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在马铃薯栽培中种子的投入最昂贵。由于马铃薯是无性繁殖,为获得丰收需要投放大量的种薯(2.0~4.0吨/公顷)。尤其对大薯块品种情况就更严重。对这类品种可以采用种薯切块并保持单位面积种植密度比整薯高一些的方法来减少种薯的资金投入。 Shilma(1963)于秋季将种薯切块,并用0.2~0.3%的代森锰锌溶液处理几分钟后种植曾获得丰收。但他于1957~1960年间用旧品种试验表明整薯比切块的收成更好。只是对块茎  相似文献   

在马铃薯生产中,种薯切块大小和株距是要考虑的重要因素。以马铃薯品种‘荷兰15号’为试验材料,研究大垄(90 cm)条件下相同播种量(148 kg/667m~2)不同种薯切块大小和株距对马铃薯植株及产量性状的影响。试验设3个处理组合:种薯切块30 g,株距15 cm;种薯切块50 g,株距25 cm;种薯切块70 g,株距35 cm。试验采用随机区组设计,3次重复。在相同播种量条件下,大薯块长出的植株高大粗壮,但单位面积主茎数则以小薯块的稍多,至于叶面积指数以中薯块的为大。无论是总产还是商品薯产量播种量相同3个处理间差异不大。  相似文献   

冀中南地区马铃薯种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验以5~35 g大小的费乌瑞它脱毒马铃薯种薯为材料,研究了冀中南地区不同种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响。结果表明:不同重量的种薯播种产量之间存在显著差异,以种薯重量为20~25 g的小型种薯株高平均值最大,产量最高;整薯播种比切块播种产量增加,增产幅度为1.2%~26.7%。冀中南地区生产商品马铃薯,应采用重量为20~25 g左右的小整薯作为种薯,可以获得较高的产量。  相似文献   

张凤芸 《中国马铃薯》2002,16(3):168-168
1 小块半芽繁殖法 由于马铃薯的芽眼中,除了有一个主芽外,还有二个以上的复芽。因此,在切小块时,可以从芽眉中间纵向切开,每个芽眼切成两块。为了增加切块数,每块尽量少带薯肉。这样每kg种薯可切成80块左右。 一般用于播种前30d,将切块的种薯放在室内湿土中催芽,温度应保持在16℃左右。待幼芽长达0.5mm时,即可播种。  相似文献   

李万先 《中国马铃薯》1989,3(3):174-175
<正> 种薯带病是马铃薯青枯病的主要传播途径,本文专谈谈整薯播种防效和技术。 1 整薯播种防效马铃薯青枯病菌为害维管束部位。薯皮具有保护、防病的性能。切块可传病,整薯直播具有顶端优势。故出苗整齐粗壮,有防治青枯病的效益,我所1959~1984年,共进行9次整薯直播和切块播种对比试验。供试  相似文献   

马铃薯在种植过程中的切块处理往往是病害的主要传播途径,因此获得有效的马铃薯种薯切块保护方法,对于防止病原菌通过切块的伤口感染薯块具有重要的意义。EM菌制剂是一种混合菌制剂,能够促进植物的新陈代谢,抵抗病原菌的侵染。试验采用不同处理的EM菌制剂结合活性炭对马铃薯种薯切块进行处理,对马铃薯种植后的农艺特性进行研究,结果表明,EM菌及活性炭处理后,马铃薯叶片中叶绿素含量,开花数及产量都得到了提高。EM菌制剂处理对产量影响由高到低的顺序为:灭菌EM菌处理EM菌离心液EM菌原液,不同处理EM菌制剂的稀释浓度对马铃薯产量的影响也存在差异,其中采用EM菌制剂灭菌液(稀释100倍)结合活性炭处理薯块,对种薯的保护性最好,产量提高了20.00%。  相似文献   

以‘大西洋’、‘荷兰15’、‘夏坡蒂’3个加工型马铃薯为供试材料,探讨整薯与切块播种对河西走廊加工型马铃薯品种生长发育及品质和产量的影响。结果表明,整薯播种较切块播种生长优势明显,出苗率高5~7个百分点,单株根数多2.0~3.2条,芽长长0.5~0.8cm,株高高2.3~2.7cm;整薯播种经济性状优于切块播种,平均单株结薯数多0.8~1.8个,单株主茎数多0.7~1.6个,平均单薯重高15.5~16.0g,大薯率高12.9~19.9个百分点,商品薯率高20.3~22.9个百分点,增产率18.17%~26.00%;整薯播种干物质、可溶性总糖、淀粉含量显著高于切块播种,分别高1.59~3.87,0.17~0.21和2.10~3.07个百分点。该研究结果为推广整薯播种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了探讨试管苗不同种植密度对马铃薯微型薯的影响,本试验设计了3个种植密度,即每平方米130株、225株及400株。结果表明:随种植密度的增加,总块茎数和总产量逐渐上升。每平方米400株是3种密度中的最佳栽培密度,获得块茎数多,产量最高,且中大薯、中小薯和小薯块茎数分别达到每平方米178个、475个及394个。  相似文献   

多年的生产实践证明,施用磷肥和采用整薯播种都可以提高马铃薯产量。本试验选用同等大小的马铃薯品种‘夏波蒂’脱毒二级原种小整薯和切块作为种薯播种,研究在不同施磷条件下马铃薯产量情况。结果发现,高磷整薯的平均单株结薯数显著高于其他处理,50 g以上块茎高磷整薯的产量显著高于其他处理,而低磷整薯的产量则显著低于低磷切块。  相似文献   

