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Some properties of the intestinal proteases of the rabbitfish were examined. At 25°C, both trypsin and chymotrypsin showed pH optima of 8.0. Leucine aminopeptidase, however, displayed maximum activity in the pH range, 7.0–9.0. Leucine aminopeptidase had the highest optimum temperature (60°C), and chymotrypsin, the lowest (30°C). The optimum temperature of trypsin was 55°C. The activation energy, Ea, was found to be 8.24 for trypsin and 8.50 kcal mol–1 for chymotrypsin. The Ea for leucine aminopeptidase was 6.29 kcal mol–1 above 40°C and 1.73 kcal mol–1 below 40°C. Substrate concentration-velocity plots showed that all three enzymes followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics; the Km and Vmax were estimated for the three enzymes. The effects of various protease inhibitors on enzyme activity were also examined and confirmed the protease classes to which each enzyme belonged. The three proteases examined have similar properties to proteases in other fishes.  相似文献   

Three approximately isoenergetic (17 kJ g?1) diets were formulated with dietary protein levels of 270, 360 and 480 g kg?1 (DM basis) providing protein-to-energy ratios of 15.69, 20.48 and 27.16 mg crude protein (CP) kJ?1, respectively. The effects of these diets on several growth and nutritional parameters were evaluated for the fry (2.50 ± 0.184 g) and fingerlings (11.53 ± 0.023 g) of Siganus canaliculatus (Park). Maximum growth and best feed utilization efficiency of fry were obtained using the diet containing 480 g kg?1 protein and P:E ratio of 27.16 mg CP kJ?1. For fingerlings the best results were obtained with the diet containing 360 g kg?1 protein and P:E ratio of 20.48 mg CP kJ. Body composition of the fry was not affected by the feeding regime whilst the effect was evident in the fingerling groups. The carcass protein content of the fingerling was observed to increase with increasing P:E ratios while lipid content decreased as P:E increased.  相似文献   

A long photoperiod of 18 hours light alternating with 6 hours darkness (18L 6D) was found to retard gonadal maturation in the rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus Park) compared to the normal photoperiod of 12L 12D. Thus, a long photoperiod may be used to delay the breeding season of the fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. A 156-day cage feeding trial was conducted with fingerling seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), and grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal), so as to test six different dietary feeding regimes, namely no exogenous feeding (NF), frozen fish (FF), commercial shrimp finisher pellet (SP), in-house prepared dry pellet RDI (RDI) and RD2 (RD2), and an in-house prepared moist pellet (frozen fish: diet Rd1, 40:60 mixture w/w — code MP). Seabass fed FF and MP displayed the best growth response, with fish (30/m3) growing from an initial weight of 8·9g and 8·5g to a final weight of 285·5g and 257·5 g in 156 days, with a food conversion ratio of 3·77–5·10 (dry matter basis 1·15 – 1·95), and with a survival of 93·3 and 93·3% respectively. Similarly, grouper fed FF and MP also displayed the best growth response, with fish (30/m3) growing from an initial weight of 23·8 g and 25·8g to a final weight of 471·7g and 388·7g in 156 days, with a food conversion ratio of 3·53–4·16 (dry matter basis 0·89–1·06) and 1·73–2·96 (dry matter basis 1·06–1·80), and with a survival of 90 and 98·3% respectively. The results are analysed from an economical viewpoint and discussed on the basis of other published studies.  相似文献   

Females of Siganus guttatus reared to sexual maturity in canvas tanks were induced to spawn by using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG, Ayerst) at 500 IU/fish or about 2 IU/g body weight. The amount of HCG used depended on the initial mean egg diameter; the smaller the diameter, the more HCG was used. Fish with oocytes characterized by germinal vesicle migration (mean egg diameter ≥ 0.47 mm) spawned without HCG injection. Fertilization and hatching rates for both treated and untreated fish were more than 90%. The larvae were reared to metamorphosis using rotifers from day 2–17, rotifers + newly hatched Artemia nauplii from day 18–20 and rotifers + newly hatched Artemia nauplii + artificial feed from day 21–35. In addition, Isochrysis galbana was introduced to the rearing tanks from day 1–10 and Chlorella sp. and/or Tetraselmis sp. from day 1–35. Survival rates of larvae tended to be lower as the broodstock became older.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study clarifies the annual reproductive cycle and the lunar-synchronized spawning of the spiny rabbitfish ( Siganus spinus ) that inhabit the Okinawan waters. Annual and weekly changes in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the histological features of the ovaries were checked. Gonadosomatic index was high during the months of May to July, and yolk-laden oocytes were observed in the ovaries from March to July. Some of the ovaries collected during June and July contained oocytes at maturation stage or ovulatory follicles. These results suggest that the spiny rabbitfish undergo active vitellogenesis and spawning from May to July. During the reproductive season (May to July), collection of fish according to the lunar phase revealed that a high GSI occurred around the time of the new moon. Cyclic oocyte development with peaks around the time of the same moon phase was also observed, suggesting that, in Okinawan waters, this species is a lunar-synchronized spawner and spawns three times.  相似文献   

