor) and streptomycin sulfate (prokaryote inhibitor) were added to soil suspensions, and respiration (CO2 evolution) was measured. Streptomycin sulfate concentrations from 10 to 120 mg ml–1 soil solution caused a stable inhibition of respiration. Amounts of cycloheximide ranging from 5 to 35 mg ml–1 showed an increasing inhibition. In a test with separate and combined addition of the antibiotics at maximum inhibitory concentrations, inhibition by streptomycin was completely overlapped by cycloheximide. This indicated non-target inhibition which may lead to overestimation of fungal respiration. Experiments with sterilized soils inoculated with either fungi or bacteria confirmed that streptomycin selectively inhibited bacteria. Cycloheximide, however, did not only inhibit fungal respiration already at 2 mg ml–1, but also increasingly inhibited bacterial respiration at increasing concentrations. Only at less than 5 mg cycloheximide ml–1 was the condition of selective fungal inhibition fulfilled. When 2 mg cycloheximide and 10 mg streptomycin sulfate ml–1 were applied, the sum of the separate inhibitions almost equalled the combined inhibition by the mix of both inhibitors in field samples. This method yielded fungal:bacterial respiration ratios of 0.50 to 0.60, and confirmed the dominance of bacteria in Dutch arable soils. The ratios obtained by the selective inhibitors were not correlated with, and were higher than, ratios of fungal:bacterial biovolume (0.19 to 0.46) as determined by microscopy and image analysis. Similar measurements in a forest soil (A-horizon) raised doubts on the reliability of the fungal inhibition by cycloheximide in this soil. It is concluded that the separate:combined inhibition ratio should always be checked, and comparison with other approaches is recommended. Received: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

The antifungal activity on Botrytis cinerea of the diterpenoids 3beta-hydroxy-kaurenoic acid and kaurenoic acid, obtained from the resinous exudates of Pseudognaphalium vira vira, was determined. 3beta-Hydroxy-kaurenoic acid reduced the mycelial growth of B. cinerea in solid and liquid media. Additionally, the damage produced by the fungus on the surface of tomato leaves in the presence of the diterpenoids was evaluated. A higher protective effect was observed in the presence of the hydroxylated diterpene. On the other hand, the effect of the diterpenoids on the production of enzymes that participate in the plant infection by B. cinerea was analyzed. p-Nitrophenylbutyrate esterase production was induced by both diterpenoids, whereas laccase production was only induced by the hydroxylated diterpene. In the study of the mechanism of action of these compounds, it was determined that 3beta-hydroxy-kaurenoic acid would produce permeabilization of the cell membrane of B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Soil mixtures containing 9% kaolinite, 9% montmorillonite, or no clay supplements were amended with 1% glucose and treated with H2SO4 to lower their bulk pH to levels ranging from 5.4 to 0.8. Acidification had little effect on soil respiration (CO2 evolution) until the pH was lowered below 3. Glucose was not degraded at approximately pH 2 but was degraded once the soil pH was raised to non-inhibitory levels, i.e. pH 4.1–4.3. When the soil pH was reduced to 1.4 or below, it was necessary to reinoculate the soil and raise the pH to a non-inhibitory level to obtain CO2 evolution. The addition of clay minerals, particularly montmorillonite, mitigated the toxic effect of H2SO4, especially at pH values below 3. The growth of Aspergillus niger, A. flavipes, Trichoderma viride and Penicillium brefeldianum was reduced or completely inhibited in soils acidified below pH 3.5. The addition of montmorillonite enhanced fungal growth under these acidic conditions, but kaolinite had no effect.  相似文献   

Binding of estrogen receptor (ER) to estrogen response element (ERE) induces gene activation and is an important step in estrogen-induced biological effects. Here, we investigated the effects of some dietary phytoestrogens such as the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, its metabolite equol, and the coumestane coumestrol on the binding rate of ERalpha and ERbeta to ERE by a nonradioactive real-time method, the Biacore Technology. ERalpha and ERbeta were able to bind to ERE immobilized on the surface of a sensor chip even in the absence of estrogens. 17beta-Estradiol and phytoestrogens induced an increase in ER binding to ERE in a concentration-dependent manner. 17beta-Estradiol was a more potent activator of binding than the phytoestrogens studied. The concentrations of 17beta-estradiol inducing an increase in the binding response of ERalpha and ERbeta to ERE by 50% (EC(50)) as compared to unliganded ER were 0.03 and 0.01 microM, respectively. Regarding the efficacy of activation of ERalpha, from the most to the least effective compound, the sequence and the EC(50) were as follows: 17beta-estradiol (0.03 microM) > coumestrol (0.2 microM) > equol (3.5 microM) > genistein (15 microM) > daidzein (>300 microM) and for ERbeta 17beta-estradiol (0.01 microM) > coumestrol (0.025 microM) > genistein (0.03 microM) > daidzein (0.35 microM) > equol (0.4 microM). The ratios EC(50)alpha/EC(50)beta were calculated to be for 17beta-estradiol, 3; coumestrol, 8; equol, 8.8; genistein, 500; daidzein > 850. These ratios indicate that genistein and daidzein preferentially activate the binding of ERbeta to ERE. The endogenous hormone 17beta-estradiol as well as coumestrol and daidzein metabolite equol activate the binding of ERbeta to ERE only slightly more effectively than the binding of ERalpha to ERE. Thus, the effect of daidzein can be changed from a specific activator of ERbeta to an activator of both ER isotypes alpha and beta in humans who are able to convert daidzein to equol. While the results of the measurements with ERalpha were in line with the binding affinities of compounds tested for ER, there was a distinct difference between our results and the binding affinities of phytoestrogens for the ERbeta. This leads to the conclusion that phytoestrogens differ not only in their binding affinities for the ER, but also in their potential to increase the rate of receptor binding to the ERE.  相似文献   

Oxidative reaction between hydroxymethyl radical ((*)CH(2)OH) and kaempferol, in methanol and methanol/water mixtures, was studied by gamma-radiolysis using a (60)Co source. Radiolysis was performed with concentrations and doses ranging from 5 x 10(-)(5) M to 5 x 10(-)(3) M and from 0.5 kGy to 14 kGy, respectively. Kaempferol degradation was followed by HPLC. Results showed that (*)CH(2)OH reacts with kaempferol at the 3-OH group and produces two depsides (K1 and K2) and other products including K3. K1, K2, and K3 were identified by NMR, LC-MS, and HRMS. The kaempferol degradation pathway leading to the K1, K2, and K3 formation is proposed. It was observed that the more water concentration in the irradiation medium increases, the more K2 concentration increases. Comprehension of food preservation is not clear because many phenomena occurring during irradiation are not established. Radiolysis of kaempferol in water/methanol mixtures helps to elucidate the phenomenon and it is possible that during the treatment of nutriments by gamma-irradiation, a series of products such as depside K2 could be formed. Antioxidant properties of kaempferol radiolysis products were evaluated according to their capacity to decrease the EPR DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil) signal and to inhibit superoxide radicals formed by the enzyme reaction "xanthine + xanthine oxidase".  相似文献   

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