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天好蓝,草好绿,高大英俊的贝贝正在鲜嫩的草地上跑步。金色的阳光洒在贝贝乌黑发亮的皮毛上,释放着一种令我晕眩的光芒。我是一只正处在青春期的漂亮母狗,从几个月前在公园里见到贝贝,我就默默地爱上了它。 相似文献
大家都知道,美国的西敏寺国际全犬种大赛以及FCI一年一度的国际犬展等等都是世界上最出名的犬展犬赛,也是知名度极高的犬展犬赛。每次举办都会吸引很多人的目光。但是你是否关注过一些不是很知名,甚至都没听说过的,但是也很有趣好玩的犬展呢? 相似文献
从前有座山山里有个洞洞里有只大白熊在讲故事这首儿歌不知陪伴了多少人度过了美好的童年,每每听到这里,我们都会不由竖起耳朵,满足自己小小的好奇心。今天,就让大白熊为我们把这个故事讲完。 相似文献
大家都知道,美国的西敏寺国际全犬种大赛以及FCI一年一度的国际犬展等等都是世界上最出名的犬展犬赛,也是知名度极高的犬展犬赛。每次举办都会吸引很多人的目光。但是你是否关注过一些不是很知名,甚至都没听说过的,但是也很有趣好玩的犬展呢?先来走进美丽的宝岛台湾省。台湾地区最近新出现了一个"巨型犬"犬展,专门展出大型、巨型或者性格十分凶猛的犬种,比如身价过百万的藏獒、高大威猛的高加索牧羊犬、体型不十分巨大却性格凶猛的挪威纳犬等等。 相似文献
2006年10月16日晚,中央电视台新闻频道《焦点访谈》栏目播出了一期当下城市居民都非常关注的话题——“做文明的养犬人”。其实,这个话题目前已成为城市管理中的热点难点问题,也一直是老百姓争论不休的话题。 相似文献
荷兰牧羊犬因其良好的警用性能于2002年8月从国外引入.经过初步研究,目前已掌握了该犬种的体貌特征、生长发育规律和行为特点等.但是作为一个新引入的犬种,该犬种的体质、胆量、凶猛性、衔取性、作业持久性以及服从性等警用性能尚不明确,影响了对该犬种的进一步训练和使用. 相似文献
评审员裁判员事关犬展犬赛发展与兴衰,关乎犬业今后之走向,权力与义务同在,责任与荣誉并重。以下就评审员裁判员的地位和作用及如 相似文献
Sleeper MM Clifford CA Laster LL 《Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine》2001,15(5):501-503
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) has proven to be a highly specific and sensitive marker for myocardial cellular damage in many mammalian species. The structure of cTnI is highly conserved across species, and assays for human cTnI (including the one used in the current study) have been validated in the dog. Blood concentrations of cTnI rise rapidly after cardiomyocyte damage, and assay of cTnI potentially may be valuable in many clinical diseases. The purpose of this study was to establish the normal range of cTnI in heparinized plasma of dogs and cats. Forty one clinically normal dogs and 21 cats were included in the study. One to 3 milliliters of blood were collected by venipuncture into lithium heparin vacutainers for analysis of cTnI (Stratusz CS). The range of plasma cTnI concentrations in dogs was <0.03 to 0.07 ng/mL with a mean of 0.02 ng/mL, with the upper tolerance limit (0.07 ng/mL) at the 90th percentile with 95% confidence. In cats, the range was <0.03 to 0.16 ng/mL with a mean of 0.04 ng/mL, and the upper tolerance limit (0.16 ng/mL) at the 90th percentile as well with 90% confidence. This study establishes preliminary normal ranges of plasma cTnI in normal dogs and cats for comparison to dogs and cats with myocardial injury or disease. 相似文献
《The British veterinary journal》1986,142(4):307-316
Faeces are not always uniform in consistency. Many owners believe that variations in faecal consistency are abnormal, but consistency may vary during one evacuation, i.e. initially firm but latterly soft, or over the day, e.g. the initial morning faeces are frequently firmer than those passed later in the day.It is normal for a dog to defaecate more than twice daily. The accepted range of normality for the dog and cat is one to four times daily although this depends on the diet. The faecal output of a dog fed on a dry, complete diet may be twice that on a meat-based diet. The addition of dog biscuit to the meat has little effect upon faecal bulk as most biscuit is low in fibre. 相似文献
《The British veterinary journal》1985,141(4):332-341
The term carpus (Greek: karpos = wrist) refers to the region between the forearm and metacarpus, and designates the compound joint comprising the carpal bones and associated sesamoids. Consideration of the gross and radiographic anatomy of the carpus would, for clinical purposes, be incomplete without the inclusion of the distal extremities of the radius and ulna, and of the bases of the metacarpal bones, because these form an integral part of the joint's construction. 相似文献