Mud spiny lobsters, Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst, 1793), were reared at four different stocking sizes and stocking densities in open sea cages to evaluate their effects on growth performance. To evaluate the effect of stocking size on the growth performance, the lobsters were segregated into four different treatment groups according to size and were stocked at a density of 300 animals per cage. To evaluate the effect of stocking density on the growth performance, lobsters of 81–100 g were stocked in four different stocking densities, i.e. 16/m2, 24/m2, 32/m2 and 40/m2. The results showed that the growth rate of (60–80 g) size group, was significantly higher compared to the size groups, i.e. 101–120 g and 121–140 g comprising of larger individuals. The final body weight, though significantly higher in 81–100 g as compared to 60–80 g, the growth performance (i.e. weight gain percentage (WG %) and specific growth rate (SGR)) were not significantly different. The density‐dependent influence on growth performance was evident in this study. The WG % and SGR during 90 days’ culture period was significantly higher in 24/m2 compared to other groups. This study provides crucial information about the appropriate stocking density and stocking size of lobsters at the field level, which would help to promote sustainable lobster cage farming by maximizing the production potential of the system.  相似文献   

The relative growth and production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides, in response to seven combinations of hiding space and stocking density were studied in floating net cages. Used car tyres were suspended in the net cages to provide hiding space for the fish. The seven combinations of hiding space and stocking density were as follows:
Provision of hiding space in the net cages was found to permit an increase in the stocking density from the optimal rate of 60 fish/m3 (without artificial hides) to 156 fish/m3. The net production was found to increase from 8.5 kg/m3 to 19.5 kg/m3 after 3 months. Growth in terms of weight gain per fish, survival rate and food conversion ratio at stocking rates below 156 fish/m3 with hiding space between 116 and 222 cm3/fish was comparable to that observed at the optimal stocking density without hiding space (60 fish/m3). The growth of fish stocked at 180–204 fish/m3 with hiding space of 272–289 cm3/fish, respectively, was found to be significantly depressed. Thus, with the provision of hiding space of 251 cm3/fish, the stocking density could be increased to as high as 156 fish/m3 and the production of fish could be increased by 230% over that at the usual optimal stocking rate of 60 fish/m3 without artificial hides.  相似文献   

  1. The Critically Endangered gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) residing within Bardiya National Park (BNP) in Nepal constitutes the sixth major sub-population of this unique lineage; however, this population is not well studied. A 46 km protected stretch of the Babai River and a 60 km stretch of the Karnali River in and around BNP were surveyed for gharials in early 2017 and in 2019.
  2. Gharial counts in 2017 – 17 from the Babai and one from the Karnali rivers – consisted of 10 adults, five sub-adults and three juveniles. In 2019, 19 gharials were counted – 18 for the Babai and one for the Karnali – comprising 11 adults, six sub-adults and two juveniles. In the Babai River within BNP, four breeding groups were identified. Gharials in BNP prefer sandy vs. rocky banks for basking and completely avoid sand-grass and clay banks. Habitat preference did not vary with size class.
  3. Protected stretches of both rivers inside BNP (76 km) have resident gharial, intact habitats and few human threats. In contrast, the unprotected stretch of the Karnali (30 km) is threatened by boulder quarrying, sand mining and unlicensed fishing, and is avoided by gharials despite the availability of habitat.
  4. This study established baseline data, including indices of population size, distribution and habitat preferences, and documented resident gharials that are breeding in the Babai River in BNP. The conservation of this Babai population is crucial for the species’ survival in BNP.
  5. Based on this study, we recommend the following conservation actions on the Babai stretch: (a) determine hatching success; (b) assess juvenile recruitment; (c) consider supplementation by releasing captives; (d) study riverine features important as baselines; (e) accommodate upstream movements on the protected Babai stretch; and (f) protect the downstream Babai outside the boundary of the BNP.

