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为揭示池塘内循环流水养殖模式池塘和传统池塘养殖模式水质情况,开展了对两种模式水质监测。采用2019年5个监测点的监测数据,结果表明,试验期间传统池塘养殖模式的亚硝酸盐氮、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总氮、总磷含量一直高于工业化生态养殖模式,且溶解氧低于工业化生态养殖模式。  相似文献   

水生蔬菜改善养殖渔塘水质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于高密度养殖技术的推广,使得池塘养殖水体水质日趋恶化,既影响了养殖产品的产出,又增加了污染周边水体的风险。论文综述了近年来,我国应用水生蔬菜改善养殖渔塘水质的研究进展,提出了品种筛选和处理效果评价是该领域的研究重点,分析了约束该技术发展的主要因素。并依据现有状况提出了今后需要努力的方向,为水生蔬菜改善养殖渔塘水质研究提供了思路。  相似文献   

总结了适当施肥、加注新水、开启增氧机、调整浮游生物的数量和组成、利用化学药物等五种池塘养殖调节水质的方法.  相似文献   

生石灰对池塘水质影响的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生石灰对池塘水质影响的初步研究@朱永久@白遗胜¥中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所@陈万光¥河南省洛阳市水产科学研究所生石灰对池塘水质影响的初步研究朱永久白遗胜(中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所,荆州434000)陈万光(河南省洛阳市水产科学研究所为了科学地...  相似文献   

高效水质净化剂对池塘河蟹养殖水体的化效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将自行研制的高效水质净化剂应用于河蟹池塘养殖,结果表明,该水质净化剂可明显地降低三态氮,有机耗氧量及水中的致病菌数量,可明显提高溶解氧和水体透明度,说明所研制的高效水质净化剂有良好的净化水质的效果。  相似文献   

随着高密度、集约化水质养殖生产的发展,养殖水体的水质变化频率的加快,造成池塘水质富营养化,再加上现今池水污染源的增多,水质管理比过去更为重要,水质的好坏与养殖产量、病害和经济效益关系十分密切.水质管理要采取综合管理,使水质条件满足水产养殖对象的要求.  相似文献   

养殖池塘的水质指标和水质调控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李涛 《重庆水产》2009,(3):25-29
重庆市池塘养鱼面积和产量分别占水产养殖总面积和养殖总产量的54.2%和77.8%,池塘渔业在全市渔业中的地位十分重要。但重庆市的养殖池塘多建于山地,普遍存在面积和深度小、形状不规则、换水困难等问题。为了加快池塘渔业发展步伐,近年来,  相似文献   

家鱼养殖中池塘水质的调节控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养鱼先养水。鱼类终身生活在水中,能否有一个“肥、活、爽、嫩”和良好水质条件,是决定鱼摄食与生长的关键因素。在家鱼养殖中,可以通过水色、底泥颜色及水体理化指标等的变化来判断池塘水质的好坏,并且根据其变化情况合理进行调节,保持池塘水质良好。本文就家鱼养殖中池塘水质调节控制技术进行了论述。  相似文献   

甄昕 《长春渔业》2000,(2):27-28
本文简要地综合了池塘养殖水域,水质污染原因、 危害及其防治和管理措施。  相似文献   

本文结合实践,总结出夏季池塘正常水色、常见的水质问题及解决方法,给养殖户一定指导.  相似文献   

In order to promote the development of aquaculture informatization and monitor aquaculture ponds more accurately and conveniently, this article has developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on the narrow band internet of things (NB-IoT) technology. This system realizes remote collection and data storage of multi-sensor processor information (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and other environmental parameters), as well as intelligent control and centralized management of breeding ponds. The system uses STM32L151C8 microcontroller and sensor terminal real-time acquisition, such as temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen. It realizes data aggregation and transmission over a long distance to the Internet of things (IoT) telecom cloud platform through the technology of NB-IoT. The software called Keil implement the data format design of wireless communication module and data transmission. Java is used to develop background monitoring applications for accessing cloud platform, controlling underlying devices and local data processing. It can not only send hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests to monitor cloud platform data, but also issue commands to the underlying control module to control the startup and shutdown of equipment such as aerator. The system was implemented and tested in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province, China. The experimental results showed that the system can obtain water quality parameters in time. The temperature control accuracy is maintained at ±0.12℃, the average relative error is 0.15 %, the dissolved oxygen control accuracy is maintained within ±0.55mg/L, the average relative error is 2.48 %, the pH control accuracy is maintained at ±0.09, and the average relative error is 0.21 %. The system has stable overall operation, real-time and accurate data transmission, which can meet the actual production needs and provide strong data and technical support for further water quality regulation and aquaculture production management.  相似文献   

加州鲈池塘生态养殖模式及水质生物调控技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在池塘内采用网隔技术建立主养加州鲈兼养河蚌和菱、藕、虾的内循环生态养殖模式及水质生物调控系统。试验结果表明:生态养殖系统(试验池)内水体氨态氮和亚硝酸态氮含量比单养加州鲈(对照池)水体显著降低(P<0.01),而溶氧量和透明度等有较大提高;且加州鲈生长加快和抗病能力增强。生态试验池同时生产出鱼、虾、贝和水生经济植物等产品,单位面积平均经济效益比单养对照池提高65.84%,投入产出比提高15.44%,显著增加了经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

