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Retinal degenerations in the dog and cat are an important cause of blindness in these species. Particularly in the dog, many retinal degenerations, collectively called progressive retinal atrophy, seen in clinical practice are inherited. The clinical signs, electrophysiological findings, pathology, and underlying biochemical defects in the retina vary from breed to breed. Specific categories of inherited retinal degeneration are now recognized, and classified into early onset photoreceptor dysplasias, late-onset retinal degenerations, or retinal degenerations secondary to primary RPE dystrophy. As new inherited retinal degenerations are reported in different breeds they can generally be assigned to one these categories. Other causes of retinal degeneration include nutritional deficiencies, glaucoma, inflammation, ischemia, and toxins. Idiopathic retinal degeneration occurs in the dog with some frequency.  相似文献   

Twelve dogs that were necropsied after sudden unexpected death, sudden episodes of viciousness, or seizure disorder were found to have degeneration of the atrioventricular bundle of the heart. In addition, hypoxic-type degeneration was found in the hippocampus and the dorsal one-half of the midportion of the cerebral cortex of the dogs.  相似文献   

Thiamin deficiency was diagnosed in cats and dogs being fed fresh minced meat, which contained sulphur dioxide as a preservative and less than 0.5 mg/kg thiamin. Thiamin in the meat and in added dietary ingredients, including a supplementary vitamin mixture, was destroyed by the sulphur dioxide.  相似文献   

The records of 13 dogs with a crusting dermatosis of the mucocutaneous junctions, pressure points, and trunk were evaluated. All of the dogs had been fed corn- and wheat-based commercial dry dog foods that failed to meet the National Research Council's recommendations for balanced nutrition. The dermatosis in all 13 dogs resolved completely after the diet was changed to one that met the National Research Council's recommendations. The disease was similar to that which has previously been called canine dry pyoderma, but is now known to be a zinc-responsive dermatosis.  相似文献   

Botulism was believed to be the cause of progressive symmetric myasthenia in 8 horses on a farm in North Carolina. One horse was found dead, 6 were euthanatized after becoming recumbent, and 1 affected horse recovered. Cecal and colonic contents of 2 horses were determined to contain Clostridium botulinum spores. Alfalfa hay that was fed to the horses contained spores and toxin.  相似文献   

Myopathy associated with hyperadrenocorticism in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naturally occurring or iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism was associated with myopathy in six dogs. One dog had muscle weakness and muscle atrophy but normal electromyographic findings. Five dogs had muscle stiffness, proximal appendicular muscle enlargement, and myotonic discharges on electromyography. Histologic, electron microscopic, and histochemical findings in the musculature of dogs that were examined were characteristic of noninflammatory degenerative myopathy. Clinical signs of the myopathy improved to varying degrees in five dogs that were treated for the hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish clinical features, course of illness, and treatment outcome of cats with diarrhea and concurrent infection with Trichomonas organisms. Prevalence of fecal trichomonads in a geographically comparable population of healthy indoor and feral cats also was assessed. DESIGN: Longitudinal study and a cohort study. ANIMALS: 32 cats with diarrhea and naturally acquired trichomonosis that were native to North Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut, and Tennessee; 20 healthy indoor cats; and 100 feral cats. PROCEDURE: Trichomonosis was diagnosed in 32 cats by identification of organisms in fresh feces or by protozoal culture of feces. RESULTS: Diarrhea associated with the large intestine and trichomonosis were diagnosed in 32 cats. Median age of the cats was 9 months; 23 cats were < or = 1 year old at the time of diagnosis. Two cats developed diarrhea accompanied by infection with Trichomonas organisms after the addition of an infected kitten into the home. Duration of diarrhea ranged from 2 days to 3 years. Six cats had a coexisting enteric infection. Treatment with antimicrobials improved fecal consistency and reduced the number of flagellates in the feces, but did not eliminate infection. Diarrhea (with microscopically detectable flagellates) was observed shortly after antibiotics were discontinued. Trichomonads were not recovered from feces of any healthy indoor or feral cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our findings suggest that trichomonosis may be a cofactor in development of diarrhea in young cats. Trichomonas organisms were not identified as part of the indiginous fauna of healthy indoor or feral cats.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of seventeen cases of canine melaena incriminated a mean daily dosage of 3.6 mg/kg (range 1.3–13.8 mg/kg) of dexamethasone. All dogs were afflicted with some central nervous system disorder with intervertebral disc disease present in twelve of the cases. Ten of the the seventeen subjects had concurrently received ampicillin therapy. Causation was linked by the previous finding that ACTH and cortisone impede both gastric epithelial renewal and surface mucus formation.  相似文献   

Soya bean protein concentrate (SPC) with two particle sizes were evaluated on extrusion parameters, kibble formation, digestibility and palatability of dog foods. Eight diets were extruded: PBM—control diet based on poultry by‐product meal (PBM); GM—a diet in which corn gluten meal (GM) replaced 45% of the diet protein; cSPC15%, cSPC30% and cSPC45%—diets in which SPC of coarse particle size (600 μm) replaced 15%, 30% and 45% of the diet protein; and sSPC15%, sSPC30% and sSPC45%—diets in which SPC of small particle size (200 μm) replaced 15%, 30% and 45% of the diet protein. The digestibility of nutrients was evaluated for the PBM, GM, cSPC45% and sSPC45% diets, using six dogs per food. The PBM, GM and cSPC45% diets were compared for palatability. Data were submitted for analysis of variance, and the means were compared by polynomial contrasts or Tukey's test (p < .05). The cSPC increased the specific mechanical energy (SME) application, extrusion temperature and pressure linearly, resulting in lower kibble density and higher expansion and starch gelatinization (SG) (p < .01). When comparing the PBM, GM, cSPC45% and sSPC45% diets, higher SME, extrusion temperature and pressure, SG and kibble expansion were verified for the cSPC45% diet (p < .05). The DM, fat and crude protein digestibility were similar among diets. Faecal pH, ammonia and lactate did not differ, demonstrating that the removal of oligosaccharides and soluble non‐starch polysaccharides of SPC produces an ingredient with mostly non‐fermentable fibre. Dogs preferred the PBM to the GM diet (p < .05), but consumed the PBM and cSPC45% foods equally. In conclusion, SPC exhibited good extrusion functionality, favouring kibble expansion and SG, with high digestibility, similar to that of PBM. The removal of soluble compounds from soya beans resulted in an ingredient with low fermentable fibre content, which did not alter faecal formation or characteristics.  相似文献   

Six cases of cats with skin granulomata containing large numbers of acid-fast organisms are reported and described. Two cats were destroyed and examined post-mortem, and three cats were treated surgically and with antibiotic therapy and there was no recurrence in 7 months. Follow-up information was not available on the sixth case.  相似文献   

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