This study is the first to report the occurrence of intimal thickening of coronary arteries in a holocephalan, namely the rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa. The sample studied consisted of five hearts from rabbitfish with body weights ranging between 12 g and 1116 g. The specimens were fixed in formalin, in methanol:acetone:water (MAW), or in paraformaldehyde and were examined by brightfield and polarization light microscopy. Coronary arteries from three larger animals displayed focal intimal thickenings, which were located in the left main coronary artery trunk, at the level of the cono‐ventricular junction, and in several intramyocardial ventricular arteries. The vascular changes were characterized by myointimal proliferation, breakage or absence of the inner elastic lamina, and, in one case, by increased collagen within the myointimal proliferation. Taking into account the severity of the coronary arterial changes, their location, and the body weight of the affected animals, we conclude that (1) these changes are age‐related in the rabbitfish and (2) local intense mechanical tension seems to be an important factor in their formation in this species.  相似文献   

Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) fingerlings, trained on dry feed, were kept in pond cages and fed with 2, 4 or 6% of their actual body weight in dry feed. The effect of the daily ration and the temperature of the pond water on the growth, survival, condition factor and feed conversion were observed in an 8-week experiment. The appropriate daily ration at 17–18°C was 2%, while at 24–25°C the 4% ration seemed to be advisable for the practice. The two higher rations led to significantly higher final body weights than the lowest feeding ration. There were no significant differences between the final condition factors or the survivals of the groups. The best feed conversion (FCR) was achieved at the 2% daily ration group and the worst at the 6% group in each week of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since 1977, repeated outbreaks of infestation by Amyloodinium ocellatum (Dinoflagellida) in cultured gilthead bream Sparus aurata L. and seabass Dicen-trarchus labrax (L.) resulted in sporadic and mass mortalities. Fingerlings and yearlings as well as breeders were affected and, since 1978, larval and post-larval S. aurata in the hatchery. Infestations in juvenile and breeder fish were located predominantly on the gills and mucosal integument but in larval fish only the skin rather than the gills was infested. Histopathological changes of the infested gills are described. Vacuolar degeneration of the cells penetrated by the parasites' rhizoids was evident at the site of attachment and cloudy swelling was apparent in the surrounding epithelial cells. In heavy infestations the entire epithelium of the gill filaments underwent hyperplasia with consequent fusion of the lamellae. Where hyperplasia was extensive the cells gradually degenerated while the inner epithelial layer showed distinct spongiosis and in some cases completely disintegrated. All heavily infested gills lacked mucous cells.  相似文献   

The natural food spectrums of the different size groups of abalone, Haliotis asinina L., from Tawi-Tawi, southern Philippines, were determined by analysis of gut contents. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the feeding and defecation patterns and functional response of the abalone to varying food density under ambient water conditions. Like other tropical haliotids, H. asinina prefers red algae to brown algal species. Eighteen algal species, 72.2% of which are red algae (Rhodophyta), were observed in the gut contents of all size groups of abalone; Laurencia, Hypnea, Amphiroa and Coelothrix are the most frequent food species. Hypnea and Laurencia are also the most abundant food items of H. asinina. A chi-square test indicated that frequency of occurrence (%) of most algal food species in the gut samples is independent of the size of the animal. About 84% of all algal species were observed in the gut contents of small abalone. Haliotis asinina (mean shell length ± SD = 3.48 ± 0.05 cm) showed a distinct nocturnal feeding periodicity and remained cryptic during daylight hours. Feeding activity was intense from 1800 to 0200 h, but it slowed down a few hours before sunrise, resulting in about 11 h of feeding time within a 24-h cycle. Defecation occurred during the feeding period in proportion to the amount of food consumed and faecal production during the night was significantly higher than during the daylight hours. The total daily faecal output was 1.26 mg dry weight abalone–1. The experiments showed that H. asinina (mean shell length ± SD = 3.55 ± 0.02 cm) consumed more food when food density increased in linear proportion to food abundance. However, food consumption levelled off at a food density equivalent to 35% of body weight.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis were collected in Mali Ston Bay from October to December 2006. Cages with juveniles were placed at three depths: 1, 3 and 5 m. At the end of a 2‐year growth period at 1 m depths, the average length was 244.1 ± 22.9 mm, at 3 m depths, specimens averaged 244.0 ± 25.3 mm, and at 5 m depths, the average length was 231.1 ± 22.5 mm. The average monthly growth of shell length for the total experimental period was 8.7 ± 5.3, 8.4 ± 4.5 and 7.6 ± 4.4 mm, at 1, 3 and 5 m depths respectively.  相似文献   