脱毒马铃薯扩繁技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以早熟品种东农303、中熟品种系薯1号和晚熟品种晋薯7号为试验材料,采用L12(4×3 ̄2)正交试验法,分室内和室外两组同时进行试验,结果表明,出芽天数随着温度的上升而减少;大薯块出芽数极显著高于中小薯块;出芽数则随着掰芽次数的增加而减少;系薯1号的出芽数明显高于晋薯7号,与东农303差异不显著.产量结果表明,主因素为品种;其次为薯块大小;掰芽次数间差异不显著;母薯则极显著高于掰芽次数.综合结果分析,脱毒马铃薯掰芽扩繁是一项节省种薯,提高繁殖系数的有效措施;以选择适宜当地种植的高产高效和大薯块掰芽为好;三次掰芽扩繁移栽和母薯直播是可行的马铃薯扩繁技术措施.  相似文献   

甘薯高产栽培技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅承启 《作物研究》2003,17(3):138-139
2000年在岳阳采用南薯88进行了甘薯高产栽培试验,结果表明,要获得甘薯高产,在栽培技术上必须做到:一要适当早插,最佳插期在5月上旬;二要施足底肥,增施磷钾肥;三要加强田间管理,做到前促后控。  相似文献   

Summary In the Mediterranean area the potato is a very important crop and can be cultivated throughout the year. However, tuber yields are generally much lower than those in Northern European countries. This is because the environmental and agro-economic conditions are different from those of Northern countries where most cultivars were developed. We feel that the objective for the “new Mediterranean potato” must be the availability of potato cultivars for each environment and for each planting season. Breeding programmes should focus on improving potato production within a specific agro-ecological Mediterranean area rather than improving crop production across areas. This paper reports aspects of potato breeding and physiology related to resistance to stress conditions in the Mediterranean area, with particular emphasis given to resistance to abiotic (heat, drought and frost) as well as biotic stresses. We also discuss the potential to produce seed tubers suitable for potato cultivation in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of varying plant population on the production of tubers from potato seedlings was investigated during 1992 and 1993 using three different plant densities: 35, 70, 100 plants/m2. Increasing the plant population significantly increased the number of tubers produced, but no significant difference was found between the plant densities of 70 and 100 plants/m2. The seedling tubers produced in nursery beds were tested in the field for ware potato production using different sized tubers. The best performances were obtained using tubers 30–40 mm. Significant differences were evident among the 7 true potato seed (TPS) families used, but data grouped by type of cross did not indicate any significant difference between 4X×4X and 4X×2X crossing groups.  相似文献   

Summary Two different cultivation systems, aeroponics and hydroponics in greenhouse beds, were compared for the production of potato minitubers. Plants in the aeroponic system showed increased vegetative growth, delayed tuber formation and an extended vegetative cycle of about seven months after transplanting. Therefore in 1999, two production cycles were obtained with the hydroponic system, but only one with the aeroponic system. However, compared with total production in hydroponics, the tuber yield per plant in the aeroponic system was almost 70% higher and tuber number more than 2.5 fold higher. Average tuber weight was reduced by 33% in the aeroponic system. Advantages and possible problems with the aeroponic system for minituber production are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯稻草覆盖免耕丰产配套栽培技术试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以马铃薯新品种泉引1号为试材,进行了稻草覆盖厚度免耕栽培和稻草覆盖免耕栽培不同密度栽培试验.结果表明,在试验栽培条件下,穴深5 cm,播种后覆土加稻草覆盖3 cm,适宜种植密度为种植3 500株/667 m2.既提早熟期,增加产量和商品率,义有节本增收的作用,值得大面积推广应用.  相似文献   

稻田免耕稻草全程覆盖种植马铃薯 ,是一种简便易行、省工节本、产量高的轻型实用栽培技术。本文报道的是稻田免耕稻草全程覆盖种植马铃薯与翻耕土栽地膜覆盖对比试验的研究结果。一、试验情况与前期表现试验地安排在城关棣山村刘满潮农户。试验田面积1334m2,采用大区对比方式 ,稻田免耕稻草覆盖面积1000m2,翻耕土栽地膜覆盖面积334m2。稻草覆盖2月11日播种 ,地膜覆盖2月15日播种 ,均用山东红日牌复合肥 (N、P2O5、K2O各15 % )撮施 ,每667m2用50kg。地膜覆盖保温效果好 ,3月2日开始出苗 ,3月1…  相似文献   

We developed transplantation cultivation method of case-held tuber seedlings (CTS), which was derived from direct planting method of seed tubers, and applied this method to the sweet potato cultivar Beniharuka. A plastic case made of polypropylene was designed for cultivation of CTS. Seed tubers of cultivar Beniharuka in the range of 30–80 g were cut in half. The half-cut tubers were placed inside the plastic cases, and the cases were filled with a commercial soil mix. The case-held tubers were incubated under natural sunlight in a glass house. After 3–4 wk, the CTS were transplanted into a field. Mother tuber (seed tuber) enlargement was suppressed by the plastic confinement of the cases, and daughter tubers were formed above the case as vine-root-originated tubers. In the field experiments in 2012 and 2013, daughter tuber yields were increased 19% and 21% by case-held tuber seedling transplanting (CTST) over conventional vine-planting (VP), the number of daughter tubers per plant in CTST were 36 and 68% higher than in VP, and the mother tuber yields were limited to 2.1 and 4.3% of the total fresh yield of mother and daughter tubers, respectively in 2012 and 2013. Application of CTST method to cultivar Beniharuka enhanced tuber yield, increased the number of daughter tubers per plant, downsized daughter tubers compared to VP, and mother tuber enlargement was suppressed by case-holding. The CTST method is expected to produce more and smaller good in shape tubers of cultivar Beniharuka compared to VP.  相似文献   

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