生物絮团技术(Biofloc technology,BFT)具有改善养殖池塘水质、降低饲料转化率、增强水产动物免疫力等优点,被认为是解决当前集约化养殖问题的有效技术之一,目前已在国内外经济、生态、社会上取得了良好效益。在查阅国内外相关文献的基础上,概述了生物絮团对水产动物的生长性能、消化酶活力、非特异性免疫功能、抗氧化能力及养殖水体水质的影响。大量研究结果表明,生物絮团技术能够促进水产动物生长、提高消化酶活力、增强非特异性免疫功能、提升抗氧化能力、节约水资源、降低饲料成本、增加经济效益。将生物絮团技术与其他养殖技术相结合,能够更有效地降低养殖水体中氮、磷等污染物,提高经济、生态、社会效益,前景广阔。  相似文献   

监测了公安县崇湖渔场3口草鱼主养池塘施用浓度为0.375 g/m3的二氧化氯后池塘水质理化指标及浮游生物群落结构短期变化,以分析二氧化氯对池塘水环境质量的影响。结果显示,用药后水体溶解氧显著下降,亚硝态氮、活性磷和总磷降低。然而p H值显著升高,硝态氮、铵态氮和总氮也有所升高。施用二氧化氯前浮游植物共检出6门44属79种,浮游动物36属43种;用药后共检出浮游植物7门52属109种,浮游动物44属69种,用药后浮游植物消失4属12种,新增加12属42种,用药前未见金藻门种类,用药后出现分歧锥囊藻(Dinobryon divergens)。用药后原生动物消失6属7种,新出现16属24种;轮虫消失3种,增加8种;枝角类种类无变化;桡足类新增4种成体,但用药前后优势种无变化。结果表明,施用二氧化氯短期内增加了水体氨氮毒性,并导致浮游动物的种类、密度和生物量显著增加,进而导致浮游植物生物量显著下降、小型化藻类增多、优势种显著变化。建议在养殖期间慎用二氧化氯。  相似文献   

Water temperature and water loss by evaporation were monitored in control ponds and in ponds with different rates of aeration (9.2, 18.4, 27.6 and 36.9 kW/ha). The mean decrease in water temperature at 70‐cm depth was greater than that at the surface in aerated ponds than in control ponds. The greater the aeration rate, the cooler was water, both at the surface and at 70 cm. Evaporation rates were found to increase with greater aeration rate. Water loss increased by 32%–92% over 24‐hr periods in ponds with one to four 0.37‐kW Air‐O‐Lator aerators, respectively. The nutrient‐enriched control pond was more turbid, had cooler surface and deep water temperature, and had greater evaporation loss than the control pond without nutrient addition and less turbid water. But, aeration did not increase turbidity. Aeration can increase water loss from ponds and result in lower water temperature. Although aeration should not be used excessively in order to conserve water and reduce production cost, it is essential for many types of feed‐based aquaculture.  相似文献   

近年来,随着养殖密度的不断加大,造成疾病的并发、混合感染,加大了用于疾病防治的药物投入,使管理成本上升,形成恶性循环。另外,大量药物的使用,往往没有考虑生态环境的影响,破坏水环境的自然平衡,使养殖水环境持续恶化。这种管理和生产模式与现代生态渔业和无公害水产生产严重违背。如何在水产养殖水质管理中避免或少用对环境有危害的药物,是水产界应该加强研究和推广的重要课题。  相似文献   

Several linear and non-linear models for centralized remote-control systems that can support decision making of semi-intensive aquaculturists concerning the inflow rates to the ponds were evaluated. These models were: multiple linear regressions (MLRs), generalized additive models (GAMs), artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs). These modeling techniques were applied in a semi-intensive gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fishfarm located in southern Spain. The water temperature, ammonia concentration, turbidity and dissolved oxygen concentration in the ponds were measured and used as independent variables. Of all the approaches employed to simulate the actual water exchange operation in the ponds, the best fits were obtained using ANN and FLC models with only three input variables (turbidity measured at the input of the ponds and dissolved oxygen measured at the input and output of the ponds). These models provided levels of correlation between 0.73 and 0.75. In contrast, the best GAM and MLR models provided correlation coefficients of only 0.38 and 0.33, respectively. In spite of the results being statistically significant, the explained variance levels obtained indicate how difficult it is to capture the experience and knowledge of the aquaculturist concerning the operation of the water exchange in the ponds for maintaining the water quality in these production systems.  相似文献   

研究葡萄糖的不同添加量(1.25~5×10-3 g/L)对对虾养殖水体水质指标(氨氮、活性磷)和微生物数量(总异养菌、弧菌)的影响。结果显示,与对照组相比,水体中添加葡萄糖能明显提高异养菌、弧菌密度(P<0.05),显著降低养殖水体中氨氮、活性磷浓度(P<0.05)。且在一定浓度范围内,葡萄糖浓度越高,氨氮、活性磷浓度越低,异养菌、弧菌密度越高。  相似文献   

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