Rates of growth, protein synthesis and oxygen consumption were measured in herring larvae, Clupea harengus, in order to estimate the contribution that protein synthesis makes to oxygen consumption during rapid growth at 8°C. Protein synthesis rates were determined in larvae 9 to 17 d after hatching. Larvae were bathed in 3H phenylalanine for several hours and the free pool and protein-bound phenylalanine specific radioactivities were determined.Fractional rates of protein synthesis increased 5 to 11 fold with feeding after a period of fasting. Efficiencies of retention of synthesized protein were approximately 50% during rapid growth. Rapid growth in herring larvae thus appears to be characterized by moderate levels of protein turnover similar to those obtained for larger fish. Increases in growth rate occurred without changes in RNA concentration, i.e., the larvae increased the efficiency of RNA rapidly. Oxygen consumption rates were not correlated with growth rates. Protein synthesis was estimated to account for 79% of the oxygen consumption, and energy costs of protein synthesis were high, i.e., about 98 mmole O2 g–1 protein synthesized.  相似文献   

The effects of stress due to handling, and repeated sham and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections on spawning and survival were studied. Results showed that stress significantly enhanced spawning in captive females (P<0.05), but apparently has no significant effect on the survival of larvae. The results indicate that factors other than stress are responsible for the high variability in larval survival in the hatchery. In addition, the results clearly demonstrate the necessity of exogenous gonadotropin to ensure 100% monthly spawning of captive S. guttatus females.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to develop a larviculture protocol for Mithraculus forceps, a popular marine aquarium species. Different temperatures (25±0.5°C and 28±0.5°C), stocking densities (10, 20, 40 and 80 larvae L?1), prey densities (newly hatched Artemia of 1, 4, 7 and 12 nauplii mL?1) and metamorphosis to crab conditions (Systems A and B) were tested. The best survivorship and faster development were obtained when the larvae were reared at a density of 40 larvae L?1 for 7 days post hatching (DPH) in System A, at 28°C and fed with 7 mL?1 of newly hatched Artemia nauplii. After 7 DPH all the megalopa were moved to System B and the same temperature and prey density were maintained. At the end of the experiment, 12 DPH, survivorship of 74.1±4.8% was obtained.  相似文献   

A 6‐week feeding trial was conducted to examine the effect of feeding frequency on growth, feed utilization efficiency, body composition and waste output of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus reared in net pens. Fish (10.3 ± 0.5 g) were either fed a formulated diet containing 48.4% crude protein and 5.7% crude lipid at 0.5, 1, 2, 3 or 4 meals per day or fed a raw fish feed at two meals per day as a control. The weight gain (WG) increased with increasing feeding frequency from 0.5 to 3 meals per day (P < 0.05), but did not significantly change with the further increase in feeding frequency from 3 to 4 meals per day (P > 0.05). The feed intake (FI) was lower in fish fed at 0.5 or 1 meal per day than in fish fed at 2, 3 or 4 meals per day (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found in the feed conversion ratio (FCR), nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE), condition factor (CF), nitrogen waste output (NWO) and phosphorus waste output (PWO) between fish fed at 1, 2, 3 or 4 meals per day (P > 0.05), whereas no significant difference was found in the phosphorus retention efficiency (PRE) among the feeding treatments (P > 0.05). The body lipid content increased, whereas the contents of moisture and ash decreased, with the increase in feeding frequency (P < 0.05). At the same feeding frequency, fish fed the formulated diet exhibited lower FI, FCR, HSI, body moisture content, NWO and PWO, but higher NRE, PRE, body lipid content and body phosphorus content than those of fish fed the raw fish feed (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the formulated diet can satisfy nutrient requirements of juvenile golden pompano reared in net pens, and the suitable feeding frequency is 3 meals per day.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the ontogenetic development of the testis and the alimentary tract in longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) related to fish size and age at the onset of exogenous feeding and late ontogenesis. Using light microscopy, testes were first detected histologically by the appearance of primordial germ cells 9 days after the first exogenous feeding [31–31.5 mm total body length(TL)] and presumptive seminiferous tubules (maleness characteristic) in fish of 107 mm TL. The present histological studies indicated that the alimentary tract of lepisosteids is completely functional at the beginning of exogenous feeding, several days before the completion of yolk absorption. Based on these results, we have concluded that garfish larvae/juveniles can be effectively trained to consume formulated diets at early stages, after an initial feeding of live food for 2–3 days (23.5 mm TL). Our findings provide evidence of the first controlled rearing of longnose gar using live and formulated diets, providing the possibility of experimental work with this non‐teleost fish.  相似文献   

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